@Polygoblin: Did it with a friend in whistler this past June, it was a lot of fun and the electric zaps aren't as bad as some people make them out to be. Caught one wire above the eye and it was basically like someone flicked me with their finger. The relatively high cost of signing up really reflected in the obstacles they built so it was definitely worth it.
First released footage of the 3d Abes Oddessey HD remake. The sound obviously has a ways to go, but the mechanics and art are looking pretty schmick.
the upcoming video game tax breaks in the UK are for culturally British games only, so you must ask "how British am I?"
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOrA9-2xnGY"]SuperEgo: M asks Bond, "How British am I?" - YouTube[/ame]
She also obviously doesn't know a lot about ducks.
Second, ducks are not only prone to homosexuality, they are also rapists (As are dolphins!)
Third, stating that homosexuality would somehow be contagious and spread to everyone to that extent that they could no longer even bare the thought to have children, as it'd involve someone from the other sex? :baby: A-boo-boo-pa-po.. poly-baby
"I don't want my children to have to compete with ducks. I want them to evolve further than I have"
You know there's an election coming up in the US. If the duck occupation force is inevitably going to seize the country, perhaps you could save yourselves the horror of a bloody interspecies war and preemptively elect one of them president.
Concerning this thread:
Watch in HD if you can! Filmed in San Francisco. SF + Fast Car = FLIGHT !
Bluefield 3 Operation Metro without color grading. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Asqn9SNTnk
Pictures if you are to lazy to watch the videos. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9876544/1349022654174.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9876544/1349022743644.jpg
If you like macklemore you should check out blue scholars, brother ali, grieves, and atmosphere.
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-media/product-gallery/B003G4IM4S/ref=cm_ciu_pdp_images_0?ie=UTF8&index=0&isremote=0"]Customer Image Gallery for Accoutrements Horse Head Mask[/ame]
On a more trivial note, this is one of the more coherent arguments I've seen against gay marriage. And ducks.
She also obviously doesn't know a lot about ducks.
Have you seen this version?
Second, ducks are not only prone to homosexuality, they are also rapists (As are dolphins!)
Third, stating that homosexuality would somehow be contagious and spread to everyone to that extent that they could no longer even bare the thought to have children, as it'd involve someone from the other sex? :baby: A-boo-boo-pa-po.. poly-baby
"I don't want my children to have to compete with ducks. I want them to evolve further than I have"
I rest my case!
If someone could guarantee a full-on duck invasion if I became gay, I'd make the switch in a heartbeat.
How I fucking miss this guy...
A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant.