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  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Damn Vig. Sorry about your dad.

    AHHH FUCK ME!!!! I thought the misery was over. NOPE. I guess I hadn't passed all the stones. Sitting here playing Crackdown demo and the pains come back all of a sudden. Popped a pain pill but it hasn't taken effect yet.

    AHH FUCK this sucks... So yeah I can't piss right now and I need to go so bad but it wont come out because this fucking watermelon is lodged in my yogurt slinger. Please god I'll sacrifice a cat if you save my penis from this misery.
  • Mark Dygert
    It was 10 years ago, we didn't always see eye to eye on things but I respected him, my grandpa's death messed me up more because I was younger but it better prepared me to deal with my dads.

    And holy shit! I hope you pass it and heal up! Damn thats gotta hurt...
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    vig, i have gone through the same, for all some years I have lost the grandmother, the grandfather and the father.
    it hurts...
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    I used to steal my dogs food when i was 3-4, run back into my room and hide under my bed and eat pieces.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    I have a deviated septum, my sinuses are always bad.

    I was a lactoid as a newborn and nearly died of dehydration, some sort of tea formula saved my life.
  • snap.crackle.pop
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    snap.crackle.pop polycounter lvl 18
    -Some funny hilarious stuff here, really laugh laugh.gif

    On my end some people would call me crazy, but i oftenly see the "future", sometimes when sleeping i have a vision and not too long after (3 to 6 months usally )depending of what it is, it happends. I think it comes from my grandmother see was clairvoyant.

    I can't be the only one with this, right ?
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    snap.crackle.pop, I get that happen to me a lot actually. Deja-vu! There's some scientific explanation for this, I can't remember what it was exactly, but its like experiencing the same moment twice instantly and your brain thinks you've dreamt or saw this someone once before.

  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    actually the leading theory is that your brain records the moment simultaneously in short term and long term memory so you think it has happened before when it hasnt at all.

    i sometimes think things would be a lot better off if i just joined the military instead of spending all my time and money at school
  • Moz
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    Moz polycounter lvl 18
    I once killed a man.

    No.. Not really....

    Nothing interesting. I think I'm bipolar though.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Mishra, that's it!

  • erik!
    I can't roll my Rs. At all.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Damn you can't roll your R's. What do the ladies think of that lack of tongue action?

    I graduate in 3 weeks from school and I am scared to death because my family and I will be homeless. We will be sleeping in her fathers camper parked outside of her grandmas house until I can get a job. I love southern california but it's ridiculous trying to live here and pay bills when you don't make 40-50k a year.
    So if you are in the San Diego area and see a chubby dude holding a sign that says will model / texture for food thats me. Give me a hollar.
  • SeanDomega
    Im really a nice guy...*cleans knife of blood* >:(
  • mikebart
    I lived in a camper parked outside my girlfreinds parents house for 6 months back in NZ, sorry jesse it sucked and ill never do it again.
  • Option
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    Option polycounter lvl 18
    Well this is my first post in this thread, so I'll make it nice and long.

    -I'm only 16

    -When I draw things in school almost everybody asks me "What is that?" or "What the hell is that supposed to be?" when it's some Gigerish contraption or just some loose lines thrown down to get and idea going. I don't think the majority of my classmates understand that a piece of artwork never has to BE something, it can be a foundation or basic idea just put out there to be refined upon.

    -I'm a metalhead, but I also listen to a lot of electronic music, as well as alternative and some classical.

    -I played cello for 4 years, got pretty damn good at it, and then dropped when I moved from NYC to upstate NY. Kind of wish I would pick it back up.

    -I possess a potent hatred for a guy in my grade who used to be one of my friends. The reason? He broke every rule of etiquette in the book of "Rules of Males", mainly completely ignoring the part that says, "don't go for a girl that your friend really likes, especially if he has impressed this matter upon you multiple times and is a better fit for her".

    -Said above girl is possibly the most amazing one I've met so far.

    -I usually do quite well in school, but I fucking hate math, still manage to average an 80s grade in it though.

    -I'm completely unmotivated in art class at school, because I have a strong distaste for the lack of creative freedom.

    -I got bored of 3d modeling a while back, and have yet to pick it up again, no doubt it will come rushing back in full force in some time.

    -In it's place I have gotten completely obsessed with drawing and painting all the time. Be it digital or in a sketchbook, or on canvas.

    -When I was 7 or so I injured my face really badly after I was standing on an (unplugged) treadmill and some other older kid thought it'd be funny if he turned it onto high power and then plugged it in (unbeknownst to me at the time). I was thrown and my face it the fast moving rubber and I had a massive cut/burn all over for about 2 months. If I had been an inch further back I would have lost my left eye. Fortunately, there were no scars and no remnance of the injury left today.

    -I despise immaturity with a passion.

    -I only feel really at home in NYC, and only downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn. I hate uptown.

    -I am a pyromaniac if fire is available.

    -I strongly dislike people who broadcast the fact that they do drugs and think that they're cool because of it. I have no problem with it if they don't think they're fonzie because of it.

    -My former best friend does the above, she recently got addicted to cocaine.

    -^ I went through a long period of depression regarding her transformation.

    -I hate seafood.

    -But love most other meats.

    -I am a virgin, and have no problem with it, I'm not rushing out to get laid, but I'm not one of those "no premarital sex" nuts either. I just have other things on my mind at the moment.

    -I've never broken a bone, regardless of the fact that I've had numerous bad falls/been in situations where it was very plausible for me to break one.

    -I've been skiing for 10 years, I am very, very good at it.

    -I play tennis, I stopped for a little while though, and am now getting back to my former playing state. It feels good to play really well again.

    -I hate preps/jocks/emos/sceners/fakes.

    -I don't belong to a social catagory, my friends and I just...coexist.

    -My father is a professional photographer. His name is Paul Lange.

    -My mother is his agent.

    -I wear mostly dark colors, not because I want to stand out or anything, it's just that I'm used to it because everyone in the city did.

    -I still have my teddy bear from when I was 1 year old,I don't need it to sleep or anything, but it's a part of my past I enjoy having around.

    -I have never smoked/done any drug. I have drank alcohol, but who hasn't. I know I will try pot at least once someday (because everyone does), but I don't plan on doing it frequently. I am not an anti drug freak, I just think it's a waste of time and money.

    -I tend to make friends really easily with people that are older than me, this is a result of having a brother four years older than me and being friends with his friends.

    -I tend to make friends really easily in general.

    -I have more friends that are girls than guys, I believe it's because the fact that I'm very stubborn. Other guy's don't like that I stick by myself extremely strongly, while girls seem to really like the fact that I hardly ever waver from what I say.

    -That's it for now. I'll add more later.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I despise immaturity with a passion.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This passes with age ^.^

    Same with the potent hatred for a friend who stabbed you in the back, and with the obsession of the girl.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    this pic in this thread was long overdue tongue.gif
  • GameFruit
    -I've moved more times than the amount of years I've been alive.

    -I'm half Croatian/half French Canadian.(lol)

    -I have a scar on my arm from when I was a baby, pulling the cord of a hot iron.

    -My left thumb is double jointed.

    -Throughout my childhood, I've wanted to be an actor, singer, ballet dancer, painter, dentist, fashion designer, fashion model, hair stylist, graphic novel artist, videographer, movie scriptwriter, director, illustrator, home decorator, 2d animator, computer programmer, web designer. (In the end I realized what I wanted to do most was right in front of me all those years. Games Rock!)
  • GameFruit
    [ QUOTE ]
    -I was in a ballet once, I was a husband in the party scene of the Nutcracker. Three shows of 600 (I think) people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haha, Sam! You are found! And what interesting details, haha. My mum made me do ballet too. I liked it until I had to go on stage. I quit on the spot. I get such stage fright. But then, I'm a girl so I'm not embarassed about ballet. Heck, I used to watch ballet.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    You know that dangly thing in the back of your throat (uvula)?

    I have two of them.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I despise immaturity with a passion.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This passes with age ^.^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Que? I find it grows. I was happy when I left school thinking "Now to leave this immature bollocks behind and move into the mature adult world.

    I was wrong.

    Slum! PHOTOS NOW!
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    I miss that feeling of pissing the bed when you're half-awake but dont care to do a thing about it.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I despise immaturity with a passion.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This passes with age ^.^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Que? I find it grows. I was happy when I left school thinking "Now to leave this immature bollocks behind and move into the mature adult world.

    I was wrong.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I find as I grow older, I'm more tolerant of younger ages. Because I can just think "hey, i've been there." and kind of laugh it off. Sure, sometimes I get annoyed, but everyone does. Maybe I'm just more suited for fatherhood than you? I don't really know. From personal experience, the feeling of "hating immaturity" is immature.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Im bored so I figure ill post in here.

    *My first time Drunk was my final Ball night at 6th form (dunno what the US translation is but I was 18) as there were no boundaries i drank 16pints over the course of the night and wasn't sick,I earned the nick name 16pintjizz (as pronounced) becuase my nickname is "Hedges" my friends cut it to just "ges" which became "16pintges".

    *I once got hidiously drunk at a friends house party and jumped butt naked into his neibors hottub with 7friends....no girls,all guys....and we all agreed never to mention it again...oh well.

    *I smoked weed for the first time when I visited Amsterdam for a friends birthday party and do it on odd occasions with friends.

    * I have suffered from a rare ill ness when I was younger which is basically an allergic reaction to a cell located in the throat,it went undiagnosed for several years until one night my body suffered a massive raction to it,my body temperature rose to 40C (body cells deform at 39C) and I was rushed to hospital to be very drugged up,as a result I had a very weak immune system (which has grown stronger as the years go by thankfully) and grew up with a hole in my right kidney caused by this allergic reaction.

    *As a result of the above and my Age I effectivily missed 2 years of education,my age becuase I was born at the tail end of my school year and was one of the younger people in the year and becuase of my illness as I caught every cold/virus going round and with all the time I took off noted in a diary it added up to an entire year of education lost. Despite this i still got the national Average grades of 5 GCSEs at C grade or Above.

    *The only proffessional band ive seen live was "Rammstein" at Brixton Acadamey in London.

    * I listen to just about every genre of music apart from Drum and bass.

    *Ive been to QuakeCon in Dallas Twice and met up with abunch of polycounters/CG chatters/Other artists you know who you are wink.gif

    *I have a keen intrest in all aspects of WW2,but also of Aviation in General.

    *I like Reading at the end of the evening to take my mind of everything thats happened through the day.

  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    "16pintjizz" lol that's alot 0f jizz
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    You know that dangly thing in the back of your throat (uvula)?

    I have two of them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pictures please!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I want to see those sacks hanging in your throat too. haha that just sounds bad.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    this pic in this thread was long overdue tongue.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Well, I find as I grow older, I'm more tolerant of younger ages. Because I can just think "hey, i've been there." and kind of laugh it off. Sure, sometimes I get annoyed, but everyone does. Maybe I'm just more suited for fatherhood than you? I don't really know. From personal experience, the feeling of "hating immaturity" is immature.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think there's been some misunderstanding (now that I read over what I wrote I see how it could be interepreted differently than how I meant).

    I'm not talking about young people acting their ages, I'm talking about people acting younger than they are.

    15 year old acting 15 - expected, can be annoying
    18 year old acting 15 - time to start growing up please
    25 year old acting 15 - I hope you earn a Darwin award

    Many of the people I went to school with were still acting like 13 year olds when they were 18, and it was a boarding school so I was basically trapped with them all the time frown.gif. Hence why I was glad to leave that immaturity behind. I agree about it being stupid to hate people acting their age (which isn't actually acting immature), but I don't have time for people who are immature.

    Oi Slum, where are them photos?
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18
    Hey bud, was reading your post and some of what you were saying struck me as symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome. It is a very wide spectrum and affects everyone differently who has it. It is not necessarily a bad thing! Just different. Take a look at this link and see if it means anything to you...


  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    oohhhh i see, sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree whole heartedly with this. I have a friend who just won't grow up, and that's annoying as hell. I try not to let it affect me so much, but I understand the frustration.

    Though, I also think that its good to get back into the "playful" mood, with your old buddies from back in the day. It kinda lets you relax, and be nostalgic, instead of feeling all "grown up" and have to "act like an adult" all the time. I mean, busting out a soccer ball when you're 27, like you did back when you were in your late teens isn't something to shame. Not that this is necessarily immaturity, but it can be construed as such.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey bud, was reading your post and some of what you were saying struck me as symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome. It is a very wide spectrum and affects everyone differently who has it. It is not necessarily a bad thing! Just different. Take a look at this link and see if it means anything to you...



    [/ QUOTE ]

    All these "diseases" are based on not fitting some white, lower-middle class, frat boy, sports loving, alpha male extrovert, bullshit architype.

    When they start labeling personality types as "diseases" I think that it is only a matter of time before they come with with drugs to "fix" other diseases like being too smart, or having dark skin.

    Anyway, to keep the thread on track:

    I tried to make a feature length film while in college, but after editing my movie was only 48 minutes long.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Ok here go some good ones:

    -I once pooped in the grass next to a Hooters while the place was full for 5 bucks.

    -Back when I was in high school I got suspended for a week for pouring piss on someone. I had a powerade bottle with a little bit of pee and some water mixed. I poured like 2 drops of it on some guys shirt I didn't like. He grabbed the bottle after I set it down and sprayed me a little bit with it. I flipped out and squirted it all in his face and all over his chest. The soccer coach came over and started yelling at me and asked me what was in the bottle. I said it was Powerade and water. He told me to drink it then, so I drank part of it to try and get off the hook. I was off the hook until the guy told on me later and I got suspended for a week, kicked out of soccer for 2 years, and in school suspension every day for the rest of the year.

    -A friend and I once stole this huge Krispy Kreme sign that was outside of a gas station because I wanted to hang it up in my room. The next week, they put up another one that was even nicer, and we stole it again. The gas station was at an intersection of 2 busy roads, and we just ran over to it, cut it down, and took off running to the van that was parked in the middle of the street.

    Phew, I used to be a douchebag. I've changed a lot since then smile.gif
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Sonic man you squirted a dude with piss and then drank some. Classic.

    When I was in college me and my roommate saw this bad ass Open sign at the bowling ally down the street from our campus so we went with cable cutters one night and a screw driver and snatched it for our room. We got it back turned it on and we were almost blinded by how bright the damn thing was. It could be seen through our window all the way across campus it was so bright. We brought it back like 2 days later.
  • mrsincredible
    [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square">[*]I once tried to see how much water I could drink, and drank four liters in a matter of minutes before throwing up. [/list]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm the wife of a polycounter, a sometime lurker, and I just had to make an account to comment on this. Water poisoning is very serious and potentially fatal. I am not sure if there is a treatment other than diuretics to remove a lot of excess water from the body system but it definitely can kill you.


  • jgarland
    Ah, yeah... I found that out later. I also heard about the girl who died of it after appearing on the radio show a few weeks back. I was just a dumb kid back then, anyway. I haven't tried it since.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    So yeah I got an art test from cryptic this week. I'm super excited.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys,

    Some weird, funny and depressing shit on this thread. :P

    - Wierd but true.
    While staying in a campsite in Venice, Italy in 2000 I got into a serious Absinthe drinking session with an epileptic, American, French foreign legion soldiers. yup.

    Unfortunately he didn't tell me alcohol was bad for him and while standing up chatting to me he suddenly had a serious sezuire, fell backwards like a board and cracked his skull open on the tiled floor.
    He was in a bad way, seizing and choking with a shitload of thick blackish blood pouring out of the very visible gapping crack in his head.
    I stemmed the flow of blood with some pillows, called an ambulance, kept him warm and awake.
    The doctors said I almost certainly saved his life which made me feel pretty good.

    He never thanked me lol.

    - Again while in Italy, I got into a massive verbal argument with 2 seedy locals at the Rome train terminal, I later was told by a local women that the 2 men were Mafiosa thugs....needless to say I didn't sleep well in Rome.

    - I have tinnitus also, bloody ringing ears!!

    - I have been electrocuted 3 times. Once when I was 4 I cut my mothers iron cord, then from a light switch when I was 17 and finally from a garbage compactor last year.

    - I've broken my nose 10 times, 4 fights, 5 times playing rugby union and 1 time when I slipped down a steep, wet hill with my hands in my pockets, only to be stopped by a friendly wall. :P

    - I've had the end of my left index finger cut off and reattached then later the same finger was cut off at the knuckle and reattached, I'm a left handed artist, lucky. :P

    - I had sex 769 times in my second last year of high school!! Woot!! :P

    - I can put my fists in my mouth, only one at a time mind you.

    - I can put my right leg behind my head but not my left.

    - I find getting compliments uncomfortable.

    - I'm seriously vain.. I look at myself a lot in windows lol. :P

    - I find humans, annoying.

    - I really love my wife. smile.gif

    Ah, thats better.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    when she was a kid, my mum used to run in a gang with Mandy Rice-Davies
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