This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Im' not a pro modelr like some people here !
But some remarks on your character :
Good beginning indeed , the more you practice, the more your models will be , just make ones, if not very good at final, not important : practice : )
For your model :
- its clothes are a little too bright, like a very strong light would hit them : make them little darker :
easy with photoshop or gimp !
-there are lot of tutorials on metal painting for the suictcase: and easy ones , find one and apply it !
- for the face paint first the strong things of the head and after that the less noticeable ones, caus the face you've painted is a simple face.
Keep practicing
I was studying Spacey's TF2 models, so yeah. I have to add the coat... otherwise the connection to the hand looks really weird, and his arms would be too straight...
might wanna play around with the proportions a bit tho, he's missing the smellboy touch a bit right now.
I fiddled with the proportions, made his head slightly smaller, cleaned up some stuff, changed one hand (which ended up adding more polys but looks better to me), added the ponytail thing (which is hard to see in these), and 'finished' the Hand of Doom. I am not happy with the hand part of the Hand of Doom, tho. Not really sure how i can fix it and keep the model under 600 or so polys. I was shooting for 500, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Thread rules are <500, but it SEEMS that close counts. Hehe. I promise not to post anymore shots until it's textured. But I won't do that until tomorrow, so if you guys have suggestions, please share :P
"lili the pandroid" designed by one of my friends
original sketch can be found here
489tris for the first one and 541tris
You don't skin your model for a little funny animation or pose?
reedit :
jibowski : Your sure about length arms? Hellboy has human proportion right? However nice work on diffuse!
would love to do something for the lowpoly comp, i just cant think of a cool character, i want to do, that someone else hasn't already picked.
im always to lazy to skin my models
and i love the Tennis texture work, that's really fine pixel art
I'm doing a little cute astronaut for an indie game i'm working on, a screen very soon (i'm texturing it!)
Textures sucks but it will be an RTS-sorta so they will be seen only at a certain distance.
Polycount doesn't include the black outline, it will be done via vertex shader
One of the proud astronauts that will populate the game, it will have a spheremap blended on a simpler texture instead of that stuff on the visor
The first stage of an alien lifeform, it will host inside a living body like Aliens chestbuster but it will came out from the head, make it exploding
here's a fast test for proportions
i think i'll finish the astronaut texture now :P
You really should do a 3D game
Even on today hardware it should look fantastic , and no
problem of frame rate we could have a village of 100 of your character wit hany frame drop
cool original style ,
a level sith some trees or rocks would be great !
What 3D engine do you use ? It seems to be dark basic pro ?
Caus it seems 3D outline is a shader from a 3D engine ? No ?
I post some WIP things ,not oncredible , i target Wind Walker style in some ways.
some sort of advanced /nuclear suit, need to model the head !
Gonna restart the texture from scratch tho
cool original style ,
a level sith some trees or rocks would be great !
What 3D engine do you use ? It seems to be dark basic pro ?
Caus it seems 3D outline is a shader from a 3D engine ? No ?
[/ QUOTE ]
it is my own 3d engine, written in c++ and with shaders support
3d outline is done via a very simple 1.1 vertex shader that currently displace the mesh vertices with a (vertex normal-view direction) angle greater than an angle i decide, but i think i'll do also a postfilter to get rid of some glitches that may occur on very convex shapes.
Actually I work as lead programmer on a small software house, so I'm basically a coder with interest in graphics
But if one day you encounter roblem with a 3D engine or need t ospeed up your project, ou can free very good ones like Irrlicht that is very esy to use and have an official level editor/lightmapper.
Im' not great 3D artist at all,
but if one day you need some help on low poly models monsters or other , just tell me
454 tris with tubes and shoulder pad and stuff. Still need to pound out a texture for the equipment, and still need to make some guns and polish up the textures. I should have a squad of five of these guys once I'm done.
I really like his tiny beady eyes on rails, too. They are on rails, right?
öhhhh plz
Thanks! Like I said, I'm going to make a squad of five of them, so I'm not really playing favorites with the colors. Oh, and yesthe eyes are supposed to be on rails.
Shush! You're going to spoil my plans!
Aside from the obvious fact the blaster is a gun, I love that he has two right hands, and his feet are backward. hah
wonderfull work !
you should make some viewtifull Joe remake
The actual SDK in .7z, .rar, and .zip formats for your downloading pleasure:
Tell me if you guys have any problems with it. I tried to get the UVs fairly organized, though I'll admit there's a little bit of wasted space because I get kind of paranoid when working with tiny textures.
Swizzle :
very cool
Tennis: Very cool, lovely and sharp, although the grey hair bits seem weird. Is it meant to be a different colour hair, or just highlights of the main colour? If it's meant to be highlights then you should probably pick out some more saturated brighter spots.
Its the dispenser unit from Team Fortress 2, for a low poly version i'm making. Its broken into parts, seperated by uv space and stuff like that. The texture is 128x. I'll be making all the standard TF2 stuff in low poly with some help from this forum. Anywhoo, if you wanna help take a look at this thread:
It's a 1month old model i did but still it fits in here :P
katana, try turning off the filtering.
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Thanks,,,im an idiot and my texture sucked,lol
(I know poor use of texture space).
550 tris and shitty 128x128 textures ...
[/ QUOTE ] Awesome. I love it. I followed the image to your server and tried URL maniplulation to see if there were more renders of this (wanted to see a wireframe), and it looks like I was logged for doing so... (meant no harm!)
Then I found your blog. I really like your stuff.