Verm- frequency is probably the forefront of theory, so there's a ton of variations out took me forever to settle on it, but I go for low frequency-high intensity, it's worked wonders for me
... but I'm not trying to cut anymore...I've heard this is something geared more towards bulking.
if you look at my routine, there is no cardio--I'm a wirey guy and need every calorie I get. You should note that the NFL pros have a 4000 calorie a day diet. Also, the rules are a bit different if this isn't a side-hobby thing... if you've got the time there's all sorts of approaches you can take to fill it...
Anyway, in theory the risk of hitting muscles too much can be
1: you will struggle to build new muscle since you spend so much time tearing them. This leads to limit plateaus that could be circumvented quicker with a slow tear-heal-tear process
Overtraining can do more damage than good..on physcological levels as well as physiological ones. The forums over at Johnstone talk about it a good deal.
Anyway, I just wanted to throw that in to offer the counter argument. I respect a high frequency workout, particularly for fat loss(which...I suppose is what this thread is about), it's just not what my goal is.
The basic stuff we're talking about holds true: start weight lifting, start eating better (small meals frequently), and eat protein, do cardio if you're cutting and want something extra to push things.
Right, these sorts of philosophical debates are months down the road for anyone just looking to start getting in shape. Picking any generic routine out of Men's Fiction-- err, Fitness magazine would be a worthwhile starting point.
I found John Stone's forums a couple years ago, but have pretty much cooled on that place. If you aren't into HIIT and MaxOT training, you're an outsider looking in with that group. While overtraining could be an issue, I don't think it's a serious concern for most folks. How many people actually get off their butts four times a week to go to the gym anyway, much less do so with a routine intense enough to cause serious fatigue?
In general, I find that a high-frequency approach keeps me feeling better, simply because I don't push myself to failure on any exercise. Back when I started lifting in the mid-90s, I was the textbook example of overtraining. I once passed out after a leg day becaue my blood sugar was so low, and another time overworked my arms so badly that they were more or less 'stuck' at 45 degrees at the elbows because moving them an either direction was agonizing. Live and learn
Food: Cut back on crap. Sodas are wasted calories. Chips are wasted calories. Drink diet soda if you must drink something, an switch to fruit/veggies/nuts for snacks.
Eat slower. Listen to your body if it says it is full. Don't go back for seconds. Give yourself a reasonable portion, but don't feel you have to finish it if you feel full. Go easy on beer.
Exercise: Just be active. Pick something you actually could enjoy doing, and just do it. If you like riding your bike, bike ride. If you like tennis, play it. If you enjoy time at the gym, weight lift.
Try to avoid using your car if you are just running a quick errand. Need to grab some milk from the store? Jog or walk down there and get it. Many of us who work at computer jobs just become incredibly sedentary. Just doing some basic activity on a regular basis can improve your fitness and metabolism. It also helps with depression and other mental issues.
If you're serious about becoming very fit, run. It is an activity that takes very little time, equipment, or prep time for massive calorie burn. I've begun to run at lunch, and it's great. A half hour hard run is a very good workout. An hour run will kick most people's butts in a serious way.
Personally, I run, bike commute, weight lift, kickbox, do jujutsu/wrestling, and Arnis (stickfighting). If I've got a ton of time on my hands, I might also do some mountain biking, tennis, and swimming. I like a little bit of a lot of things to keep from getting bored.
With regards to food, which I thoroughly enjoy, I've taken to a pay-it-off attitude. If I'm going to be heading out to the pub and drinking a few beers in the evening, I make sure to get in a good run at lunch that day. I just try to earn my calories.
the thing is though i go out and enjoy myslef a lot and would n't really wnat to give that up, so its harder for me because i enjoy my social life.
Having said thatI think the one kind of exercise that i find worthwhile is running. I used to run 8 miles a day, but don't exercise at all these days. i really should get back in to that.
I've gained a bit of weight and I'm workin myself back as well.
One question, if any of you have had experience with one of those at home gym machines? Two big ones I've seen are the full gym thing advertised by Chuck Norris, which uses all cords and is similar to a rowing machine but allows a ton of workouts. The other is the Bowflex. I'm wondering if anyone has owned these and if they last at all. It'd be nice to have a quick gym setup but all those machines seem like they'd wear out just like any other weight machine.
I do either the elliptical or a brisk jog on the treadmill for 30-40 minutes of cardio and fat burning. One day I do upper body workouts + crunches, the next I do lower body workouts + crunches. It definitely pays to live in a apartment complex with a workout room, otherwise a place like Balley's or 24 Hour Fitness is cheap and works well. Disciplining yourself to get there is most of the battle, once you're there it's a lot harder to just leave after only doing a little bit, at least for me.
My cousing swears by that Chuck Norris machine, and she has dropped some weight/gained muscle, so I would tend to believe her. She was moderately fit before, but she's in phenomenal shape since getting that contraption. For some people, just being able to work out at home can be a huge benefit, if going down to the gym is too much of a hassle.
Me, I just keep an olympic bench/squat rack at home in the garage, and bust out a few sets whenever I'm bored.
Awesome, Ryno. Any guy with a power rack in his garage is a-okay in my book!
ebagg, those home machines are generally poor substitutes for free weights and the gear you can get in a real gym - not as dynamic and not as durable. On the other hand, they're obviously better than nothing, and using that is preferrable to sitting around the house. It's not so much what you use as it is how dedicated you are to using it, etc.
For the record, I hate running with a passion. Not only is it extremely uncomfortable (major overpronation, mega ouchies), it's pretty much the opposite end of the catabolic spectrum from muscle building. The yuppies in my neighborhood love it, and I know people who run marathons, but I never go more than a couple miles at a time and that's entirely for endurance purposes. If I had a pool handy, I'd use that instead
I've got an olympic bench, about 200 pounds in plates, and about 140 pounds in dumbells. The bench I bought used for 60 bucks. The weights, in total, have probably cost me a hundred or two, but I've bought them as I needed it was incremental. .
Since I've recently got back into exercise, I've been starting easy.
Someone awhile ago here (I think the last time this topic cropped up hehe) suggested these cheesy exercise videos from the 90's, 8-minute legs, arms etc.
They aren't hard, but I find them to be a good warm up. My current regular routine (until I go home and have space to do more and get some weights) is basically:
8-minute stretch
8-minute arms
8-minute legs
Then I do variations of pushups, somethine like 10 normal, 10 wide, 10 diamond and 10 tiger.
Then about 30 hindu squats
Then back to the arms with some chin ups
Then the legs again with half squats
Then back to the arms with tricep dips (I think that is the name). Basically I have my hands on the bar at the end of my bed with my feet out infront of me on a swiss ball and do about 15 dips. I find having my feet on the ball (for pushups too) is a nice addition as the instability makes you use more muscles just to keep in the correct position.
As I said, not a hard workout, but I've found it to be a good way to ease myself back in and already feel better.
I suggest if you use the 8 minute series that you turn the sound off after the first time, the cheese factor will hit your calorie intake hard.
I'm in the same boat as Verm with running hehe. Even when I was pretty fit I wasn't particularly good at it (endurance problems). I'm not sure if my build is a factor (kinda stocky), but I would definetly rather swim. Instead though I use the exercise bike and computer at the same time (to make it fun ).
Cheers for those links verm, I'm planning on getting into a more serious routine when I get back from the US and those should be really handy.
Sure thing, Lupus. Pretty much everything I know I've learned from someone else's studies, so I'm glad to pass along any info that might help others. John Stone's site is good, too - more for motivation than information, but an interesting read.
I didn't say anything about stretching but should have. I do stretch daily, with an emphasis on my legs. I'm already pretty flexible but my hamstrings have a tendnecy to tighten up, so I focus on them and my inner thighs in particular. I'd say I stretch about 10-15 minutes a day and I used to devote mroe time to it on Saturdays (kind of like yoga) until I started with soccer.
I don't have time for sex, Grindy - I'm way too busy with my circuit-training for that
And yes, to those watching along at home - this is one of my all-time favorite topics and I will talk/write about it non-stop until everyone tells me to shut up
Hmm for me its been a simple deit which works on boosting your metabolisim.
1. Eat a big healthy breakfast,it will kick start to metabolisim for the day to let you start burning calories.
2. Eat every two hours something healthy,fruits,veggies or nuts.
3.lunch,same deal as breakfast but light
4. Eat again for every 2 hours
5. Dinner eat what you want
6. Dont eat after 8
I also excersise 5 times a week, 1 hour typically half on weight half on cardio and i drink tons of oolong tea,which is a tea which raises your metabolisim 10% which in combination with diet and excercise you shed weightt and do it in a healthy way so you wont gain it back. Stay as far from sugar as you can.
Since i began this diet ive lost 86lbs since septemeber and i have 20-35 more to go. God damn stomach wont die.
Also leaving the fattest city in the nation and by default the world has helped alot too.
With regards to beverages, people need to be very very careful when drinking juices instead of sodas. The general perception is that since it comes from fruit, it's natural and thus healthy, etc. While not as 'bad' for you as a 2-liter of Mountain Dew, fruit juices are still very high in natural sugar and so really should be avoided on a fat loss diet, with the possible exception of peri- and post-workout phases. Here's a comparison that is probably a bit surprising:
12oz can of Coke: 140 calories, 39g of sugar.
12oz of Tropicana orange juice: 165 calories, 33g sugar.
Might as well just drink the Coke and pop a vitamin C tablet, yeah?
Water is almost always the best possible beverage choice, but I get a lot of fluids from protein shakes and (I'll admit) diet soda. One drink that's highly recommended for fat loss is green tea, as it seems to work as a glucose regulator that keeps your blood sugar levels in check (spiking your blood sugar with too many calories in your system is why so many Americans are fat and pre-diabetic. Meals that are primarily fats + simple carbohydrates [french fries or donuts, for example] are just murder on your insulin sensitivity).
A handy site to check out just what all is in the foods you eat is When I started out, I was very surprised at how different my actual nutrient intake was from what I had beleived it to be.
So, not to be to mega gay or anything, but I'd like to see more pictures of you guys. Before & afters would be a plus, so I can get a visual guage of your success. Verm sounds like he's "Gigantor - the Muscle Deity", but Im guessing that is not the case.
I've recently become doubly frustrated with my health & appearance. I drink 10x the average quantity of soda, and while Im reasonably active in my day to day behavior I dont work out. I pay 31$ for a gym membership every month that I dont use, so Im hoping to change that soon.
Soda's huge. I went from drinking 3-5 sugary sodas a day to the same number of diet sodas (diet dr pepper for teh win!) and I shed 20 pounds in a month and a half just for starters. Then I got back into working out and dropped another 20. Now I'm working on gaining it back in muscle mass.
So, not to be to mega gay or anything, but I'd like to see more pictures of you guys. Before & afters would be a plus, so I can get a visual guage of your success. Verm sounds like he's "Gigantor - the Muscle Deity", but Im guessing that is not the case.
[/ QUOTE ]
Would you be satisfied with just a shot of my cock, or do you want to see my ass, too?
I don't have any pics of myself, or at least none that would give any idea of how I'm built. But I already mentioned that I'm 5'9" and 165lbs - how do you get a "Gigantor" impression from numbers like that?
Soda's huge. I went from drinking 3-5 sugary sodas a day to the same number of diet sodas (diet dr pepper for teh win!) and I shed 20 pounds in a month and a half just for starters.
[/ QUOTE ]
Truth!! Soda is so very bad.
I'm 6' 2" and got up to 237 lbs. over the course of a few years. Then I panicked because a girl I'd adored for years and years declared she would visit me in a few months, and decided to get un-fat. I exercised almost not at all but counted calories religiously, and ended up somewhere between 195 and 200 in six or seven months ...
Now I'm working out regularly too, and gaining weight. Mr. Trainer Man sez it's muscle. I'm actually looking kinda good, from certain limited angles, with appropriate lighting. It's happy.
Verm: Because thats almost my exact height & weight, and Im thin with a belly.
[/ QUOTE ]
Amongst the bodybuilding snobs, that's what they call skinny-fat Turn 15 pounds of that fat into muscle and I bet you'd look dead sexy. You know, like me.
yep soda and fast food are the two poisons i try to avoid,on average i drink 1 can of coke per month. Ive tried many many things in my life which have addictive qualities but the one thing which still i cannot kick is sugar.
So matter how much i try it calls to me. But at least i managed to lay off the sodas quite a bit.
I think some of you are being too harsh on the Atkins Diet. I'll admit eating fried hamburger meat everynight is an unhealthy way to eat low carb. But here's one of the weekly dinner menus I have:
Chicken Soup w/ Carrots/Tomatos/Celery and Spices
8 oz Steak w/ Asparagus and chives
Pork Chops w/ Boiled cabbage and green beans
Meatloaf w/ Steamed Brocoli/Cauliflower/Carrots and light cheese sause
Grilled Chicken Salad w/ chopped egg, tomato, olives, romaine, and ceaser dressing
I'll also admit that I failed and strayed from the diet and gained 30 lbs back. When I left Terminal Reality I lost my workout buddies, and Ensemble had too many free twinkies/oreos/cupcakes readily available. Since starting the diet again my wife and I cook way more, we stopped eating fast food and sugary snacks, and we haven't bought a single Atkins Brand product.
It's also worth mentioning that my heart rate, blood pressure, and cholestoral all went from borderline bad to better than average. Of course I also worked out 5 days a week so that helped a lot too.
The key to anything, weather it is losing weight or putting on bulk is water. Seriosly, I drink about 12-15 bottles a day.
So I piss alot. Big deal, it helps clean your sytem, makes it easer for your muscles to grow, and helps while losing weight. So, whatever you are trying to do, just drink a shitload of water.
So, not to be to mega gay or anything, but I'd like to see more pictures of you guys. Before & afters would be a plus, so I can get a visual guage of your success. Verm sounds like he's "Gigantor - the Muscle Deity", but Im guessing that is not the case.
I've recently become doubly frustrated with my health & appearance. I drink 10x the average quantity of soda, and while Im reasonably active in my day to day behavior I dont work out. I pay 31$ for a gym membership every month that I dont use, so Im hoping to change that soon.
[/ QUOTE ]
my before and after is thin to fat. I'm working on getting it the other way around but I did take a picture this time last year, despite my weightlifting I'm still about the same frikkin size with a little more gut Pecktorals are way bigger though (bigger than my ex-girlfriends boobs!) thanks to stepping up my pressup routine.
for many people just changing their diet could be the easy solution... i am sure many cant dedicate their busy time to a strict workout routine. Juggling family, down time and crunchtime is hard enough already ...
I am very impressed with daz's and Jo's improvements
ok so I didn't want to do this because being humble and modest is important and all but I guess this could be used as good reference material, here are some quick shots I took just now:
I lift at the gym sunday-thursday, and eat fast food every day for lunch, wendys, arbys, mcdonalds, jerrys subs, chick-fil-a, taco bell, and kfc. i have a ridiculous matabolism and can eat cake for a week straight without gaining a pound. In terms of tips, All my sexual frustration is what powers me up at the gym though, I wouldn't be doing this if I had a girlfriend and I also like to imagine I'm Omega Red or Sagat while lifting Don't be afraid to push yourself, just be careful not to hurt yourself, be sure to have a spotter, and stretch!
Good job steady, and all well and good for now, but imho you're sending out a questionable message that you can retain a good shape and eat crap like that every day for any period of time because you have a 'ridiculous metabolism'.
It is not just your ridiculous metabolism allowing you to get away with that. My guess is you are significantly under 25. Maintain that diet for long, and there is no way you'll be able to maintain your weight. Once you get into your late twenties, or even earlier, you will pile it on. Lord knows what you're doing to your arteries.
Lee, personally I did low carb because I just didn't have the willpower to try anything else.
Atkins said it best when he said any diet based on starvation is doomed to fail. I personally have had success with Atkins dropping 50 lbs in about 3 months. I went off it again for about two months, but I am back on it, hoping to make my target weight of 220lbs, I'm about 250lbs now
What Daz said about the look of your face is 100% true.
Not only am I wearing pants 4 inches smaller.. I also don't have such a fat head anymore.. as evidenced by below photographic evidence.
Lee, personally I did low carb because I just didn't have the willpower to try anything else.
