The models and textures arent that bad.
They actually have facial expressions.
The rendering is really nice
The water and island environment look good.
I'm actually impressed.
See I was shocked because i assume porn games look like crap. Though porn industy is huge, you'd they think can afford good GRAPPFIX by now! What do I know, I've never played a porn game other than C-show in 7th grade and that wasnt even a game it was some shitty program that let you view precompressed images or something. Well, this game looks like they do have everything ive ever wanted. And its in 3 dimensions... im sold. Multi-player Sex Orgy! I can't NOT play that. Does BF2 have Multi-player Sex Orgy? I dont think so. This is the first time ive ever seen this too.
In all seriousness I'm not getting this.. its just fun to joke around..
I don't know if it's ok to post a link to it, but look at the screenshot where the guy is on his back with the girl sitting in front of him. Their thighs are clipping! With collision that bad, I bet the places to violate her are endless!
Looks hilarious, they obviously took Elisha Cuthbert and that victoria secret model for the blonde and brunette.
They need more realistic rendering, like the one from the above shot rendered in Unreal Engine 3.0
I'm so getting Version 3!!!
I agree the animation is really bad, all they need is make lots of money off of this and then get some mocap done. I think it looks ok, its TONS better and more realistic than the first one. So things are only gonna get better for them.
Weiser: I'd rather get two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole multi colored collection of uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls and have a fun time in Vegas.
I think this is a really good effort and a step forward for this type of game. I'm pretty impressed, most of these games are shitty slide shows and don't even have 3d models. This one is the best looking so far, it looks better than the virtual jenna game which this game appears to have cloned. I could tear apart the environments if I wanted to put I think it is a job well done, it's hard to get real game developers to work on this type of project.
I've seen an awful lot worse, and I've researched this stuff an awful lot. A friend and I had planned something similiar years ago, but just never found the time.
Agreed though, the motion is bad, as is the rigging by the looks of things. I'd be curious to see what the 'gameplay' is, and no, not that kind of curious. I'd be highly surprised If this is remotely tittilating. That guys knob in the press kit is an odd shape.
*edit* that was worded badly. I didn't mean that it wouldn't be arousing *because* the guys knob is a strange shape. Those are two distinctly seperate sentences.
3d porn is stupid. The world does not need this crap although I understand why it exists. If you want to jerk off then go watch a real porn or even better yet get yourself a REAL gf...I don't understand how polygons could do it for anyone.
You have a right to your identity which is why Kahn sued EA over the FIFA games but I think that doesn't apply when it just looks like you rather than actually supposed to be you.
I'm supposed to jerk off to this? I don't get it.
[/ QUOTE ]
You don't have to jerk off- check out the press kit: the game is compatable with the amazing SEX MACHINE, a kewl mechanical auto-jerker. With suck, stroke, and vibrate modes. Take THAT, Wii! you plug the sex machine into your usb port and it reacts to what's happening in the game? Haha I sure wouldn't want to try that until they worked out all the glitches!!!!
[ QUOTE ] you plug the sex machine into your usb port and it reacts to what's happening in the game? Haha I sure wouldn't want to try that until they worked out all the glitches!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, like when it accidenatlly goes into bite mode
ยง 102. Subject matter of copyright: In general26
(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:
(1) literary works;
(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;
(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;
(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;
(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;
(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
(7) sound recordings; and
(8) architectural works.
(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can only patent and copyright artificial things. Otherwise i would patent my face and if there would happen to be someone else who looks like me i would have their face removed, does it sound logical?
Semantics! Wheres that from? Your use of the word copyright in the first place was probably wrong.
Regardless, in practical terms, you CANNOT make a model that is a reasonable likeness of Elisha Cuthbert and stick it in a commercial product without seeking out her permission and paying for it!
Haha. Brilliant. Quite amazing 'games' like this exist, I can't imagine it working on either level.
