holy shit, they stuffed more polys into the exact same game
[/ QUOTE ]
Hooray! I'm hoping they won't deviate too much from the UT2K4 formula, as I think it's one of the best MP games around. The new tech and editor should be fun to play around with too.
If it were a little more tactical, and a little less twitch, I'd like it.
I'm not big on spasm games, like UT or Quake.
Looks pretty, though
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you. I always feel like I'm alone in this opinion. I just don't see the appeal in that kind of hectic gameplay. It still looks cool though, and I'll probably end up buying it when the price drops just to play with the engine and try out mods.
I love the twitch, and there seems to be a plethora of games that do the tactical just nicely if I need to get away from the twitch. I do think that the new gametype (conquest) will be more of a tactical experience, but i'm not sure how far they'll take it. looking forward to this.
Am I completely missing everything? It just doesn't excite me anymore... I know that the engine can do a lot, but thats from video of Gears of War. This just seems like a tiny bit shinier and a little more vibrant UT2k4. Whatever happened to the cool gameplay features I was hearing about? Like when the necris took over a control point all the trees died and turned blackish/brown. Those types of things sounds really fun, and slightly tactical. Did those ideas just get left out? While it looks like a big map, its just the fact that they sped up the camera to make it look like it was. They were claiming that the maps were to be HUGE and vehicles were going to be needed and the like. Or did i read about the game too early in planning stages?
I'm slightly disappointed. Or bitter. Maybe im just in a bad mood.
This is the sound of settling...
[Edit] Its not like im not goign to buy the game.. I mean come on, i have every other game that has the name "Unreal" in it. It just means im going to have to do a lot of editing to put the features i thought were cool, back into it ^.^
Oh and I think the weight that they put into the characters is really cool. I mean, they actually seem like the badasses they're supposed to be. I had issues with UT2k4 in that the women were completely anorexic, and the guys just seemed weak and malnourished.
i would have to be one of those players who get bored of twitch shooters much too quickly... I need some kind of a strategical element in the online match to keep me interested.
I dont mean to put down the efforst of the epic devs but it looks like it's an example of avoiding deviations from the proven formula at the risk of losing the market in an already expensive production cycle.
Artistically it looks great, that demo map looked a bit bland and boring , but their urban environments looked really nice in other demonstrations, but once again I couldnt see anything remotely exciting.
It feels like basically ut2k4 on steriods like previously mentioned.
I dont mean to put down the efforst of the epic devs but it looks like it's an example of avoiding deviations from the proven formula at the risk of losing the market in an already expensive production cycle.
[/ QUOTE ]
I personally can't fault them for it, because there are certain expectations that come with an established franchise, but it would be cool to see Epic do something like what Valve is doing with TF2. I don't necessarily mean for them to develop a cartoony, multiplayer FPS, but just to establish a new franchise and deviate a bit from the norm.
I dig both realistic tactical shooters (like Red Orchestra) and shooters that involve quick reflexes. If anything the twitch shooters help keep up your reflexes while the tactical ones keep your mind sharp.
Those weird war of the world-esque vehicles look pretty sweet. At least I hope they're vehicles.
I like both, but if I want a tatical game, I will play a rts. Tatical/class based shooters take longer to play and you have to really have dedicated teams to really get the most out of it. Most tatical games are also modern military based which strikes too close to home for me to enjoy as much. That being said, I still think TF2 looks damn fun.
Its still in development, and with the delay of the ps3 to europe, I don't know if that date listed will make it (1/1/07).
Bios and Irritant.. we have got to get it <u>on</u> whenever it's released.
Assault was the only reason I played any of the UT series. I got hooked on Assault and CTF with the first UT, and that's what made me come back to UT2k3 and 2k4. Deathmatch was always pretty boring, it was too easy to kill people and the movement felt stiff rather than fluid (which is why I always preferred Q3 over UT).
I love the twitch-style FPS gameplay, "tactical" shooters always feel really slow and boring to me, and I liked the UT series' weapon selection.