Atkins said it best when he said any diet based on starvation is doomed to fail. I personally have had success with Atkins dropping 50 lbs in about 3 months. I went off it again for about two months, but I am back on it, hoping to make my target weight of 220lbs, I'm about 250lbs now
What Daz said about the look of your face is 100% true.
Not only am I wearing pants 4 inches smaller.. I also don't have such a fat head anymore.. as evidenced by below photographic evidence. Image on the right is me now.
With me, a good way to find an ideal weight, is to use the most weight you can successfull do 20 reps with. I have had good results with that. Then immediately move to a muscle group in close proximity. like doing Curls, inverted curls, hammercurls, etc, of course, I am not a personal trainer
Also, if you don't enjoy your exercise, you will be less likely to do it, do something you enjoy for the most success.
Atkins style low carb products are good for the occasional snack, but if you are going to do low carb successfully, you should eat lots of natural 0 carb meat products, and lots of high fiber, low carb vegetables... also.. variety is the key, if you get bored, you are more likely to stray.
atkins diet seems like the quick fix diet to me. You shed pounds quickly, but it doesn't really change your lifestyle and eating right. I'm trying to eat better, eat small meals per day, stop eating food after 9pm, workout everyday and hopefully i'll loose some of this computer weight that I have been carrying around for so many years.
Everyone in the office is average or thin, I need to merge into the collective.
oh, JO420. You cannot buy Oolong tea in my area of NJ, I have looked . I drink alot of hot tea, so i'll have to do mail order to try this tea.
... but I'm not trying to cut anymore...I've heard this is something geared more towards bulking.
if you look at my routine, there is no cardio--I'm a wirey guy and need every calorie I get. You should note that the NFL pros have a 4000 calorie a day diet. Also, the rules are a bit different if this isn't a side-hobby thing... if you've got the time there's all sorts of approaches you can take to fill it...
Anyway, in theory the risk of hitting muscles too much can be
1: you will struggle to build new muscle since you spend so much time tearing them. This leads to limit plateaus that could be circumvented quicker with a slow tear-heal-tear process
Overtraining can do more damage than good..on physcological levels as well as physiological ones. The forums over at Johnstone talk about it a good deal.
Anyway, I just wanted to throw that in to offer the counter argument. I respect a high frequency workout, particularly for fat loss(which...I suppose is what this thread is about), it's just not what my goal is.
The basic stuff we're talking about holds true: start weight lifting, start eating better (small meals frequently), and eat protein, do cardio if you're cutting and want something extra to push things.
I found John Stone's forums a couple years ago, but have pretty much cooled on that place. If you aren't into HIIT and MaxOT training, you're an outsider looking in with that group. While overtraining could be an issue, I don't think it's a serious concern for most folks. How many people actually get off their butts four times a week to go to the gym anyway, much less do so with a routine intense enough to cause serious fatigue?
In general, I find that a high-frequency approach keeps me feeling better, simply because I don't push myself to failure on any exercise. Back when I started lifting in the mid-90s, I was the textbook example of overtraining. I once passed out after a leg day becaue my blood sugar was so low, and another time overworked my arms so badly that they were more or less 'stuck' at 45 degrees at the elbows because moving them an either direction was agonizing. Live and learn
Eat slower. Listen to your body if it says it is full. Don't go back for seconds. Give yourself a reasonable portion, but don't feel you have to finish it if you feel full. Go easy on beer.
Exercise: Just be active. Pick something you actually could enjoy doing, and just do it. If you like riding your bike, bike ride. If you like tennis, play it. If you enjoy time at the gym, weight lift.
Try to avoid using your car if you are just running a quick errand. Need to grab some milk from the store? Jog or walk down there and get it. Many of us who work at computer jobs just become incredibly sedentary. Just doing some basic activity on a regular basis can improve your fitness and metabolism. It also helps with depression and other mental issues.
If you're serious about becoming very fit, run. It is an activity that takes very little time, equipment, or prep time for massive calorie burn. I've begun to run at lunch, and it's great. A half hour hard run is a very good workout. An hour run will kick most people's butts in a serious way.