That cock is pretty detailed, although has an odd black blur. The face is totally Cuthbert too. Thinking from a dev standpoint, how many of you would want something like that on your CV or would you deem it just another gig?
"So what was your role?"...."I was responsible for modelling and texturing the lead characters penis."
Semantics! Wheres that from? Your use of the word copyright in the first place was probably wrong.
Regardless, in practical terms, you CANNOT make a model that is a reasonable likeness of Elisha Cuthbert and stick it in a commercial product without seeking out her permission and paying for it!
Go ahead, and see what happens. Treat yourself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nothing happens unless there is more evidence that its supposed to be her.
edit: and the previous quote is directly from US copyright law.
I was merely addressing your original comment which *implied* that If it was the spitting image of her, then that would be fine, faces aren't copyrighted.
I'm simply saying that's just not the case. Otherwise why the heck do places like EA give Sean Connery millions of dollars to use his face? Doh, I should have told them not to give him the money, that it's OK to just use it without paying for it, 'cos Toomas said it was.
I don't even think that it looks like her!
I was merely addressing your original comment which *implied* that If it was the spitting image of her, then that would be fine, faces aren't copyrighted.
I'm simply saying that's just not the case. Otherwise why the heck do places like EA give Sean Connery millions of dollars to use his face? Doh, I should have told them not to give him the money, that it's OK to just use it without paying for it, 'cos Toomas said it was.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because they use Connery as a Bond character, there is the evidence that he is supposed to be Connery.
If you model a random realistic face then likely there is real person who looks almost like that - thus you would have to pay some person who you dont even know
That's totally bizarre logic. Were not talking about random people. Were talking about stars, actors. With agents, and big fat lawyers. The bottom line is, that if this model was the spitting image of Cuthbert, and it was obvious it was her, and she was in this game giving blowjobs with her tits out then yeah, she'd be suing your ass.
So now you imply that everyone should know every "big star"?
Do you know every Bollywood or HK movie star or even every "big league" hockey or football or basketball player by face?
I dont for example, maybe im weird?
You can't seek legal action against someone who looks like you because you have no contractual bond to that person.
I don't know what Elisha's situation is, but in the case of Adriana Lima, her entire body and likeness is most likely contractually bound to Victoria Secret. Basically Victoria Secret owns her because they pay her. Therefore she is the property of Victoria Secret (or whoever owns Victoria Secret).
It would be a very weak arguement if they were to say that it was purely by chance that these models look like the mentioned celebrities.
That's like me punching you in the face and saying I was merely trying to shoo the fly away.
It's pretty blatant.
So now you imply that everyone should know every "big star"?
Do you know every Bollywood or HK movie star or even every "big league" hockey or football or basketball player by face?
I dont for example, maybe im weird?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, I don't imply anything of the sort. And neither do I have any clue what you're talking about.
What I do know, after 6 years in the US of working on videogames featuring actors is that you have to pay fuck loads of cash for the use of their likenesses. You cant just pick a model or actors face and use that in your commercial product If you dont have the usage rights. FACT.
Dude, they took it to court years ago Michael Jorden sued to have his likeness taken off of T-shirts. It's about legal precedent. Try to find "fair use" in those copyright laws. You can't. It's another court decision.
No, I don't imply anything of the sort. And neither do I have any clue what you're talking about.
What I do know, after 6 years in the US of working on videogames featuring actors is that you have to pay fuck loads of cash for the use of their likenesses. You cant just pick a model or actors face and use that in your commercial product If you dont have the usage rights. FACT.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, Daz is like Pierce Brosnan's official e-servant. If anybody knows anything about celebrity likenesses in games, it's Daz.
What I do know, after 6 years in the US of working on videogames featuring actors is that you have to pay fuck loads of cash for the use of their likenesses. You cant just pick a model or actors face and use that in your commercial product If you dont have the usage rights. FACT.
