Good points. I wish I could say Im that far into it to be a better judge of the gameplay.
Another teeny thing that bugs me (and Im gonna duck now as I get virtual shit thrown at me) is American accents in a medieval setting just do not sound right AT ALL ahaha! Just makes me think of a lot of nerds at a Renaissance fair! hah!
And the whole "make art button" thing, i mean come on. Its like you start a game and it renders you pretty pictures, isnt that make art button allready?
You do understand that it takes people to make the program behind the button, right?
[/ QUOTE ]
I 100% agree... I was just pushing buttons of people around here
The persuasion minigame is really odd when you think about it. Can you imagine sitting there, cycle through all those things over and over and over again with someone? It seems like you should only be able to do it once in a while, or something. On the other hand it's entertaining enough that I don't mind doing it and you really end up doing it a lot.
Lockpicking rocks. Took me a while to figure out exactly how to do it because they explained it pretty poorly, but now that I know it's great. I have a low security skill, but I managed to get by a "very hard" lock yesterday. And when they say very hard, they aren't kidding. The tension when you've only got one groove left is insane.
The persuasion minigame is alien to me. I've read faqs and still dont understand wtf this has to do with how to persuade people, so i just bribe. They should add the auto button as they did with the lockpicking annoyance.
I dont hear very many good things about the game, and I'm trying to find it's saving grace since I spent the same 60 bucks on it.
On combat, try being an archer, I'm a highelf archer and it's fairly fun to sneak around and wing arrows at people. The melee combat is borked, I can't tell whos being hit, or if my blocking worked.
I've been playing 12 hours, and have yet to have any game or visual experience similar to the videos shown. And I'm incredibly pissed that they just drop you at the capitol after meeting the main character. You're supposed to build up to this stuff, I dont feel like there is a progressive story yet. And that opening scene was just pointless and dull. They could have just ran a camera path in-game, and it would have looked better. It looks like they just ran fraps on a mid level detail fly by.
The menu is console-ized beyond hope, and it blows my mind that some retard thought that not being able to compare store good with equiped items in seperate windows was a good idea. I mean ffs, it's an rpg.
I also see no armor difference in heavy or light. I have 31 in light armor and 1 in heavy. Yet heavy armor gives me more protection. I dont get it.
And no minimap. thats just fucking stupid. i gotta toggle over and over and over. I actually prefer to pickup mushrooms and plants to drop them like breadcrumbs to know where i've been in dungeons.
And dungeons, are extremely anti-climatic(sp). You spend an hour opening doors, avoiding traps, solving puzzles, and get to the final room, and it's a single human. Easily killed in one hit by a sneak arrow, and his loot is subpar. Whats the point of the dungeon then? It should at least give you some social credit for clearing the thing, or a quest completion reward at the end based on how well you did. Dunno.
The physics is screwed up also. When you walk into a shop, at least for me, items are in mid fall, and scatter everywhere.
An everyone looks butt ugly and old, there are no real beards, hair does'nt move and the zbuffer is'nt right. There is also no support, or answers from bethsoft at all in the bug forums. Ok i'm done.
*bUseFaceGenHeads is an ini option, so yeah its facegen.
I've only had about an hour of play so I'm just at the entrance to the sewers. But so far...I really like the game. I think they did a really good job. I'm coming off the WOW wagon though.
Daz: Those visual annoyances you posted are present in the 360 version as well, and I hope the 6800 ULTRA isnt a "dodgy video card" as thats what I have as well.
I also agree on the accents part, and the general lack of emotion on the part of the voice acting.
after looking at those virtual 3d screenshots, even with all the gripes it still looks a bazillion times nicer than morrowind, and I really enjoyed that.. I dunno, the review I read had some pretty darn good *stories in there, and with a game like this I find that to get the most out of it means trying your best to set aside the 3d artist mentality for a bit and play along with the developers intention.. So once my pc is in a state to play it at a reasonable framerate I'm diving right on in
I have had Oblivion for 3 days...and have played for two hours. One hour was spent creating the look of my character only to have my efforts become toast when adjusting the age. (Who knew that changing the age of my custom character would turn him into a black man. I had to start all over). The other hour was spent killing rats and having a general blast trying to get out of the prison.
Unfortunately, though....that is as far as I've gotten. Between spending time with my family, grad school papers, and working on a skin for poop and mop's gladiator, I havent had the time to even step into the sewers.
