Fuse: You'll probably be happy when more news of UT7's new features becomes public and it's explained more specifically how Onslaught has been expanded and refined.
It's not for me to announce you understand, but I'm sure someone will clarify things later on.
[/ QUOTE ]
that's cool ror, i will definitely be looking out for that
Ok sorry to go "offtopic" but i think the game looks pretty awesome. I've never been a big UT fan but will pick this up anyway to get my hands on the editor. Only problem is i will have to buy a new computer to be able to run it...
I like those war of the worlds kinda characters.. Are those driveable?
Graphics wise, i don't think this can compete with Quake Wars. I am not trying to enter an arguement or anything, but it seems to have the same basic enviroments as the previous one, no difference in the terrain or how its set up. The levels don't seem at all vertical, have almost no cover or anything, exactly like 2006 but with more detail in the mountains and better curves for the terrain. Its disappointing to see that after reading the time they put into finishing the gameplay of the levels before the detail.
I am not commenting on the basic gameplay and modes, since its hard to judge, or the quality of the model assets, but just based on the levels I really doubt I'll enjoy this
Holy christ, this has to be the most entertaining thread in a long time. I'm actually laughing out loud reading all this stuff. I'm saving this shit to my hard drive.
I love downsizer! Who else can mix a metaphor like this cat does? Not content with "kicking anthills" or "starting fires", oh no, he's got people out "kicking fires!" Kicking and fire, those are some disruptive shenanigans. You fucking fire-kickers need to settle down before downsizer makes like a tree and gets the fuck out of here...
- Unreal roxorz
- EA suxorz
- pre-rendered game demo footage is the great evil of our time
- Maya is better than Max
- shut the fuck up, Tubboy!
- the character art in Oblivion was utter crap
- the Wii pwnz the Xbox360 and the PS3
- realistic photosourcing is not art
- bearcub is a Nazi
- this thread has been completely Godwin'd
- in before lock
I have to say, you guys are making pronouncements based on suprisingly little information. I'm just sitting here shaking my head. I would've thought you guys would know better. And I think I'll leave it at that.
Frank the Avenger
[/ QUOTE ]
i read up to this post and have to agree.
i'm confused by the comments in this thread.
hello?! dude. the graphics for unreal 2007 look fantastic.
ut03 and 04 proved to kick all kinds of ass...
i'm sure this game is going to own.
Jelmer... wtf? you didn't know about gears of war? whoa dude.
some of the logic in here is baffling to see on a polycount thread. thank god it's being cock-slapped.
The War of the Worlds dudes are part of the Necris race of characters / vehicles and worlds and are very much useable.
Verm: You might be jumping the gun a little there, maybe not, but theres a good chance that theres a lot you could still be surprised by.
I personally think QuakeWars has a fantastic art style and gameplay mechanic, it is definetly going to the game of choice for more strategic action and those that lean more towards Battlefield than Unreal Tournament.... like myself!
I think though, we still stand out from the crowd these days because we are one of the few FPS that are really pushing whimsical and fantastical artstyles and settings whilst QuakeWars is more of a WW2 with a twist and more easily grouped into the more commonplace trends evident in the market today.
I think its apples and pears between us so I wish the lads at Splash Damage all the best really and not just because I have friends there, I'm also really happy to see the FPS flag finally being carried so proudly by a UK company
Daz, i'm not an artist, i've said that several times. Granted I used to want to, but the community really pushed me back. Read the title in your browser window that says 'and fan community'. I'm a big fan of the artwork, and frankly think it's fucked up that most games dont ship with the gameplay to compliment it. My arrogance is only magnified by the fact that you swung first bringing up past posts. Yes I made my own rep here, but most of the time I'm being devils advocate and mention it. I had nothing negative to say in my first post aside from missing the lack of assault, which is obviously related to the topic. Daz's sarcastic poke was unrelated and I felt I had to clear things up, and got flamed more for a personal opinion. I'm glad you are all amused and band together to flame my posts, I could really give a rats ass about it. You all really need to deflate your assumptions a bit about people who post here as non-artists. I can run circles around 90% of you in computer engineering, but I would never treat you like an idiot for not understanding it. I constantly get flamed by the artists I admire the most, it's pretty upsetting, but I wont apologize for my post. I will however stop posting as you wish, and i'll just jump on some idiot filled gamer forum instead.
The fire analogy works, you kick fire, it spreads, flames, are you getting the picture here now?
just watched the trailer. i was impressed with the Tripods and the way the legs were animated. and near the end when the vehicle starts deploying the huge cannon.
looked fun but i won't be playing anytime soon on this computer.
enough trashing on an interesting topic, i guess some people need to gain a tad more matturity.
