I think everything is awsome about this guy....except the skin, it really falls far short when you look at how rad the armor texture, and everything else is. if you have the time, I would go play with it more...add texture to it mainly, and paint in to it more, giving some more color, and some bruises, and perhaps a few scars or cuts?
I think if you did that you really will give a good run for the money.
anywho, just my 2 cents, and good luck. it looks great.
in the beauty shot his giant boot is taking up to much of the composition and you cant see his other leg id recommend trying a different angle focus more on the upper body bring it closer to the camera cause thats the most interesting part imo.
I think if you did that you really will give a good run for the money.
anywho, just my 2 cents, and good luck. it looks great.
Thanks for all the Comments, Critiques and motivation Guys. This comp has been a blast, Good luck to everyone!