just a quick heads up for people who are going to see the movie this weekend. according to IGN there is a 30second or so scene after all the credits have rolled.
Funcom is treating the whole NC staff with tickets to see it friday during work hours. Great way to start an extended weekend. The gf is pissed I'll be seeing it before she does, so chances are I'll be seeing it twice.
At the end we see Constantine standing by the grave of the young guy (forget his name). He places the cigarette lighter on the headstone and then walks away. The camera remains on the headstone. The young guy emerges from behind the headstone with angel wings and leaps into the air off screen. Fade to black.
Its a neat way to finish the film. It seems unfortunate they left it until the end of the credits where few will see it.
Its a neat way to finish the film. It seems unfortunate they left it until the end of the credits where few will see it.
[/ QUOTE ]
More unfortunate is that they cast Keanu Reeves as John Constantine and set the film in Los Angeles. Jude Law, London, Garth Ennis script. *poof*, I've magically just doubled that film's lousy box office numbers.
To keep it on topic, I really hope X3 doesn't suck, but I'm even more looking forward to the Wolverine prequel.
Im watching it tonight.Dont have very high hopes tho.but one never knows.
<comicbookstoreguy>oh..yeah..wolverine prequel.. yeah that will be awesome..especially since Hugh Jackman is such a _great choice for wolverine.. </comicbookstoreguy>
I don't think the film studio would let it slide if it weren't the same quality. I think it will be great.
I'll be seeing it Sunday morning though, as I hate dealing with Friday/Saturday night kids. It's not 'cool' to go Sunday morning, so I can avoid most of them
X-Men 3 ends very well, twice. I mean, the scene at the end of the credits is excellent and worth waiting for, but the last shot of the film proper, before the credits, made me just fucking squeeeeaaaal with delight. There actually were quite a few moments like that. I'm usually pretty reserved in a movie audience, but during X-Men 3 I was like someone at Def Comedy Jam!
I've already posted to say it rocked, but I'm seriously shuddering in agony, having to squelch my urge to write a "and this part was cool! And this part was cool too! And I loved this part!"-type spoiler-laden post. I'll definitely see it again!
She looks hot is what she looks!
Whos the gal in the middle? She was doing some interview I half caught on TV today talking about the movie along with all the rest of the stars and I remember thinking "Who the hell does she play?"
Saw it last night.. I won't go deep into my opinions or spoilers here, but all in all i was a little disapointed. It was just missing something that the first two had, the character moments. It just felt all a little rushed, a litle messy, like they were making X3 just for the sake of making another movie.
It all boils down to too many characters, too many ideas, not enough time to really look at them. The first act started great, but everything sort of got pushed into the background in the second and third. There were glimmers of great moments, but overall I think there was a fair bit of wasted potential there. We could have had two meaty, entertaining movies with the amount of material they tried to cover.
oh what in the HELL, the only things barely making those two hours bearable was cracking "i hear those blues a-comin', tossed salad and scrambled eggsss!" every time Beast showed up on screen, and yes, the Juggernaut quote... but that's it. hands down the worst film i have paid full admission for in a long while. it is PAINFULLY obvious Brian Singer wasn't involved with this mess, but Brett Rattner, the genius that brought us such classics as... Rush Hour 2!
hey kids, want to replicate the X-Men III viewing experience at home before it's on DVD? just get a family member to shit directly into your mouth. you just saved 8 bucks!
I know Ratner is going to cop a lot of blame for this films quality, but the script was already done, he only came in a couple of weeks before filming. By that time, regardless of director, it was already doomed. Matthew Vaughn was there for a few weeks, but he had the brains to jump ship before it sunk.
The only people to blame for this mess are Fox. It was EXTREMELY obvious that they were only in this for two things. 1. To make a quick $$$, 2. To attempt to stick it to Singer and get their film out before Superman Returns.
Hell, they even had teaser posters with release dates out there before ANY director was signed up! There was no way they were going to make a classic film in a ten month period, not with the scope they were aiming for.
Notice the sudden change from day to night in the final set piece, an attempt to hide the shoddy sets and costumes once the big visual effects sequence had finished.
fair enough, maybe the director isn't exactly to blame, but that script most certainly does stink to high heaven, that much is very clear. you've got it all spot-on, Major Clod. clear signs of rushing... i did in fact notice the sudden change to night in the final set-piece.