Personally, I run, bike commute, weight lift, kickbox, do jujutsu/wrestling, and Arnis (stickfighting). If I've got a ton of time on my hands, I might also do some mountain biking, tennis, and swimming. I like a little bit of a lot of things to keep from getting bored.
With regards to food, which I thoroughly enjoy, I've taken to a pay-it-off attitude. If I'm going to be heading out to the pub and drinking a few beers in the evening, I make sure to get in a good run at lunch that day. I just try to earn my calories.
Having said thatI think the one kind of exercise that i find worthwhile is running. I used to run 8 miles a day, but don't exercise at all these days. i really should get back in to that.
One question, if any of you have had experience with one of those at home gym machines? Two big ones I've seen are the full gym thing advertised by Chuck Norris, which uses all cords and is similar to a rowing machine but allows a ton of workouts. The other is the Bowflex. I'm wondering if anyone has owned these and if they last at all. It'd be nice to have a quick gym setup but all those machines seem like they'd wear out just like any other weight machine.
I do either the elliptical or a brisk jog on the treadmill for 30-40 minutes of cardio and fat burning. One day I do upper body workouts + crunches, the next I do lower body workouts + crunches. It definitely pays to live in a apartment complex with a workout room, otherwise a place like Balley's or 24 Hour Fitness is cheap and works well. Disciplining yourself to get there is most of the battle, once you're there it's a lot harder to just leave after only doing a little bit, at least for me.
Me, I just keep an olympic bench/squat rack at home in the garage, and bust out a few sets whenever I'm bored.
ebagg, those home machines are generally poor substitutes for free weights and the gear you can get in a real gym - not as dynamic and not as durable. On the other hand, they're obviously better than nothing, and using that is preferrable to sitting around the house. It's not so much what you use as it is how dedicated you are to using it, etc.
For the record, I hate running with a passion. Not only is it extremely uncomfortable (major overpronation, mega ouchies), it's pretty much the opposite end of the catabolic spectrum from muscle building. The yuppies in my neighborhood love it, and I know people who run marathons, but I never go more than a couple miles at a time and that's entirely for endurance purposes. If I had a pool handy, I'd use that instead
Someone awhile ago here (I think the last time this topic cropped up hehe) suggested these cheesy exercise videos from the 90's, 8-minute legs, arms etc.
They aren't hard, but I find them to be a good warm up. My current regular routine (until I go home and have space to do more and get some weights) is basically:
8-minute stretch
8-minute arms
8-minute legs
Then I do variations of pushups, somethine like 10 normal, 10 wide, 10 diamond and 10 tiger.
Then about 30 hindu squats
Then back to the arms with some chin ups
Then the legs again with half squats
Then back to the arms with tricep dips (I think that is the name). Basically I have my hands on the bar at the end of my bed with my feet out infront of me on a swiss ball and do about 15 dips. I find having my feet on the ball (for pushups too) is a nice addition as the instability makes you use more muscles just to keep in the correct position.
As I said, not a hard workout, but I've found it to be a good way to ease myself back in and already feel better.
I suggest if you use the 8 minute series that you turn the sound off after the first time, the cheese factor will hit your calorie intake hard.
I'm in the same boat as Verm with running hehe. Even when I was pretty fit I wasn't particularly good at it (endurance problems). I'm not sure if my build is a factor (kinda stocky), but I would definetly rather swim. Instead though I use the exercise bike and computer at the same time (to make it fun
Cheers for those links verm, I'm planning on getting into a more serious routine when I get back from the US and those should be really handy.
*notices he's the first to mention it*
I didn't say anything about stretching but should have. I do stretch daily, with an emphasis on my legs. I'm already pretty flexible but my hamstrings have a tendnecy to tighten up, so I focus on them and my inner thighs in particular. I'd say I stretch about 10-15 minutes a day and I used to devote mroe time to it on Saturdays (kind of like yoga) until I started with soccer.
I don't have time for sex, Grindy - I'm way too busy with my circuit-training for that
Hmm for me its been a simple deit which works on boosting your metabolisim.