A thing i would like to see in unreal 2007 is definately weapon reloading, i know that the heat of the battle might get lost etc, but who wouldnt want to see the shock rifle beeing reloaded with ooze like energetic balls ? or the minigun eheh...
The thing is, so many people say Assault is their favorite here, but going online it was the least played game type from my experience. The only really busy servers I saw with assault was the monster invasion type.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think I played Assault maybe *once*. Couldn't find many people ever on it.
I do hope that they don't slow the speed down any. As it was, it felt alot like moving throw molasses when compared to Q3, though part of that is due to the enormouse scale of the levels.
Man if UT 07 feels like moving through mole asses I am all about that!
Seriously though, no offense to Hawkprey but the GoW guys look like they have armor built for bitch-tits. That screenshot of the black guy just screams "bitch-tits" to me.
I love downsizer! Who else can mix a metaphor like this cat does? Not content with "kicking anthills" or "starting fires", oh no, he's got people out "kicking fires!" Kicking and fire, those are some disruptive shenanigans. You fucking fire-kickers need to settle down before downsizer makes like a tree and gets the fuck out of here...
- Unreal roxorz
- EA suxorz
- pre-rendered game demo footage is the great evil of our time
- Maya is better than Max
- shut the fuck up, Tubboy!
- the character art in Oblivion was utter crap
- the Wii pwnz the Xbox360 and the PS3
- realistic photosourcing is not art
- bearcub is a Nazi
- this thread has been completely Godwin'd
- in before lock
Did I get everything?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not even so much as a smouldering anthill kicked over at the Mac loving crowd? Verm, you're losing your touch =P
Verm: You might be jumping the gun a little there, maybe not, but theres a good chance that theres a lot you could still be surprised by.
[/ QUOTE ]
I probably am jumping the gun. I'd say I am not among the teamplay strategic action crowd, so I am not saying that QuakeWars will be the better game. I just was hoping more Quake3 type arena levels, rather than extreme wide open spaces. With such huge terrain, movement and ground fighting becomes so stale, the only way to really change that is to focus a lot on vehicles.
I do like the UT art more also, most of the QuakeWars characters seem like the usual Doom3 style sci fi. I guess it needs to fit in with Quake4, but that look is just getting really boring.
Weapons reload? Unreal Tournament? Johny, I think your majorly misunderstanding the franchise.
I have seen the Quake Wars vids, I may try the demo, but Im the other side of the coin. I want to get into fragging the other team, not out thinking them in a coordinated effort where you need microphones to get the best communication. You also need a group of friends to coordinate together to have the most fun versus just jumping on.
Then of course, I think CS is way over emphasized, so what do I know.
I did get into a good friendly arguement from some Clanner at PAX stating that deathmatch games are dead. Its all startegy/intensive teamwork that people want from his POV.
Verm: There's a good few 'hardcore DM' level designers here who are less interested in Onslaught and theres some really experimental ld's who like to branch off from everything, its a good mix, there ought to be something for everyone.
shame on you ror, you obviously ripped off the siege tank from starcraft and hoverboards from back to the future.. oh the humanity
ps. now that you mentioned quake wars, i think i see your point. Seeing how quakewars will be a nicely contrasting gameplay deviation, UT2k7 will do just fine.
I did get into a good friendly arguement from some Clanner at PAX stating that deathmatch games are dead. Its all startegy/intensive teamwork that people want from his POV.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha I always equated the love for CS and other strategy/team type games as being "I don't have the skills to play something fast paced like Quake 3 or UT".
My disdain for CS and that genre is the fact that those games encourage something I always have despised - camping.
Just as an attempt not to post hatefull shi, but without having to practice this legendary thing called 'constraint'; i'm just going to say Rooster can put his marmite on my toast anytime.
I just was hoping more Quake3 type arena levels, rather than extreme wide open spaces.
[/ QUOTE ]
While I'm sure that the game will ship with at least a couple of those type of levels, you can count on the community to deliver the rest. Those types of levels are my personal favorites and I'll continue to make them for awhile. I have several teammates in the UCMP who feel the same way.
Downsizer: so you're telling me in that 320x240 compressed as fuck YouTube video you could see that the graphics have deteorated significantly? Looked fuckin amazing to me...
I'm still shittin my pants over how cool those walkers look
The walkers seem kinda cool, but how is that going to be effective? They look like slow moving fat targets suspended at a convenient height for popping outta the sky? Hopefully it has some powerful weaponry...