I cant wait to finally check out the rolling hills and all the other features outside of this cave I'm in. But the way you guys sounds like I dont have too much to look foward to. I hope I'm not disapointed. The game has been really good so far. Sure, the inventory system is rough getting used to. And the NPCs dont have a lot of expression so far. And yeah...the accents can detract from the emersion...but all in all...I'm expecting a good, long, sotry driven (yet non-linear) game. Too many games now days are shallow and restrictive.
Very few games I've played have offered the kind of story and emersion like Betrayal at Krondor (1993) did. I'm hoping for a similar experience from TES:Oblivion.
Another tweak for oblivion seems to be reducing the number of render ahead frames down to 0. Nvidia users can set this option with the extended settings after using teh coolbits registry mod.
It boosted me yet another 10-15fps, and now i can focus on the game. Now that it's playable, I'm enjoying it very much. At least everything aside from the god awful interface.
What on earth is with not being able to assign mouse keys in the controls? Has anyone figured out if you can change m1 and m2 from being strictly attack and block?
I'm actually sort of glad I didnt spend all the cash on the game just yet. I'll wait for some patches or SOMETHING, so I dont spend two days pounding my computer with a sledgehammer trying to get it to work.
Whats the word on Oblivion's performance on ATI cards? Everything I've heard thus far is nvidia related.
Btw, I'm on a 2.8ghz P4, 2GB RAM and a 6800 Ultra. I tried the new nVidia drivers, coolbits trick (thanks Downsizer) and various other tricks on the forums there, but still my poor performance is too distracting to enjoy the game.
The guy that runs has this post about his performance issues and some tweaks. He will be writing up a full guide soon enough. I've decided to just save up for an xbox 360 as I really enjoyed Morrowind on the console *ducks to avoid all the incoming pimp slaps* and there are plenty of things coming to xbox 360 I'd like to have. Anyhow, sorry to hear you got such poor performance Daz.
daz, you should know that a forum doesn't always represent the full playerbase, only the upset ones with itching fingers.
[/ QUOTE ]
First off, I was pointing out the forums to Slum, who was looking for any issues with ATI cards. Secondly, I should know what the hell I like thanks! My own experience is enough to know what a sloppy, unfinished piece of software this is. But thanks for the useful advice.
Well it looks a hell of a lot better than morrowind. The sloppy work is on par with what I've come to expect from them but then they're the reason I got the idea that I could make games in the first place. I'm sure this game will inspire tons of guys like me that know they could do better.
lets be fair though, the elder scrolls games are always about massive scope and freedom.. its not a bunch of tightly wound cooridoors. Keeping a game like that bound together and bug-free must be a very difficult task. Yep Blizzard accomplished a massively impressive world, but these guys are doing it single-player, crafting each adventure by hand. Well, I'll be in a better position to comment once I have the game but I'm just saying that its maybe unfair to expect every single element to compare with a modern fps considering the scope of what they're trying to accomplish
Whilst that shot is bloody awesome Verm, when I first realised that after killing a scary old witch and raiding her corpse, that she was in fact wearing modern Victorias secret matching bra and knickers, it just came across as *incredibly* lame.
I'm being deadly serious!
I just couldn't help but think how bizarre it was that all the females in this medieval fantasy game are wearing hot MODERN undies and sporting American accents. It's just all wrong, ill thought through and comes across as sloppy, cheap, lazy work. Like the photoshop filtered loading screens, or the fact that self shadowing doesn't work properly, the team just weren't taking this seriously enough imo. The animation is some of the worst I've ever seen in a game. I just nearly spat my beer all over my monitor in hysterics when I watched the 'making of' DVD just now. The lead animator is showing us her horse animations whilst verbally letting us know that she's not very good at the humanoid stuff. What a true professional! And they were dumb enough to put that in a making of feature? WTF!
I agree Rooster, It's an exceptionally ambitious game and it's an impressive achievement in many ways. I just cant play it on a system that runs other better looking games that I own fine. I seriously think WoW in all its low poly painterly textured glory looks nicer than this game. People rave about the vast beautiful views in this game. I haven't seen anything yet that wowed me like the first Griffin ride through the landscape of WoW. Style just pwns sloppy photoslapped texturing any day of the week.
Sorry to be so down on the thing. If had a 360 I'd go buy that version instead. Im sure it's a lot of fun. I'm just in a bloody bad mood.
I just nearly spat my beer all over my monitor in hysterics when I watched the 'making of' DVD just now. The lead animator is showing us her horse animations whilst verbally letting us know that she's not very good at the humanoid stuff. What a true professional! And they were dumb enough to put that in a making of feature? WTF!
