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How Michael Vicente (Orb) sculpts his stylized edges?

Hello everyone.

I have been trying to figure out the way Michael Vicente (Orb) sculps his stylized edges with different brushes and settings. I already know how he creates stylized cracks on the edges, but how does he sculp the actual edges?

Here is what I'm talking about:

My guess is that he used trim dynamic, flatten or hpolish brushes and then smoothed the edges for a better result. It seems like he has somehow beveled those edges but I'm not sure.

Another example but it seems to be looking a little bit different:

The edges here are not quite beveled as I see but rather more smoothed or something like that.

I hope that you can help me with my question. It'll be also great if you could provide any tutorials for sculpting stylized edges like in the images above cause edges are one of the crucial things that define the stylized look of your model.

Thank you in advance.


  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool

    Not sure what's the problem exactly. Just bevel those cubes in your 3d package and then use dynamesh in zbrush or dynatopo in blender and sculpt. It kills initial UV but you can project UV back on dynameshed object ( usually). Before it gets too tessellated at least.

  • Neox
    Offline / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky

    for simple box like shapes with straight lines you can also just use the planar brush, or bevel flat or bevel arc brush, there was another one i just forgot.

    also 2022 has bevel pro or something? i havent used it yet


  • Assassin115

    I don’t really think that using something else than Zbrush is necessary cause Michael has been adding all of these bevels and details in Zbrush. It’s more about the technical aspect of sculpting like the type of brush and stuff like that

  • Assassin115

    Definitely gonna try those brushes, maybe will get something similar to the images above. Just wish Michael would open his own patreon or something like that and started making tutorials about his processes of sculpting. Would’ve eased life for all of us and made some additional revenue for him

  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage

    trimdynamic or flatten, probably added a small smooth on top of it in deformation..

  • Bolovorix
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    Bolovorix ngon master

    I'm not sure if it was Orb or another HoTs artist that talks about doing a small inflate through the deformation tab in Zbrush to soften the edges. From the images you've shown it looks like they're beveled; the edges appear too precise to be sculpted.

    The other thing to note is his matcap accentuates the curvature a lot making the edges feel much softer. You can buy it though his Gumroad.

    Also, he mentions in his Zbrush Central thread that he uses the flatten brush at 100.

  • Assassin115

    Thank you for the reply. Yeah I tried “sculpting” those beveled edges, it seems kinda ok but you gotta be really accurate to make them look precise, so I guess the base models were created in Zbrush or Maya. Will also try the suggestions listed above, maybe will get some better results. I know about his matcaps and I have already purchased them, it just feels like he (Orb) could’ve made some stylized sculpting tutorials like 3DEX and I wouldn’t even hesitate to pay for them cause they would’ve been definitely worth every single penny.

  • Eric Chadwick

    Search this page for Fanny "Faf" Vergne, she has a 7hr tutorial on Gumroad, plus visual examples in her Polycount thread. http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/EnvironmentSculpting

    See also some tips here from Orb http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/OrbCrasher

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