This site keeps track awesomely of the game as it progresses. I try here and there to keep up with what's going on, but there's so much to do, It's hard to keep track of.
When you input that code though, nothing happens. There's no enter/execute/go box. There's nothing
[/ QUOTE ]
Just worked for me... did you type enter at the end? If that doesn't work, you may have to go thru some of the other steps... where you talk to persephone.
they are all dead!!! its all a big fantasy.. lol.. well.. not really..
it could be a lot of things.. they could be dead. they could be in the purgatury (is diz spelled right?) and the others are like the dudes they go get the dudes to go into heaven.. or not.. i mean.. just guessing..
or this is part of a big pshycological experiment to test stuff like beliefs on cience and religion.. the pressing of the numbers is like.. a task they have to do. and they follow it without asking much like the religion fanatics.
once again.. just trippig.. i hope its none of this.. i want a more watery finale so i can sit and wait for the next season. :P
Hmmmmm interesting read here.. As always LOST is at the top of my TV viewing list each week, in fact, its about the only hour of TV a watch per week.. I see lots of theories and "guesses" as to whats going on, many of which have already been disproved or shot down by the shows producers..
(For example the purgatory theory.. already sworn to viewers that they are not in purgatory, nor dead, and that the plane did crash and with reason.. seems like thats supposedly going to be explained in the finale.) Did you notice that the famed mystery writer "Gary Troup"s(who was apparently on flight 815 and is believed to have died.) name is an anagram for "purgatory". Seems the writers and producers are definately playing with us and even debunking our theories openly in the plots.. Im tempted to read his book "The Bad Twin" which was published about 2 weeks ago, and see what relevence it has with the show.. if you check some of those sites posted in the thread, you see that the Hanso foundation is denying allegations about them, that Troup wrote about in his book.. Hmm the tie-ins are amazing.. The LOST producers and writers are marketing geniuses.
As for "Marvin Candle" / "Mark Wickham".. if you watch the Pearl orientation film a few times you see when he introduces himself, he says, " Im Mar..." then the cassette warps, skips to.."wickham".. is sounds as if he says a full name but perhaps the video was edited (like the previous orientation film for the Swan station) to give us a different idea of who he is ?? ("Mar" vin Candle or "Mar"k Wickham.. Hmm..
I have to say I was blown away too by the death of not one but two characters.. As much as many people stated how they despised Anna Lucia, I sort of disagreed.. I think she was a great character even with her crappy attitude and mistrust of most everyone else.. Libbys deatch was a total shock to me too, as they never got into her background story, other than to reveal that she was also a patient in the mental institute while Hurley was there (thus the reason he was sure he met her before...) I did read that she will be back in quite a few episodes in other peoples flashbacks in future shows(including Desmond, who apparently will not only be back in the finale, but may be a "regular" character in season 3..)
One thing that Im glad to hear is no more repeats and sporatic breaks with no new episodes next season.. seems ABC is concerned over a drop in viewers, due to them being aggrevated over the breaks and lack of "flow" in the current season.. So next season (which starts this fall) will air 7 new episodes, back to back) then take a hiatus through the holidays (Nov, Dec..) then in January they will run a continuous season (new episodes) right until the May sweeps.. Hmmmm sounds awesome.. Oh well.. Ive written way to much, and like most of you I could probably go on forver with all my own theories and discussions, but time for me to head to work and gear up for tonights episode..
So next season (which starts this fall) will air 7 new episodes, back to back) then take a hiatus through the holidays (Nov, Dec..) then in January they will run a continuous season (new episodes) right until the May sweeps
In the preview they said they were gonna show why the plane crashed, so heres my guess for the next ep. They're gonna show those little flying saucer things that shot down the plane and they're gonna blow the sailboat outta the water. I also think we might get the black smoke to come back for the next episode as well.
pretty good episode. though honestly i'm glad to have the whole michael/walt thing over and done with as soon as possible, because it's some of the most annoying and repetitive dialogue in the whole show. Glad that Sayid picked up on Michael's behavior--man, the writers sure love letting Sayid do some heavy lifting, plot-wise
The dynamics between Jack/Kate/Sawyer are the most interesting to me, though. Sawyer getting hot and heavy with Ana Lucia and then confessing it to Jack was definitely an interesting twist; now it remains to be seen if Jack tells Kate, and how that might obviously swing Kate's affections further away from Sawyer to Jack.
That's right, I watch Lost for the soap opera antics, not the theories and MYSTERIES. so sue me
"WHERE'S MY BOY!!!!!11" <-- played out... now STOP IT
Overall a good episode. It confirmed what I thought about Michael though. The gullible idiot is willing to sacrifice his friends lives for his son. He's already killed two people over this. When Hurley looked at him, I was hoping he was going to tell him, "you better not have anything to do with this... or I'll rip your testicles off."
I'm curious how the Desmond thing works in. I knew he was suppose to return for the finale, but I wasn't sure how. I'm wondering if they connect it with the time warp theory that some people have... where he's once again reaching the island for the first time. Or if he still had his boat, sailed off after leaving the hatch, then somehow screwed up his navigation and ended up back at the island.
I think Sayid is going to create a second team that will follow the first team closely, but without Michael knowing. Or maybe follows by himself.
Next weeks season finale i'll be glued to the TV for 2 hours!
Invasion had the worst season finale. Made me really mad that no alien fishes were shown exploding out of the pregnant aliens. Invasion started off great, but it had so many filler episodes that i watched every other ep.
I'm really surprised that everyone thinks that was a good episode. I saw it as 55 minutes of filler for 5 minutes of actual information. The only new thing we learned in the entire episode was Miss Clue.
Unfortunately that's how I see almost every episode nowadays. 40 minutes filler here, 50 minutes filler there - it's getting really frustrating how slowly the show is paced.
And next season is going to progress quickly. Supposed to be like 9 new episodes back to back. Then their holiday haitus, then the rest of the series, new, back to back.
There's supposed to be no re-runs next season, which is awesome. They said it's due to LOST having 20% less viewers this season. I can see why though, not much has happened this season.
Great episode.. I tend to agree with a few of you, in that Desmond is on the boat.. After all he said he was on a solorace around the world when he "crashed into the reef" .. Since we havent seen him in a while, its possible he got back to and repaired his sailboat.. The finale will be OFF THE HOOK !!!
And next season is going to progress quickly. Supposed to be like 9 new episodes back to back. Then their holiday haitus, then the rest of the series, new, back to back.
There's supposed to be no re-runs next season, which is awesome. They said it's due to LOST having 20% less viewers this season. I can see why though, not much has happened this season.
[/ QUOTE ]
From what I read, they will show the first 7 episodes of lost all back to back. Then the show will go on a 13 weeks break and come back with the rest of the 16 episodes in a row.
How did you watch the finale before it aired? Anywho, I'm not sure how I feel about the ending. I don't mind that little was resolved, but none of next year's plot setup is as intersting to me as last year's cliffhanger...
I'm glad that that they revealed some information, but how the plane crashed was not really a suprise. I still kinda absorbing it....the ending was a little bit of a shock, I dont know how they are going to show her search for them....
I was on the edge of my seat, some interesting twists and conclusions. I like the backstory of ........ but the ending i wasn't so hot about.
Spolier below: highlight to read
<font color="#00254A"> I would of killed Michael after he deceieved them, screw walt!. Too many unanswered questions about the others still. The huge bright light is a pulse and then some remote location sees the pulse and then desmonds ex-girl gets a call, wft! Hurley should of done an ass whopping on them. hahah</font>
Yea, I agree, I was a little let down by the ending for sure.....and they had to find a nice way other then killing someone to write Michael and Walt off the show.
