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X-Men: The Last Stand



  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    going to see tomorow hope that is well worth it ye fecks !!!
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    meh, two was better for sure. three kind of said "fuck the comic i'm doing what i want."
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    TBH if they'd tried to follow the comic, everyone would be in an alternate universe being destroyed by Xavier's hugely powerful son or something anyway? The comic series just kept getting more screwy, it'd be impossible to try and keep it hugely faithful without either making 20 sequels, or a couple of really crappy, crammed and cut movies. I think they did well with what they had to work with. Tied stuff up while keeping it all consistent and some possibilities open.
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    HAHAHA...I can't believe he said it. Whole theater was applauding. I was nearly in tears.

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    The night I went, the audience was full of X-fans and internet geeks, so that line was loudly foreshadowed by the audience every time Juggs showed up onscreen! When the time came, I think everyone was caught between utter disbelief and delight. My date and I had been holding hands through most of the film, but the Juggernaut line separated us smoothly and shamelessly so we could add to the raucous applause. wink.gif

    [ QUOTE ]

    Whos the gal in the middle? She was doing some interview I half caught on TV today talking about the movie along with all the rest of the stars and I remember thinking "Who the hell does she play?"

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    In that pic on page one, it's Callisto of Morlock fame in the middle. I don't remember the original having those powers or that many eyes, but it's been awhile. It was appropriate, and least, that she and Storm mixed it up through the entire movie. Arclite is on the left, not looking very much like herself but s'cool, they've already established that they're not going to be remotely accurate with former Marauders. Bah. Sabretooth. Bah, bah, bah.
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Confusion reigns!
    Makes me nervous when the opinions on a movie that "everyone wants to like" are so far apart frown.gif

    How can this be?

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    Simple, Dukester! The people who didn't dig it, are fuckin' insane! laugh.gif

  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    i loved it, it wasnt as good as it could be but i didnt expect it to be.

    Iceman becoming well ICEMAN was a delight to see after being it not being in the other movies.

    Thing i hated full on, the fucking redshirts.... for the love of god if they dont have any noticable powers then well why use them or show them it just was dumb.

    Jugs was was a disapointment other than that one line...and that made it all ok with me.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Simple, Dukester! The people who didn't dig it, are fuckin' insane! laugh.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dukester i really think enjoyment of the movie is going to come down if you're coming as a devoted X-Men fan, or coming to watch a film. As a film, it's horribly written, paced, and executed. But it seems it's more or less efficient as a fan service delivery device--much like FF: Advent's Children, for instance. i'm just not a big enough fan to overlook the glaringly bad storytelling/sloppy filmmaking (hmmm... this description remind anyone of a certain trilogy of science fiction prequels?)

    so apparently the real fans are mostly digging it just fine, but the rest of us (and i think the good number of people who don't care for comic books but really enjoyed the first two X-Men) are going to go away as disappointed as i was.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    i thought it was fuckin cool as hell

    i wish they would have split this movie into 2 movies, but I'm happy as shit!

    i almost peed myself when magneto crushed those federal SUVs! holy shit that was cool!
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i went into this movie expecting to hate it, i've been talking down about it all week at work,, but i ended up liking it.. may be my favorite of the 3,, i'll know for sure after a couple of days to digest it.

    more spoilers...

    they creamed scott EARLY which was good because he was by far one of the weakest characters out of the movies.. did he ever do any thing cool besides be angsty? shame to, since in the comis he was pretty much the leader. wonder if the actor felt screwed over getting such a bit part.

    beast i liked more than i thought i would. most of the new brotherhood were cool enough (well.. the real ones.. not the tons of "pawns" ) altho multiple man did nothing, cept act as a diversion, wonder how that conversation went

    Magneto: hey you stay here as a diversion and either get arrested, or shot with the demuttant guns!

