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Valley Of The Suck 2 : The Suck Strikes Back.

polycounter lvl 7
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Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
After a two year hiatus I am back and worse than ever! SO lets get to it; Throw some harsh critique and maybe some advice and hope that I can utilize it properly to improve!

Thank you in advance for any advice or critique!

If your curious of previous work:
Where I started: https://polycount.com/discussion/133652/the-valley-of-the-suck-character-art/p1
Another Thread: https://polycount.com/discussion/152909/summer-improvement-thread#latest
The most recent thread: https://polycount.com/discussion/163280/moose-conquers-2016#latest

Then I got injured for two years and now we back boyyyyyyyy

I post a lot on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mistahmoose/  (Post a lot of 2d here as well)
I also stream a lot of practice: https://www.twitch.tv/mistahmoose/dashboard/live (Temp break as of 2019)

Heres the first dump:

Pumpkin Monster: Original Concept by Nicholas Kole
4.5k Tris
512x Texture (Pbr Roughness)
Self Critique: Need to do consider what needs to be inserted pieces vs part of the actual piece. The top part where the stem is was connected when it should be a separate piece and looks rather bad because of it when baked down. Still not a fan of hand painting in SP even though I tried again, I think theres better programs still for that.
(Also Substance Painter to Sketchfab doesn't work for me.. Otherwise I would have put that there, Sorry!)

Skull Practice:
Used Anatomy 360 Skull Sketcher 2 for the reference
Self Critique: A lot stronger than previous attempts at skulls, So I am happy with that. I want to try this again and push the details a bit more. Neglected the underside of the skull because it doesn't matter much to the form of the visible head. Realize why everyone separates the teeth for the skull rather quickly when I started working on that part. It also was tricky having the sizing include the teeth and not mess with the proportions of the maxilla and mandible in my head..which in turn messed with everything else.

Torso Practice:
From Sphere using Scott Eaton's bodiesinmotion as a reference
Self Critique: While this was more of a warm up than anything to see what was weak, I immediately regretted doing this mirrored as it limited what I could do with the abs. There is a lot of weakness especially with the soft tissue layer, and the transition into the armpit (Partially due to not setting up proper poly groups but a tad hard without a base mesh) The anatomy is there, but needs to be pushed further.


  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    Have a few things to post this weekend; mostly practices. In the meantime heres the pumpkin in sketchfab now.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    the pumpkin monster is coming along well, would be nice to see clearer material difference between the pumpkin skin and the tentacles, also some more interesting lighting would be fun, like a 3 point light setup perhaps and a shadow plane under it just to give it more volume
  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    Ged said:
    the pumpkin monster is coming along well, would be nice to see clearer material difference between the pumpkin skin and the tentacles, also some more interesting lighting would be fun, like a 3 point light setup perhaps and a shadow plane under it just to give it more volume
    Thanks, I had to stop as I was getting quite frustrated with the texturing painting in Substance.. I would like to explore this more and try to make a clear difference but I don't know it if it would be worth restarting. It would be fun to try to do those completely procedurally, but I am still a n00b when it comes to texturing to be honest!

    I -did- do a render a good bit before I started the texture though! ...Heres that at least..From the guy too lazy to setup a new one rofl. Res isnt that great but I liked the lighting on it, even if the model is hovering a bit!

    As for the update post

    Didn't get much 3D done last week and don't really want to post what I do for $ 
    may need a 2d thread for the few practices Ive been doing there.

    Arm Practice/Refereshed: 2.5-3h
    From Sphere using Scott Eaton's bodiesinmotion as a reference
    Self Critique: The area where the corocobrachialis inserts is a bit unclear, I am not sure if I did that right or not. The forearm still leaves me very confused but I have the general "idea" of it for anyone whos not totally ripped and actually has those strands of muscles (such as the extensor digitorum on this guy). Forearm is tricky and I hope to do more studies like this to master it eventually. The rest I can "get by" with for now

  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7

    A Sphynx I worked on, I should have paid more attention in the sculpture/retopo phase. Realized things that I thought I could make up for in the texture ended up not-being-able-to-fix (IE the feet!)

    Textured in SP with a fair bit of layering and painting. End result is baked down to a single flat texture with baked lighting, relatively low poly and a mirrored texture. 

    I rigged it and it has an animation my friend Tnneww made but I wasn't sure how to properly format a gif and I am too lazy to learn right now.. So heres a gyazo https://gyazo.com/6b552e3a4cda9beb0cc3f8a233aad698

    And lastly here is the original sculpture of the sphynx. Note the feet, and that the mouth is not open (big oops there!)

    Also here is another, shorter cat head sculpt with projection painted textures:

    I had gotten pretty frustrated with projection painting with the sphynx, hence why I manually textured it. Projection painting skin was frustrating, projection painting fur was also frustrating. I am learning a bit of how to wing it, but it still is quite hard to get different parts of a photo to match up properly.

    Not sure why the back of the ears are showing through in the wireframe, but ah well.

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