The whole team of a game like that can go to hell. What a bunch of degraded lowlifes. Pathatic and retarted. Unbelievable that there are still idiots that come up with ideas like this, and have fellow retards help them. Crap like this makes me wish we had a human ranking system, so I could distantiate from this bunch of neanderthal morons, responsible for this pathatic garbage. BAH
Besides the fact its for ADULTS ONLY.
Here are a few comments.
The models and textures arent that bad.
They actually have facial expressions.
The rendering is really nice
The water and island environment look good.
I'm actually impressed.
See I was shocked because i assume porn games look like crap. Though porn industy is huge, you'd they think can afford good GRAPPFIX by now! What do I know, I've never played a porn game other than C-show in 7th grade and that wasnt even a game it was some shitty program that let you view precompressed images or something. Well, this game looks like they do have everything ive ever wanted. And its in 3 dimensions... im sold. Multi-player Sex Orgy! I can't NOT play that. Does BF2 have Multi-player Sex Orgy? I dont think so. This is the first time ive ever seen this too.
In all seriousness I'm not getting this.. its just fun to joke around..
-I'm totally getting this.
The head models (FEMALE HEAD YOU PERVS) are nicely done, and the bodies are decent, but it's totally ruined by the animation.
Looks nice in stills, crappy in motion. Ah well, I don't expect much from this type of game!
Take a look at the press kit, see how much texture detail they got onto that penis. I bet Bobo was contracted to model that.
The models and textures are bad.
They actually have lame facial expressions.
The rendering is really ugly
The water and island environment look ass.
The models and textures are bad.
They actually have lame facial expressions.
The rendering is really ugly
The water and island environment look ass.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think swampbug was referring to these features being surprising for the type of game it is.
Looks hilarious, they obviously took Elisha Cuthbert and that victoria secret model for the blonde and brunette.
Needs skin shader, normals maps maybe. Ugly black vertex shading in screenshots = GROSS.
I'm so getting Version 3!!!
I agree the animation is really bad, all they need is make lots of money off of this and then get some mocap done. I think it looks ok, its TONS better and more realistic than the first one. So things are only gonna get better for them.
It's terrible.
You know for forty bucks and the time I'd spend 'playing' this game I can just go get aids in brazil and give my hollow life a poignant end.
[/ QUOTE ]
So what are you waiting for?
Take a look at the press kit, see how much texture detail they got onto that penis. I bet Bobo was contracted to model that.
[/ QUOTE ]
Weiser: I'd rather get two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole multi colored collection of uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls and have a fun time in Vegas.
Agreed though, the motion is bad, as is the rigging by the looks of things. I'd be curious to see what the 'gameplay' is, and no, not that kind of curious. I'd be highly surprised If this is remotely tittilating. That guys knob in the press kit is an odd shape.
*edit* that was worded badly. I didn't mean that it wouldn't be arousing *because* the guys knob is a strange shape. Those are two distinctly seperate sentences.
the blond girl is sooooooooo elisha cuthbert...
[/ QUOTE ]
With the mouth of Angelina Jolie..
"The Virtual Sex Machine has three different functions
Vibrate, Suck, and Stroke."
And maybe Elisha Cuthbert will sue them.
And maybe Elisha Cuthbert will sue them.
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont think you can copyright your likeness.
I'm supposed to jerk off to this? I don't get it.
[/ QUOTE ]
You don't have to jerk off- check out the press kit: the game is compatable with the amazing SEX MACHINE, a kewl mechanical auto-jerker. With suck, stroke, and vibrate modes. Take THAT, Wii!
they contacted me to model my knob for the game but it broke the system. you plug the sex machine into your usb port and it reacts to what's happening in the game? Haha I sure wouldn't want to try that until they worked out all the glitches!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, like when it accidenatlly goes into bite mode
I dont think you can copyright your likeness.
[/ QUOTE ]
An actors likeness is certainly copyrighted. You can't use it without paying for it.