[/ QUOTE ]
You were a lucky one... I did spit my beer out on my monitor when I watched that >_>
What a mess! (both the animations & beer-cleaning)
you are right daz, but your dislike of the game certainly spreads like a dark aura.
It is sloppy in many ways, including the art, but it's damn better than morrowind, so I can see why people hate it and why people love it beyond anything else.
I dont think is'nt an improvement on anything more than the graphics. I'll mirror Daz here and say the game has no style at all. The more I play, the more I see that it's far less of a game than morrowind, and I played that for hundreds of hours. It was dumbed down for consoles, and the PC fans got screwed.
you are right daz, but your dislike of the game certainly spreads like a dark aura.
[/ QUOTE ]
The ol' boy does seem a bit put out about it, doesn't he? I think Daz is just very worried about the steroid allegations against Barry Bonds - who wants to go to a Giants game if #25 isn't out in left?!
It is sloppy in many ways, including the art, but it's damn better than morrowind, so I can see why people hate it and why people love it beyond anything else.
[/ QUOTE ]
That, my friend, is no defense of any kind. It had damned well better be an improvement over Morrowind, as that game came out four years ago. Oblivion didn't need to knock me over with loads of awesome normal maps or keen HDR lighting or whatever buzzword tech is hot at release - it needed to do the basic things as well as possible (the WoW analogy). Custom faces ares an amusing gimmick; well built, textured and animated characters are a fundamental. Lushly abundant outdoor environments are fun to see; proper mip-mapping and environment LOD is fundamental. Dynamic softshadows sound great; a sensible lighting system that doesn't put beards on women is fundamental. I'd have passed on all of the former if I could have had all of the latter (not that we got the shadows anyway...)
Those of us who are regulars here are apt to be more critical of game art, 'tis true, but I think we're also apt to be more understanding of the difficulties required to create that art. Oblivion's visual content doesn't look like they aimed too high and missed, it looks like it was assembled by amateurs who didn't know how to do things right or professionals who didn't bother trying to do it right. That's much harder to excuse, especially when a game like Half-Life 2 and it's assets are already two years old.
Incidental to the art, I also find Oblivion's interface and control configuration to be quite annoying. I sense it all got the Deus Ex 2 treatment, being "streamlined" for console adaptation. I'm not sure why I ought to bother buying for a PC if it's going to get dumbed down to work with a game pad, but there you go.
Lockpicking rocks. Took me a while to figure out exactly how to do it because they explained it pretty poorly, but now that I know it's great. I have a low security skill, but I managed to get by a "very hard" lock yesterday. And when they say very hard, they aren't kidding. The tension when you've only got one groove left is insane.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh please explain how lockpicking is supposed to work, I can't figure it out. Is it a timing thing?
Because of expectations, hype, lack of prior experience, some people buying it because of the fancy graphics they saw in the hype, some people buying it because they like Morrowind and want more of the same but better, a whole load of stuff.
Why did many people like Quake 4 yet others think it sucks? What's pi to the 25th decimal place? What's the meaning of life?
as an example: I bought and played ico for a while, I didn't like that game at all, does it mean that it sucks? Is my taste of games cheap?
the overhyping had the opposite result, people had this idea that the game would cure cancer and whatnot, and that RAI would do everything.
look past glitches and taste in voiceacting, stop comparing the game to morrowind and daggerfall, enjoy the game as it is, I'm sure it isn't the disaster that the doomsayers make it out to be.
oh btw you can configure the mouse in any way
in the control config screen, move away from "keyboard" and into "mouse"
[/ QUOTE ]
I asked that yesterday, and sadly after much investigation, the answer is no. But it's not a total downer, as this post includes 'Radiant AI Greatest Hits" #243 and #27!
Man: Have you seen the axes at (forgot the name)'s weapon shop?
Dark elf: Hello, how are you today?
Man: They're really the best axes I've seen.
Dark elf: Well, goodbye.
The other incident involved my walking into the Merchants Inn to find about half a dozen NPC's fall from a little ways in the air and all proceed to march single file out the door. I think I interrupted some sort of anti-gravity hedonistic bash.
look past glitches and taste in voiceacting, stop comparing the game to morrowind and daggerfall, enjoy the game as it is, I'm sure it isn't the disaster that the doomsayers make it out to be.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll wait for my own copy and judge for myself. At least from reading the comments here now, I no longer expect that the game will cure cancer and usher in a new era of world peace.
