@ iatriki. Whoa,nice find. Those insects are friggin awesome. Which lead me to find the photographer. More awesome stuff from igor siwanowicz can be found here:
if you've never seen ren and stimpy - rubber nipple salesmen, watch this now. Seriously. Even if you don't know funny from a hole in the ground, these guys wrote the book on animation timing and facial expressions.
At first it bummed me out, and made me feel generally uncomfortable. Then I realized shes having a blast. -that made it all worth while. girl be jammin out!
"Knowing that all 5 year plus Bliz employees have a sword, I can now pray that if Kotnick does something to screw with this he will be overrun by a horde of pissed off Bliz employees and be run through with all of em."
you answered it.:poly142:
skillz yo
For conan fans:
this guy would be pro at micro'ing in starcraft.
awesome short.
lol hell yeah!
If you have netflix, the whole thing is on the instant que.
Also, this thing is a bit out there, but its worth a watch
deviant art
also, space madness
At first it bummed me out, and made me feel generally uncomfortable. Then I realized shes having a blast. -that made it all worth while. girl be jammin out!
One of the comments :
"Knowing that all 5 year plus Bliz employees have a sword, I can now pray that if Kotnick does something to screw with this he will be overrun by a horde of pissed off Bliz employees and be run through with all of em."
I cracked a simle....
too right. Thanks Viz
Just got this sent to me...goodbye productivity