I haven't seen the flick but will echo that what Major Clod said is what I've heard as well. While Ratner is probably not capable of a film like The Usual Suspects, this was a studio screw-job from the day Singer left for Superman. You simply do not announce the release date for a film when you don't even have a director if you give a damn about the quality of that film.
Why in the hell is Juggernaut a cockney. How on earth Vinnie Jones got the part of one of the biggest, well known supervillians in comics given that the man cannot act to save his life.
I thought it was pretty good. Not the way I would have wanted it to have been, but there wasn't much anyone could do about it. Definitly didn't have the same feel as the others. The first two had a blue tint to everything, and this was just plain and a little empty feeling in its texture.
I've already posted to say it rocked, but I'm seriously shuddering in agony, having to squelch my urge to write a "and this part was cool! And this part was cool too! And I loved this part!"-type spoiler-laden post. I'll definitely see it again!
[/ QUOTE ]
It was an awesome movie. Had everything I look for in an action/adventure film... and more!
Very impressive and entertaining.
[/ QUOTE ]
hey kids, want to replicate the X-Men III viewing experience at home before it's on DVD? just get a family member to shit directly into your mouth. you just saved 8 bucks!
[/ QUOTE ]
...this iteration of the X-Men got the most reaction out of me... "WTF!?!?!" sums me up.
[/ QUOTE ]
Confusion reigns!
Makes me nervous when the opinions on a movie that "everyone wants to like" are so far apart
...maybe thats the mark of a brilliant director, to balance the good with the bad and let the consumers sort it out. I am however pretty damn entrenched in my "WTF" foxhole and ready to storm the line as soon as someone else braves the spoiler nests.
Why in the hell is Juggernaut a cockney. How on earth Vinnie Jones got the part of one of the biggest, well known supervillians in comics given that the man cannot act to save his life.
[/ QUOTE ]
Matthew Vaughn, the UK director who was initially the one chosen to helm the film, cast Vinny Jones and Kelsey Grammar, before jumping ship once he knew what he got himself into. He directed the british gangster flick Layer Cake (with new James Bond Daniel Craig) as well as producing Lock Stock and Snatch. Who knows what we would have gotten had he directed, but perhaps it may have had a bit more life...
**Maybe getting into some slight spoilers here, mainly about characterisation, no big plot points.**
Another thing that kind of disappointed me was Beast. He looked okay, the dodgey wirework didn't help though. Had they pulled off his agility in a style similar to Nightcrawler in the opening scenes of X2, I would have been sold. Again I'd simply say lack of time.
Anyway, what I was missing most from Beast was his charm, his generally upbeat attitude, where were the quotes of shakespear, the cultured Beast? I think they might have gotten half a quote out towards the end of the film. Lord knows Kelsey Grammar has a great voice for the character, it was just missing the charm. At least the first shot of him was upside down!
Again, I think if there was an additional 20 minutes of solid, character based stuff, it would have come out a lot better. The pacing just seemed like non stop, get to the next scene quickly. That's all well and good for the action and advancing the plot, but in an ensemble film like this you really need more of those character moments too.
And please, less Wolverine, he is best in smaller doses. He's turning into a big pansy!
Another thing that kind of disappointed me was Beast. He looked okay, the dodgey wirework didn't help though. ...
Anyway, what I was missing most from Beast was his charm, his generally upbeat attitude, where were the quotes of shakespear, the cultured Beast? I think they might have gotten half a quote out towards the end of the film. Lord knows Kelsey Grammar has a great voice for the character, it was just missing the charm. At least the first shot of him was upside down!
