Hi there!
It's my first time posting here so, I'm hoping to not do any mistakes.
Feel free to critique, help, give tips and advices ! Thank you so much, it's really appreciated !
So let me present to you, Ollie ! She's a quidditch player of 23 YO, I've been working on her since ... we'll say december for the first concepts. (She's a character I'm playing)
Goal is : Modelling, Rigging and Animation (plus Simulation) through the year.
So first , the main concept as she was younger and also, her character sheet.
But here we go with some scren ! Working on blender.
The body seems not to bad as a low poly one (I'm going to at least subdivide once more for rigging)
You can see WIP here : https://skfb.ly/6MWQC