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polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!

Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
  • Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
  • Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce; Crocotile3D & Blockbench

Here's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software: Low-Poly Art Style Guide


  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    This is what I mean by filtering making textures blurry. I personally find that texture filtering on textures that are 256 or smaller just makes them blurry and ugly, but is useful on higher res textures when you get close to them.


    It's an engine thing, so because I don't know what engine or software package those screenshots are from I can't tell you how to turn it off. I know that in Maya it's here:

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    theres a handy guide for turning off filtering - for each software package - here http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51622
  • woodn
    @Teemu: Love the color palettes of the first two pieces. Did you animate them?
  • Teemu
    Thanks woodn. I just realized you're behind the No, human game! Cool to see some famous iphone devs here :) Saw the review earlier on toucharcade but haven't had a chance to try it yet. Got to download it at some point.

    About the models, yes I did make simple animations for the first two. I'm not particularly good animator though so they were pretty basic. I forgot to mention that all the models were meant to be viewed from quite far up perspective.
  • blekdar
    So stripped the section down and kind of got a new idea for this. I'm really new to tlow poly modeling and texturing, and sprites but here's what I'm planning:
    I plan to build 4 or 5 little sections of a dungeon that can be interchanged and pieced together. I also plan to build a sort 'fake' screenshot with a UI and whatnot.
    So this is what i got for the first piece, the more generic one.
    Tips, critiques all welcome.
    Also, got a rough character in there, just has colours atm.
  • rumblesushi
    Teemu I really like that first model, especially impressive at under 200 polys.
  • Pedro Amorim
    ahaha wrong thread!
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    latest WIP for dicta boelcke

    as always, 256x256.
    Havent touched the engine, any of the canvas areas, wheels or insignia.

    It's a hansa-brandenburg D.I.
  • nullfed
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    nullfed polycounter lvl 9
    blekdar, your basic plan seems fine - take a few different sections that can be snapped together, but you should look into vertex colouring for this kind of thing. It will give you lots of flexibility with your environment as a whole.

    To get the colours to work well, it can mean adding a bit of geometry but the examples i've attached (hopefully I did it right, don't mind the textures!) won't cause a problem with such a low poly scene. Once you get into it, you can add tons of variation with just the same few textures and you can get some prety cool effects.

    I see from an earlier post that you're a maya user. Look into a plugin called Vertex Chameleon. Its pretty cool. Also look at using the vertex paint tools.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Finally getting around to working on some environments for this
  • blekdar
    So I got an hour or two fiddling with vertex lighting, not quite getting it where I want to. Really wish I could light my scene as well as yours there nufled. Practice makes perfect though, and this is my first true low poly in maya.
    Anyways heres the results.
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    Can´t wait Harry!

    When will it be open beta tiem? :P
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Harry, those shots are gorgeous. The clouds are sexy, are they particle/billboards? Or painted into the skybox?
  • nullfed
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    nullfed polycounter lvl 9
    Its a decent start - maybe try some different colours on the base of the pillars and things like that. Make the base of the wall slightly darker perhaps.
    You could have a different colour for the wall and the floor to help break the scene up a bit and here and there, highlight a corner or edge that would pickup more light. Good luck with it.

    Harry - thats a really cool setup you've got there
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Slaught wrote: »
    Can´t wait Harry!

    When will it be open beta tiem? :P

    I'd say within the month if all goes to plan. It'll still be a little rough around the edges, but playable.

    LoTekK wrote: »
    Harry, those shots are gorgeous. The clouds are sexy, are they particle/billboards? Or painted into the skybox?

    They're particles with fake lighting to give them a solid feel, a technique mimicked from shadow of collossus, but done in a slightly different (and I think maybe more efficient) way
  • wonderboy
    why so many polies on the tires and so few on the insides of the cart?

    I added more geometry to the inside (but not much as it is not too important).
    Here are some screenshots directly from Unity iPhone.

    Track textures are WIP.
  • D63
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    D63 polycounter lvl 18
    Hey dudes, I did some some animations for neosorcerer's miniDragoon character.

  • SuPa-
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    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    That's pretty awesome D63!
  • achillesian
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Oh wow, that's just amazing :O So smooth and life-like.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    i dont get why dragoon has come to mean a guy who jumps really high and has a massive spear

    but those animations are sick, love the flashing spear at the end
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Harry wrote: »
    i dont get why dragoon has come to mean a guy who jumps really high and has a massive spear

    and they say video games are about escapism...
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    haha nice anims damo :P
  • mrmmaclean
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    mrmmaclean polycounter lvl 8
    Harry wrote: »
    i dont get why dragoon has come to mean a guy who jumps really high and has a massive spear

    The same reason Shiva has nonsensically become a woman with ice powers (and only 2 arms): Final Fantasy.
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    D63 wrote: »
    Hey dudes, I did some some animations for neosorcerer's miniDragoon character.


    awww its damo, didnt know u were a polycount kid :)! cool stuff mang
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Harry wrote: »
    They're particles with fake lighting to give them a solid feel, a technique mimicked from shadow of collossus, but done in a slightly different (and I think maybe more efficient) way

    Thought that might be the case. Looking forward to that playable build :D
  • King Nope
    Harry wrote: »
    i dont get why dragoon has come to mean a guy who jumps really high and has a massive spear

    That might have to do with the fact that the title is based on mounted solders and a combination with spears for mounted combat, though I don't think the classic dragoons used spears, other mounted solders did. However, sense the dragoons in Final Fantasy don't usually mount when fighting, they jump in order to get the height needed to use the weapon effectively. As for why they jump so darn high, it's fantasy, what can be said?
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Doodled this guy out today, it's just some fun idea i had for an old man in a tech suit or something, stylised for sure. Weighing in at 590 tris.

  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    King Nope wrote: »
    That might have to do with the fact that the title is based on mounted solders and a combination with spears for mounted combat, though I don't think the classic dragoons used spears, other mounted solders did. However, sense the dragoons in Final Fantasy don't usually mount when fighting, they jump in order to get the height needed to use the weapon effectively. As for why they jump so darn high, it's fantasy, what can be said?

    Thing is, dragoons didn't actually engage in mounted combat. The whole point was that they were just regular light infantry who used horses for mobility. Like modern "mechanised infantry" i guess. So it's legit enough in that they fight on foot, I just don't get the whole jumping really high and throwing a spear down thing. It'd be interesting to know how that came to be
  • neosorcerer
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    neosorcerer polycounter lvl 17
    The Final Fantasy Dragoon is not based on the historical Dragoon. It's called a Dragon Knight in Japan and they hunt or are associated with dragons. The historical Dragoons were named after the dragon so it's not hard to see why they might have adopted that name in the English translation.

    I really love the animations and how he makes use of the wings during the Jump!
  • King Nope
    The Final Fantasy Dragoon is not based on the historical Dragoon. It's called a Dragon Knight in Japan and they hunt or are associated with dragons. The historical Dragoons were named after the dragon so it's not hard to see why they might have adopted that name in the English translation.
    Well I guess that clears that up.
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    Harry wrote: »
    They're particles with fake lighting to give them a solid feel, a technique mimicked from shadow of collossus, but done in a slightly different (and I think maybe more efficient) way
    The result is really great! So, are they particles used in a game engine like Unity?
    They look like flat billboard planes with a transparent texture... How did you do the fake lighting you said?
  • TimoVihola
    First post here, hello everyone!


    The bird is made out of 348 triangles and the goatman is 356 triangles.
    Two 256x256 textures as shown below:


    I already did the same model last year for Playstation Portable type spec. More polygons, dynamic lighting and tiny 32x32 texture that was the palette for all the characters in Minigore:


    The problem was that it was iPhone we were targeting and not PSP. Having worked on PSP for the last 3 years I thought it would be somewhat similar tech "They're both portable gaming systems, the other one is 5 years old so this new one gotta be better in every way" - oh boy was I wrong! :poly136:

    1st gen iPhone is technically the polar opposite of PSP: strong with textures and weak with lit polygons.

    It was a fast and fun workflow to craft everything out of polygons, shame it didn't work out in the end. Framerate was horrible and I had already done over 20 characters. PSP as a platform was pretty much dead in the west at that point so there was no turning back...

    We haven't benchmarked the latest iPhone 4, it could be very different screnario on that one. I guess it should be getting very close to PSP in polygon performance.
  • TelekineticFrog
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    TelekineticFrog polycounter lvl 18
    They're particles with fake lighting to give them a solid feel, a technique mimicked from shadow of collossus, but done in a slightly different (and I think maybe more efficient) way

    Would it be much trouble to explain this technique? I'm curious as to how you are treating the particles to fake the lighting. Great stuff by the way.
  • Aedion
    My favorite number is 30,000.

    Well, that's enough of an introduction. I don't have anything impressive to show for this thread so here's a Magnimite. People like pokemon.
    I'm still working on the texture.