Not to hijack this thread, but I hated Ico too. Great level and puzzle design and a beautiful style and graphics coupled with a horrid and painful combat system and a pair of main characters that I didn't give a damn about.
you are right daz, but your dislike of the game certainly spreads like a dark aura.
look past glitches and taste in voiceacting, stop comparing the game to morrowind and daggerfall, enjoy the game as it is, I'm sure it isn't the disaster that the doomsayers make it out to be.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, It started out as a grey mist, but it'll certainly become a black aura the more folks attempt to tell me to change my opinion. I actually suspect that you haven't even played it.
Listen, I've repeatedly said that I'm sure the game is cool, but I personally am struggling to see through the glitches, the hamminess and lack of style. I'm a CG artist for a living. I tend to look at games from that perspective.
But more than *anything* else Im struggling to get past the appallingly bad performance. I just don't see what graphical features are making this game run so slowly. And yes, that's pissing me off.
Yeah I'd be down with that, as soon as I get the game that is.
Also I have no idea if there's a decent model exporter, from what I recall you can only use custom models in the editor if you export from your app in .NIF format(for Morrowind that is, although it looks like they haven't changed that). The last working, free .NIF exporter I knew of was for 3dsmax 4.
Again: Glad I didnt buy it for the PC. 360 has the graphical problems(mips, shadows, etc) but performs fine.
Im having fun playing it and exploring the world. Some of the stuff(voice acting) is pretty laughable, and yeah, the FaceGen stuff was just a huge mistake I think.
I see the problems, but honestly, I see problems in EVERY game I play, so I more or less file those in the back of my mind, for future reference of what NOT to do.
Another teeny thing that bugs me (and Im gonna duck now as I get virtual shit thrown at me) is American accents in a medieval setting just do not sound right AT ALL ahaha! Just makes me think of a lot of nerds at a Renaissance fair! hah!
Complain all you want but thats the future.
And the whole "make art button" thing, i mean come on. Its like you start a game and it renders you pretty pictures, isnt that make art button allready?
You do understand that it takes people to make the program behind the button, right?
[/ QUOTE ]
I 100% agree... I was just pushing buttons of people around here
Lockpicking rocks. Took me a while to figure out exactly how to do it because they explained it pretty poorly, but now that I know it's great. I have a low security skill, but I managed to get by a "very hard" lock yesterday. And when they say very hard, they aren't kidding. The tension when you've only got one groove left is insane.
I dont hear very many good things about the game, and I'm trying to find it's saving grace since I spent the same 60 bucks on it.
On combat, try being an archer, I'm a highelf archer and it's fairly fun to sneak around and wing arrows at people. The melee combat is borked, I can't tell whos being hit, or if my blocking worked.
I've been playing 12 hours, and have yet to have any game or visual experience similar to the videos shown. And I'm incredibly pissed that they just drop you at the capitol after meeting the main character. You're supposed to build up to this stuff, I dont feel like there is a progressive story yet. And that opening scene was just pointless and dull. They could have just ran a camera path in-game, and it would have looked better. It looks like they just ran fraps on a mid level detail fly by.
The menu is console-ized beyond hope, and it blows my mind that some retard thought that not being able to compare store good with equiped items in seperate windows was a good idea. I mean ffs, it's an rpg.
I also see no armor difference in heavy or light. I have 31 in light armor and 1 in heavy. Yet heavy armor gives me more protection. I dont get it.
And no minimap. thats just fucking stupid. i gotta toggle over and over and over. I actually prefer to pickup mushrooms and plants to drop them like breadcrumbs to know where i've been in dungeons.
And dungeons, are extremely anti-climatic(sp). You spend an hour opening doors, avoiding traps, solving puzzles, and get to the final room, and it's a single human. Easily killed in one hit by a sneak arrow, and his loot is subpar. Whats the point of the dungeon then? It should at least give you some social credit for clearing the thing, or a quest completion reward at the end based on how well you did. Dunno.
The physics is screwed up also. When you walk into a shop, at least for me, items are in mid fall, and scatter everywhere.
An everyone looks butt ugly and old, there are no real beards, hair does'nt move and the zbuffer is'nt right. There is also no support, or answers from bethsoft at all in the bug forums. Ok i'm done.
*bUseFaceGenHeads is an ini option, so yeah its facegen.
Did you play Morrowind? Because then you should have known better
Daz: Those visual annoyances you posted are present in the 360 version as well, and I hope the 6800 ULTRA isnt a "dodgy video card" as thats what I have as well.
