neato, one crit = some details are too small, u got 2 characters and 1 1024 map, alot of that stuff isn't going to get picked up, you're better off making some larger to medium size stuff, but for the most part cool though.
thanks guys, the shader question: i mess with the cavity settings, i usually adjust the cavity colorize until its barly darker than my material. so it makes them pop but its not a harsh black line.
did a little work on goofy Mc goof face. you might have to ask poop to pull out his goof-o meter 9000 and tell us how goofy he is cause my goof senses are broken.
This is looking really cool man. I'm sorry I doubted your skills for even a micromillipartiosecond. Also, the head of the alien does indeed look like a penis, good work. Leave it to the french to point it out. 8-)
thats not just any penis, its my penis!! i have the pox, and the clap, plus a dash of genital warts and it makes for a pretty nasy beast! i didnt want to just keep this nastiness to myself so i have been trying to capture exacly how gross it is in zbrush, its pretty close, only difference is instead of teeth mine just has puss covering the tip, but i figured since they were similar colors i could replace it with teeth and it still be a pretty close representation.
here is a mock up of how the generals head will look in his get up..
laid the arm out, still have some details to make like finger nails, i might need 50's help for that. i wanted to make the hands pretty muscular because i was thinking one of the reasons my guy is so fat is he dosent really have to move so much with hands like that, he just kind of sits in one place and uses his extendo mits to grab everything with. so it made sense to me to make them kinda ripped.
damn I just don't know how you get that soft padded feel to the palm with the pockets of fat and tissue.. man
edit: well I do know, you kick ass is how
thanks guys, this isnt really an update, but i have been working on all these elements seperately so i wanted to put them together and view them in perspective since zbrush dosent have any type of perspective. hope to get more done on his outfit.
ZBrush does actually have perspective, if you turn off Edit, turn on Move mode and turn on Persp in the Draw menu, then go back into Draw mode instead of Move to get rid of the big silly axis... seems a bit silly that you can't rotate the model in that view though.
Looks good so far although i hate the lighting in that render
yeah i know mop, but you cant rotate like you said, and its a pain in the ass to import the other pieces, you can also just delete lower and go into zmapper mode, it is in perpective and you can rotate, its just all a pain in the ass. much easier to do in max. also these are not the highest subdivisions just temp holders for me to get an idea of what he will look like and i am using them as a guide for his clothes and the beasts armor bits.
yes the lighting was hidious, i used polycount colors, and they are ugly, it was also not a render just a viewport grab with a painted shadow, i have replaced it with a real render.
Personally i prefer to make a standard pass with two or three lights and an ambient occlussion pass that renders very fast and really pumps up the quality of the render. Just a multiply layer in photoshop and ready to go.
I´m really loving the thin finger. It is very ugly and he seems to seems to use it to clean the teeth of the alien :P
Umm, i do not know how to render both passes at the same time if not with a global illumination pass. The AOC pass is very fast with mental ray, you just put the material on the Material Override slot on the Processing tab under the render options and in seconds you have a nice layer to comp in photoshop. Also, having that in a layer appart allows you to adjust the opacity to not make the final image too dark.
Seems like some detail has been lost but I guess its understandable given the spec. Some seriously sweet ZBrush work there. I really like the guys face, looks individual.
Looking good arshlevon! That spider's face is looking wicked, and the fat guy definately looks like a general. That four fingered hand looks brilliant aswell.
Seems like some detail has been lost but I guess its understandable given the spec. Some seriously sweet ZBrush work there. I really like the guys face, looks individual.
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks, the detail is lower because i didnt export the full rex mesh from zbrush, this was just a proxy to model the clothes around.
and thanks Jhotun for the tip, i seen a few tutorials that use this method, one i remember was with a car, and a greebled wall, i have been meaning to try it out for the longest time, but i always forget.
thanks for all the comments, the uniform is slowly comming along here is some progress shots.
man I'm just glad you're on our side.. great work..
for the fabric strips are you basically using strips of polys with a shell modifier and smooth? would you mind sharing the unsmoothed version, if that is the way you did that?
also, for your final normal map are you going to export the highest detail from zbrush into max, or will you use zmapper somehow? I'm totally unfamiliar with the best workflow . Inspiring work
Yes! I really like your work a lot, Arsh, get your website back online . Is that a render of the normal-mapped geometry, or are those just the high poly assets?
hahaha, wow, kurt. that is a striking resemlance in silhouette. yeah jeff minowski started giving me some shit about this as well, i really had no idea. good thing i changed it. even though i think the style and theme as well as various cosmetic differences like wings and helmets, and robotics and the number of legs, it does look very similar in silhouette. maybe when you posted it the first time i was so blown away it was etched in my mind and i will be doomed to only draw obease guys on some type of spider legged mount.
actually i think it would be safer to say that BOTH are pretty much knock offs of this dude. mojo, from xmen
great work arsh ^^ same question as EQ though
did a little work on goofy Mc goof face. you might have to ask poop to pull out his goof-o meter 9000 and tell us how goofy he is cause my goof senses are broken.
This is looking really cool man. I'm sorry I doubted your skills for even a micromillipartiosecond. Also, the head of the alien does indeed look like a penis, good work. Leave it to the french to point it out. 8-)
here is a mock up of how the generals head will look in his get up..
edit: well I do know, you kick ass is how
Looks good so far although i hate the lighting in that render
yes the lighting was hidious, i used polycount colors, and they are ugly, it was also not a render just a viewport grab with a painted shadow, i have replaced it with a real render.
I´m really loving the thin finger. It is very ugly and he seems to seems to use it to clean the teeth of the alien :P
Great work man, keep it up!
Seems like some detail has been lost but I guess its understandable given the spec. Some seriously sweet ZBrush work there. I really like the guys face, looks individual.
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks, the detail is lower because i didnt export the full rex mesh from zbrush, this was just a proxy to model the clothes around.
and thanks Jhotun for the tip, i seen a few tutorials that use this method, one i remember was with a car, and a greebled wall, i have been meaning to try it out for the longest time, but i always forget.
thanks for all the comments, the uniform is slowly comming along here is some progress shots.
for the fabric strips are you basically using strips of polys with a shell modifier and smooth? would you mind sharing the unsmoothed version, if that is the way you did that?
also, for your final normal map are you going to export the highest detail from zbrush into max, or will you use zmapper somehow? I'm totally unfamiliar with the best workflow
Then again, everyone loves a fat man riding a weird flesh chariot. Lookin ace, tex. I like those gimpy hands mucho.
actually i think it would be safer to say that BOTH are pretty much knock offs of this dude. mojo, from xmen
Now get that supa-freak goin, son!