I feel so horrible for laughing at this because Intervention = real life families that are hurting but this man's cry sounds so...I don't know.
I'm almost tempted to make a new thread for this, but I'm not sure if others will be as excited by the possibilities as me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MBQbkbnj780
One of the guys from Amanita Design, the game studio that developed Samarost, Machinarium and a few other visually unique puzzle adventure games, has made a childrens film. It looks to have a lot of that particular flavour of Czech weirdness over that made Amanita's games so arresting and Jan Svankmajer's films so goddamn creepy.
I'm almost tempted to make a new thread for this, but I'm not sure if others will be as excited by the possibilities as me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MBQbkbnj780
One of the guys from Amanita Design, the game studio that developed Samarost, Machinarium and a few other visually unique puzzle adventure games, has made a childrens film. It looks to have a lot of that particular flavour of Czech weirdness over that made Amanita's games so arresting and Jan Svankmajer's films so goddamn creepy.
This movie is amazing! Is that CG because it looks hyper real? Wow
This movie is amazing! Is that CG because it looks hyper real? Wow
No. That's puppetry. A long forgotten art since the arrival CG. I'm hoping more films will return to the golden age. Especially Dark Crystal 2. I heard it will be a mix of CG and puppets though. Which is fine but I hope it more puppets than CG.
I saw this trailer some time ago and totally forgot about it. Thanks for posting it. Found it on facebook so I'll "like" it. Artwork and storyboards there as well.
I've heard people complain about that Dead Space 2 promo, but I love it. I think it's genius, I think it's gonna help sell more copies, and I think it's kinda cool that they did that to people who are SOOOOooooo uptight. Seriously "mind altering demonic weapon"? good lord...
30 minutes of reaaaallly stunning HD DV footage of an urban explorer in the subway tunnels, sewers, and bridges of NYC. Incredible.
Poor bear! I haz sad nao
I lol'd so much.
Hahaha, cat's face at the end is priceless.
makes ya feeeeeeeeeel goooooooood inside.
On an unrelated note, news story of the day
jurassic park theme, 1000% slower, epic
GOd DAmn!! i havent laughed like that in ages! thank you so much!!!
One of the guys from Amanita Design, the game studio that developed Samarost, Machinarium and a few other visually unique puzzle adventure games, has made a childrens film. It looks to have a lot of that particular flavour of Czech weirdness over that made Amanita's games so arresting and Jan Svankmajer's films so goddamn creepy.
This movie is amazing! Is that CG because it looks hyper real? Wow
No. That's puppetry. A long forgotten art since the arrival CG. I'm hoping more films will return to the golden age. Especially Dark Crystal 2. I heard it will be a mix of CG and puppets though. Which is fine but I hope it more puppets than CG.
I saw this trailer some time ago and totally forgot about it. Thanks for posting it. Found it on facebook so I'll "like" it. Artwork and storyboards there as well.
I don't know how that pale boy raps so good.
hahaha that was awesome, you guys have a "Mind altering demonic weapon!" hahaha
final fantsy graphic + kingdom heart gameplay = ff XIII versus