    Multiple man: Okey dokey!

    th golden gate scene was neat to watch but i could not help but wonder.. why.

    over all thumbs up, was fun.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    wow... i just watched the "i'm the juggernaut bitch" cartoon thing.. someone sent it to me a while back but i could not get more than 1 minute into it.. but after seeing it in the live action thing i decided to watch it again.. its probably the least entertaining and least funny thing i've ever seen on the internet.. the phenomenom of people randomly saying "i'm the juggernaut bitch" is actualy 100 times more funny than that video.. its HORRIBLE and 9 fucking minnutes! what the hell
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    That movie goddamn kicked ass. The highlight had to be at the very end when everyone in the theatre but us geeks left at the start of the credits. In the after scene it was only the true fans and geeks left, made the end that much sweeter. laugh.gif

    The movie was great.
  • Major Clod
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    Major Clod polycounter lvl 18
    Beware Spoilers Yadayada.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dukester i really think enjoyment of the movie is going to come down if you're coming as a devoted X-Men fan, or coming to watch a film. As a film, it's horribly written, paced, and executed. But it seems it's more or less efficient as a fan service delivery device

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm a massive fan of the comics, but it didn't help me enjoy this one! I can understand that there will be big changes, I absolutely love X2 because its both a good film and services the characters well... X3 was just... sloppy.. as a film and an adaptation. I think it will appeal mainly to people who remember watching the 90's cartoon and think that Wolverine is teh coolest d00d! That or the casual fan who just wants to see a bit of mutant on mutant action!

    [ QUOTE ]
    they creamed scott EARLY which was good because he was by far one of the weakest characters out of the movies.. did he ever do any thing cool besides be angsty? shame to, since in the comis he was pretty much the leader. wonder if the actor felt screwed over getting such a bit part.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Scott was never developed in these films, thats the one thing that pissed me off about Singer, he didn't seem to care about the leader of the team. So they get to X3, the film where he *should* get to shine, to go after Jean, and ultimately be the one to finish her off... but no, they cream him and give the role to Wolverine the wifestealer.


    The "Juggernaut Bitch" thing I never got, it was just.. lame? At least "All Your Base" was funny!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    So what exactly is the significance of the Jugganaut line? Judging from what Rhinokey said there, its not from the comic...

    I enjoyed the movie. Thinking back, everything Gauss said is probably true, but it had enough shiny things to distract me so thats ok. I would have liked to see Psyloche get to do something (is that invisibility power even one the character is supposed to have? I remember telekinetics and psionic katanas...) Having her squaring off briefly against Phoenix would have been good. Having Jubilee pop up at the end with some fireworks would have been a nice touch too - she was cast in all three movies but never actually did anything.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    So what exactly is the significance of the Jugganaut line? Judging from what Rhinokey said there, its not from the comic...

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    A clip of the X-Men cartoon featuring the Juggernaut, dubbed over by some guys with too much free time and distributed via the net. The first minute or so, it's funny. The last ten minutes, not so much.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would have liked to see Psyloche get to do something (is that invisibility power even one the character is supposed to have? I remember telekinetics and psionic katanas...)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahh... I remember when she was a white chick who didn't have crazy ninja skills. Armored, purple-haired, British Psylocke was way more interesting than the nimbo cliche Psylocke. I get to blame Jim Lee for that *and* for inflicting Gambit on us, double penalty! Anyway, while I haven't seen the movie yet, I know the comic Psylocke never had any kind of invisibility powers and was essentially just a supremely powerful telepath. The psychic knife thing was all over the place in terms of how she used it, so anything goes there. She had no telekinetic powers at the time I stopped reading, five or six years ago.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I think Gauss should start a movie review site. I totally agreed with him. I was the ahole that was laughing uncontrollably everytime Beast came on screen. The fight scenes with him I just couldn't stomach. I'd rather watch Paul Giamatti in that Planet of the Apes remake. Brett Ratner needs to go back to banging Lindsey Lohan and quit making movies.

