3-day ban for sexism, political rants, unconstrained stream of consciousness posting. Your topic is great when you're posting updates about your actual game development, it's the reason you haven't been banned permanently. If you can filter yourself, then we'll welcome your contributions here.
Some simple guidelines for showing respect to other artists of Polycount.
Be courteous, polite and show respect to others. Use of the forums is a privilege, not a right.
Engage your brain before your mouth. You are responsible for your own words and any harm they may cause.
Don't post irrelevant nonsense in any of the non-General Discussion forums
If you are posting controversial content which may offend some people, there is always a chance one of our moderators will remove it. If its removed, that is final and it will not return.
Critiques and responses to images are to be constructive and related to improving the quality of the artwork. Our members love to see others improve and succeed. Always keep this in mind when posting.
Made more progress on the game. Best answer to UI currently...functional UI just get it all working then think how it looks... moving onto the game UI. ugly ui can always be fixed...a not fun and intuitive will always need fixing. Best aswer is make ugly UI first and make sure it's fun and intuitive. y
and if you work at an office and thinking shooting the place up with a gun.....Dont do that....... you will likely goto prison for a very longtime of just killed...
The best answer in handling a large group of people who are refusing to see things correctly is this..
eat lots of laxative....walk into the office start sh.tting in your hand and start throwing it at everyone...you will get a small amount of prison time but it's totally worth it and there is no shame in it.... PLUS you can brag about you did and it's good to do to those people in offices.... Lastly, no one in prison will mess with you while you spend a week or 2 in prison.
jsut imagine how great it would be to throw you sh.it at all the people in the office....and bosses.... I have regret I never did that. Totally worth the prison time.
it's horrible enough we born into this country where barely anyone plays by the real rules....and then expected have to tolerate people who are born into and or given money, use narcotics and lazy.
my company is an honest company..and strives for more honesty per mili sec.....a lie could be expensive...
Please see our terms of service, and our Information sticky in General Discussion for more details on what's permissive.
Some simple guidelines for showing respect to other artists of Polycount.
ugly ui can always be fixed...a not fun and intuitive will always need fixing. Best aswer is make ugly UI first and make sure it's fun and intuitive. y
now as for religion that are in narcotics...that's not religion. That is called a cult and highly illegal and punishable.
Big Brother Software....company slogan....." one bit deeper "
A PRO tip for anyone working at studio, unless it Epic...thats a good company.... quit.....tell the boss GIVE ME MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FU DIE....THEN!
go work lyft uber those types jobs. It's better.
The best answer in handling a large group of people who are refusing to see things correctly is this..
eat lots of laxative....walk into the office start sh.tting in your hand and start throwing it at everyone...you will get a small amount of prison time but it's totally worth it and there is no shame in it.... PLUS you can brag about you did and it's good to do to those people in offices.... Lastly, no one in prison will mess with you while you spend a week or 2 in prison.
See thats why Hunter Biden is in felony charges...he is narcotics and thinks he is allowed guns
And... you abused it.