1. Eat a big healthy breakfast,it will kick start to metabolisim for the day to let you start burning calories.
2. Eat every two hours something healthy,fruits,veggies or nuts.
3.lunch,same deal as breakfast but light
4. Eat again for every 2 hours
5. Dinner eat what you want
6. Dont eat after 8
I also excersise 5 times a week, 1 hour typically half on weight half on cardio and i drink tons of oolong tea,which is a tea which raises your metabolisim 10% which in combination with diet and excercise you shed weightt and do it in a healthy way so you wont gain it back. Stay as far from sugar as you can.
Since i began this diet ive lost 86lbs since septemeber and i have 20-35 more to go. God damn stomach wont die.
Also leaving the fattest city in the nation and by default the world has helped alot too.
Drink diet soda if you must drink something,
[/ QUOTE ]
water, juice perhaps?
In response to the thread title, I think it's worth mentioning here too, that you can't loose weight, but you can lose it.
Impressive J0420!
I've heard lots of sex is a great workout.
*notices he's the first to mention it*
[/ QUOTE ]
You fail at reading!
keep going verm, i'll keep reading
[/ QUOTE ]
Be careful waht you wish for!
With regards to beverages, people need to be very very careful when drinking juices instead of sodas. The general perception is that since it comes from fruit, it's natural and thus healthy, etc. While not as 'bad' for you as a 2-liter of Mountain Dew, fruit juices are still very high in natural sugar and so really should be avoided on a fat loss diet, with the possible exception of peri- and post-workout phases. Here's a comparison that is probably a bit surprising:
12oz can of Coke: 140 calories, 39g of sugar.
12oz of Tropicana orange juice: 165 calories, 33g sugar.
Might as well just drink the Coke and pop a vitamin C tablet, yeah?
Water is almost always the best possible beverage choice, but I get a lot of fluids from protein shakes and (I'll admit) diet soda. One drink that's highly recommended for fat loss is green tea, as it seems to work as a glucose regulator that keeps your blood sugar levels in check (spiking your blood sugar with too many calories in your system is why so many Americans are fat and pre-diabetic. Meals that are primarily fats + simple carbohydrates [french fries or donuts, for example] are just murder on your insulin sensitivity).
A handy site to check out just what all is in the foods you eat is When I started out, I was very surprised at how different my actual nutrient intake was from what I had beleived it to be.
In response to the thread title, I think it's worth mentioning here too, that you can't loose weight, but you can lose it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oooooooh, now who's the smartie pants?!
I've recently become doubly frustrated with my health & appearance. I drink 10x the average quantity of soda, and while Im reasonably active in my day to day behavior I dont work out. I pay 31$ for a gym membership every month that I dont use, so Im hoping to change that soon.
So, not to be to mega gay or anything, but I'd like to see more pictures of you guys. Before & afters would be a plus, so I can get a visual guage of your success. Verm sounds like he's "Gigantor - the Muscle Deity", but Im guessing that is not the case.
[/ QUOTE ]
Would you be satisfied with just a shot of my cock, or do you want to see my ass, too?
I don't have any pics of myself, or at least none that would give any idea of how I'm built. But I already mentioned that I'm 5'9" and 165lbs - how do you get a "Gigantor" impression from numbers like that?
Soda's huge. I went from drinking 3-5 sugary sodas a day to the same number of diet sodas (diet dr pepper for teh win!) and I shed 20 pounds in a month and a half just for starters.
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Truth!! Soda is so very bad.
I'm 6' 2" and got up to 237 lbs. over the course of a few years. Then I panicked because a girl I'd adored for years and years declared she would visit me in a few months, and decided to get un-fat. I exercised almost not at all but counted calories religiously, and ended up somewhere between 195 and 200 in six or seven months ...
Now I'm working out regularly too, and gaining weight. Mr. Trainer Man sez it's muscle. I'm actually looking kinda good, from certain limited angles, with appropriate lighting. It's happy.
Verm: Because thats almost my exact height & weight, and Im thin with a belly.
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Amongst the bodybuilding snobs, that's what they call skinny-fat
I'm 6'4", and 195 lbs. And that's been the same for the past 5 years. In fact, I'd like to add some pounds. Doesn't seem possible.
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Have you tried eating?
So matter how much i try it calls to me. But at least i managed to lay off the sodas quite a bit.
