Hi! Its my first time posting here so sorry for any format issues. Anyways, to the point of the post.
Just a quick background, I studied Games Design at University for 3 years and one of my classes was 3D. I have been using 3DS Max for 3 years and although I have made some models and environments I am happy with, I feel like because my course wasn't solely 3D, I am missing some core skills.
I would like some Feedback on this Garden fork I have started modelling, It's not finished but I have already run into a handful of issues that I am not sure how to solve.
I should mention all of my modelling is meant for use in Unreal engine.

Here is what I have so far (close ups of problem areas further down). My plan was as follows:
- Model a LP made up of Quads
- Backup LP, Then add support loops for Turbosmooth
- Create HP
- Go back to original LP and optimise topology (triangulation for game engine)
- Unwrap Optimised LP
- Bake HP onto LP in substance
- Texture LP
- Import to UE5
This is my usual workflow, I am not sure if its the best way to do things but feel free to criticise that as well as the model.
I seem understand topology in some areas but not in others. For the most part, I understand where to use more topology and where I can save some faces, but sometimes adding extra topology in a clean way is a struggle for me. For example...

This corner has been an issue for me, I know I need topology here for the curve, but I am not sure how to go about making it clean. I know if its going to a game engine, I could just link them to the vert in the middle of the whole corner and make it a pole, but I need to turbosmooth it before that. If I was to create a pole here, it would cause shading issues.
I need to learn how to solve issues like this myself, but chamfer corners are generally an issue for me. Most videos I found on the subject either are just making a highpoly model anyways, so they don't have the game engine limitations, or they are making a game asset but aren't going though the baking process.
If anyone has any advice on this topic, or any useful resources they could share, I would really appreciate it.

This image is also related to the same issue, other than I tried triangulating it this time. There is some artifacting on the HP when I tested it, but I figured as it is on the bottom and is not that visible, it was acceptable. That being said, I'm not sure if it was the best approach.
I do have some other issues but I think I am going to go off and look into them a bit myself before I ask here. The ones above though I have already attempted to find methods that could assist me, but was struggling a little bit.
I really appreciate any pointers no matter how small! I've always looked though polycount posts, lurking I suppose, but I'm looking forward to posting and commenting more!