I"m sure Michael and Walt are aren't being written off the show.
If anything, I'm assuming that as they head out, they'll encounter the other boat, then something will happen, and Walt will be the one to lead them to the place Jack and the others are being taken to. (Underwater base hopefully)
did anybody catch the hanso foundation commercial?
Im assuming there is something hidden in the website, but havent found anything yet, other than some crazy jobs available.
Here are my observations from the finale, fuck spoilers this is a thread about the show:
-That statue foot they found is from the Colossus or Rhodes, which only had 4 toes on it's left foot. Thing us, modern scientists have never found the left foot, we only know about it through historic texts...
-Notice how the Jack, Michael, Kate, Sawyer and Michael all gave each other a look right before the bags were on their heads? I think that has to do with Jack earlier saying "dont think i wouldnt do all of this without having a plan". So I think they have a plan BEYOND that of Sayid's...
-I like how the observation hatch is the real skinners box, thats dope.
The factory in a few episodes back was called Widmore Construction, cool:
This is Desmond's girlfriends dads company (and last name).
There is a sign at the end of the dock that reads "Pala Ferry" in the background. That is the ferry that was mentioned in the Pearl orientation video. In the video it said that it was the ferry used to transport people at the end of their shift back to the barracks.
Great finale. I thought it moved well and answered several questions. I liked the Kelvin connection with Sayid. I still greatly dislike Michael.
And Henry being the leader was a bit surprising to me... to be honest, I think they changed that part of the storyline because viewers took a liking to the actor/character. Well, at least he's the leader of that small group. I think they will go back and the losties will see that the dharma people are way more developed than they look (like nice facilities).
My prediction, Walt and Michael are floating into a trap. I don't think they'll find "rescue". Something just seemed tricky about that agreement... I figure Walt will tell Michael about these people and how they aren't who they say they are (like he yelled to Michael earlier).
I really thought Hurley was going to break Michael's neck after learning that Michael was the killer. OH, and did you recognize Libby as 'Elizabeth' in Desmonds flashback? I'm wondering if she was in the mental hospital because she had issues getting over her husband's death.
This site keeps track awesomely of the game as it progresses. I try here and there to keep up with what's going on, but there's so much to do, It's hard to keep track of.
When you input that code though, nothing happens. There's no enter/execute/go box. There's nothing
[/ QUOTE ]
Just worked for me... did you type enter at the end? If that doesn't work, you may have to go thru some of the other steps... where you talk to persephone.
it could be a lot of things.. they could be dead. they could be in the purgatury (is diz spelled right?) and the others are like the dudes they go get the dudes to go into heaven.. or not.. i mean.. just guessing..
or this is part of a big pshycological experiment to test stuff like beliefs on cience and religion.. the pressing of the numbers is like.. a task they have to do. and they follow it without asking much like the religion fanatics.
once again.. just trippig.. i hope its none of this.. i want a more watery finale so i can sit and wait for the next season. :P
It'll be fine
(For example the purgatory theory.. already sworn to viewers that they are not in purgatory, nor dead, and that the plane did crash and with reason.. seems like thats supposedly going to be explained in the finale.) Did you notice that the famed mystery writer "Gary Troup"s(who was apparently on flight 815 and is believed to have died.) name is an anagram for "purgatory". Seems the writers and producers are definately playing with us and even debunking our theories openly in the plots.. Im tempted to read his book "The Bad Twin" which was published about 2 weeks ago, and see what relevence it has with the show.. if you check some of those sites posted in the thread, you see that the Hanso foundation is denying allegations about them, that Troup wrote about in his book.. Hmm the tie-ins are amazing.. The LOST producers and writers are marketing geniuses.
As for "Marvin Candle" / "Mark Wickham".. if you watch the Pearl orientation film a few times you see when he introduces himself, he says, " Im Mar..." then the cassette warps, skips to.."wickham".. is sounds as if he says a full name but perhaps the video was edited (like the previous orientation film for the Swan station) to give us a different idea of who he is ?? ("Mar" vin Candle or "Mar"k Wickham.. Hmm..