ยง 102. Subject matter of copyright: In general26
(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:
(1) literary works;
(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;
(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;
(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;
(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;
(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
(7) sound recordings; and
(8) architectural works.
(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can only patent and copyright artificial things. Otherwise i would patent my face and if there would happen to be someone else who looks like me i would have their face removed, does it sound logical?
Regardless, in practical terms, you CANNOT make a model that is a reasonable likeness of Elisha Cuthbert and stick it in a commercial product without seeking out her permission and paying for it!
Go ahead, and see what happens. Treat yourself.
That cock is pretty detailed, although has an odd black blur. The face is totally Cuthbert too. Thinking from a dev standpoint, how many of you would want something like that on your CV or would you deem it just another gig?
"So what was your role?"...."I was responsible for modelling and texturing the lead characters penis."
Semantics! Wheres that from? Your use of the word copyright in the first place was probably wrong.
Regardless, in practical terms, you CANNOT make a model that is a reasonable likeness of Elisha Cuthbert and stick it in a commercial product without seeking out her permission and paying for it!
Go ahead, and see what happens. Treat yourself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nothing happens unless there is more evidence that its supposed to be her.
edit: and the previous quote is directly from US copyright law.
I was merely addressing your original comment which *implied* that If it was the spitting image of her, then that would be fine, faces aren't copyrighted.
I'm simply saying that's just not the case. Otherwise why the heck do places like EA give Sean Connery millions of dollars to use his face? Doh, I should have told them not to give him the money, that it's OK to just use it without paying for it, 'cos Toomas said it was.
I don't even think that it looks like her!
I was merely addressing your original comment which *implied* that If it was the spitting image of her, then that would be fine, faces aren't copyrighted.
I'm simply saying that's just not the case. Otherwise why the heck do places like EA give Sean Connery millions of dollars to use his face? Doh, I should have told them not to give him the money, that it's OK to just use it without paying for it, 'cos Toomas said it was.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because they use Connery as a Bond character, there is the evidence that he is supposed to be Connery.
If you model a random realistic face then likely there is real person who looks almost like that - thus you would have to pay some person who you dont even know
Do you know every Bollywood or HK movie star or even every "big league" hockey or football or basketball player by face?
I dont for example, maybe im weird?
I don't know what Elisha's situation is, but in the case of Adriana Lima, her entire body and likeness is most likely contractually bound to Victoria Secret. Basically Victoria Secret owns her because they pay her. Therefore she is the property of Victoria Secret (or whoever owns Victoria Secret).
It would be a very weak arguement if they were to say that it was purely by chance that these models look like the mentioned celebrities.
That's like me punching you in the face and saying I was merely trying to shoo the fly away.
It's pretty blatant.
So now you imply that everyone should know every "big star"?
Do you know every Bollywood or HK movie star or even every "big league" hockey or football or basketball player by face?
I dont for example, maybe im weird?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, I don't imply anything of the sort. And neither do I have any clue what you're talking about.
What I do know, after 6 years in the US of working on videogames featuring actors is that you have to pay fuck loads of cash for the use of their likenesses. You cant just pick a model or actors face and use that in your commercial product If you dont have the usage rights. FACT.
Dude, they took it to court years ago Michael Jorden sued to have his likeness taken off of T-shirts. It's about legal precedent. Try to find "fair use" in those copyright laws. You can't. It's another court decision.
No, I don't imply anything of the sort. And neither do I have any clue what you're talking about.
What I do know, after 6 years in the US of working on videogames featuring actors is that you have to pay fuck loads of cash for the use of their likenesses. You cant just pick a model or actors face and use that in your commercial product If you dont have the usage rights. FACT.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, Daz is like Pierce Brosnan's official e-servant.
What I do know, after 6 years in the US of working on videogames featuring actors is that you have to pay fuck loads of cash for the use of their likenesses. You cant just pick a model or actors face and use that in your commercial product If you dont have the usage rights. FACT.
[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly, that's called portrait right: