however, all the glass paintings of tanks makes it feel like a twelve year old decided on the decor, and whats up with the multicolored lights?:) I always feel like im in the middle of a game from 1998 when the first rgb lights started showing up, when I go there.The location of the office is VERY pimp tho
@ Josh: Hell yah man, I love the MS ergo 4000 keyboard. I bought one when 3w was still at the old office, now they are the standard ergo keyboard for the company.
Cheap seriously curious here . Why do you still have a computer that old ? I just put together a computer for 320$ excluding monitor,keyboard,mouse,speakers but including windows xp for my cousin who wanted a super cheap gaming computer. The computer seems to be able to play anything out now on medium settings including Quake 4 ,BF2142,WOW,Fear.. I can send you the list of parts and you can get them from ...anyways when you got rust on the case your about 4-5 years overdue for an upgrade !
finally got the upstairs loft conversion cleared of crap, and the desk and computer roughly set up. I'm hoping to get those grey shelves ripped out, and a proper bespoke desk installed along the wall. Note the Brian Froud with nowhere to go (girlfriend refuses to have it downstairs, the silly cow)
@Vig: He's french, they don't have lofts, they've all got planes.
it lacks a new pc.
johanlundmark that dice office looks like a totally friggin sweet place to work!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yea, it is
Actually its old ingame assets from previous Dice-games that have been stylised and put up there.
Cameras aren't allowed at my work without written consent, so here's my home work/play space:
Our MoCap room
Our kitchen
The parking lot outside
Dang I'm gonna miss this place. *sniff*
new home workspace:
I need to put that intuos A4 out of its´misery. giving me endless pains in my wrist.
Setup at the new apartment. Kind of bare, haven't finished unpacking yet.
My mess...
CD collection
BTW, I like your keyboard masterofbater.
EDIT: Wacom Correction 4x5!!!
Love 'em
I just upgraded now has a 200kb HD, 32kb Ram so it runs all the next gen stuff just fine
After I used it at home, I couldn't use the stiff, minuscule Dell keyboard I had at work. So I made them buy me one of them bad boys
Very comfy.
$!nz - I'll take your huge dell monitor, kthx