TheMadArtist wrote: » Super Mario Crossover Just got this sent to me...goodbye productivity
danr wrote: » too right. Thanks Viz
'My girlfriends were completely jealous!' - Kahra Magee
Prophecies wrote: » Don't know if this has been posted before.... but all I can say is.... wtf.
Eraserhead wrote: »
brandoom wrote: »
Mime wrote: » Nice video :P
vcool wrote: » How are you supposed to listen to the music with that video playing? :poly142:
Malus wrote: » Seriously hope they come in adult sizes :P
Japhir wrote: » or soccer for those that don't know that playing ball with your feet is called "football"
notman wrote: » You mean like this? :P
_Calix_ wrote: » China's super cool shovel:
_Calix_ wrote: » They should change the name of American football to something else, so we can differentiate the two. This picture sums up what im thinking:
_Calix_ wrote: » This picture sums up what im thinking:
that just totally ruined me too
Is that legit?
Customer quote from company's website:
Im not super into dubstep, but this seems worth posting. Not quite sure why it has 5,000,000 view tho. 0_o maybe you guys know-
plz tell me this is some kind of comedy
honestly, wtf ? tree emos ?
Lol..I love daft gif's. I could sit and watch that for literally minutes...
this is ridinkidonki
Ruth Flowers
QTVR video inside a controlled demolition.
Seriously hope they come in adult sizes :P
I was looking at these yesterday at work! There made by the guy from Journey! And they do make adult ones, haha!
@Malus -
"Mouth Man was Founded by Ross Valory, Original Member and Founder of the rock band Journey"
NSFW Not Safe For Wife... "Whatcha lookin' at Hun??"
How are you supposed to listen to the music with that video playing? :poly142:
what music?
You mean like this? :P
Of course you would need a helmet for kicking a ball....
Can't believe I watched the entire 8 minute video.
I'm ordering one now.
It already has a name that differentiates it: GridIron Football
GridIron Football, Rugby Football, and Association Football all come from the same root game with codes that were modified by locals over many years.
Oh, you mean HeadBall?