However this new game just looks like a facelift on the existing game. No new ideas or fun game modes (as far as I can tell so far anyway). Some of the vehicle explosions also look very poor.
That said, I'll probably buy it, it'd probably be fun for modding and maybe CTF play.
Aw I can hardly wait for this game, why they keep delaying it?!?
I played sniper TDM and CTF in UT99, then IG CTF in 2k3/4 on 135 and up speeds, and I certaily hope there'll be something like good old low grav insta again - at least Epic realized they have a large IG fan base so that they keep making great super shock rifles. I remember that they messed it up with sniper a little with 2k3, because there wasn't a real sniper for 2k3 (only lightening gun) until the mods came out, so most of my friends that used to play sniper in UT99 kind of gave up on 2k3 and actually, some are still playing old UT.
You think it's bad now? Just wait until the game is released! This board is notorious for just not being completely happy with any release, regardless how much they pine for it beforehand. If it's really polished and has a photo realistic, this board praises stylized cartoony games. If the game is cartoony, they salavate over the next next-gen engine that can render out effects to make a game more immersive and real.
HAHA! Well said Per. Personally I love the UT games, deathmatching at it's finest and 2k4 had me hooked for months, I can't wait to see how much new quirks they give it and I like the way it's shaping up thus far.
Jelmer: You're silly, one game is purely single player, while the other is purely multiplayer with bot matches and a higher need for framerate. I'd expect UT 2k7 to not look quite as good as Gears of War for that reason.
Jelmer: You're silly, one game is purely single player, while the other is purely multiplayer with bot matches and a higher need for framerate. I'd expect UT 2k7 to not look quite as good as Gears of War for that reason.
[/ QUOTE ]
google before posting is your friend Anyway, I'm waiting for both of them ! And I think I'll even prefer the GoW's multiplayer. Damn this Chain saw is hot !
Yeah I thought the same thing. Just looks prettier, same stuff, though since assault is out, it means.. less content... wish devs would stick to thier roots and push gameplay over graphics. I'll trade fake SSS and shiny boots for assault anyday.
thanks for clearing that up =] Had no idea that there were two games beeing made. I probably was naive enough to think that nowadays multiplayer games could look like that.
wish devs would stick to thier roots and push gameplay over graphics. I'll trade fake SSS and shiny boots for assault anyday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er, wtf. Did I read that right?! You're usually pissing and moaning that the games that come out don't *look* like their development shots because they dropped *graphical* features like shadows!
wish devs would stick to thier roots and push gameplay over graphics. I'll trade fake SSS and shiny boots for assault anyday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er, wtf. Did I read that right?! You're usually pissing and moaning that the games that come out don't *look* like their development shots because they dropped *graphical* features like shadows!
[/ QUOTE ]
well... assault really kicked ass. I want it back. Convoy was the pinacle of awesomeness with two good teams.
Woah, I sit corrected, did not know Gears of War had multiplayer...I don't mean to come off as a prick Jelmer, though I think the shots you posted were an unfair comparison. This seems pretty comparable to Gears of War: http://img2.kult-mag.com/photos/00/00/60/16/ME0000601614_2.jpg
I think saying UT2k7's graphics arent as nice as GOW's is a bit retarded personally, the art style is very different. I think the quality of assets is about equal, GOW just has a much nicer style.
I have to say, you guys are making pronouncements based on suprisingly little information. I'm just sitting here shaking my head. I would've thought you guys would know better. And I think I'll leave it at that.
wish devs would stick to thier roots and push gameplay over graphics. I'll trade fake SSS and shiny boots for assault anyday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er, wtf. Did I read that right?! You're usually pissing and moaning that the games that come out don't *look* like their development shots because they dropped *graphical* features like shadows!
