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polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!

Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
  • Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
  • Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce; Crocotile3D & Blockbench

Here's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software: Low-Poly Art Style Guide


  • _exocet_
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    _exocet_ polycounter lvl 6
    Hi everyone,

    I've been lurking this forum (and this thread in particular) on and off for a few years, but here's my first post and contribution :)

    It's a small tank based on the sprite of a really old game I used to play as a kid: MGT.


  • MonkeyKing
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    Looks really nice and clean,great job man.
  • irloading
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    irloading polycounter lvl 17
    did a bit more work with the texture for this little ship, lots of mistakes with uv mapping, stretching and space management ><;


    152 polygons and 1 512x512 texture

    not too happy with how the ion trail/thing turned out tho


    tiny spin

  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Really liking that, irloading.

  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    great scene Leisure Centaur!

    sweet irloading! don't be too hard on yourself, it turned out really nice!
  • Helgezone
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    Man that is sweet, Irloading. Love those textures!

    @exocet: That's a delightfully bizarre design, I gotta say :p I wouldn't have guessed that it was a tank, lol. Nice execution anyhow.

    @Ged, Snader: Thanks for the input! I've done some adjustments to hue and contrast, hopefully for the better. The hood was brought down slightly to make it less pastel, and I did some small shading changes along the way. The helmet's been giving me troubles from the start, what with the mirrored texture. I cleaned up some blobby shading and upped the contrast, but I'm not sure if I'm there yet! Thanks again!

  • Leisure Centaur
    Main character I made at the gamehack 24 hours game jam.


    408 Tris, 256x256.

    You can play what we mangaed to cobble together here, we're going to improve it soon :)

  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    I was rather pleasantly surprised by how much of a nice curve I could get out of a low-poly model. She's less than 400 tris. I'm going to try something ambitious for the texture, so for now all I have is the base mesh.
  • Tysho
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    Great stuff people! The dwarf looks awesome Helgezone- really dig the texture work.
  • GabrielP
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    GabrielP polycounter lvl 7
    Looks pretty solid TigerFoot, but I would move the upper inner leg edge in a little bit to try and get ride of that really square edge. Unless of course you plan on putting a skirt there.

    Heres what I've been working on, got some touch ups to do with the texture but other then that shes pretty much ready to go.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks a bunch Gabriel. I want to keep the legs skinny like that, so I added a little extra geometry to soften out the curve. :)
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    GabrielP, it looks like you have a couple of loops running up the bottom > hips that don't actually add any curvature to the bottom half of your character, maybe remove them or use them to add more curvature just by moving them out a bit?
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    1024x1024 is pretty large for a browser target too and you're not really making the most out of it either. I swore I saw a 256x256 texture
  • GabrielP
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    GabrielP polycounter lvl 7
    The extra loops are for animation, as for the texture Ill see what I can do about getting it down to 512x512.
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    It could easily be a 256² with little loss in detail, seriously. I mean, unless it's supposed to be big on screen or something.
  • Seirei
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    @Sexy Robot that's Twilight Sparkle, right? Are you planning to do the Whole MLP:FiM cast?
  • GabrielP
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    GabrielP polycounter lvl 7
    Wow I was blown away with how little detail was lost by breaking it down to a 512! Heres a render of three different sizes. Sadly I dont think the 256 will be a high enough resolution for what they will be using her for.
    Thank you guys so much for the help!
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
    Seirei wrote: »
    @Sexy Robot that's Twilight Sparkle, right? Are you planning to do the Whole MLP:FiM cast?

    If this one goes well enough, then maybe, yes.
  • Ryujisama
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    Hello, guys. First time poster, noob modeler. I've always had an interest, but have only recently gotten serious about it. I've been made in charge of the modeling for a game project I'm involved with, and decided to go with a 3D "chibi-style" for the human models. We're using Unity, so I'm limiting the polys to as little as possible. Here's what I have so far as a base for the models to go by. what_i__ve_been_up_to____by_ryujisama-d4z3rir.jpg

    How's the geometry? I'm not too concerned about the hand, but the torso is giving me some issues... Any and all thoughts (As long as they're constructive) are welcome and appreciated, guys.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8


    Also socks, love socks.
  • [SF]Three9
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    @Gabriel you sure? I took your image into photoshop and I literally see no difference between any of the versions...the 256x256 looks just fine
  • Tysho
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    Hi all, just looking to get some feedback on topology before I start unwrapping this model. Thought I'd try something a (little) bit more realistic but I'm not sure if I've made a complete mess. :) It's a sort of Guyver-esque suit made from the flesh of the wearer.
    Any crits would be sweeeeeet.

