Ok, good laugh again tonight lads, sorry for blowing the fuck out of you at the windmill Slayer, your tank was looking at me in a german way or something!
Anyway, pls, next week , Password of Polycounter or something eh? and FF off so I can't accidentally kill my teammates when blindly shooting what i mistakenly think are enemy tanks from a distance!
Well, we're getting a good size group, gradually. We must get up a password for sure. That was fun but need more....fun...gotta have it. Here's a group shot lacking a few pudknokcers who couldn't stand still.
look at me! hehe
I still have the polycount [PC] tag before my name from WAY back....and I'm not sure why. This is a new computer.
anyway, fun times yet again. I came in a little late after watching The Incredibles dvd. then you guys started changing maps and taking pictures and shite. someone told me there was some fun an hour before the round started. maybe again next week.
Sorry Adam....most bailed a bit earlier. It's a little frustrating when outsiders come in and won't behave or leave.
I'm up for another match next week. Also the [PC] tag ain't a bad idea...
AWRIGHT! Kubber's got the password "polycount" up for us now. Yee Haw! Anyone looking for a game tonight or thru the week.....feel free to post here and especially at the Polyfraggers page, boyeeeee. Polyfraggers!
DH_ Yeps, I'm a DC fan myself. Most o' the players prefer the old BF....I find it a bit too slow...but it's still a kick to frag with the Polycounters. Oh, BTW, your avatar is giving me seizures.
The server is up 24/7. Our next scheduled game is sat eve but you can post if ya wanna meet some people, ya know? I'll be up for a game or two all week. Just post a time n' stuff and I'll meet ya there.
woot woot well anytime during the week is good altho im on GMT so its gonna get anoying i work each day till about 5 pm GMT so any time between then and 10pm is great for me
can you have DC and bf1942 loaded at the same time? Back when I used to play a lot, DC wasn't compatible with the newest patch so you had to pick one or the other. That fixed up these days?
Jody: you're about 5 hours ahead of me. I could meet you there at 4:30 tomorrow. That'd be 9:30 your time. Not much time but it's a start. The game is much more fun with a gang of people, too.
ndcv: the games are compatable if I understand you correctly. You can set your browser to show only DC' only reg BF or all.
well id play sal but i think your right about thier has to be lots of folks ill try and take my comp down to my gf when i go at the weekend and play then... was playing over lan with my bro and this game rocks
ill watch im! just remembered my gf is only on 56k... do you think that would be enough? ill take it down anyway and try and join in! see how it goes... see ya then.
I'd say 56k ain't gonna do it. Bring your gf to your house....or your bros. Don't worry...there'll be more gamage. This is starting to snowball. Type atcha later.
Oh and the password is "polycount". Bearkub said he would enable it starting at 5:00 pm EST.
Anyway, pls, next week , Password of Polycounter or something eh? and FF off so I can't accidentally kill my teammates when blindly shooting what i mistakenly think are enemy tanks from a distance!
I still have the polycount [PC] tag before my name from WAY back....and I'm not sure why. This is a new computer.
anyway, fun times yet again. I came in a little late after watching The Incredibles dvd. then you guys started changing maps and taking pictures and shite. someone told me there was some fun an hour before the round started. maybe again next week.
I'm up for another match next week. Also the [PC] tag ain't a bad idea...
ndcv: the games are compatable if I understand you correctly. You can set your browser to show only DC' only reg BF or all.
I'd be down for DC 0.7, plain BF seemed "weird" almost to me.
mOp'S unsual flying style...
This ones kinda big so I'll link it. It's Cep being an acrobat. CEP