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you are missing the point in your eagerness to defend games. I am offended when a company presents product 'A', and delivers product 'B' without specifying what is a representation of, graphically or gameplay wise. Especially when demos for major titles come AFTER the game is released. It used to be backwards, so you knew what you were buying ahead of time. The graphical downgrade is just this unspoken expectation that need not be accepted. Some companies put disclaimers on the screenshots akin to 'this is not a representation of the final product' blah etc. I avidly study game development business models, so I tend to be overly critical when my opinion differs.
My hope was that the difference in assets would be from the seperation of cut-scenes in a single player mode, as it was in UT2K4. But nothing says it will contain a single player mode, and now to hear they are cutting the best gameplay feature they had is seriously dissapointing. The shadows reference to oblivion stood out sure, but oblivion was also lackluster in gameplay moreso.
I am also comparing the PS3 demo of a character from UT2K7 fighting a robot if I remember correctly. Shaders, environment and characters appeard more complex. Could have just been a tech demo.
I think you are missing the point in your eagerness to defend games. I am offended when a company presents product 'A', and delivers product 'B' without specifying what is a representation of, graphically or gameplay wise.
[/ QUOTE ]
They could just, umm...not show you. Like game companies used to do. They could be all secretive and not show you what UT2k7 until they're done with it, but they're letting you see the cool stuff they're working on instead. And you're complaining that they're changing stuff...while its in development.
Especially when demos for major titles come AFTER the game is released. It used to be backwards, so you knew what you were buying ahead of time.
[/ QUOTE ]
Umm. Last I checked you can still play the demo and then buy the game, even if the demo is released after the game. Its called waiting...
The graphical downgrade is just this unspoken expectation that need not be accepted. Some companies put disclaimers on the screenshots akin to 'this is not a representation of the final product' blah etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps because the game is in development, and most videos of the gameplay, are *gasp* gotten from either company or conference demonstrations showing what their progress is?
My hope was that the difference in assets would be from the seperation of cut-scenes in a single player mode, as it was in UT2K4.
[/ QUOTE ]
Or perhaps them setting it to different levels of detail for the different types of venues they were showing it at? UT2k4 came with the ability to set detail level, so I'm guessing UT2k7 will too.
But nothing says it will contain a single player mode, and now to hear they are cutting the best gameplay feature they had is seriously dissapointing. The shadows reference to oblivion stood out sure, but oblivion was also lackluster in gameplay moreso.
[/ QUOTE ]
Umm...they aren't cutting Assault. It just has a different name and different features. They merged it with Onslaught and called it Unreal Warfare. Think Assault type objectives on maps larger than Onslaught maps, with resource management added in.
I am also comparing the PS3 demo of a character from UT2K7 fighting a robot if I remember correctly. Shaders, environment and characters appeard more complex. Could have just been a tech demo.
[/ QUOTE ]
PS3 hardware is standard across the board. Computer hardware is not.
edit: dont get me wrong, those graphics are phenomenal, but I probably won't end up buying it since it looks to be the exact same experience as 2k4.
I'm not big on spasm games, like UT or Quake.
Looks pretty, though
Half the reson of buying the ut series is the editor ferg.
they missed that craze by a couple years.
guns look neat.
holy shit, they stuffed more polys into the exact same game
[/ QUOTE ]
Hooray! I'm hoping they won't deviate too much from the UT2K4 formula, as I think it's one of the best MP games around. The new tech and editor should be fun to play around with too.
I'm not sure about those hoverboards either...
I'll probably end up buying it in the end, I loved ut2k4... I just like being an idealistic ass when I can
If it were a little more tactical, and a little less twitch, I'd like it.
I'm not big on spasm games, like UT or Quake.
Looks pretty, though
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you. I always feel like I'm alone in this opinion. I just don't see the appeal in that kind of hectic gameplay. It still looks cool though, and I'll probably end up buying it when the price drops just to play with the engine and try out mods.
I'm slightly disappointed. Or bitter. Maybe im just in a bad mood.
This is the sound of settling...
