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Painting / brush controls with GIMP

polycounter lvl 13
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GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13

I switched to GIMP from Photoshop because, first, frak Adobe, and second, I ditched Windows for Linux a year ago (works pretty slick!). Getting CS6 to run under WINE wasn't too bad, but getting it to play nice with tablet pressure (either my Intuos 3 or my Huion Kamvas)... not so much.

I've got the keyboard shortcut pack that switches GIMP around to mostly use PS hotkeys, and I've got most of what I need working, but I'm trying to find an equivalent to the color jitter controls in PS, where you could set saturation, hue, and purity variance either per stroke or per tip. It's a beautifully simple way to get some nice natural tonal variation. GIMP has something sort of similar but it jitters along a gradient that either uses predefined colors or a gradient using the foreground and background swatches. That's... not exactly what I'm after.

Yep, I RTFM, nope, I didn't find anything. Might be the brain damage after Covid. Anyway.

Somebody help and hook a pixelante up?


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