This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Yeah, I'll try and make some props and a character too, not quite unlike the Charlie character by shaka seen above.
The core of the style is to separate the texture work into sharp parts and gradient parts, and put the sharp pars in pixels and the gradient parts in vcolors. I'll see how far I can take it - I'm looking forward towards trying to make a building or something.
i'm fighting for a while now for making a game like that at my office. But although i'm an art director, textures with no filtering is something that the "guys above" don't really get.
That's beautiful poop!!! I really like how you made the tail look so 'lush'!
THAT is what low poly is all about.
shaka, great charlie.
Shaka - Hah, he's brilliant! So much character.
Shaka - Lovely! Reminds me a lot of Dr. Slump, maybe because of the visual style. ^_^
Hehe, thanks guys and gals. Yeah the alpha is just the alpha channel of this 512.
St4lis, wow they're some low res guns - I love the AKs. Thanks, I'll tone down the camo but that means I'll need to paint actual gun-looking detail into the guns :poly127: This shows some of the textures with less of the camo detail but demonstrates how little detail most of the parts have.
Charlie looks sweet shaka, love the colours.
Defaultsound: thanks dude, sure thing. Here's a texture sample - there's lots of wasted space in the map but I do want to make sure there's room for one or two more items if I want to add them.
How should i go about doign the motor to keep it under budget?
^ a game example of a chibi character (New Class of Heroes: Chrono Academy [PSP])
^ This is an SD character style (GetAmped 2 [PC])
Just like the Harry Potter drawing I referred to, heads are almost wide, reaching both shoulders. SD ones have crazy body proportions, as seen here in GetAmped 2 game art screen...
Trying out some pixel art and color schemes.
@DEElekgolo: looking really clean so far, interested to see some progress
Is there an equivalent workflow to this in Maya? Looks like a dream compared to how I currently texture.
Stunning piece of work by the way
@Helgezone, Snader: Thanks for the feedbacks guys, I've updated my Dovahkiin texture. Hope it looks better now.
Great work on your Thorin character too, Helgezone
Here's my update, C&C are always welcome:
@Poop: amazing work, as always
major crit would be that the 'skirt' would clip the knees in anims since you don't have verts there to deform.
(also Flandre Scarlett is so awsome)
Please enough with the SD vs Chibi unless you're posting your own art
Nice palettes and shading. Would love to see some sci-fi or melee weapons in that style too
I'd say 95% of the texture painting is in bodypaint. I only do very sharp 1 pixel vertical or horizontal stuff in Photoshop, since Bpaint doesn't have a constrain to horizontal/vertical with shift like photoshop does, and I do most of my flipping or transforming in photoshop. Also the initial mask and layer setup in photoshop. The "link" to max is just me exporting an obj, and updating the textures, so this would work 100% the same with maya, just tell maya to update the texture when you tab back to it (unless it auto refreshes like max does).
thats cool can you put a simple environment map on it? reflections would make all the difference with a texture like that.
Free Fall: That is rad! Excellent use of 'gons. I saved it for later reference!
St4lis: Those are soooo awesome man. Went straight into my "cool stuff" folder.
poopinmymouth: You have been such a huge help to me over the last year and a half or so. Thank you for all of your awesome tips and tutorials.
Thanks very much, that helps a tonne. Going to start experimenting with it in Maya
stands at 618 tris using a 256X256 pixel size texture
Is that desaturated look just the result of GIF optimization?
I'd maybe round him out in the ab/waist/lower back area, and his upper back doesn't really stick out. He doesn't have the jelly bean torso shape.
His pecs are also a little underplayed in my opinion. All personal preference, though
I also agree that his waist and hips need to be smaller, along with some more bulk in his back.
Any chance of seeing wireframes?
I am ABSOLUTELY open to CnC. I'm so new to this, it hurts, and it feels like I'll be meddling in low poly for quite a while.
I also somewhat completed a low-poly vehicle model. First time making a useable vehicle asset, and first time baking in painted AOs, etc. I'm not too sure what else I could do for this "Falcon Interceptor" to make it better, since I don't think I can add an effective normal map for this. Maybe a specular done in Mudbox? Right now, doing a quick insert pass in Unity3D, there's some issues with some faces, even though it's showing up fine in Maya.
Pretty good for your first try! You could do a bit of optimising here and there for your character (eg. the extra edge loop running near the bottom of the feet). Especially for very low poly, if it doesn't contribute to the silhouette, you typically should get rid of it.
The interceptor looks very cool, too, and you've got a nice, sensible UV layout there as well. Again, though, you can do some geometry optimisation:
The red is basically all your small bevels. If the screenshot is roughly the sort of size you'll see the thing on-screen, then you can safely get rid of those (though you may insist on keeping them for lighting purposes... ie, catching edge highlights).
Green shows a more optimal approach to the cockpit (it flattens out the tip of the front curve, but that's not likely to be as noticeable, or you could keep the four edges and spread them out a bit more).
Yellow will depend on how big it will be on screen. You might be able to keep the intakes flat and just use textures to hint at a bit of depth, and the cannons could potentially be a straight cylinder.
The only thing that bugs me is that her armpits are too wide, makes it look a bit funky and could be really weird during deformation.
And well, I guess you could spare a couple tris above the elbow to make the upper arm skinnier in that dimension.
The first modeling pass I did was straight on top of the concept, but as time went on, I felt like I was not "making" it correctly so to speak, so i scrapped it altogether. I then moved onto that second model from scratch, taking great inspiration from Tommy Tallian's public obj files of his Low Poly TF2 characters. Oh my gosh, just looking at the wires of that helped so MUCH! Personally, I wanna be able to comfortably make Diablo 3 level of complexity of models (though I don't know what their wires or how many triangles they are pushing)
With at least THIS one, I wanna make sure I do a "realistic" version done well first, and then I was going to play around with the Scale Tool and work it to concept, if that's okay : /
Thank you so much for the critiques on the wire! In regards to the gatling gun barrels, I did the hexagon polygon in the assumption that they would rotate while firing. Whether I implement that eventually or not, I don't know. The whole model actually was a pseudo test for a game a friend of mine wants me to be an Art Director on. Not sure if I should take up the offer, but this was done to see if I could even possibly make an asset for their game, and for my own skill check. Once I fix any glaring issues, I'm going to see if I can get this into UDK, light it, do a turntable, and see what it looks like "implemented."