This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Generally just messing about with the texture, I usually have some gritty thing going so I'm sprucing it up a little with pastels.
Plan on animating it afterwards as part of getting back into 3D shape.
Scott Campbell's the Philosopher!
Construction shot:
I should fix that construction text: there's alpha embedded in the diffuse TGA for the eyes and tassel.
I love coming here thanks everyone for sharing your stuff.
Thank you for the kind words :-). As for the handle, I don't think it will be as much visible but I will try more polys next time as suggested.
blorg - the side profile has some very sharp shapes, and the concave cheeks are a bit weird.
WipEout - IMO 6 sided limbs and an 8 sided neck are very much overkill.
Lazerus Reborn - I don't see what's supposed to be the front or the back. Or what anything is supposed to be, really.
DEElekgolo - if you've got the budget to model the window frames and put that many polygons into a trashcan, I think you can afford to model the empty space in the bookshelves.
In more recent (at least 5 years now) GPUs and APIs, there is no more alpha test. When a call is made from an older API, the GPU simulates it with alpha blending anyways.
It reads better as the shape it should be... now what about that strange bulge near the top? and the not sharp corner at the high end of the edge, you should do something with those in the texture or remove them... as they look unnecessary right now and add to the softness of the silhouette.
Honestly, i really don't know what this is. I was bored so i threw together this little creature an well, a moustache since it makes perfect sense.
Tried to get a viewport grab but it was coming out really washed so screen grabs with the snippet tool ;')
Each character is about 1500 triangles
Curious, are you doing this dungeon just for yourself?
I love this lion! Time is always the problem isn't it.
I love this, I love everything about.
Playing up to the geometry with your texture really lifts the model, I'd like to see more of this with low poly stuff generally, rather than trying to hide it.
Great work!
This is a robot I created to test games when I don't have a model to use. I call him "test bot"
March On OzTM is a RTS-style Road DefenseTM game. Currently with over 50 levels (with 2 difficulty settings), mini-games, full musical score and sound effects, and with over 50 3D models and effects, it is a "AAA" game in all but the price tag. Initially released for the iPad 2 & 3, the game will move to PC, Android and other platforms later in the year, based on demand. Updates, add-ons and other DLC will also be made available through our distribution platforms.
Here is one of my favorite characters, our studio's take on Oz's Flying Monkeys. This bad dude was designed by one of our amazing and talented concept artists, Sandra Pavulaan. Although not under 1000 tris, we managed to get him down to 1261 so he can still animate well and run smoothly on the iPad. I will be releasing more characters as we get closer to launch (which is VERY soon), and for more info, please visit our site!!
A nice low poly outhouse. It will be appearing in the game "Northern Bend" for the Grand rapids Public Museum and be out this November
and playing with the model, a pose in flight
and firing unibeam
In game shot, all of the that stuff can be interacted with.
Feedback is welcome
my blog:
Hope you like it.
Am I the only one who's getting kind of a 'comic Metal Gear Solid' vibe from this? Love it!
Just 'float' the spikes.
ie: just place pyramids (with no bottom) onto the back. That'll cut a lot of polys out of the mesh. Same with the tongue, it doesn't have to all be one piece.
generally legs would animate and deform more so those might be best included in the main 'hull'.
It looks fine, maybe just the cape seems too flat.
And for metal part, the edge texturing looks cool
(speaking of coulour palette and general shape, I rather prefer you bowman in your blog)
Hey Sparr, I've made a fish too (284 tris for one, to be included to a Elder Scrolls: Oblivion mod) :
Also, you can check out more lowpoly assets here:
or here:
Actually this was the first time I did a character model :S.