This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
I'm sure it's possible to make a similar shader for a more complex shape like a cylinder, but I doubt you're going have any benefit of it. If anything, a complex shader will weigh more heavily than a paltry 50 triangle cylinder.
Yea man, it is a elegant solution.
Its not like we're actually trying to be efficient though, just joking around. (plus if you read on, their ball shader is still a very heavy thing once you factor in sorting, texturing/shading, and antialiasing it) I do wonder how they pulled off the shadows though.... (Edit: found it.)
Lots of low poly stuff in here, too much for one post, so just watch the video
Here's a soda bottle I made. Hoping to give it some texture.
What I do is paste the video url once, hit [go advanced] which shows a preview of the post and turns the url into an actual hyperlink, and then press [preview post] which makes a new preview and turns the hyperlink into an embed.
Texture 256 x 256
I can't imagine modeling a low poly character is any different to modeling a low poly object. Just create a reference, then create a box/cylinder or whatever primitive and start making extrusions that resemble the character while keeping it under 1000 polygons.
As for tutorials, just look for any character modeling. Here's one I keep in my bookmarks as an example.
Also, look for references. Google "low poly game character" in images and check out each topology and polycount.
Hetzers gotta hetz!
But yeah, the Hetzer is almost designed for low poly modelling, yet with enough details to make super high poly modellers happy.
Really really cool pikachu! though the main crit is those eyes are super wasteful and you wouldn't even tell the difference if you lowered the tri's on it.
Agreed, pikachu (or Raichu?) is cool, with that low poly a model unless you're thinking of animating the eyes, you could just paint them onto the body. Also would be good to add a little highlight on the yes like the original Pikachu had in the cartoon
Due to some Math and counting, those eyes could have been painted for 100 tris less. Still amazing for 600 polys.
1,080 tris, 1 512 and two 256s.
I'm working on a Diablo 1 style game with some friends, I've only just started the modelling for the characters and could use some advice.
These are both under 500 faces, around 470 for the female and 460 for the male.
This is the first time I've ever done any serious modelling and I'd like to know what people think of these so far (if they're ready to texture or not, any areas that should be redone, etc...).
I'd also like to know what program I should be using to make these, I have the latest Blender and latest Gmax versions and I also have an outdated 3DS Max (5 or 6 maybe). I've been using Gmax but I don't like how it does UV Mapping so if anyone can recommend what to use, I'd appreciate it.
It's based on the Silver Knight from the Dark Souls game, more specifically this concept;
Approximately 636 tri's, but I've no doubts it is very unoptimised and I could shave off a few here and there, it's really my first attempt at an organic model.
Model can be viewed here;
It's an Earth Cookie!
CRT screen overlay effect we've been messing with. Its fully toggle-able, but I think it might look good if just the HUD as this effect in normal game play to help break it up from the background.
It's so beautiful!
92 tris
With normals and spec
and diffuse only
New model - Zulu Medium Bomber! This things like twice the size of the other planes, so it has like twice tris.
Most are in the 1000-1500 triangles range, and have textures of 512*512.
This one is a little bit more recent. It uses a single seamless texture of 128*256, that scrolls down on the body.
So in order to give the model a bit more depth I painted some shading in the vertex colours.
As for the swords and sticks that are poking out, again using vertex colours and an existing "trims" texture from an existing asset.
And finally, a dungeon building set. Again to minimize the amount of textures used, I have made a few generic seamless textures, brick wall, floor, wood, metal, etc. and used vertex colouring to give some depth. Painted in AO and what not into vertex colours.
Thats awesome, send me a picture
Lol love the Gorilla with the celtic garb XD
Thought I'd share this cute little thing with you:
I'm interested in making a 360 gif but every time it just doesn't come out crispy looking. Any tips?
This was also made for a USC game project called Bloom. It's our main character.
We already have one in our game but I thought of making it myself with some minor adjustments.
Chalice from Crystal Chronicles! A fun speed model that took too long :C
205 tris
This has been a bit of trail and error, I've put maybe 6-8 hours into it + countless hours of research.
Feeling more and more experienced after each hour
Now that I put up the picture aginst the gray background I see that he looks very pale, gonna fix that tommorow.
It's enough for my first post here anyway
Looking rad vadim! reminds me of ol' Kennth Scott's Daikatana weapons textures (which u have probably never seen, and should!)
I'd suggest touching the darker tones with a bit of red. Just a few strokes here and there with a measure relative to how darker the tone is
Sweetangel: Your sprout is so cute!
It'd make a nice Pokemon