Our server is ready to rock.IP: <font color="red">nibbler.fastpc.com </font> .....it's the Polycount BF1942 Server. Bring it, beotches! I'll be available any evening after 5 pm EST. Let me know here, ok?
Awesome. I should be available around midnight GMT, tonight. Might be able to get a couple of games in late night during the week, but weekends are my best bet for a good few games.
I haven't played for about half a year, but just reinstalled this weekend... itchy trigger finger
Daz'll come. If he doesn't, I'll have his guts for garters!
The problem is fixed - everyone needs to have the very latest patch (1.61)... the problem was the server wasn't fully updated, that has been sorted out now.
Oh, and if anyone thinks it's a fun idea to get a tank and go park in the enemy's aircraft hangar, they're gonna get kicked
(Has that "annoyance" been rectified with newer patches? last time I played I was on 1.4 or something)
Does the server run vanilla BF1942 or is it running a mod? I usually only get to play games for about an hour in the evening and typically after 8pm PST but I'll check and see if anyone is still playing when I get my "me time" this week.
Hmmm, now that I'm patched to 1.61...whenever I press Multiplay > Internet the game freezes and won't let me escape to the desktop. I have to reboot to get out. Dubya Tee Eff?
EDIT: Problem solved. My plans for today:
Finish work > Dinner > Kick all your sorry asses! (especially Sal)
OK, so it's all our sorry asses vs. grindy. Sounds good to me. Mu ha ha ha Looks like 7:00 EST is a good startin' time. I may be in earlier warmin' up.
Astro, yeah I usually play on either [STZ] or [VZ] servers. Typically just those two. They are smallish 16~20 player servers and the people are very nice. STZ has somewhat strict rules about cursing and camping which are good to filter out the real trouble makers.
My name ingame is always just "JerryP" and I am typically always in the top3, so I stick out like a sore thumb
Cubik: it's 4:45 right now EST so it's prolly 9:45 at your house, eh? Most'll prolly show up later. Our west coast guys are 3 hours earlier than me. I'll go in just to meet and shoot your butt for a bit though. c ya soon.
Astro, yeah I usually play on either [STZ] or [VZ] servers. Typically just those two. They are smallish 16~20 player servers and the people are very nice. STZ has somewhat strict rules about cursing and camping which are good to filter out the real trouble makers.
My name ingame is always just "JerryP" and I am typically always in the top3, so I stick out like a sore thumb
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool, I'll check those out and look for you next time I fire up BF:V. I typically go by "Seoul Man" (yes, I know that Seoul is in Korea and not Vietnam, so what )and I usually am nowhere near the top 3 in the rankings
I'm not a fan of DC... I think this weekend we should just have a classic BF1942 game since more people seem to be down for that, then see what people want next week.
Let's just decided a time. I'm all for going up at 4am to play against you yanks if I'm sure that there will atlest ten or more players on the server...
I'm all for an attack on the yankee dreamers!!!! RAWR!
It always has to be evenings for me at the weekend as I have a family that comes first, so from 8pm EST I'm free.
I know thats a bit late for the Mopster but he's young and single and at college so wtf!
So maybe 8pm EST on saturday night? (I guess sunday morning for MoP ) Oh man, I haven't played any BF in a long time... I volunteer to horribly cripple whichever team I'm on
I haven't played for about half a year, but just reinstalled this weekend... itchy trigger finger
no jeeps for MoP. =P
You'll still be playing then right?
I'll be checking in around 6:30 or 7 EST. I can probably play til about 10:30.
That's 5 people. We Need MORE!!!
The problem is fixed - everyone needs to have the very latest patch (1.61)... the problem was the server wasn't fully updated, that has been sorted out now.
Oh, and if anyone thinks it's a fun idea to get a tank and go park in the enemy's aircraft hangar, they're gonna get kicked
(Has that "annoyance" been rectified with newer patches? last time I played I was on 1.4 or something)
Handle: Fi Dolla
Mind posting what patch version and expansion we using?
- everyone needs to have the very latest patch (1.61)...
[/ QUOTE ]
It can run vanilla bf1942, any of the expansion packs or Desert Combat. Right now, it is just running vanilla BF1942.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I think that's 1.62 but they are both up on the official site.
I usually play BFV, but I suppose I can jump on and school you all in the art of virtual war. But I dont get on until about 8pm PST.
Mind posting what patch version and expansion we using?
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you have a particular server that you usually play BF:V on, Jerry? I played this past weekend for the first time in a very long time.
EDIT: Problem solved. My plans for today:
Finish work > Dinner > Kick all your sorry asses! (especially Sal)
My name ingame is always just "JerryP" and I am typically always in the top3, so I stick out like a sore thumb
Astro, yeah I usually play on either [STZ] or [VZ] servers. Typically just those two. They are smallish 16~20 player servers and the people are very nice. STZ has somewhat strict rules about cursing and camping which are good to filter out the real trouble makers.
My name ingame is always just "JerryP" and I am typically always in the top3, so I stick out like a sore thumb
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool, I'll check those out and look for you next time I fire up BF:V. I typically go by "Seoul Man" (yes, I know that Seoul is in Korea and not Vietnam, so what
Grind: sorry about that I got called away. Maybe the weekend we can get a decent size group to play.
I still prefer Desert Combat Mod. Any of you fellas wanna switch now that we are patched?
(I kid! I'm a kidder!
It always has to be evenings for me at the weekend as I have a family that comes first, so from 8pm EST I'm free.
I know thats a bit late for the Mopster but he's young and single and at college so wtf!
Vanilla BF?