  • GabrielP
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    GabrielP polycounter lvl 7
    @Gabriel you sure? I took your image into photoshop and I literally see no difference between any of the versions...the 256x256 looks just fine

    For the upper half translated fine, for the most part. But the bottom half, particularly the belt looks pretty blurred in 256.
  • Squiggly_P
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    Squiggly_P polycounter lvl 11
    @Ryujisama - Overall it looks pretty good, especially for a 'noob'. The things that stand out to me are:
    1) You've got loops and verts in some places where they're not contributing much to the shape, and aren't needed for deformation. The loop in the middle of the lower leg, the density around the base of the neck, etc.
    2) Ngons. Not that they're all that bad a thing on a base mesh, it's a good idea to quad / triangulate them yourself, otherwise your software might find a bad way to triangulate them. On flat areas that won't deform it's not a big deal. You've got some on your shoulders and hands, tho, and that could lead to deformation problems.
    3) The chin / mouth area is probably more dense than it needs to be, unless you're planning on having an articulated mouth or doing some close zooming in there.

    I'd reckon you could spend a bit of time optimizing it and collapsing some loops / verts and get the tri count down to 1200-1300 or so without losing any of your shapes or deformability.

    I have no experience with unity, so I have no idea what sort of tri counts are most common in a browser / iOS games lately. Assuming those are the target platforms :P
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    GabrielP wrote: »
    For the upper half translated fine, for the most part. But the bottom half, particularly the belt looks pretty blurred in 256.

    That also says a little bit about how efficient your UVW unwrap is. For this, though, I'd say just use the 512.
  • toulic
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    Cow .... format openflight

  • fabio brasilien
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    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    GabrielP One more vote to 256x256! :)
    If there were more details on this I would say go for 512.
    But the way you made, 256x256 looks almost the same and it is 4 times smaller than 512.
    The botton part is some kind of fog and it is fine of being blurred.
    toulic Nice optmized cow. The texture needs some adjustments though.
  • Ryujisama
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    Squiggly_P wrote: »

    ... The things that stand out to me are:
    1) You've got loops and verts in some places where they're not contributing much to the shape, and aren't needed for deformation. The loop in the middle of the lower leg, the density around the base of the neck, etc.
    2) Ngons. Not that they're all that bad a thing on a base mesh, it's a good idea to quad / triangulate them yourself, otherwise your software might find a bad way to triangulate them. On flat areas that won't deform it's not a big deal. You've got some on your shoulders and hands, tho, and that could lead to deformation problems.
    3) The chin / mouth area is probably more dense than it needs to be, unless you're planning on having an articulated mouth or doing some close zooming in there.

    I'd reckon you could spend a bit of time optimizing it and collapsing some loops / verts and get the tri count down to 1200-1300 or so without losing any of your shapes or deformability.
    Thank you for the advice. I'll get to optimizing it before I start modifying it.
  • Leisure Centaur
    Ryujisama wrote: »
    Hello, guys. First time poster, noob modeler. I've always had an interest, but have only recently gotten serious about it. I've been made in charge of the modeling for a game project I'm involved with, and decided to go with a 3D "chibi-style" for the human models. We're using Unity, so I'm limiting the polys to as little as possible. Here's what I have so far as a base for the models to go by. what_i__ve_been_up_to____by_ryujisama-d4z3rir.jpg

    How's the geometry? I'm not too concerned about the hand, but the torso is giving me some issues... Any and all thoughts (As long as they're constructive) are welcome and appreciated, guys.

    Hey Ryu!

    Looks like a good start, got a few pointers though that you might find useful.

    - It doesn't look chibi. That look usually involves a small, chunky body and a oversized head like so


    I'd consider vastly shrinking the body and making the proportions stubbier IF that's the style you're interested in doing.

    - Are you using a reference image? The legs are ENORMOUS compared to the rest of that character. If you are using a reference image can we have a look? I'd always do a quick sketch before modelling or at least have a moodboard of similar characters to my intention.

    - I'm guessing it's female, if so it would be a good idea to check out some references as the basic body shape is a looking a tad odd.

    - I wouldn't start optomising until you're happy with the overal character design. There's little point in optomising and then having to work geometry back in when you decide the character isn't right.

    - Finally, your tri count is massive, what's the target platform? This kind of character should be more than achievable for about half that number of tris. It's fine to start with a higher count to get the shape down, but I'd look at reducing it pretty significantly.

    Hope that helps, look forward to seeing how it progresses :)
  • Kingsize
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    Kingsize polycounter lvl 16
    Ryujisama wrote: »
    Hello, guys. First time poster, noob modeler. I've always had an interest, but have only recently gotten serious about it. I've been made in charge of the modeling for a game project I'm involved with, and decided to go with a 3D "chibi-style" for the human models. We're using Unity, so I'm limiting the polys to as little as possible. Here's what I have so far as a base for the models to go by. what_i__ve_been_up_to____by_ryujisama-d4z3rir.jpg

    How's the geometry? I'm not too concerned about the hand, but the torso is giving me some issues... Any and all thoughts (As long as they're constructive) are welcome and appreciated, guys.

