This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
turns out i can't do hands haha
I made a slig about 5 years ago, was a lot less triangles but operhaps it can be usefull for you to see where you could save some tris(like at the beveled parts where the 'snoutfingers' begin):
Haha made in milkshape, those were the days :P
its 1300 at the moment but the body has too many segments anyway and other areas
fuck yeah duck battles
i'm intereseted
Art testin' base colors.
Done.. And now the animations ><
@premium: Looks pretty sweet but I recommend doing something with the hands. Since you have finer details everywhere else the hands just look like blobs of color with a gradient.
And a winter version for fun
achillesian - Glad you like it
Next: texturing
I'm new here, and I present myself with this lowpoly work. It's a Slayer Dwarf, and maybe i will change his hari. 816 tris with 512x texture ( only colour ). I hope you like it
Depending on the on-screen size, the texture is kinda big
Other note, I'm not too sure which kind of lighting to go with, darker lighting (left) or no/bright lighting (right)...any thoughts?
Dragon, Kobold mining, Goblin trap builder
Some tiling wall types:
talk aobut!
That Dwarf is pretty good, but what's up with the seemingly unnecessary edge loop running down the edge of the mohawk?
It kinda looks like the rightmost triangle on the road is sharing the same texture space as another part of the track. Are you baking the lighting/shadows into the texture with overlapping UVs?
Things I'm gonna fix/change:
The bottom of the columns - They are really starting to annoy me...but I'm not sure how to make the bottom of a column look good.
The railway post thinygs - Maybe? Almost considering adding more of a handrail or putting in iron fence posts...any thoughts?
Also, maya's hardware alpha blending really annoys me...are there any good ways around it? Or would it be better to export it to some other sort of hardware
On that note: Now in Ipod Touch Resolution! Da ta!
When it's closer to completion i'll make a thread for it and describe the "engine" and such. All art by me, programming by hardhat and calvin
What engine is this?
If it's unity (iPhone, iPad) - sorry to tell you this but realtime shadows don't work in this engine.
If you plan it out, you can reuse a lot of texture space that doesn't have shadows baked in. Kinda the same principle of using tiles in 2D games (a tile with some variations for road, a tile with some variations of grass, tiles of each with shadows, etc.). Pretty easy to create with small batches of baking.
From a far
One of the low poly house
Any feedback would be awesome
With her mace and shield she stands at about 410 tris, trying to keep her as low poly as possible because this character is intended for a game on the iphone.
I have learnt a lot from this forum by just reading and looking at all the examples, thanks guys
You textures are looking kinda blurry. Have you tried to see how it looks without any filtering?
@Fingus I'm not quite sure which textures you are referring to, the character's texture or level texture ?
I get it now: there's just too much pure black in your textures. That is what makes the whole scene look so bland. Try using some softer colors in your shading.
These are a bit old but they should fit here quite nicely. The two first ones were made for an iPhone game which was never finished. However I might use them in some other project.
I had to adjust the levels a little in photoshop since these were textured with a horrible laptop monitor. Colors are still quite off from what intented but I hope they'll do.
These are not viewport captures. I rendered them with quite similar settings to iPhone (no antialiasing + some basic texture filtering). However I forgot to remove antialiasing for the bird model :P
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