    Also, I got to see the new Supes trailer, which gave the plot of the movie away. If you wanted to go into Superman not knowing what it was about other than he's been gone for a while don't watch the previews!
  • Zcubed
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    Zcubed polycounter lvl 18
    I found to be quite enjoyable. Some things are done well, others not so well. A little more character development would have been nice. It seemed like the movie really could have used an extra half an hour of storytelling. crazy.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    Skullbox said:

    I had a pretty good time, but it wasn't the finale I had hoped for and definitely not as good as the previous ones, which payed some more attention to politics and characters rather than flashy powers and back to back action scenes. I would have especially liked to see more Magneto and Xavier conversations, then again you could probably make an entire movie with just those two actors talking and it'd be cool to watch.

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    I agree! The interactions between the Professor and Magneto have always been quite interesting. The actors do a very good job with their unique relationship.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    they creamed scott EARLY which was good because he was by far one of the weakest characters out of the movies.. did he ever do any thing cool besides be angsty? shame to, since in the comis he was pretty much the leader. wonder if the actor felt screwed over getting such a bit part.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Scott was never developed in these films, thats the one thing that pissed me off about Singer, he didn't seem to care about the leader of the team. So they get to X3, the film where he *should* get to shine, to go after Jean, and ultimately be the one to finish her off... but no, they cream him and give the role to Wolverine the wifestealer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    as i heard it, there was some problems outside of the movie with the actor. i heard they killed him off early because he was in the superman movie and that was causing some type of conflict and that he had asked for more money and a bigger part and that didn't happen.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Caught this last night, and I enjoyed it. I'm not sure if it was as good as the first two, but going into it with low X-spectations helped me enjoy it. Overall, it seemed like they could have focused on some of the characters more and others less. Felt like a good wrap up for the series.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    i enjoyed it. smile.gif

    i might post a more in-depth discussion later when im not dead tired and my brain works.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ahh... I remember when she was a white chick who didn't have crazy ninja skills. Armored, purple-haired, British Psylocke was way more interesting than the nimbo cliche Psylocke. I get to blame Jim Lee for that *and* for inflicting Gambit on us, double penalty! Anyway, while I haven't seen the movie yet, I know the comic Psylocke never had any kind of invisibility powers and was essentially just a supremely powerful telepath. The psychic knife thing was all over the place in terms of how she used it, so anything goes there. She had no telekinetic powers at the time I stopped reading, five or six years ago.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Someone who doesn't like Gambit? A rare creature indeed.
    I only came to XMen by way of the animated series so many of these discrepancies don't mean much to me. I had no idea she was supposed to be caucasian.

    Anyway, I've just discovered theres a whole lot of full XMen episodes on Youtube if anyone wants to relive their childhood Saturday mornings.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I started reading Uncanny X-Men with issue 224, which I think was the fall of 1987. While Marc Silvestri was drawing the comic then, the franchise didn't get the 'Image' treatment until Jim Lee took over two years later. Longshot and Dazzler were permanently booted, Psylocke became a Japanese bimbo, the totally two-dimensional kewl dood Gambit was added, and most annoyingly, Havok got sidelined into X-Factor (although the Peter David run on that title was excellent). Jim Lee did introduce Bishop and he had lots of potential, but Lee killed Malcolm and Randall and Bishop turned out to be a gimp almost from the get-go.

    One piece of X-Men lore held that Gambit really was always intended to be the X-traitor and that Jim Lee intended for Bishop to kill him off. Alas, the Cardboard Cajun became so popular, Marvel editorial refused to go through with the storyline as originally planned.

    My disdain for Gambit is that he's such a freakin' recipe. Trenchcoat + distinctive weaponry + charming accent + cocky attitude + dark criminal background = total fan service. I think this is why I also dislike the character of Sawyer on Lost; give him a deck of playing cards and you've got the same recipe. Giant cliche.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    count me in the camp that doesnt care much for gambit ;p


    cyclops' death should have come earlier in the series. he added nothing. poorly written in there just to have an antagonist for wolvie's affections towards jean.

    phoenix plot should have waited another movie and been the main plot in it. though it was a good way to get rid of half the cast and provide an ending to the series.

    budget.. wow, never thought i could tell what scenese were filmed early and late. some nice crisp scense and then some grainy ones and the transition at the end was pretty abrupt.

    juggernaught was WEAK. he could have been such a huuuge obstacle and he gets taken out playing hide and seek. bah!

    mystique noooooooooooooooooooooo! i had actually grown to enjoy the movie version. she was THE key figure in the entire series to me. nothing happened without her fingers in there weaving the pieces together.

    so the mutant red-shirts powers' were jumping and... getting shot? pah.. should have stuck to the key villians and had a more coordinated power showing off battle royale.

    iceman's ice form was a little weak on the cg side and colossus could have done without the reflection. made him too hard to distinguish. him and kitty both needed more character development.

    the bit after the credits.. i didnt feel it was quite as 'cool' as everyone else thought. frown.gif

    beast was great. he really nailed the intellectual side. thank god we didnt have to see him in the little black speedos from the comics.

    bobby/rogue's relationship never did anything for me. i really didnt feel anything by her choice.

    but nerdy annoyances aside overall i was entertained and will get the dvd. wink.gif
  • The3DGuy
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    The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
    i want my 8 bucks back
  • polybrained
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    polybrained polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    mystique noooooooooooooooooooooo! i had actually grown to enjoy the movie version. she was THE key figure in the entire series to me. nothing happened without her fingers in there weaving the pieces together.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    *spoiler*actually if mag's got his powers back then she should to eh?

    [ QUOTE ]
    as i heard it, there was some problems outside of the movie with the actor. i heard they killed him off early because he was in the superman movie and that was causing some type of conflict and that he had asked for more money and a bigger part and that didn't happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    thats what i think it was too. And Cyclops isn't lame the dude had a right to be angsty over Jean's death. They never got into in the movies but they have a mental rapport that allows scott to speak to jean telepathically just as easily as she can to anyone else. In the comics it was ALWAYS Jean and Scott. The wolverine shit wasn't added til they decided to shake things up for the relationship and Wolverine became uber popular. I'm frankly sick of how insanely popular he is. He's in EVERY X book and he's a member of the frickin Avengers. ... anywho back to the movie...

    I was somewhat dissappointed. I KNOW its a comic movie but some parts just felt to cheese. examples:(*spoilers*)
    1.mentioning the class lvl of mutants constantly after NEVER saying anything about class lvls in the other movies
    2. Magneto's speech on tv, come on how many times can you say the same 3 words til you realize you sound like a jackass
    3. Of course everyone said it, the red shirts.
    4. Angel's 1st flying scene just looked alittle weak at points.
    5. "oh my stars and garters" just felt forced when beast said it. It was almost a OH shit we gotta add a very beast saying into the movie to appease the fans!

    6. NO one seemed to care that cyclops was Dead or missing for half the movie. Did wolv not show storm the glasses??? And he doesnt even get a head stone til the end?? That upset me. I was happy with the placement of the headstones though, it felt appropriate.

    One thing I'm alittle confused about too is why are kitty, colossus, and iceman the only teen x'men that go to this LAST STAND. Not that I love jubliee or anything but she and siryn were both in that same classroom and I'm sure others could've gone. Hell that tv controlling kid coulda fucked with the playstation in that suv just to annoy the little kids:p

    I'll end my short story here with this. Ulitmately the movie reminded me of when I was coming of age. I would take all my Xmen figures(along with spiderman(classic costume)) and set them all up in poses on my coffee table in preparation for this big battle with my 10" Apocalypse toy. After taking out all the toys and admiring the costumes and wishing that type of thing was real, I would set them all up for this "battle". When I was done 30 min later, I was dissapointed. You can't play with 50 toys, it just doesn't work. It would always be this antisipation of this huge event but there was just too much to do and it just felt lame. That is exactly the way i felt about the movie. Anticipation of the final battle, loving moments like jean coming back, the battle of jean and prof.x(i was so hoping for an almost astral plane type thing), the danger room(days of the future past ref anyone?), but once the battle began it was like ok why are these guys just super jumping into immediate death with wolverine and beast? OH cool iceman and pyro wait they just stand there...(i actually liked the cg on iceman). fast ball special was a nice touch. All in all, with the ref to soooo many storylines Angel felt pointless, the love story was eh, hell even the dark phoenix thing kinda took a back seat til they were like oh ya um she's at the last battle too ins't she.

