Hey guys, i'm doing some animations and i wanted to use the simulations from marvelous! So i'm trying the regular workflow, making the garments in marvelous and then bringing the alembic, doing the simulations and getting the alembic off to maya. It has worked fine, all the tests working well.
My concern right now is, i wanted to retopo the garments and get everything nice in the UV editor. I thought if i brought my newly obj retopo'ed (as a garment) it would work fine in marvelous and i could continue doing simulations but i found out after re-sewing marvelous keeps triangulating the mesh (i guess for bettere simulations and stuff). So my question here is, is it possible to keep the nice retopo mesh inside marvelous without it beeing triangulated?

If not i was thinking, is it possible to transfer the attributes from an alembic? like for example having that triangulated mesh (alembic) and transfering the animations to the retopoed piece? inside maya i guess
i might be overthinking this too much, i guess i just wanted nice topology and my UVs all nice and clean, also i wanted to do some other stuff in zbrush so i wanted to subdivide the mesh if needed.
asking here before i move forwards since i got other cloths to work and dunno how to proceed from here, if eveything else fails i guess i'll just use the auto-retopo with marvelous and hope for the best.
any help is appreciated!
unfortunately none have tackle the simulation-for animation process yet, it's mostly pose to pose (but i guess i could export each frame and make some sort of morph and then make it an obj sequence?) ugh seems like a pain, thanks tho!
How did you end up solving this? I'm trying to do something similar to Marvelous Designer's "animation" sims not just static poses. Any luck?