From the Q4 custom models thread :
I'm currently working on a nextgen Patriot model that I want to take at least to the texturing stage.
base meshmockup paintover
I've been trying hard surface sculpting on the armored legs but I think I'll end up subd modelling them in the long run. Also got rid of the smurf look on the bandana
Next step would be to actually model decent highpoly hands...
Crits and comments welcome.
EDIT : Aaaaaah forgot to mention that this is obviously based on the original Patriot model from ID's Q3A. Model by Paul Steed, texture by Kenneth Scott.
Awesome work pior. I can't wait to see where you take this! Just don't make it *too* french. :-D
He has very tinny ears :P
Oh and just for the fun ot it: make him into a french patriot... with a real 'tri-colore' (sp?)
But im that you killed the smurf hat, its what made hes head shape really interesting.
I agree with the anatomy remarks... I mostly did it from posed nude pictures instead of using actual anatomy refs ala Bustos. I'll definately go back and fiddle with that. The arms still need a lot of work imo.
NO french flag... YET! Simply because a friend already told me he wanted to make a frenchy variant as soon as I have the nmap rendered hence I'll leave that to him.
Next big step is to work on the cyber bits, and GUTS! Also started on the hands. They are wonky in places (disproportionned knuckles and nails from one finger to the other) so that needs fixing. But hey Patriot wears gloves and has a mecha hand in original Q3 anyways
Huge thanks for the backstories Paul
I want to see this finished so badly.
bigger pictures mate, bigger pictures!
dude the quality at which you sculpt at is insane. so sharp, smooth, detailed, i love it. i totaly love the hand..
i think his head is a little small, and i think that his anatomy isn't exactly appealing as compared to the sharper cuts on his face-- he's got this really cool sharp, small detail feeling going on on his face, and i dont think that the large shapes of his pecs are supporting it-- they look more like baloons in comparisson. if you could maybe describe the anatomy in a way that more supported the style you ahve going on in the face?
anyway that's just my 2 cents. it's quite nice stuff and i'm sure it'll turn out like the rest of your work, which totaly PWNS.
Will try to focus on that one small project for a bit. I'll leave the fleshy bits as they are atm as my computer can't really cope with them and it's getting more frustrating than fun because of that!
neat stuff piorou
same suggestion as EQ ( though I'm pretty sure you already played with that), that or get a new computer
Can't wait to see that guy in q4...
Anyways! Starting on the techy bits. The mechanical shoulder and spine on the middle pic are a projected template I shape skinfolds around. The back will then be replaced by the actual subd version in the final, put together model.
loving the sharp details, he's gonna look amazing once the texturing is done
It's given me more motivation to get my character done
Any chance you could expand a bit more on the template projection thing please? I'd love to be able to add in mechanical stuff in Zbrush without having to sell a kidney to pay for my therapy after doing it some very akward way.
cool stuff man!
Wonder what happen with the rest of the Q3 remake models.
glad your still at it though always a pleasure.
Touch wood, I'll have something to show within the next couple of weeks
Kendo: thanks for the heads up, I'll probably give that a try on my next model
Come on Pior!!
I may suggest that you do the mech bits in a 3d program, and dont even bother with zbrushing them. you should get a much nicer normal, imo.