[Edit] Its not like im not goign to buy the game.. I mean come on, i have every other game that has the name "Unreal" in it. It just means im going to have to do a lot of editing to put the features i thought were cool, back into it ^.^
Oh and I think the weight that they put into the characters is really cool. I mean, they actually seem like the badasses they're supposed to be. I had issues with UT2k4 in that the women were completely anorexic, and the guys just seemed weak and malnourished.
I dont mean to put down the efforst of the epic devs but it looks like it's an example of avoiding deviations from the proven formula at the risk of losing the market in an already expensive production cycle.
Artistically it looks great, that demo map looked a bit bland and boring , but their urban environments looked really nice in other demonstrations, but once again I couldnt see anything remotely exciting.
It feels like basically ut2k4 on steriods like previously mentioned.
Where's the next-gen gameplay ?
I dont mean to put down the efforst of the epic devs but it looks like it's an example of avoiding deviations from the proven formula at the risk of losing the market in an already expensive production cycle.
[/ QUOTE ]
I personally can't fault them for it, because there are certain expectations that come with an established franchise, but it would be cool to see Epic do something like what Valve is doing with TF2. I don't necessarily mean for them to develop a cartoony, multiplayer FPS, but just to establish a new franchise and deviate a bit from the norm.
What we get is:
...just to establish a new franchise and deviate a bit from the norm.
[/ QUOTE ]
i see Gears of War doing just that.
...just to establish a new franchise and deviate a bit from the norm.
[/ QUOTE ]
i see Gears of War doing just that.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, it is a new IP at least... I'm not sure how much it's going to deviate from the norm, though.
I'm also glad to see a next gen game that doesn't look like it's covered in shrinkwrap. D3, Q4, Prey, look heinous to me. This one is done right.
Those weird war of the world-esque vehicles look pretty sweet. At least I hope they're vehicles.
I like both, but if I want a tatical game, I will play a rts. Tatical/class based shooters take longer to play and you have to really have dedicated teams to really get the most out of it. Most tatical games are also modern military based which strikes too close to home for me to enjoy as much. That being said, I still think TF2 looks damn fun.
Its still in development, and with the delay of the ps3 to europe, I don't know if that date listed will make it (1/1/07).
Bios and Irritant.. we have got to get it <u>on</u> whenever it's released.
I love the twitch-style FPS gameplay, "tactical" shooters always feel really slow and boring to me, and I liked the UT series' weapon selection.
However this new game just looks like a facelift on the existing game. No new ideas or fun game modes (as far as I can tell so far anyway). Some of the vehicle explosions also look very poor.
That said, I'll probably buy it, it'd probably be fun for modding and maybe CTF play.
I hope there is a option to have it on with some maps at least. It even added more to the "twitch"/arcade feel.
Wow, the game really HAS deteriorated graphically.
[/ QUOTE ]
Frank the Avenger
I played sniper TDM and CTF in UT99, then IG CTF in 2k3/4 on 135 and up speeds, and I certaily hope there'll be something like good old low grav insta again - at least Epic realized they have a large IG fan base so that they keep making great super shock rifles. I remember that they messed it up with sniper a little with 2k3, because there wasn't a real sniper for 2k3 (only lightening gun) until the mods came out, so most of my friends that used to play sniper in UT99 kind of gave up on 2k3 and actually, some are still playing old UT.
Wow.. tough room.
[/ QUOTE ]
You think it's bad now? Just wait until the game is released! This board is notorious for just not being completely happy with any release, regardless how much they pine for it beforehand. If it's really polished and has a photo realistic, this board praises stylized cartoony games. If the game is cartoony, they salavate over the next next-gen engine that can render out effects to make a game more immersive and real.
Jelmer: You're silly, one game is purely single player, while the other is purely multiplayer with bot matches and a higher need for framerate. I'd expect UT 2k7 to not look quite as good as Gears of War for that reason.
Jelmer: You're silly, one game is purely single player, while the other is purely multiplayer with bot matches and a higher need for framerate. I'd expect UT 2k7 to not look quite as good as Gears of War for that reason.
