hey guys, just started to texture a weapon for a third person game and i could do with some fresh eyes on it, havent textured anything for about a year so i cant really judge on if this is bad or decent, now a lot of it is still a WIP, however im looking for a critque mainly on the metal as thats the part i always seem to struggle at, anyway thanks in advance

But it does not feel sci fi...do you have a piece of concept art or what direction are you looking to take this?
I would really look at the EE-3 that has the most interesting materials in my opinion really look at the color variation with in the metal i feel that would really breath life into your piece
If i was making this weapon I would look to add some things to the model, look at all the details that are modeling in on these weapons take some inspiration there and add to your model spruce it up and create an interesting silhouette
Textures look good to me. Looks like a brand new weapon with oil on it, except a few scratches. Some of those scratches look like they couldn't really happen though. Like inbetween to parts that are sticking out, or a straight scratch from the round cylinder extrusions onto the rear part of the reciever. Just doesn't seem like that could happen and gives away the CG methods used.
But little things like that may not be readable at all from typical camera distance anyway.
thanks, im going to dirty thing up a bit once the the main metal is done, the scratches are just a generator at the moment as i was in the middle of setting them up
im mostly wanting to get the metal right as i have a few more guns from the same faction that use a similar metal look so it would be nice to get a base material down for it
This is a close as the camera will get to the gun (trooper character is not mine just used it for scale testing) you can also switch camera between left and right shoulder)
and then some other random views with different lighting to see what it looks like