    Hey Ryujisama, Welcome first off. Second, I would spend some more time defining the head. You've got quite a bit of poly's that are doing very little as far as defining the shape. Try focusing on the main planes of the skull and eliminate smaller faces that don't help to define the silhouette. Also included in that would be the pelvis. Think about spreading those edge loops out to help define shape and keeping it while it animates.
  • mariuka
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    Hi guys, it's laser tower for my tower defense game
    665 triangles and 1024x1024 texture
  • Oleg
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    Oleg polycounter lvl 14
    some wips for a rts game , for Iphone.
  • rabidbaboy
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    Leisure Centaur, that might be SD (super deformed) you're referring to. Chibi is not so drastic. :)
  • Hatsya
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    They're of the same term, actually according to Google.
    Harry_Potter_SD_by_o_Marin_o.jpg by Marin of DeviantArt.

    WIKI says: Super deformed or SD is a specific style of Japanese caricature where characters are drawn in an exaggerated way, typically small and chubby, with stubby limbs and oversized heads, to make them resemble small children. This style is referred to as chibi by Japanese and English anime fans.
  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    Here are some WIP weapons I've made for a game I'm working on. They're partly procedurally textured so that I can have a lot more variety for letting players reskin them.

    All these parts together is 10,500 tris though each gun is around 500-900. All the parts together share a single 1024 when editing the weapons and a 512 ingame.


    The idea is that each weapon can be broken down into parts like stock, receiver, etc. and each part has different in-game stats so you can kitbash your own guns a la Pimp My Gun and they'll look totally different and play differently too :D

    Here's a modded pistol and some totally rebuilt weird thing:

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Ryujisama wrote: »

    People here are asking you to do SD, but actually there is a difference between chibi and SD. SD is totally the big head tiny body thing, but chibi just means short of height. So you have "chibi-style" characters in sailor moon, but they don't have giant heads, they are just shorter.

    I guess the question is, did you mean SD? :D
  • AtomicClucker
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    Working on low poly:

    Old at left, new at right. Intention is to build a "base" head that uses a combo of Blender's wonderful proportion tool so it can be morphed into other shapes.

  • St4lis
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    St4lis polycounter lvl 7
    Here are some WIP weapons I've made for a game I'm working on. They're partly procedurally textured so that I can have a lot more variety for letting players reskin them.

    All these parts together is 10,500 tris though each gun is around 500-900. All the parts together share a single 1024 when editing the weapons and a 512 ingame.

    The idea is that each weapon can be broken down into parts like stock, receiver, etc. and each part has different in-game stats so you can kitbash your own guns a la Pimp My Gun and they'll look totally different and play differently too :D

    Here's a modded pistol and some totally rebuilt weird thing:

    That looks awesome.
    However, some of the nice definition, shape and detail get lost in the high contrast of the camouflage. Maybe its a matter of taste, but id say making the camouflage more subtle would bring out the definition of the guns better.

    Im doing something similar, but at a little lower res

    An experiment where i create small guns and attachment using a 16 square texture and vcolors. Its very enjoyable.

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    i dunno man, thats a huge texture and so many wasted tris ;)
    haha, pretty awesome work.
  • toulic
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    SVD Dragunov - format openflight

  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    That's bloody brilliant St4lis :D
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    St4lis, those own!

    735 triangles, 512x512 texture.


    Plus texture timelapse:
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yr-Pgw3pMw&amp;hd=1]&quot;texture timelapse"[/ame]
  • Defaultsound
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    Defaultsound polycounter lvl 15
    Here are some WIP weapons I've made for a game I'm working on. They're partly procedurally textured so that I can have a lot more variety for letting players reskin them.

    All these parts together is 10,500 tris though each gun is around 500-900. All the parts together share a single 1024 when editing the weapons and a 512 ingame.

    The idea is that each weapon can be broken down into parts like stock, receiver, etc. and each part has different in-game stats so you can kitbash your own guns a la Pimp My Gun and they'll look totally different and play differently too :D

    Here's a modded pistol and some totally rebuilt weird thing:

    Those are great! could we see some wires/textures?
  • shaka
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    shaka polycounter lvl 7
    Let's call this one....Charlie :)))))

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    sweet beastman poop! looks like its straight outta diablo3 :)
  • St4lis
    Offline / Send Message
    St4lis polycounter lvl 7
    That looks great. Really nice face with a really nice expression
  • shaka
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    shaka polycounter lvl 7
    thanks, i laughed my way to the finish with that one.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Cool stuff St4lis!
  • Rapante
    Offline / Send Message
    Rapante polygon
    nice work St4lis :) A whole game in that style would be amazing :)
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