I also agree on the accents part, and the general lack of emotion on the part of the voice acting.
Oh my god!
yes, please, take me back to the four meter vision of morrowind.
Old lady: "If I were interested in wearing heavy armor, I'd go to Fire and Steal, they sell heavy armor there."
OMG! It's a living, breathing world!
"Yes, he's your man for lockpicks."
"Word on the street is, that's the fellow you want for picking locks."
Unfortunately, though....that is as far as I've gotten. Between spending time with my family, grad school papers, and working on a skin for poop and mop's gladiator, I havent had the time to even step into the sewers.
I cant wait to finally check out the rolling hills and all the other features outside of this cave I'm in. But the way you guys sounds like I dont have too much to look foward to.
Very few games I've played have offered the kind of story and emersion like Betrayal at Krondor (1993) did. I'm hoping for a similar experience from TES:Oblivion.
It boosted me yet another 10-15fps, and now i can focus on the game. Now that it's playable, I'm enjoying it very much. At least everything aside from the god awful interface.
Whats the word on Oblivion's performance on ATI cards? Everything I've heard thus far is nvidia related.
There's an awful lot of uspet people.
Btw, I'm on a 2.8ghz P4, 2GB RAM and a 6800 Ultra. I tried the new nVidia drivers, coolbits trick (thanks Downsizer) and various other tricks on the forums there, but still my poor performance is too distracting to enjoy the game.
Decided to sell it at work tomorrow.
daz, you should know that a forum doesn't always represent the full playerbase, only the upset ones with itching fingers.
[/ QUOTE ]
In this case there's more than enough problems present to itch even the numbest of fingers.
daz, you should know that a forum doesn't always represent the full playerbase, only the upset ones with itching fingers.
[/ QUOTE ]
First off, I was pointing out the forums to Slum, who was looking for any issues with ATI cards. Secondly, I should know what the hell I like thanks! My own experience is enough to know what a sloppy, unfinished piece of software this is. But thanks for the useful advice.
I'm being deadly serious!
I just couldn't help but think how bizarre it was that all the females in this medieval fantasy game are wearing hot MODERN undies and sporting American accents. It's just all wrong, ill thought through and comes across as sloppy, cheap, lazy work. Like the photoshop filtered loading screens, or the fact that self shadowing doesn't work properly, the team just weren't taking this seriously enough imo. The animation is some of the worst I've ever seen in a game. I just nearly spat my beer all over my monitor in hysterics when I watched the 'making of' DVD just now. The lead animator is showing us her horse animations whilst verbally letting us know that she's not very good at the humanoid stuff. What a true professional! And they were dumb enough to put that in a making of feature? WTF!
I agree Rooster, It's an exceptionally ambitious game and it's an impressive achievement in many ways. I just cant play it on a system that runs other better looking games that I own fine. I seriously think WoW in all its low poly painterly textured glory looks nicer than this game. People rave about the vast beautiful views in this game. I haven't seen anything yet that wowed me like the first Griffin ride through the landscape of WoW. Style just pwns sloppy photoslapped texturing any day of the week.
Sorry to be so down on the thing. If had a 360 I'd go buy that version instead. Im sure it's a lot of fun. I'm just in a bloody bad mood.
I just nearly spat my beer all over my monitor in hysterics when I watched the 'making of' DVD just now. The lead animator is showing us her horse animations whilst verbally letting us know that she's not very good at the humanoid stuff. What a true professional! And they were dumb enough to put that in a making of feature? WTF!
[/ QUOTE ]
You were a lucky one... I did spit my beer out on my monitor when I watched that >_>
What a mess! (both the animations & beer-cleaning)
It is sloppy in many ways, including the art, but it's damn better than morrowind, so I can see why people hate it and why people love it beyond anything else.
you are right daz, but your dislike of the game certainly spreads like a dark aura.
[/ QUOTE ]
The ol' boy does seem a bit put out about it, doesn't he? I think Daz is just very worried about the steroid allegations against Barry Bonds - who wants to go to a Giants game if #25 isn't out in left?!
It is sloppy in many ways, including the art, but it's damn better than morrowind, so I can see why people hate it and why people love it beyond anything else.