    Poly count: 138
    Tris count: 326

    Solid and wireframe-


    Triangulated -

    I started basic modeling about two months ago, I usually make models to use in Gamemaker, It's as flexible as it is odd, the models must have a low triangle count to get 30 fps in a game but a texture size of 128x128 runs no faster than one of 1024x1024. (15 - 30,000 triangles being drawn at once will run on a good computer)

    So, besides making the two bottom screws separate objects, anyone have any C*C?
  • CactusFantastico
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    CactusFantastico polycounter lvl 12
    the faces on the side of the magnet bit have more then 4 sides. it fixed in the triangulated one but still yeah
  • Michael Knubben
    Cactus: Still yeah what?
  • CactusFantastico
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    CactusFantastico polycounter lvl 12
    MightyPea wrote: »
    Cactus: Still yeah what?

    i don't know actually haha i always say that in person. i defiantly need to stop that...
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    Give Cactus a break, All day under the sun makes your head numb sometimes :p
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    Yup, finally this one is over! Probably I could have improved some things, but I'm quite happy with this.


    C&C anyone? :)

    PS: Up for the request about Harry's clouds... :P
  • premium
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    premium polycounter lvl 13
    Looks gay! I like it!
  • Spacey
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    Spacey polycounter lvl 18
    Cool character, Drayton. Here are some things I think could be improved with it.
    Paintover Image

    - Overall, he's just slightly desaturated looking. This might work really well if it fits the rest of the world (a dusty look maybe). Also could use more contrast above the waist.

    - Anatomy of the abdominal region is spotty. The abs themselves are reaching too far around invading the external oblique territory.

    - The color of the jacket is dangerously close to his skin color. I'd change that for readability's sake. Also, adding some creases in the shoulder area might help to suggest form below the jacket. Or leave it be. It could look fine either way.

    - The face. More contrast! It wouldn't be very readable from a distance. Be sure to suggest those main planes of the head to ensure maximum readability (if you haven't guessed, readability at this resolution is pretty important). Don't color the whites of the eyes as white. They're tucked away under the brow (generally) and should be in shadow. This will also help push that whole area back establishing that plane. It doesn't have to be whites - pupil - whites either; suggestion can go a long way. It's all about how it reads from a distance.

    - Hair. Again, it might fit in a dusty looking environment, but I'd make it darker instead of that lighter color you've got (doesn't have to be black). It also doesn't look like it has much form from the front, as if a dirty mop was plopped on his head. It may be hair but it needs some structure too!

    I might have injected too much of myself in the crit, but take what you will from it. I'd definitely fix the eyes though as they are very important to a character. Hope this helps!
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks both, and especially to Spacey for all the suggestions! I'll try to work around the texture to get better visibility results. I need to improve a lot with texture painting.

    Before I posted it, I just had the feeling that the overall visibility was not clear... :)

    @premium: it's true, he looks gay! XD
  • fabio brasilien
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    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    Mr_Drayton: Great Character!
    Spacey: Nice Tips!
  • mrmmaclean
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    mrmmaclean polycounter lvl 8
    TimoVihola: Looks WAAAAY sweeter with texture. Loving the style too!

    Mr_Drayton: Yeah, that character rules and I think Spacey's recommendations will only make it shine even more. I wouldn't say he looks gay (though if he is, that's none of my business lol) but rather like a very high-fantasy oriented western theme. (Final Fantasy meets Sergio Leone?)
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    mrmmaclean wrote: »
    Mr_Drayton: Yeah, that character rules and I think Spacey's recommendations will only make it shine even more. I wouldn't say he looks gay (though if he is, that's none of my business lol) but rather like a very high-fantasy oriented western theme. (Final Fantasy meets Sergio Leone?)
    Hahah, why not?
    Could it be someone like Leon (Final Fantasy VII) in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly? XD

    It makes me happy that the Bladeslinger looks cool to you, just think I started it almost as a random work... :)
  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character

    This is something I'm currently working on, my goal was to get it under 1k Tris (currently 990). I plan on doing various textures for this soon.
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor

    550 tris 256^2 diffuse + diffuse as specular
    (still wip)
  • 3dmaxter
    Old model has 1000 tris, I want to see how much i can preserve the detail with all little detail was gone.
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    3dmaxter wrote: »
    Old model has 1000 tris, I want to see how much i can preserve the detail with all little detail was gone.
    Hoho, it's wonderful! Very stilish. Some little suggestions... ;)

    You could erase some more polys!
    The front bumper could be simply an almost-flat panel. And the front lights too, if they were flat, I think they would look as good as they are now.

    Also the wheel texture is too big, you can make it smaller and it will look good enough, saving more space for the rest of the details. ;)
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