The same way the Leviathan was effective: heavy armor, heavy weaponry, little to no maneuverability. It adds a great game element IMO much like the "Galactica" with swarms of vipers.
Dang, I hope my computer can handle this, I haven't messed with UnrealEd that much but I was surprised by how easy it was to make a fairly cool looking level so I can't wait to jump in with UT2007.
I love downsizer! Who else can mix a metaphor like this cat does? Not content with "kicking anthills" or "starting fires", oh no, he's got people out "kicking fires!" Kicking and fire, those are some disruptive shenanigans. You fucking fire-kickers need to settle down before downsizer makes like a tree and gets the fuck out of here...
- Unreal roxorz
- EA suxorz
- pre-rendered game demo footage is the great evil of our time
- Maya is better than Max
- shut the fuck up, Tubboy!
- the character art in Oblivion was utter crap
- the Wii pwnz the Xbox360 and the PS3
- realistic photosourcing is not art
- bearcub is a Nazi
- this thread has been completely Godwin'd
- in before lock
Did I get everything?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not even so much as a smouldering anthill kicked over at the Mac loving crowd? Verm, you're losing your touch =P
Fuse: You'll probably be happy when more news of UT7's new features becomes public and it's explained more specifically how Onslaught has been expanded and refined.
It's not for me to announce you understand, but I'm sure someone will clarify things later on.
[/ QUOTE ]
that's cool ror, i will definitely be looking out for that
I like those war of the worlds kinda characters.. Are those driveable?
I am not commenting on the basic gameplay and modes, since its hard to judge, or the quality of the model assets, but just based on the levels I really doubt I'll enjoy this
- Unreal roxorz
- EA suxorz
- pre-rendered game demo footage is the great evil of our time
- Maya is better than Max
- shut the fuck up, Tubboy!
- the character art in Oblivion was utter crap
- the Wii pwnz the Xbox360 and the PS3
- realistic photosourcing is not art
- bearcub is a Nazi
- this thread has been completely Godwin'd
- in before lock
Did I get everything?
I have to say, you guys are making pronouncements based on suprisingly little information. I'm just sitting here shaking my head. I would've thought you guys would know better. And I think I'll leave it at that.
Frank the Avenger
[/ QUOTE ]
i read up to this post and have to agree.
i'm confused by the comments in this thread.
hello?! dude. the graphics for unreal 2007 look fantastic.
ut03 and 04 proved to kick all kinds of ass...
i'm sure this game is going to own.
Jelmer... wtf? you didn't know about gears of war? whoa dude.
some of the logic in here is baffling to see on a polycount thread. thank god it's being cock-slapped.
Verm: You might be jumping the gun a little there, maybe not, but theres a good chance that theres a lot you could still be surprised by.
I personally think QuakeWars has a fantastic art style and gameplay mechanic, it is definetly going to the game of choice for more strategic action and those that lean more towards Battlefield than Unreal Tournament.... like myself!
I think though, we still stand out from the crowd these days because we are one of the few FPS that are really pushing whimsical and fantastical artstyles and settings whilst QuakeWars is more of a WW2 with a twist and more easily grouped into the more commonplace trends evident in the market today.
I think its apples and pears between us so I wish the lads at Splash Damage all the best really and not just because I have friends there, I'm also really happy to see the FPS flag finally being carried so proudly by a UK company
The fire analogy works, you kick fire, it spreads, flames, are you getting the picture here now?
looked fun but i won't be playing anytime soon on this computer.
Frank, keep your inmature name calling out of my threads. He built his own straw house without your help.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oxy, keep your immature concept of thread ownership off my internet. I can speak for myself without your help.
Frank the Avenger
Frank, keep your inmature name calling out of my threads. He built his own straw house without your help.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oxy, keep your immature concept of thread ownership off my internet. I can speak for myself without your help.
Frank the Avenger
[/ QUOTE ]
While we're at it, I wanna' add that Rooster needs to keep his Marimite off my toast. Off of everybody's toast, really.
A thing i would like to see in unreal 2007 is definately weapon reloading, i know that the heat of the battle might get lost etc, but who wouldnt want to see the shock rifle beeing reloaded with ooze like energetic balls ? or the minigun eheh...
ooze like energetic balls ?
[/ QUOTE ]
taken completely out of context :P
The thing is, so many people say Assault is their favorite here, but going online it was the least played game type from my experience. The only really busy servers I saw with assault was the monster invasion type.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think I played Assault maybe *once*. Couldn't find many people ever on it.
