I remember on the very old forums there was this topic, and it was a really good interesting read.
The idea is for members to post something that people don't know about them, either some unusual detail, some impactful moment of their lifes, or pretty much anything.
My only detail that I can think of is that I was hit by a drunken driver when I was around 8, and they told me (or I guess my parents at the time) that I would never be able to use my left side again. This of course didn't happen, and because of the settlement there is a trustfund waiting for me when I turn 18.
But I would be really interested to hear some things from the frequent posters of the board
My girlfriend loves it. >:)
Did he at least buy you dinner first?
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har-har. It was with a girl, just in his bathroom.
i then moved to holland to be with her for 2 years.
i'm sorely
Oh and i don't know the name of the girl I lost my virginity to after seeing Shrek 2.
I've been hit by a car in the fourth grade, I've been hit in the head with a cricket bat at full swing, I've been a few car accidents (nothing serious), I've set myself on fire and have a fair few burn scars from playing with fire.
It's a wonder I'm still alive...
Whenever I get a chance I pee in the coffee at work
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Do you pee directly into the coffee pot in the break room, do you take it to the restroom, or do you pee into a separate container and then pour it into the coffee pot? I think peeing into a separate container and then pouring it into the pot would be best... preferably a non-clear container.
I have multiple personalities...it's not as cool or interesting as it sounds.
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Have you really been diagnosed as having dissociative identity disorder, or do you just mean your personality changes from time to time?
I'm really a normal guy...
Oh and i don't know the name of the girl I lost my virginity to after seeing Shrek 2.
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Ewww you saw Shrek 2?
In the worst of them, the car span about 720 degrees horizontally after it collided with a grass embankment ( the driver was trying to show off, see how fast and tight he could take the corners), it flipped onto the roof and span a further 360 degrees.
When it stopped spinning it was so compressed that we needed to kick out the remains of the windscreen so we could get out.
That one happened on the night the first episode of the Xfiles aired in Scotland, 5 minutes after the episode ended and we went to drive home in the rain along the road from the caravan park that ran parallel to a 300foot drop into the tree line, the car was a few feet from the edge when it stopped spinning.
It didn't feel so bad, I could feel it was coming (after 6 crashes by this point I was developing a sense for them) and at the time it just felt sort of surreal and you end up surrendering control and waiting for the ride to end in much the same way as you do on a fairground ride.
After walking back up to the camp to get help, then driving back down with friends to the crash site, it was very alarming seeing the increasing trail of debris and destruction leading up to the car and I found myself expecting to find a dead body despite knowing there was none.
I felt I understood something fundamental about emotional detachment when I realized I was conditioned perhaps by watching action films enough that I was primed to expect to feel shock when seeing the aftermath from a 3rd person, 1st person, our own experiences seemed less real in comparison.
I never had a scratch on me in any of the crashes and I was never the driver.
I played 8-man football in high school.
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me too!!!
I also grew up on a farm in a small town. There were only 20 people in my graduating class.
Not only did I consider professional wrestling as a future career for myself, I actually trained, obtained a ring, trained others and performed a few times to an audience. It was alot of fun...but WAY too many injuries.
I also formed a rock band as a hobby and sang lead vocals...did a few shows. Great fun, I'd like to start again but it's hard to find the right people.
only because they grew in a field behind my house.
that's why I only got 1 GCSE, although I lied and told my college I got 3.
I have flat feet, yet can run a 5 minute mile, and 100 meters in 10.7 seconds (world record: 9.77 seconds).
Last year I tore both my hamstrings in a nationally ranked track meet, and had to go through 5 months of physical therapy so that I could walk/run without a limp.
I've had someone die in my arms. They were rock climbing near Cannon Beach, Oregon without ropes. We saw him climbing and said "oh that's interesting." got distracted by something, only to have our eyes catch his body tumbling backwards off the cliff two seconds later. I ran to him as my brother called for an ambulance. We performed CPR, but he died before the medics could get down to the beach where he landed on wet sand.
the guilt was killing me so i gave him 50 rupees back...
i'm such a dumbass... i coulda bought 12litres of coca cola...
For my 22nd birthday I ate so much, then got so drunk I filled 2 sinks with vomit.
Several years as a kid I would collect bugs in jars, I would have rows of dozens of jars filled with pill bugs, bees, beatles, etc etc and I would even clean their habitats daily.
I lost my virginity on Martin Luther King Jr Day.
so, back in 4-6th grade me and two friends were the master of marbles at my school. we had thousands of em and kept on winning.. Now i lost all my marbles
I can put my fist in my mouth!
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i've seen it
Not quite sure if that counts as dying twice but either way I'm ridiculously lucky to even be alive.
my dad once sucked off vincent price in the back of a taxi
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Curiously, i have more than one of these kind of stories.
I fuck up cute cats in various interesting ways so that Arshlevon can photograph them.
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Hahahahah, awesome, ME TOO!!! However I have sex with them before passing them on for photographing.
Saw the worlds record naked figure 8's at Crested Butte while tripping on mushrooms and had one of my best days ever snowboarding.
I drove a friend 200 miles in a snowstorm through the mountains to get an Elvis costume so he could sneak into the first ever MTV extreme skiing comp unannounced.
But no pretty girlfriend...
Not that I think I have an excellent grasp of the language but I had outstanding English grades at high school thanks to the grammar and vocabulary I grabbed from computer games. The teachers and other students would think I studied the textbooks like mad.
And I had henoch schonlein when I was 7 which was a pretty bad time for both me and my family. Times like this makes the good times even more valuable.
I fuck up cute cats in various interesting ways so that Arshlevon can photograph them.
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Hahahahah, awesome, ME TOO!!! However I have sex with them before passing them on for photographing.
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Daz, didn't you just say in Arsh's thread you'd wish people would drop it? Odd you'd continue about it here
my dad once sucked off vincent price in the back of a taxi
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haaaaaaaaahaahahaha fuckin-a for visuals!