Ironically, a buddy just asked me if I could spend time tonight helping him out a bit with his art test to apply to a gaming company I hope to see you guys on, but if not, I'll be fighting the good fight elsewhere!
Argh, we didn't get a groupshot. Gotta do that next time. Was nice playing with you all. Now, if you don't mind, I gotta take a lie down until I stop shaking from all this caffine .
We should password-protect the server next time... it's much better when it's just people you recognise, rather than unknown people who play it in clans and are obviously way better than me specifically
Heh yeah Paul, I dunno man. I was a little suspicious of quite how hard that guy was to hit ( I forget the clan name ). Perhaps he really was that good, but in a one on one on foot he seemed pretty invincible.
I think those homing grenades he was throwing helped a bit. On the other hand, I hadn't played BF in nearly two years, so everyone looked like Thresh to me
I know the guy you're talking about... GM or GP something... that was lame. He was the toughest medic ever, you could shoot and shoot and shoot him and he would NEVER DIE.
Unlike me, when DaZ came and found me hiding in my corner... jerk :P
I noticed grenades kept landing at my feet when he threw them from miles away... couldn't work out whether he was just a really good throw, or there was something fishy going on there
Thresh! Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while!
ha. i kicked so much ass. even got a few shots on Ror as you guys were trying to kick him. pansies. just give me the tank. During Bocage, I sniped the enemy base and shot Daz like 3 times in a row before stealing one of their planes.
At one point it was me against chunky. i had a friggin tank, and he had those wussie boy sandbags. I kept blasting and shooting, but couldn't kill the bastard. He kept crawling around them hiding from me. Finally I jumped out of the tank to ambush his ass, then he stole my fucking tank and blasted me.
ah...good times. so uh...same time next week, password protected this time?
aye definetly next week, same time, same place, with a password though. Good fun, always more fun killing people you know than fragging strangers.... well, theres less motivation to gloat!
Best moment for me was when i think Verm and Ikrann were both taking potshots at me after i had to ditch my tank, i was panicking, switching weapons and ended up with the bloody knife instead of the rifle ( i was an engineer).
I was so sure they were going to take me out, but i must have ran inbetween them and they shot each other lol.
I didnt feel so smart when running away i walked over a landmine, ahh, sweet sweet karma!
I call it keeping you out of the planes for a minute so my team can get some flags back...hehe. I didn't stay there long...I was just curious why you kept spawning in the same spot. I remember you trying to take off with one of our planes as well.
I'd prefer Friendly Fire off if that's at all possible... it allows for more fun stunts
Plus I accidentally ran over teammates a couple of times... not my fault if they step out in front of my jeep!
Hahah... Ror, man, didn't they tell you? I was an undercover literati agent, I was covering your escape! Okay, no, I just sucked terribly I'll have to spend an hour or two online this week to brush up on my skills, but I'd love to get back at it with you guys again next Saturday.
I kept spawning in the same spot 'cos I was so goddammed determined to figure out where you were. I of course figured that out when I saw you hammering down the runway in one of our shiny P45's
Still, I can't deny 'borrowing' a Meschersmit or two! hahah
Yeah FF on means you can barely lay any mines or use the expak. And thats no fun boohoo!
Next week sounds great. Any chance of playing earlier? I feel bad for our Euro friends. That's awfully late. I'm open in that regard and also in favor of FF. Great seeing all you guys there. Maybe we can round up some more peeps by next week. Over all that was a hoot! Here's me and Grindy next week.
OH, here's a screeny of the names of most of our players and some uninvited guests.
Yeah, Gazala and Guadalcanal rule!
How about some CTF instead of Conquest? With a few people on each team, CTF is excellent, especially on Guadalcanal.
I suggest Friendly Fire set to off, map on Guadalcanal, gametype as CTF... that sounds like maximum fun
im not interested in CTF tbh, i really just love tank warfare in the original BF.
I bought road to rome and secret weapons too, but I didnt think as much of them. I'm really looking forward to BF2, are we all going to get together for that when it hits also?
Oh yeah! I'm trying to get hold of a beta actually so If I have any luck I'll let you know how it's looking. I dunno If any of you saw the latest videos that were just released but its looking really really promising.
I jumped in early yesterday and set the map to Wake Island, after practising on Bocage for 15 minutes. I'll spend this week practising the other maps so I can be ready for the next round. I really don't know if I've played all the original maps.
I'm really looking forward to BF2, are we all going to get together for that when it hits also?
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh hell yes. Amazon has it ready for pre-order, and it's getting the attention. I'm hoping they release a small demo like they did with the Wake Island map.
2) I'd prefer no friendly fire, and I'm sure Sal would as well since I gunned him down at least once (accidentally, I swear!)
3) I don't have much interest in anything but the standard game mode, but will play whatever. I'd also love to give the Road To Rome maps a go if everyone has them - I bought the expansion but none of my buds did, so I never got to try them in multi-player.