[/ QUOTE ]
google before posting is your friend
wish devs would stick to thier roots and push gameplay over graphics. I'll trade fake SSS and shiny boots for assault anyday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er, wtf. Did I read that right?! You're usually pissing and moaning that the games that come out don't *look* like their development shots because they dropped *graphical* features like shadows!
wish devs would stick to thier roots and push gameplay over graphics. I'll trade fake SSS and shiny boots for assault anyday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er, wtf. Did I read that right?! You're usually pissing and moaning that the games that come out don't *look* like their development shots because they dropped *graphical* features like shadows!
[/ QUOTE ]
well... assault really kicked ass. I want it back. Convoy was the pinacle of awesomeness with two good teams.
MoP: oh. Thanks.
Frank the Avenger
wish devs would stick to thier roots and push gameplay over graphics. I'll trade fake SSS and shiny boots for assault anyday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Er, wtf. Did I read that right?! You're usually pissing and moaning that the games that come out don't *look* like their development shots because they dropped *graphical* features like shadows!
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you are missing the point in your eagerness to defend games. I am offended when a company presents product 'A', and delivers product 'B' without specifying what is a representation of, graphically or gameplay wise. Especially when demos for major titles come AFTER the game is released. It used to be backwards, so you knew what you were buying ahead of time. The graphical downgrade is just this unspoken expectation that need not be accepted. Some companies put disclaimers on the screenshots akin to 'this is not a representation of the final product' blah etc. I avidly study game development business models, so I tend to be overly critical when my opinion differs.
My hope was that the difference in assets would be from the seperation of cut-scenes in a single player mode, as it was in UT2K4. But nothing says it will contain a single player mode, and now to hear they are cutting the best gameplay feature they had is seriously dissapointing. The shadows reference to oblivion stood out sure, but oblivion was also lackluster in gameplay moreso.
I am also comparing the PS3 demo of a character from UT2K7 fighting a robot if I remember correctly. Shaders, environment and characters appeard more complex. Could have just been a tech demo.
I'm confused.
I think you are missing the point in your eagerness to defend games. I am offended when a company presents product 'A', and delivers product 'B' without specifying what is a representation of, graphically or gameplay wise.
[/ QUOTE ]
They could just, umm...not show you. Like game companies used to do. They could be all secretive and not show you what UT2k7 until they're done with it, but they're letting you see the cool stuff they're working on instead. And you're complaining that they're changing stuff...while its in development.
Especially when demos for major titles come AFTER the game is released. It used to be backwards, so you knew what you were buying ahead of time.
[/ QUOTE ]
Umm. Last I checked you can still play the demo and then buy the game, even if the demo is released after the game. Its called waiting...
The graphical downgrade is just this unspoken expectation that need not be accepted. Some companies put disclaimers on the screenshots akin to 'this is not a representation of the final product' blah etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps because the game is in development, and most videos of the gameplay, are *gasp* gotten from either company or conference demonstrations showing what their progress is?
My hope was that the difference in assets would be from the seperation of cut-scenes in a single player mode, as it was in UT2K4.
[/ QUOTE ]
Or perhaps them setting it to different levels of detail for the different types of venues they were showing it at? UT2k4 came with the ability to set detail level, so I'm guessing UT2k7 will too.
But nothing says it will contain a single player mode, and now to hear they are cutting the best gameplay feature they had is seriously dissapointing. The shadows reference to oblivion stood out sure, but oblivion was also lackluster in gameplay moreso.
[/ QUOTE ]
Umm...they aren't cutting Assault. It just has a different name and different features. They merged it with Onslaught and called it Unreal Warfare. Think Assault type objectives on maps larger than Onslaught maps, with resource management added in.
I am also comparing the PS3 demo of a character from UT2K7 fighting a robot if I remember correctly. Shaders, environment and characters appeard more complex. Could have just been a tech demo.
[/ QUOTE ]
PS3 hardware is standard across the board. Computer hardware is not.
Whine when its released, not beforehand.