I have to say I was blown away too by the death of not one but two characters.. As much as many people stated how they despised Anna Lucia, I sort of disagreed.. I think she was a great character even with her crappy attitude and mistrust of most everyone else.. Libbys deatch was a total shock to me too, as they never got into her background story, other than to reveal that she was also a patient in the mental institute while Hurley was there (thus the reason he was sure he met her before...) I did read that she will be back in quite a few episodes in other peoples flashbacks in future shows(including Desmond, who apparently will not only be back in the finale, but may be a "regular" character in season 3..)
One thing that Im glad to hear is no more repeats and sporatic breaks with no new episodes next season.. seems ABC is concerned over a drop in viewers, due to them being aggrevated over the breaks and lack of "flow" in the current season.. So next season (which starts this fall) will air 7 new episodes, back to back) then take a hiatus through the holidays (Nov, Dec..) then in January they will run a continuous season (new episodes) right until the May sweeps.. Hmmmm sounds awesome.. Oh well.. Ive written way to much, and like most of you I could probably go on forver with all my own theories and discussions, but time for me to head to work and gear up for tonights episode..
I look forward to more of your posts...
So next season (which starts this fall) will air 7 new episodes, back to back) then take a hiatus through the holidays (Nov, Dec..) then in January they will run a continuous season (new episodes) right until the May sweeps
[/ QUOTE ]
I must've missed that one. That's HOT
That preview is just so juicy!
'Are we being rescued!11 !1 !1 !?'
No, it's Desmond!
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh and if you freeze frame the preview you can see that Desmond is in the episode. It is aterall a Desmond centric episode.
pretty good episode. though honestly i'm glad to have the whole michael/walt thing over and done with as soon as possible, because it's some of the most annoying and repetitive dialogue in the whole show. Glad that Sayid picked up on Michael's behavior--man, the writers sure love letting Sayid do some heavy lifting, plot-wise
The dynamics between Jack/Kate/Sawyer are the most interesting to me, though. Sawyer getting hot and heavy with Ana Lucia and then confessing it to Jack was definitely an interesting twist; now it remains to be seen if Jack tells Kate, and how that might obviously swing Kate's affections further away from Sawyer to Jack.
That's right, I watch Lost for the soap opera antics, not the theories and MYSTERIES. so sue me
Overall a good episode. It confirmed what I thought about Michael though. The gullible idiot is willing to sacrifice his friends lives for his son. He's already killed two people over this. When Hurley looked at him, I was hoping he was going to tell him, "you better not have anything to do with this... or I'll rip your testicles off."
I'm curious how the Desmond thing works in. I knew he was suppose to return for the finale, but I wasn't sure how. I'm wondering if they connect it with the time warp theory that some people have... where he's once again reaching the island for the first time. Or if he still had his boat, sailed off after leaving the hatch, then somehow screwed up his navigation and ended up back at the island.
I think Sayid is going to create a second team that will follow the first team closely, but without Michael knowing. Or maybe follows by himself.
Invasion had the worst season finale. Made me really mad that no alien fishes were shown exploding out of the pregnant aliens. Invasion started off great, but it had so many filler episodes that i watched every other ep.
At least 4400 starts on june 11th
Unfortunately that's how I see almost every episode nowadays. 40 minutes filler here, 50 minutes filler there - it's getting really frustrating how slowly the show is paced.
And next season is going to progress quickly. Supposed to be like 9 new episodes back to back. Then their holiday haitus, then the rest of the series, new, back to back.
There's supposed to be no re-runs next season, which is awesome. They said it's due to LOST having 20% less viewers this season. I can see why though, not much has happened this season.
Well, the finale is going to kick ass
And next season is going to progress quickly. Supposed to be like 9 new episodes back to back. Then their holiday haitus, then the rest of the series, new, back to back.
There's supposed to be no re-runs next season, which is awesome. They said it's due to LOST having 20% less viewers this season. I can see why though, not much has happened this season.
[/ QUOTE ]
From what I read, they will show the first 7 episodes of lost all back to back. Then the show will go on a 13 weeks break and come back with the rest of the 16 episodes in a row.
Either way, it's going to be great
2 hours of info revealed. be good to get everyones opinions on the finale
Spolier below: highlight to read
<font color="#00254A"> I would of killed Michael after he deceieved them, screw walt!. Too many unanswered questions about the others still. The huge bright light is a pulse and then some remote location sees the pulse and then desmonds ex-girl gets a call, wft! Hurley should of done an ass whopping on them. hahah</font>
If anything, I'm assuming that as they head out, they'll encounter the other boat, then something will happen, and Walt will be the one to lead them to the place Jack and the others are being taken to. (Underwater base hopefully)
Im assuming there is something hidden in the website, but havent found anything yet, other than some crazy jobs available.
Im still bummed about the lack of the black smoke.
Mister ecco better not be dead.
So, there is an outside world. Holocaust theory == wrong
Oh cool, new russian characters. Every show needs russians
Michael will be back. He'll try and earn his redemption by trying to save the people he just fucked over. He'll probably die in the process.
Sayid needs to start killing people when he suspects them. Kill them immediately.
Why did Claire kiss Charlie? Seemed odd to me...
Dont strong electromagnets really fuck people up? Like, make them sick and die?
Desmond rocks. I like his character.
I wanna see the Other's real base.
-That statue foot they found is from the Colossus or Rhodes, which only had 4 toes on it's left foot. Thing us, modern scientists have never found the left foot, we only know about it through historic texts...
-Notice how the Jack, Michael, Kate, Sawyer and Michael all gave each other a look right before the bags were on their heads? I think that has to do with Jack earlier saying "dont think i wouldnt do all of this without having a plan". So I think they have a plan BEYOND that of Sayid's...
-I like how the observation hatch is the real skinners box, thats dope.
The factory in a few episodes back was called Widmore Construction, cool:
This is Desmond's girlfriends dads company (and last name).
Oh, and Widmore Labs:
There is a sign at the end of the dock that reads "Pala Ferry" in the background. That is the ferry that was mentioned in the Pearl orientation video. In the video it said that it was the ferry used to transport people at the end of their shift back to the barracks.
Im guessing the barracks is their headquarters.
Go here:
Click corporate.
Bottom right picture! RUH-ROH SHAGGY, TEEHEHEHEHE
And Henry being the leader was a bit surprising to me... to be honest, I think they changed that part of the storyline because viewers took a liking to the actor/character. Well, at least he's the leader of that small group. I think they will go back and the losties will see that the dharma people are way more developed than they look (like nice facilities).
My prediction, Walt and Michael are floating into a trap. I don't think they'll find "rescue". Something just seemed tricky about that agreement... I figure Walt will tell Michael about these people and how they aren't who they say they are (like he yelled to Michael earlier).
I really thought Hurley was going to break Michael's neck after learning that Michael was the killer. OH, and did you recognize Libby as 'Elizabeth' in Desmonds flashback? I'm wondering if she was in the mental hospital because she had issues getting over her husband's death.
Here are my observations from the finale, fuck spoilers this is a thread about the show
[/ QUOTE ]
I was only thinking about you west coast'ers who are 3 hours behind
now we have to wait 6 months for season 3!
Here are my observations from the finale, fuck spoilers this is a thread about the show
[/ QUOTE ]
I was only thinking about you west coast'ers who are 3 hours behind
now we have to wait 6 months for season 3!
[/ QUOTE ]
I think its only 4 months, not 6.
Leech: Look of the Colossus of Rhodes