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree that Beast was lacking his charm and upbeat attitude - he seemed far too sombre in this movie ... but I have to say I thought the wirework stunts worked very well near the end.
was pretty good, but as a movie that (supposedly) finishes the series, it was a bit of a let down. still, with xavier and magneto back and they can make a fourth one with a real villain rather than a kid and stand around woman, and they need sentinels, a head doesn't cut it.
i enjoyed it, but not to the level of the previous films.
was talking to a friend, and they totally missed an opportunity to bring in gambit... after rogue finds out bobby was "cheating on her," they could have had rogue back in the end with some guy in a trench coat, staff, teaching her card tricks at the end - making bobby jealous instead of making them get back together in the happy teenage love story.
the 30 seconds at the end of the credits was pretty neat, if you havent seen it yet, wait out the credits for little suprize! it was a superhero movie, so i dont really watch it like a regular movie, as with most superhero movies i went in expecting butt hole, but i got something enjoyable, better than most, not as good as some. its not fantastic four bad, its not spiderman good, i put it more akin to the hulk, that some really hate and some enjoy its just that type of movie.
i enjoyed it, but not to the level of the previous films.
was talking to a friend, and they totally missed an opportunity to bring in gambit... after rogue finds out bobby was "cheating on her," they could have had rogue back in the end with some guy in a trench coat, staff, teaching her card tricks at the end - making bobby jealous instead of making them get back together in the happy teenage love story.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you look real close he is at the funeral, but yes i would of loved to have gotten a speaking part.
I had a pretty good time, but it wasn't the finale I had hoped for and definitely not as good as the previous ones, which payed some more attention to politics and characters rather than flashy powers and back to back action scenes. I would have especially liked to see more Magneto and Xavier conversations, then again you could probably make an entire movie with just those two actors talking and it'd be cool to watch.
It does get the best use of the Golden Gate Bridge Award.
HAHAHA...I can't believe he said it. Whole theater was applauding. I was nearly in tears. The movie was somewhat of a disappointment compared to the 2nd, but better than the 1st. Overall, a good movie experience.
(not to mention, the trailer for Eragon is being released with it. and thats something i REALLY cant wait for)
Seeing it on Friday with the gf! Factor in timezones, and that's Thursday for most of you US residents.
And thanks, good to know.
At the end we see Constantine standing by the grave of the young guy (forget his name). He places the cigarette lighter on the headstone and then walks away. The camera remains on the headstone. The young guy emerges from behind the headstone with angel wings and leaps into the air off screen. Fade to black.
Its a neat way to finish the film. It seems unfortunate they left it until the end of the credits where few will see it.
Its a neat way to finish the film. It seems unfortunate they left it until the end of the credits where few will see it.
[/ QUOTE ]
More unfortunate is that they cast Keanu Reeves as John Constantine and set the film in Los Angeles. Jude Law, London, Garth Ennis script. *poof*, I've magically just doubled that film's lousy box office numbers.
To keep it on topic, I really hope X3 doesn't suck, but I'm even more looking forward to the Wolverine prequel.
<comicbookstoreguy>oh..yeah..wolverine prequel.. yeah that will be awesome..especially since Hugh Jackman is such a _great choice for wolverine.. </comicbookstoreguy>
I'll be seeing it Sunday morning though, as I hate dealing with Friday/Saturday night kids. It's not 'cool' to go Sunday morning, so I can avoid most of them
Yea, it was deffinatly a great way to end the movie.
I've already posted to say it rocked, but I'm seriously shuddering in agony, having to squelch my urge to write a "and this part was cool! And this part was cool too! And I loved this part!"-type spoiler-laden post. I'll definitely see it again!
Very impressive and entertaining.
i cant fuckin wait!
Here at Cryptic studios the company is taking us to the show also. BERSERKER BARRAGE!
[/ QUOTE ]
(read in a whiney immitating Beaker-esque voice) Here at Cryptic studios... meeemmeeemememememememememeee meep
I'd give my left nut to play someone in MVC2 right now.
Whos the gal in the middle? She was doing some interview I half caught on TV today talking about the movie along with all the rest of the stars and I remember thinking "Who the hell does she play?"
***Spoiler**** (Not sure if its really a spoiler but just in case)
"I'm the juggernaut bitch!"
Whole theater cracked up when he said it. Classic.
It all boils down to too many characters, too many ideas, not enough time to really look at them. The first act started great, but everything sort of got pushed into the background in the second and third. There were glimmers of great moments, but overall I think there was a fair bit of wasted potential there. We could have had two meaty, entertaining movies with the amount of material they tried to cover.
hey kids, want to replicate the X-Men III viewing experience at home before it's on DVD? just get a family member to shit directly into your mouth. you just saved 8 bucks!
