Hey everyone,I'd like to use this thread to document my progress in learning the Godot engine and hopefully
make a small game as a side product.
CONCEPTmy idea is to make simple FPS shooter like old DOOM based in 15th century Bohemia.
I would like to explore both 2D and 3D sides of Godot
- 3D environment with 2D sprite elements
- 2D animated characters
- 2D weapons
*bonus - simple dialog
latest gif:

Wish me luck and any feedback is welcome!
I've made some more props and tried to populate the scene a bit to soak up more of the atmosphere.
So far I like what I am seeing, next up will be:
- color everything in
- rig the enemy
- animate the enemy
if that will look good and everything will go "smoothly" I'll start with 3D modeling
Right now I "wasted" some time with learning the Skeleton2D and making a rig for the enemy, because I found out it's not optimal to use it in 3D scenes even tho it will be a 2D enemy.
Now I'll try to paint the enemy texture to a semi-final stage, as I don't have it in me to deal with 3D rig right after the 2D one. So, look forward to some hopefully pretty picture + if you have any tips on doing the 3D rig for 2D char and implementing it in Godot, feel free to share it with me.
Ive focused more on painting up the existing assets just so I have an better idea of what I am going for before I start converting stuff into 3D.
Also, I am pretty happy with how the character turned out, unfortunately, I will need to make the rig all over again in external software.
To finally justify this post being in the 3D category, I've started converting the sprites in environment into 3D
I do plan to use a combination od 2D sprited, 3D simple vista objects and classic 3D objects to build my scenes.
switching up the scenery for some interior + some basic lights
It's always a joy to play with the postprocess efects when building your scene, especially with the SSAO.
I feel like I always push it a bit too far, but on the other hand, it's so hypnotic how it all pops up
this time I was focusing on the 3D pipeline. I've moved from using .obj to the .gltf as it has better support in Godot.
Also started using the provided suffixes to generate or add collisions on import. I was pretty surpriced from how good it worked.
Besides that I played more with lights and postprocesses, couldn't resist to the Fog, so here are some results:
spending most of my time in Blender modelling details.
I did bunch of ledges to hide seams, did a statue, candelabra, corner decorations, I've added back the cabinets and I figured how to set the sprites to be affected with a light + cast shadow.
My plan is to keep modeling!
I got pretty "cheap" update. I switched the Fog for Volumetric Fog as the Fog works good only on a flat plane and I want to have more verticality.
+ I found out the FPS template has interaction with physics, so I had to make something for it!
The page-turn death screen sounds really cool! But I am not necessarily going for a paper look, so, when it comes to enemies, I want a juicy blood particles and body parts, ideally followed with nice decals.
From gameplay side of things, I want to experiment more with melee combat and physics object interaction (kinda Half Life like)
It's been some time, but here is a new update!
What held me down the most was that I wanted to ditch the downloaded controller for something I constructed using tutorials, so I practice some code + know what's there. So I finally did it!
Then it was pretty quick to setup navmesh and start on the basic AI that is just following you for now. I've then decided to reward myself with a temp Run animation + new art for the weapon
And I would call Godot a "Blender between engines", there are some things that you literaly need to do backwards, but on the other hand, bunch of the workflows feel way better then Unreal or Unity.
+ the importing of custom collisions from a 3D Software using suffixes is better then in UE or Unity
- I've never had soo much trouble getting a basic cube in the scene
One of the thing I value a lot when working on personal projects is that I can open my project and start working withing 15-30s. It may be lacking some of the "AAA" features, but I am more then willing to give up those, as I don't plan to make any "AAA" game by myself.
I haven't done any deep dive into Godot, so there might be something that might change my mind, but I haven't yet encountered it.
So, I am really enjoying working with it so far, and would recommend it to others to try!
Gameplay is slowly coming together. I already know I will have to rewrite everything, but I am happy for now.
did buch of more animations
Coming from Unity myself, I too have been loving how fast Godot 4 opens up my projects.
I've had a bit of a pause on this project, but I am back on it for some time!
Most of the code was re-written with more scalable structure. That allowed me to get in some nice features like more weapons, AI reactions and most importantly for this thread about 3D a destructible environment.
There ain't much of it so far, but the foundation was made and hopefully if will soon be more about making content then just features