[/ QUOTE ]
That, my friend, is no defense of any kind. It had damned well better be an improvement over Morrowind, as that game came out four years ago. Oblivion didn't need to knock me over with loads of awesome normal maps or keen HDR lighting or whatever buzzword tech is hot at release - it needed to do the basic things as well as possible (the WoW analogy). Custom faces ares an amusing gimmick; well built, textured and animated characters are a fundamental. Lushly abundant outdoor environments are fun to see; proper mip-mapping and environment LOD is fundamental. Dynamic softshadows sound great; a sensible lighting system that doesn't put beards on women is fundamental. I'd have passed on all of the former if I could have had all of the latter (not that we got the shadows anyway...)
Those of us who are regulars here are apt to be more critical of game art, 'tis true, but I think we're also apt to be more understanding of the difficulties required to create that art. Oblivion's visual content doesn't look like they aimed too high and missed, it looks like it was assembled by amateurs who didn't know how to do things right or professionals who didn't bother trying to do it right. That's much harder to excuse, especially when a game like Half-Life 2 and it's assets are already two years old.
Incidental to the art, I also find Oblivion's interface and control configuration to be quite annoying. I sense it all got the Deus Ex 2 treatment, being "streamlined" for console adaptation. I'm not sure why I ought to bother buying for a PC if it's going to get dumbed down to work with a game pad, but there you go.
Lockpicking rocks. Took me a while to figure out exactly how to do it because they explained it pretty poorly, but now that I know it's great. I have a low security skill, but I managed to get by a "very hard" lock yesterday. And when they say very hard, they aren't kidding. The tension when you've only got one groove left is insane.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh please explain how lockpicking is supposed to work, I can't figure it out. Is it a timing thing?
Frank the Avenger
In harder locks the order is key because the tumbler being set does'nt last very long.
in the control config screen, move away from "keyboard" and into "mouse"
Why did many people like Quake 4 yet others think it sucks? What's pi to the 25th decimal place? What's the meaning of life?
the overhyping had the opposite result, people had this idea that the game would cure cancer and whatnot, and that RAI would do everything.
look past glitches and taste in voiceacting, stop comparing the game to morrowind and daggerfall, enjoy the game as it is, I'm sure it isn't the disaster that the doomsayers make it out to be.
oh btw you can configure the mouse in any way
in the control config screen, move away from "keyboard" and into "mouse"
[/ QUOTE ]
I asked that yesterday, and sadly after much investigation, the answer is no. But it's not a total downer, as this post includes 'Radiant AI Greatest Hits" #243 and #27!
Man: Have you seen the axes at (forgot the name)'s weapon shop?
Dark elf: Hello, how are you today?
Man: They're really the best axes I've seen.
Dark elf: Well, goodbye.
The other incident involved my walking into the Merchants Inn to find about half a dozen NPC's fall from a little ways in the air and all proceed to march single file out the door. I think I interrupted some sort of anti-gravity hedonistic bash.
look past glitches and taste in voiceacting, stop comparing the game to morrowind and daggerfall, enjoy the game as it is, I'm sure it isn't the disaster that the doomsayers make it out to be.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll wait for my own copy and judge for myself. At least from reading the comments here now, I no longer expect that the game will cure cancer and usher in a new era of world peace.
Not to hijack this thread, but I hated Ico too. Great level and puzzle design and a beautiful style and graphics coupled with a horrid and painful combat system and a pair of main characters that I didn't give a damn about.
you are right daz, but your dislike of the game certainly spreads like a dark aura.
look past glitches and taste in voiceacting, stop comparing the game to morrowind and daggerfall, enjoy the game as it is, I'm sure it isn't the disaster that the doomsayers make it out to be.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, It started out as a grey mist, but it'll certainly become a black aura the more folks attempt to tell me to change my opinion. I actually suspect that you haven't even played it.
Listen, I've repeatedly said that I'm sure the game is cool, but I personally am struggling to see through the glitches, the hamminess and lack of style. I'm a CG artist for a living. I tend to look at games from that perspective.
But more than *anything* else Im struggling to get past the appallingly bad performance. I just don't see what graphical features are making this game run so slowly. And yes, that's pissing me off.
Also I have no idea if there's a decent model exporter, from what I recall you can only use custom models in the editor if you export from your app in .NIF format(for Morrowind that is, although it looks like they haven't changed that). The last working, free .NIF exporter I knew of was for 3dsmax 4.
Im having fun playing it and exploring the world. Some of the stuff(voice acting) is pretty laughable, and yeah, the FaceGen stuff was just a huge mistake I think.
I see the problems, but honestly, I see problems in EVERY game I play, so I more or less file those in the back of my mind, for future reference of what NOT to do.