The only people to blame for this mess are Fox. It was EXTREMELY obvious that they were only in this for two things. 1. To make a quick $$$, 2. To attempt to stick it to Singer and get their film out before Superman Returns.
Hell, they even had teaser posters with release dates out there before ANY director was signed up! There was no way they were going to make a classic film in a ten month period, not with the scope they were aiming for.
Notice the sudden change from day to night in the final set piece, an attempt to hide the shoddy sets and costumes once the big visual effects sequence had finished.
I've already posted to say it rocked, but I'm seriously shuddering in agony, having to squelch my urge to write a "and this part was cool! And this part was cool too! And I loved this part!"-type spoiler-laden post. I'll definitely see it again!
[/ QUOTE ]
It was an awesome movie. Had everything I look for in an action/adventure film... and more!
Very impressive and entertaining.
[/ QUOTE ]
hey kids, want to replicate the X-Men III viewing experience at home before it's on DVD? just get a family member to shit directly into your mouth. you just saved 8 bucks!
[/ QUOTE ]
...this iteration of the X-Men got the most reaction out of me... "WTF!?!?!" sums me up.
[/ QUOTE ]
Confusion reigns!
Makes me nervous when the opinions on a movie that "everyone wants to like" are so far apart
How can this be?
Why in the hell is Juggernaut a cockney. How on earth Vinnie Jones got the part of one of the biggest, well known supervillians in comics given that the man cannot act to save his life.
[/ QUOTE ]
Matthew Vaughn, the UK director who was initially the one chosen to helm the film, cast Vinny Jones and Kelsey Grammar, before jumping ship once he knew what he got himself into. He directed the british gangster flick Layer Cake (with new James Bond Daniel Craig) as well as producing Lock Stock and Snatch. Who knows what we would have gotten had he directed, but perhaps it may have had a bit more life...
**Maybe getting into some slight spoilers here, mainly about characterisation, no big plot points.**
Another thing that kind of disappointed me was Beast. He looked okay, the dodgey wirework didn't help though. Had they pulled off his agility in a style similar to Nightcrawler in the opening scenes of X2, I would have been sold. Again I'd simply say lack of time.
Anyway, what I was missing most from Beast was his charm, his generally upbeat attitude, where were the quotes of shakespear, the cultured Beast? I think they might have gotten half a quote out towards the end of the film. Lord knows Kelsey Grammar has a great voice for the character, it was just missing the charm. At least the first shot of him was upside down!
Again, I think if there was an additional 20 minutes of solid, character based stuff, it would have come out a lot better. The pacing just seemed like non stop, get to the next scene quickly. That's all well and good for the action and advancing the plot, but in an ensemble film like this you really need more of those character moments too.
And please, less Wolverine, he is best in smaller doses. He's turning into a big pansy!
Another thing that kind of disappointed me was Beast. He looked okay, the dodgey wirework didn't help though. ...
Anyway, what I was missing most from Beast was his charm, his generally upbeat attitude, where were the quotes of shakespear, the cultured Beast? I think they might have gotten half a quote out towards the end of the film. Lord knows Kelsey Grammar has a great voice for the character, it was just missing the charm. At least the first shot of him was upside down!
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree that Beast was lacking his charm and upbeat attitude - he seemed far too sombre in this movie ... but I have to say I thought the wirework stunts worked very well near the end.
was talking to a friend, and they totally missed an opportunity to bring in gambit... after rogue finds out bobby was "cheating on her," they could have had rogue back in the end with some guy in a trench coat, staff, teaching her card tricks at the end - making bobby jealous instead of making them get back together in the happy teenage love story.
i enjoyed it, but not to the level of the previous films.
was talking to a friend, and they totally missed an opportunity to bring in gambit... after rogue finds out bobby was "cheating on her," they could have had rogue back in the end with some guy in a trench coat, staff, teaching her card tricks at the end - making bobby jealous instead of making them get back together in the happy teenage love story.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you look real close he is at the funeral, but yes i would of loved to have gotten a speaking part.
It does get the best use of the Golden Gate Bridge Award.
...still can't believe it.