    OH and psylocke does kinda have that ability. After the whole crimson dawn sage in the last 90's she got her soul back after sabretooth ripped her a new one, this left her with a red mark on her face, alittle bit of creepiness that her current bf(archangel) was scared of, and the ability to come out of any shadows like a true NINJA.

    I'm finally done, i think this proves just a bit(at least to myself) that i'm a bit of an x-men freak. So ya I suppose I ulitmately liked it but I wish I woulda loved it like Xmen 2 and Spiderman 2. I think I'm still gonna play the X3 game though, its supposed to fill in the gaps between X2 and 3 as in tell you were nightcrawler is. Sorry for all this wordage but I felt like droppin my 2 cents.
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    I dunno if anyone has mentioned this, but wasn't cyclopse the only character to be killed off in ALL the x-men spin-off storylines? He's sort of like mickey mouse or super man, sure they're great at first, but without some flaws it's just boring.

    Also, I heard from a reliable source that Fox has the rights to up to 6 x-men films, so this may not be the last, even though it felt like it.

    as far as the movie goes:

    I think it's good that mystique broke ties with magneto, she's always been more of a lone wolf, and it leaves her open to being more of a neutral party.

    I think the apocolypse story arc would be a good choice to setup in the next film and then finish it up in the 5th movie, anyone else have an idea on where they should go next?

    that's my 2 cents.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    It felt like the last? With *two* endings alluding to more? :|
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, I heard from a reliable source that Fox has the rights to up to 6 x-men films, so this may not be the last, even though it felt like it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The chances are the rights are for the x-men universe and with one spin-off of Wolverine already confirmed (by Hugh Jackman himself who owns the production company) its likely that it could have a sequel in today's movie environment, although I would hope it would just be the one.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    On the topic of the Wolvie flick, I read that it's actually going to be a prequel of some kind, presumably an origin story. That ought to be interesting, although I would have liked to have seen some more development of the Alkali Lake stuff from the X-Men films.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    where the fuck did nightcrawler go? frown.gif

    and also, who else noticed when they dropped the bridge onto the island, it instantly changed from day to night?
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    FWIW I don't think scott is actually dead. They never show him get killed, just getting kissed then jean turns evil.

    I think its a clever ruse which will be revealed in an inevitable sequal.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    just got back, thought it was pretty good. I kept wanting to shout "she's a man, baby! yeah!" every time Arclite was on screen.
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    I enjoyed it, dumb, fun, action. Could have been better though- for many reasons which people have already stated.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    fun, some scenes seemed too much cliche holliwoodesque, but hey..tis brian singer. liked 2 more...more sinister...
  • Hedhunta
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    Hedhunta polycounter lvl 18
    If anyone ever doubted the effect of the internet on movies the Juggernaut quote just solidifed its position.. I mean how does something like that make its way into a movie? hahaha.. who wants to take bets that in the Warcraft movie blizzard is having made will have a reference to "Leeroy Jenkins" in it?
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Hedhunta, he's getting his own card in the WoW card game being made...

    oh, and on topic. I think it the best out of the three. The others were pretty poor, in my opinion. This one was nice and entertaining.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    where the fuck did nightcrawler go?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's explained in the new Xmen game.

