I've been playing the demo at work during lunch time. I was a huge ET player, so I've been pretty hyped for this game. My thoughts:
At first, I *really* didn't like it. It really felt like Battlefield Quake, not Enemy Territory. I played a few more rounds, and spend a couple days playing during lunch. I'll have to say, I'm certainly more into the game now. It seems quite a bit more solid than what I first thought. It's actually really fun. Once you learn the maps and how the objectives progress, and you find your class/weapon, it really shines. I've found I'm best with the rocket launcher. It seems most people (at least on the demo servers) are opting for weaker weapons and jumping in vehicles. That means anyone who doesnt have a vehicle/mech is fucked. Coming into the mix with the rocket launcher can send you to the top of the scoreboard pretty quickly in situations like that.
I may pick up the full version at some point. I just bought a 360 and a number of games this weekend, so it'll have to wait, but I do intend on playing more. At least to check out the other maps.
All you splash damagers, pimp your stuff already! UGH!
Bought it the other day, just waiting on my new PC to play it. It being $40CDN was a very nice surprise, kudos to the execs behind that decision. I really can't wait to play this, loved ET1 a lot, and I have high hopes for this one... Regardless of a goofy death animation.
Bought it the other day, just waiting on my new PC to play it. It being $40CDN was a very nice surprise, kudos to the execs behind that decision. I really can't wait to play this, loved ET1 a lot, and I have high hopes for this one... Regardless of a goofy death animation.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, it costs WHAT??? Isn't the canadian dollar even lower than the US dollar?
Damn... it's over 50 euros here which is almost twice as much Even on Steam it's 54US$.
I would probably get it if it was that cheap over here (once the Linux version is out ).
Comment of the weekend....(yes I live a sad life )
Playing on a Server with a Co-worker and MoP ([SD]MoP) was on the opposing team.
Random guy:- "MoP can I join your clan?"
MoP:- "We are not a clan,I work for splashdamage."
Random guy:- ?? who are they?
MoP:- "The company that developed the game your currently playing."
I chuckled so much I didn't see a strogg hog tearing towards me.....
Who said devlopers don't get enough credit.
Speaking of which though guys when can/are you going to pimp your stuff,in one nice big thread of eye-candy???
slum- exactly my thoughts. i was a big big et fan , hardcored more than 1 year prob. i didnt like it first too , game mechanics are way too different than ET and i generally hate multiplayer games with vehicles ( battlefield etc). but after first 15 min , i get my lovely sniper rifle with 15- fps & 150+ ping........ man sniping was never been so much fun. we won next 4-5 round while i got most kills etc. despite of the vehicles , game is still e.t. and still excellent
but i still got some tech problems , my comp should give more than 15 fps i think. 2600+ , 1gb ram , x1950gt ... i had some driver problems , it was even 10- before that , still got some problems prob.
i prob wont buy it anytime soon cant decide really but i think i'll go for tf2. as i still got tech prob with e.t. & e.t. will make me hardcore it again...
again , great work splash dmg its nice to see e.t. back with sucha great game
At first, I *really* didn't like it. It really felt like Battlefield Quake, not Enemy Territory. I played a few more rounds, and spend a couple days playing during lunch. I'll have to say, I'm certainly more into the game now. It seems quite a bit more solid than what I first thought. It's actually really fun. Once you learn the maps and how the objectives progress, and you find your class/weapon, it really shines. I've found I'm best with the rocket launcher. It seems most people (at least on the demo servers) are opting for weaker weapons and jumping in vehicles. That means anyone who doesnt have a vehicle/mech is fucked. Coming into the mix with the rocket launcher can send you to the top of the scoreboard pretty quickly in situations like that.
I may pick up the full version at some point. I just bought a 360 and a number of games this weekend, so it'll have to wait, but I do intend on playing more. At least to check out the other maps.
All you splash damagers, pimp your stuff already! UGH!
Bought it the other day, just waiting on my new PC to play it. It being $40CDN was a very nice surprise, kudos to the execs behind that decision. I really can't wait to play this, loved ET1 a lot, and I have high hopes for this one... Regardless of a goofy death animation.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, it costs WHAT??? Isn't the canadian dollar even lower than the US dollar?
Damn... it's over 50 euros here which is almost twice as much
I would probably get it if it was that cheap over here (once the Linux version is out
Playing on a Server with a Co-worker and MoP ([SD]MoP) was on the opposing team.
Random guy:- "MoP can I join your clan?"
MoP:- "We are not a clan,I work for splashdamage."
Random guy:- ?? who are they?
MoP:- "The company that developed the game your currently playing."
I chuckled so much I didn't see a strogg hog tearing towards me.....
Who said devlopers don't get enough credit.
Speaking of which though guys when can/are you going to pimp your stuff,in one nice big thread of eye-candy???
Cya in the field.
but i still got some tech problems , my comp should give more than 15 fps i think. 2600+ , 1gb ram , x1950gt ... i had some driver problems , it was even 10- before that , still got some problems prob.
i prob wont buy it anytime soon
again , great work splash dmg