I do hope that they don't slow the speed down any. As it was, it felt alot like moving throw molasses when compared to Q3, though part of that is due to the enormouse scale of the levels.
A thing i would like to see in unreal 2007 is definately weapon reloading
[/ QUOTE ]
now THAT would suck some serious ass
Seriously though, no offense to Hawkprey but the GoW guys look like they have armor built for bitch-tits. That screenshot of the black guy just screams "bitch-tits" to me.
I love downsizer! Who else can mix a metaphor like this cat does? Not content with "kicking anthills" or "starting fires", oh no, he's got people out "kicking fires!" Kicking and fire, those are some disruptive shenanigans. You fucking fire-kickers need to settle down before downsizer makes like a tree and gets the fuck out of here...
- Unreal roxorz
- EA suxorz
- pre-rendered game demo footage is the great evil of our time
- Maya is better than Max
- shut the fuck up, Tubboy!
- the character art in Oblivion was utter crap
- the Wii pwnz the Xbox360 and the PS3
- realistic photosourcing is not art
- bearcub is a Nazi
- this thread has been completely Godwin'd
- in before lock
Did I get everything?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not even so much as a smouldering anthill kicked over at the Mac loving crowd? Verm, you're losing your touch =P
Verm: You might be jumping the gun a little there, maybe not, but theres a good chance that theres a lot you could still be surprised by.
[/ QUOTE ]
I probably am jumping the gun. I'd say I am not among the teamplay strategic action crowd, so I am not saying that QuakeWars will be the better game. I just was hoping more Quake3 type arena levels, rather than extreme wide open spaces. With such huge terrain, movement and ground fighting becomes so stale, the only way to really change that is to focus a lot on vehicles.
I do like the UT art more also, most of the QuakeWars characters seem like the usual Doom3 style sci fi. I guess it needs to fit in with Quake4, but that look is just getting really boring.
I have seen the Quake Wars vids, I may try the demo, but Im the other side of the coin. I want to get into fragging the other team, not out thinking them in a coordinated effort where you need microphones to get the best communication. You also need a group of friends to coordinate together to have the most fun versus just jumping on.
Then of course, I think CS is way over emphasized, so what do I know.
I did get into a good friendly arguement from some Clanner at PAX stating that deathmatch games are dead. Its all startegy/intensive teamwork that people want from his POV.
ps. now that you mentioned quake wars, i think i see your point. Seeing how quakewars will be a nicely contrasting gameplay deviation, UT2k7 will do just fine.
I did get into a good friendly arguement from some Clanner at PAX stating that deathmatch games are dead. Its all startegy/intensive teamwork that people want from his POV.
[/ QUOTE ]
My disdain for CS and that genre is the fact that those games encourage something I always have despised - camping.
In a sexual way, ofcourse.
I just was hoping more Quake3 type arena levels, rather than extreme wide open spaces.
[/ QUOTE ]
While I'm sure that the game will ship with at least a couple of those type of levels, you can count on the community to deliver the rest. Those types of levels are my personal favorites and I'll continue to make them for awhile. I have several teammates in the UCMP who feel the same way.
I'm still shittin my pants over how cool those walkers look
edit: on toast
That's just the British spelling of "marmot"
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I think they're referring to this nasty sounding stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite
"Marmite is a British savoury spread made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing."
[edit] oh, Marine beat me to it... I guess I should've submitted my post instead of reading the wiki page first. DAMN.
Trolling Complete...Your Princess is in another forum.
[/ QUOTE ]
I love downsizer! Who else can mix a metaphor like this cat does? Not content with "kicking anthills" or "starting fires", oh no, he's got people out "kicking fires!" Kicking and fire, those are some disruptive shenanigans. You fucking fire-kickers need to settle down before downsizer makes like a tree and gets the fuck out of here...
- Unreal roxorz
- EA suxorz
- pre-rendered game demo footage is the great evil of our time
- Maya is better than Max
- shut the fuck up, Tubboy!
- the character art in Oblivion was utter crap
- the Wii pwnz the Xbox360 and the PS3
- realistic photosourcing is not art
- bearcub is a Nazi
- this thread has been completely Godwin'd
- in before lock
Did I get everything?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not even so much as a smouldering anthill kicked over at the Mac loving crowd? Verm, you're losing your touch =P
[/ QUOTE ]
marmite is used in satanic rituals, as it's the devils nastiest form of torture.
[/ QUOTE ]
oh... I see... I should have known it was something from the other side of the pond...
I actually enjoy putting peanut butter on my toast. Especially the new Honey JIF stuff.