4) I want to play on Daz's team because he killed me like 18 times in five minutes.
And vanilla BF? How about switchin' it up to DC or something? Just a thought (I'll even host all the appropiate files if people need to DL the mod).
Also... my BF1942 clan hosts a TeamSpeak server for those of us with mic's. I'll post the IP when I get home.
THE game is scheduled for Sat. eve just like last 8 pm EST. It will be vanilla BF1942...the majority didn't want DC although that's my fav. I've asked kubber to password it for us..... the word being "polycount". Get your friends..the more the merrier, ya know? Enemy ship spotted!
Hunter: good to see ya down this neck o' the woods.
That was fun though! Apart from the obvious
We should password-protect the server next time... it's much better when it's just people you recognise, rather than unknown people who play it in clans and are obviously way better than me specifically
Unlike me, when DaZ came and found me hiding in my corner... jerk :P
Thresh! Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while!
At one point it was me against chunky. i had a friggin tank, and he had those wussie boy sandbags. I kept blasting and shooting, but couldn't kill the bastard. He kept crawling around them hiding from me. Finally I jumped out of the tank to ambush his ass, then he stole my fucking tank and blasted me.
ah...good times. so uh...same time next week, password protected this time?
Yeah that's otherwise known as spawn camping Elysium
But yeah fun times. Do you guys prefer to play with FF on then? I find the carnage factor can be upped a little with it off.
Best moment for me was when i think Verm and Ikrann were both taking potshots at me after i had to ditch my tank, i was panicking, switching weapons and ended up with the bloody knife instead of the rifle ( i was an engineer).
I was so sure they were going to take me out, but i must have ran inbetween them and they shot each other lol.
I didnt feel so smart when running away i walked over a landmine, ahh, sweet sweet karma!
Call it what you will
[/ QUOTE ]
I call it keeping you out of the planes for a minute so my team can get some flags back...hehe. I didn't stay there long...I was just curious why you kept spawning in the same spot. I remember you trying to take off with one of our planes as well.
Plus I accidentally ran over teammates a couple of times... not my fault if they step out in front of my jeep!
Plus I accidentally ran over teammates a couple of times...
[/ QUOTE ]
that's right you sicko! I just wanted a ride.
Still, I can't deny 'borrowing' a Meschersmit or two! hahah
Yeah FF on means you can barely lay any mines or use the expak. And thats no fun boohoo!
So who votes for FF off? Just me and MoP so far?
...I was so sure they were going to take me out, but i must have ran inbetween them and they shot each other lol.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like my pour skills
Next week sounds good. The wife and kids are out of the house that weekend so I can sleep in. The 3 hours sleep I got this night didn't really do it.
I'm all for turning FF off too.
And I wouldn't mind a shorter spawning time. With the amount of dying that I do I spend half the time waiting to get back in
OH, here's a screeny of the names of most of our players and some uninvited guests.
Oh and I'd really like to have the maps, battle of the bulge, Gazala and Guadal Canal be played
How about some CTF instead of Conquest? With a few people on each team, CTF is excellent, especially on Guadalcanal.
I suggest Friendly Fire set to off, map on Guadalcanal, gametype as CTF... that sounds like maximum fun
I bought road to rome and secret weapons too, but I didnt think as much of them. I'm really looking forward to BF2, are we all going to get together for that when it hits also?
I'm really looking forward to BF2, are we all going to get together for that when it hits also?
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh hell yes. Amazon has it ready for pre-order, and it's getting the attention. I'm hoping they release a small demo like they did with the Wake Island map.
2) I'd prefer no friendly fire, and I'm sure Sal would as well since I gunned him down at least once (accidentally, I swear!)
3) I don't have much interest in anything but the standard game mode, but will play whatever. I'd also love to give the Road To Rome maps a go if everyone has them - I bought the expansion but none of my buds did, so I never got to try them in multi-player.
4) I want to play on Daz's team because he killed me like 18 times in five minutes.
That is all.
As a password word you can always use Cheapalerts's obsession. Only Polycount folks know what that is
I like ikrans score the best, makes me feel at home
When is it ? Im available all day THUR (3-17)
You can pick up the original BF1942 AND the two expansion packs for 29.99 or under (depending on the retailer)..
OK, countdown and bump. 3 days....bring yer friends. Roger that?
[/ QUOTE ]
You kids have fun without me okay?
And vanilla BF? How about switchin' it up to DC or something? Just a thought
Also... my BF1942 clan hosts a TeamSpeak server for those of us with mic's. I'll post the IP when I get home.
Hunter: good to see ya down this neck o' the woods.
GOK: Get it...HURRY!
server: Polycount BF1942 Server
password: polycount
Can you find the server directly in BF1942 or do you always have to go through GameSpy Arcade. That was the only way I could get on it last week.