    I'm seeing the movie tomorrow. I'm sure I'll like it.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    FWIW I don't think scott is actually dead. They never show him get killed, just getting kissed then jean turns evil.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah.. he's just walking around in the woods with his eyes shut hoping someone will find him.

    justin , a number of people in the theater i saw it in "fucking anoying people that i hope die. (i'm not kidding, i hope they die)" kept mentioning.. EVERY FUCKING TIME SHE WAS ON SCREEN that Arclite looked like prince.. i agreed.. and it was kinda funny.. but not funny enough to hear constantly.. amongs their other prattling
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    The tough thing about Cyclops is you can never see his eyes. that makes it hard for people to sympathize with him. They should play with that in his character dynamic. The eyes convey so much emotion, with his eyes hidden all the time he should be more sinster.
    On topic with the whole Apocalypse thing,
    BoBo said that towards the climax when Jean is going all phoneix, when she dies it should have sent out a psionic shockwave that goes all the way to Egypt, then cuts to the interior of an ancient tomb and we get to see This Huge Sarcophagi begin to open.
    That would be Badass.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    Yes I would love to see an Apocolypse movie
    But yeah, this movie was pretty shitty I thought
    I wish they would remake the old 70's movie exactly as it was
    The best comic book to movie movie is definitely Sin City
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yes I would love to see an Apocolypse movie
    But yeah, this movie was pretty shitty I thought
    I wish they would remake the old 70's movie exactly as it was
    The best comic book to movie movie is definitely Sin City

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's because it was EXACTLY word for word and scene by scene like the comic, which made it awesome. Granted, the director was booted from the director's guild for including frank miller as a director or something like that.

    I dont mind story lines and characters being changed around in order to be accepted by a larger crowd, but the character development and buildup in the first 2 X-movies was put aside for the pretty effects and gimmicky one liners.

    I'm sure with the characters and situations going on in the movie it was definately more than possible to allow the characters to have more dimension and feeling than what was shown.

    --Spoiler, maybe--

    After mystique put herself in front of the darts to protect magneto, he could have been cold about it as he was but at the same time he could have shown more emotion on the matter. I mean the girl was integral as his second on command in the first 2 movies and he walks away like, "oh well, she looked hotter as a blue naked babe anyway"

    There were lots of chances where there a little bit of time could have gone into character development but what everyone at the theatre saw was "oh shit theres like a crap ton of mutants and things dying, so to hell with a script, explosions are AWESOME!!!"
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I haven't seen the movie yet but I thought you lot would find this interesting:

    Fox confirms X-men 4
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    by the way, who saw the new Ghostrider trailer? fuck yeh!
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    i thought the GR trailer was assloads better on teh big screen with full bass pounding than the little quicktime movie.

    and i will say, i didnt hear any sniggers at GR but i did hear them for The Omen wink.gif
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Does the big screen version of the trailer do anything about the crappy looking Ghost Rider skull?
  • Zcubed
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    Zcubed polycounter lvl 18
    No Ghostrider trailer for me, but everyone started clapping like mad when the Snakes on a Plane teaser came on. crazy.gif
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah The Ghostrider trailer looked a lot better and film adds a bit of grain so the skull looked a lot better.

    - BoBo
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    Damnit all! I saw this movie last night but forgot to stay for the snippet after the credits. Anyone care to fill me in on what it was? After the ending - I felt like running away from the theater as quickly as I could. It was such a mess but unfortunately about what I was expecting.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    Saw it liked it, and the thing that I feel is being overlooked is that to make a good comic movie, you have to deal with the issues. V for Vendetta was a good movie (even though i didn't like it, I admit it was well acted and well made), the Second Spiderman movie, both of them and this one explored the issues. I haven't read X-men since Jean Grey died the first time (around #237?), And I thought some of the best X-men stories were one shots. They put out a Graphic Novel called "God Loves Man Kills",which i thought was a better story than a lot of what they did in the standard continuity.

  • Zergxes
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    Zergxes polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't like how they killed so many folks off, but I suppose it echos the writing of so many X-men story arcs.

    Sad to see Nightcrawler-as-X-man missing.

    They did stay fairly true to the characters (except Storm seems tinkered with a bit), that was the movie's greatest strength for me. It seems like they tried at every turn to show both sides of each character as much as possible.

    Somehow they made multiple man slightly less cheezy. Slightly.
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