i cleared my desk of crunch time detritus today. If only i'd thought to do a before/after shot ... someone should do research as to the nature and extent of the ... er ... matter that collects, and why. I was pulling things out i didn't fully understand ...
They both have handguns on their desks so be careful.
[/ QUOTE ]
not to mention all that liquid, just add an iPod and you've got yourself a bomb!
I just remembered my work laptop has a built in webcam, here's my work desk (minus the black Macbook)
Yeah, it's not an industry job but I wanted to participate... Wyse terminal FTW!
Great places everyone wish i had a camera here to show you my room! today is on it's best, yesterday's dinner pizzas boxes everywhere, a router on top of a pile of CDs on the middle of the room, with one cable to each corner...
Hello I'm new here, but I thought this would be a good thread to introduce myself. I really don't know why I didn't join sooner, there's so much info here that would have made my life easier...
Here's my workspace, kind of cramped right now, looking for a new desk to set up something a little more permanent:
It's effing unbelievable, and for the price, it should be
Seriously, I can't live without it. In fact, I pretty much REFUSE to use max without it, using a mouse for navigation feels so clumsy now. Kind of like getting used to a graphics tablet, then suddenly having to use a mouse for drawing.
I also tried the Spacetraveller, but the Spacepilot is the one to get.
hyrumark, how does the spacepilot work? I watched the video on their site but it said pretty much zero about how the 3d navigation works
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah their website could be better at explaining things..
The heart of the thing is the large black knob that you use for navigating the viewport. It works like this:
-To pan up and down: Gently pull up or press down on the knob
-To pan left and right: Nudge the knob left and right
-To zoom: Push the knob away from you or pull it towards you
-To rotate: Twist the knob left or right (like a stereo knob)
-To arc rotate: Roll the knob from left to right or top to bottom
It takes some getting used to, at first I thought some of the controls were set up backwards, but you soon realize the beauty of this system. In a couple hours I was hooked.
When you first start using it, you can constrain your movement to a single axis, but you'll soon want to turn this off so you can move on multiple axes in a single movement.
I can pan, zoom, and rotate in one single flick of the wrist and stop on a dime at any point on my model, it's great. It would take multiple clicks and movements of the mouse to do such a thing.
You can get a 14 day demo of the Spacepilot from the 3D Connexion website. Just make sure you have the funds to actually buy it or you'll be crying when you have to send it back. It's just so much fun to use, even my wife will sit there and just move stuff around on screen because its fun.
I'm finishing up my new website, maybe I'll post a short vid for you guys. Sorry to hijack the thread...
Lol Justin you have the same computers I've had. I got rid of my G4 though because of the noise. Well, only if it's the Quicksilver edition. Runs photoshop very fast though, musch faster than my intel iMac. My zd7000 melted, as is well known.
I am currently eyeing up some office space / desk. Nowhere to put my printer, scanner, other monitor or toys.
Lol Justin you have the same computers I've had. I got rid of my G4 though because of the noise. Well, only if it's the Quicksilver edition. Runs photoshop very fast though, musch faster than my intel iMac. My zd7000 melted, as is well known.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I think I followed your recommendation for a laptop (this was before yours died!). The G4 is actually a server that died, it's being stored under my desk. How my desk became storage space? I have no idea.
Lupus, I'm pretty sure that's a loft and the desk is next to a slanted cieling. But who hasn't dreamed about living in a post apocalypic world where your home is a highly modified 747 hull. Who knows maybe those dreams got the best of Pior.
If the world ever goes to hell you'll find me living in;
- Museum: lots of useful things that don't require power.
- An airport: Rasing chickens or other such edible foul.
- Or in an airplane graveyard, lots of raw materials and I can prolly make something cool before the heat gets to me and I go insane.
Look me up we'll talk about old times and drink shine.
my desk will never be this clean ever again.. thx to eck (eq) for the desk
ever heard of decency?
I have a lot more toys now.
you both have some kind of hand-lotion / kleenex thing going in those shots.
ever heard of decency?
[/ QUOTE ]
They both have handguns on their desks so be careful.
They both have handguns on their desks so be careful.
[/ QUOTE ]
not to mention all that liquid, just add an iPod and you've got yourself a bomb!
I just remembered my work laptop has a built in webcam, here's my work desk (minus the black Macbook)
Yeah, it's not an industry job but I wanted to participate... Wyse terminal FTW!
you both have some kind of hand-lotion / kleenex thing going in those shots.
ever heard of decency?
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously doubt she's using that for anything fun. Now me on the other hand.....
my workspace is half packed up as im moving next week, so its computer perched on computer box time.
oh and i let the rabbbit out while i was doing some work, and he fucking chewwed through my speaker cable... little cute bastard.
I'm going to take a work desk shot at work tomorrow... tho I don't make video games at work, or anything exciting like that.
Johny.. I have the same cat!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
hahah, I didn't even see the cat the first time... nor did I notice he was watching House on his computer
Here's my workspace, kind of cramped right now, looking for a new desk to set up something a little more permanent:
How do you like your SpacePilot?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's effing unbelievable, and for the price, it should be
Seriously, I can't live without it. In fact, I pretty much REFUSE to use max without it, using a mouse for navigation feels so clumsy now. Kind of like getting used to a graphics tablet, then suddenly having to use a mouse for drawing.
I also tried the Spacetraveller, but the Spacepilot is the one to get.
hyrumark, how does the spacepilot work? I watched the video on their site but it said pretty much zero about how the 3d navigation works
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah their website could be better at explaining things..
The heart of the thing is the large black knob that you use for navigating the viewport. It works like this:
-To pan up and down: Gently pull up or press down on the knob
-To pan left and right: Nudge the knob left and right
-To zoom: Push the knob away from you or pull it towards you
-To rotate: Twist the knob left or right (like a stereo knob)
-To arc rotate: Roll the knob from left to right or top to bottom
It takes some getting used to, at first I thought some of the controls were set up backwards, but you soon realize the beauty of this system. In a couple hours I was hooked.
When you first start using it, you can constrain your movement to a single axis, but you'll soon want to turn this off so you can move on multiple axes in a single movement.
I can pan, zoom, and rotate in one single flick of the wrist and stop on a dime at any point on my model, it's great. It would take multiple clicks and movements of the mouse to do such a thing.
I'm finishing up my new website, maybe I'll post a short vid for you guys. Sorry to hijack the thread...
btw.. my lotion smells yummy.. and tissue is for picking up nails that i've bitten chewed and spit across the floor or snot.. b/c of allergies
btw. some of y'alls clean desks put me to shame
new toy (not optimus, had him for a while)
[/ QUOTE ]
Lol Justin you have the same computers I've had. I got rid of my G4 though because of the noise. Well, only if it's the Quicksilver edition. Runs photoshop very fast though, musch faster than my intel iMac. My zd7000 melted, as is well known.
I am currently eyeing up some office space / desk. Nowhere to put my printer, scanner, other monitor or toys.
ignore the naked bloke, not sure who he is.
so after all that, i've decided to do an honest update of how everything actually looks
btw.. my lotion smells yummy.. and tissue is for picking up nails that i've bitten chewed and spit across the floor or snot.. b/c of allergies
btw. some of y'alls clean desks put me to shame
[/ QUOTE ]
I miss my desk donkey! =(
i can't wait till they do the re-release of some of the older gen bots so i can buy em up
new desk
[/ QUOTE ]
stupid Energon combining gimmick...
gimme your op pls
i can't wait till they do the re-release of some of the older gen bots so i can buy em up
[/ QUOTE ]
Did you miss all the TRU re-releases?
Lol Justin you have the same computers I've had. I got rid of my G4 though because of the noise. Well, only if it's the Quicksilver edition. Runs photoshop very fast though, musch faster than my intel iMac. My zd7000 melted, as is well known.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I think I followed your recommendation for a laptop (this was before yours died!). The G4 is actually a server that died, it's being stored under my desk. How my desk became storage space? I have no idea.
Pesti lost his Marv. He's RIGHT HERE, Bart!
If the world ever goes to hell you'll find me living in;
- Museum: lots of useful things that don't require power.
- An airport: Rasing chickens or other such edible foul.
- Or in an airplane graveyard, lots of raw materials and I can prolly make something cool before the heat gets to me and I go insane.
Look me up we'll talk about old times and drink shine.
now i want one. who needs rent anyway