Just showed everyone at my work your video but I skipped the beginning that said what you used to film it. Kinda had em all crowd around my monitor and I blasted the music. Everyone was cracking up and then I told them you used an iPhone 4 and macro lens. All at once they were like, 'Whaaat?' It was pretty awesome! Good job!!
Jesse's 5th show and now it's canceled, you can get it from youtube.
I've been watching these as their aired, and I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. He talks a bunch of smack on the show, and all the commercials, but doesn't really do shit to put anyone into a corner and get an answer.
I've been watching these as their aired, and I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. He talks a bunch of smack on the show, and all the commercials, but doesn't really do shit to put anyone into a corner and get an answer.
I know what you mean, but apparently in an interview he said that they weren't aloud to film most of what he wanted, so he had to make a cheesy show and make it "television". Trutv was forced to pull the show because of the pressure from the government.
Also he is talking mostly to government officials, they never talk.. ahahah
You know television.. It's amazing that this even airs, I guess the owners are becoming more lenient or the public wants this. In any case it's all good to me.
I like that the female in that video just looks through most of it, and the guy has the hover hands going on like he knows that if he touches her he's going to jail.
this is creeping me out
Pretty cool
Awesome. Sounds exactly like The DJ (Jim Ladd) from Radio KAOS by Roger Waters.
Jesse's 5th show and now it's canceled, you can get it from youtube.
It's hilarious to see James and Lars wearing this.
RIP dimebag....
Condement porn ftw!
You must have alot of time on your hand........ :P
Just showed everyone at my work your video but I skipped the beginning that said what you used to film it. Kinda had em all crowd around my monitor and I blasted the music. Everyone was cracking up and then I told them you used an iPhone 4 and macro lens. All at once they were like, 'Whaaat?' It was pretty awesome! Good job!!
rock n roll stars don't compare to the epicness of
Tim Cappello
in the Lost Boys hahaha
The last person reminds me of Quagmire (as a woman)
it fricken fast
and this one
i think NSFW
even tho its in u tube ...
I've been watching these as their aired, and I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. He talks a bunch of smack on the show, and all the commercials, but doesn't really do shit to put anyone into a corner and get an answer.
I know what you mean, but apparently in an interview he said that they weren't aloud to film most of what he wanted, so he had to make a cheesy show and make it "television". Trutv was forced to pull the show because of the pressure from the government.
Also he is talking mostly to government officials, they never talk.. ahahah
You know television.. It's amazing that this even airs, I guess the owners are becoming more lenient or the public wants this. In any case it's all good to me.
Damn, that's fucking creepy :poly142:
Creeped out, but 00:56-1:00 was pretty funny. I was kinda wondering what was going to happen, but it turns out nothing does.
Erm let's see what to add to the thread.. maybe people would like this, bit old:
he's awesome
and the site it's from
This is so disgusting
redbull + arabian guitar + mario!
this is why I
And fapping to what might be..
The guy who jailbroke the Iphone worked his dirty witchcraft on the PS3 as well.