I think some of you are being too harsh on the Atkins Diet. I'll admit eating fried hamburger meat everynight is an unhealthy way to eat low carb. But here's one of the weekly dinner menus I have:
Chicken Soup w/ Carrots/Tomatos/Celery and Spices
8 oz Steak w/ Asparagus and chives
Pork Chops w/ Boiled cabbage and green beans
Meatloaf w/ Steamed Brocoli/Cauliflower/Carrots and light cheese sause
Grilled Chicken Salad w/ chopped egg, tomato, olives, romaine, and ceaser dressing
I'll also admit that I failed and strayed from the diet and gained 30 lbs back. When I left Terminal Reality I lost my workout buddies, and Ensemble had too many free twinkies/oreos/cupcakes readily available. Since starting the diet again my wife and I cook way more, we stopped eating fast food and sugary snacks, and we haven't bought a single Atkins Brand product.
It's also worth mentioning that my heart rate, blood pressure, and cholestoral all went from borderline bad to better than average. Of course I also worked out 5 days a week so that helped a lot too.
So I piss alot. Big deal, it helps clean your sytem, makes it easer for your muscles to grow, and helps while losing weight. So, whatever you are trying to do, just drink a shitload of water.
being well hydrated also helps you think IMO
im giving up coffee, since working at this peice of shit office, i drink so much out of pure boredom, and it not doing me any good.
I've heard lots of sex is a great workout.
*notices he's the first to mention it*
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wrong! hah
So, not to be to mega gay or anything, but I'd like to see more pictures of you guys. Before & afters would be a plus, so I can get a visual guage of your success. Verm sounds like he's "Gigantor - the Muscle Deity", but Im guessing that is not the case.
I've recently become doubly frustrated with my health & appearance. I drink 10x the average quantity of soda, and while Im reasonably active in my day to day behavior I dont work out. I pay 31$ for a gym membership every month that I dont use, so Im hoping to change that soon.
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my before and after is thin to fat. I'm working on getting it the other way around but I did take a picture this time last year, despite my weightlifting I'm still about the same frikkin size with a little more gut
yes, I have no head
And remember...
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awwwwww will. I didn't know you cared about me so much!
I am very impressed with daz's and Jo's improvements
here i am last year around this time
5'8" 140lbs yah i have light bones
I lift at the gym sunday-thursday, and eat fast food every day for lunch, wendys, arbys, mcdonalds, jerrys subs, chick-fil-a, taco bell, and kfc. i have a ridiculous matabolism and can eat cake for a week straight without gaining a pound. In terms of tips, All my sexual frustration is what powers me up at the gym though, I wouldn't be doing this if I had a girlfriend
It is not just your ridiculous metabolism allowing you to get away with that. My guess is you are significantly under 25. Maintain that diet for long, and there is no way you'll be able to maintain your weight. Once you get into your late twenties, or even earlier, you will pile it on. Lord knows what you're doing to your arteries.
Atkins said it best when he said any diet based on starvation is doomed to fail. I personally have had success with Atkins dropping 50 lbs in about 3 months. I went off it again for about two months, but I am back on it, hoping to make my target weight of 220lbs, I'm about 250lbs now
What Daz said about the look of your face is 100% true.
Not only am I wearing pants 4 inches smaller.. I also don't have such a fat head anymore.. as evidenced by below photographic evidence.
Lee, personally I did low carb because I just didn't have the willpower to try anything else.
Atkins said it best when he said any diet based on starvation is doomed to fail. I personally have had success with Atkins dropping 50 lbs in about 3 months. I went off it again for about two months, but I am back on it, hoping to make my target weight of 220lbs, I'm about 250lbs now
What Daz said about the look of your face is 100% true.
Not only am I wearing pants 4 inches smaller.. I also don't have such a fat head anymore.. as evidenced by below photographic evidence. Image on the right is me now.
Also, if you don't enjoy your exercise, you will be less likely to do it, do something you enjoy for the most success.
Broccoli and Green beans for the win!
Everyone in the office is average or thin, I need to merge into the collective.
oh, JO420. You cannot buy Oolong tea in my area of NJ, I have looked