Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is out!
I figured since ET:QW is the first title I've worked on in-house and had published, it deserves a thread here...
We went gold around the time Halo 3 did (just before they stole all of the CD manufacturing plants...) and our Europe, Asia & Australia release was today!
ET:QW should hit North American stores on October 2nd.
While the release has been overshadowed a bit (just a bit

) by the monster that is Halo 3, we've been receiving very good reviews in the press and a great reception from the old-school gaming community, clan players and competitive e-sports players. I think our average review rating is around the 90% mark so far, which is pretty cool

Suffice it to say I like playing the game enough even after working on it for over a year, to have installed it at home and I play it pretty much every night. Basically it's replaced Quake 3 in my PC gaming life now :P
Anyway, if people don't know what ETQW is, here's the link to our main site, and you can download the demo containing the map "Valley" there -
Also if you're lazy and just want some eye candy, one of the guys on our community site has put together this website which contains overview map screenshots of all 12 maps:
They've just been pieced together from screenshotting a top-down view, so there are some seams, but mostly the pretty MegaTextured terrains are shown off very well there.
My favourite is the terrain for Refinery, although Salvage is pretty cool too (has to be seen in game to be appreciated), and Island and Volcano look rather nice also.
Also, Tully painted some very nice wallpapers on the website in the Downloads section, the image above is one of them!
But anyway, I strongly recommend you try the game if you like multiplayer shooters (CounterStrike, BattleField, Wolf:ET, Quake 3 etc), I think you'll have a lot of fun.
If anyone does have the full game and wants to add me to the in-game friends list, my handle is MoP.
Looks like a great game that had some talented motherfuckers working on it, Im looking forward to playing it
Frankie - Lead Artist at SD
peppi - Senior/freelance artist at SD
Sa74n, effekted, MoP - Environment artists
Tully - Media artist
Bryan Cavett - Artist at Nerve Software
I think that's everyone who posts here. We also recently gained Spacemonkey but he didn't work on ETQW.
This reminds me I need to check out the demo. Congrats moppers. But if the game lacks in certain environmental areas, I'm blaming your post count.
Would like to check this game out but will have to wait for a new computer, and for all of my hard science courses to be done with
post some screenshots people!!1
BTW bit off track but do you know if anyone from SD will be visiting the London game career fair later this October?
be good to meet peeps for a beer and advice on the goin rate for slave labour heh.
oh btw:
rawkstar - testing!
Top job, I've grown to really enjoy ET over the last few weeks of the demo and our work LAN sessions.
The learning curve is a bit tough right at the beginning but once you start to understand the maps and class roles then it all falls into place - nearly all the reports I've heard from people is that it starts out quite confusing but then then more they play it, the more they love it.
By comparison, a game like TF2 seems quite easy to get into but I think the longevity won't be the same. ETQW is very deep...
Better yet, a RELEASED title.
I ordered the collectors edition today,will hopefully get it monday
Actually now that I think about it, that bonus DVD will have a lot of Peppi's player/vehicle/weapon concepts on it... and those are cool just by themselves
Hope you guys are getting a little break in the meantime.
Think you guys will post some of the stuff you worked on?
I'll try to put my hands on the collector edition mmh.
<u>Concept Art -</u>
I'm a little bit disapointed about. Well done , but I've expected more sketches,concept arts etc.
(maybe some short wip , why not ?) There's more art concept on the wall at studio Splash Damage.... - comme on guys
what's up ? No model's wireframes .
<u> Videos -</u>
I don't see any reason to present LAUNCH TRAILER or TRAILER 2006 as Bonus ! Launch trailer You've got in a game
and other Trailers 2006 or 2005 You can get on WEB !
...and the rest of team ? Why there's not short videos some others artists. This could interesting.
(Seniore Artist,Animator, Level Designers,Programmers, Sound artist etc etc.)
They could talk a little bit about their work.
Simply I've expected more.
2) ETQW Game -
Theres was 11 STROGS and 12 GDF .... real war ! How Mop sad before - It took me about 1 hour( maybe 2 ) to be HOT &
understand well what I have to do. I've choosen COVERT OPS - to hack, snipe and deploy radar. I love it.
Jesus what's the Flying Strogg - he kills me each time .Bloody bastard.
The missions are cool too. F'k - long time we try to bring the case with software disc , finally we lost the game.
Well - it's a good game and there's a lot of potencial to grow up and discover this game. Future will show us.
Anybody from Polycount is going to play tonight ?
btw. its my first released game too
I'll be playing tonight, probably a UK or European server
[/ QUOTE ]
me too. I think about 23.00 o'clock I will be ready to fight
as diZzyWalnut.
Are You playing as Mop ?
If you see the little Quake "Q" icon next to a friends' name in the server browser, you can right-click on it and use "Join on server".
loving the game so far
We know that MoP is great artist,
but I'm telling You that HE IS ALSO EXCELENT PLAYER .
I'm a real noob.
GDF has got problem - MoP comes and ... in 2 minutes No problem !
He's done nearly all the missions. Even mines.
Very impresive. Too fast.
We've been 12 GDF against 12 STROGGS.
Thanks goes to SPLASH - I have a fun.
I've been playing the demo pretty hardcore during lunchtimes at work and I'll definitely be picking up the full version soon.
Linux client yet? I tried the demo on my laptop, but it's running Vista on an ATI mobility x1400, and sadly the patches for ATI drivers don't cover that model, and I got really bad framerates.
Irritant: Linux client is being worked on by TTimo at id software, unfortunately no scheduled release date yet other than "when it's done".
thefatladysings: SDK and tools are planned to be released soon, probably in the next month or so. As usual though, "when it's done"
Had couple of games online,will be on for awhile tonight and at some point over the weekend.
Really enjoying it.
My nick is "Bronco" feel free to add.
LOD meshes can be used but are not required.
If you've ever done any modelling for Doom3 or Quake4, then the techniques and processes are pretty much exactly the same.
You can even use the existing Doom3 MD5mesh exporters (I recommend the one by Jonathan "BeRSeRKeR" Garcia if you're using 3dsmax), they should get workable MD5s into the game if you need bones & animation.
For static meshes, LWO OBJ and ASE format should all work fine. You need materials applied to your meshes in the format mypath/mymaterialname for LWO and ASE (ASE is now correctly loaded with materials unlike the hackery you had to do in Doom3/Quake4).
If you're using OBJ format for static meshes, it doesn't support the / character in materials, so it's represented with a double underline "__" ... for example mypath__mymaterial.
We're working on the SDK and help/tutorial Wiki here at the moment, should be released soon, I'll let you guys know when it's all up