this is realy very cool stuff! maybe give him a small belt-like thing/little rope to hold his cloth better in place, now the entire armour could move a bit to the front if he leans that way. (if it is a bit flexible)
hope it helps
keep it up!
He seems a bit more immovable cos of shoulderpads comparing to concept, but nevermind that.. Stonishing, as one of my favorite contributions I'm cheering for ya! ^^
thx !!!
Ok, I think I see the light with the highpoly. We're planning to add a blade stuff to the other arm and I still need to work on some parts, but hey, it's almost there. I didn't go (as usual) to crazy with the hp modeling and all the subtle additionnal details will be done in 2D > normal map.
Don't pay attention to the symbiot it's placeholder atm
thx guys. Atm I've some medical problems (my fucking right ear is making a subsonic sound all the time... Pretty boring for sleeping and focusing on my work), so I still don't know if I'll have the energy to finish our entry in time (but I'll finish for sure !).
I spent some time on the low poly baking. It should be finished today.
This is looking very cool. Take your time because its worth it all the love you put in it.
(Im not an doctor but it could be stress or to too loud music)
Excellent work man! I, for one, like the color scheme you have very much, and think I can speak for everyone when say that to deviate from it should be punishable by death. Just kidding, that's your call, just offering my humble (albiet verbose) opinion.
hope it helps
keep it up!
gogogo ! alot of stuff are still very wip, but I'm starting to see how he could look with a full armor.
<font color="red">*update below*</font>
Ok, I think I see the light with the highpoly. We're planning to add a blade stuff to the other arm and I still need to work on some parts, but hey, it's almost there. I didn't go (as usual) to crazy with the hp modeling and all the subtle additionnal details will be done in 2D > normal map.
Don't pay attention to the symbiot it's placeholder atm
No usefull crits, just that the teeth look a bit strange, like fake teeth or something...
Renaud has made an amazing work on my concept. I hope i will be able to help him in texturing
Keep going!
I spent some time on the low poly baking. It should be finished today.
(Im not an doctor but it could be stress or to too loud music)
that's a TINY update, but hey, it's moving... Still not sure about the colors and everything
<font color="red">*update below*</font>
Personal favorite.
F*cking sweet job man, please finish!
Excellent work man! I, for one, like the color scheme you have very much, and think I can speak for everyone when say that to deviate from it should be punishable by death.