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FWVN edge wear material function for dynamic procedural texturing



  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hi. This version only works with normal maps. Though hooking up a normla map of the landscale would work.
  • BrunoWerneck
    Hi Krystof!
    I bought your awesome material function from Gumroad but I'm new to Unreal and am having trouble plugging it into my textures. This is as far as i got. What steps am i missing? Could you please create a material as an example and post a screenshot here? 

    Thanks in advance!
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hello @BrunoWerneck

    Right click on your texture node->convert to texture object. You can also place a "texture object parameter" node if you want to change it in a material instance, and assign the texture to it after placing the node.
  • BrunoWerneck
    Thanks for the quick reply Krystof,
    So, do I link Curvature to Normal at the end, like this?

    Thanks in advance!
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    No. It gives you 2 masks so you need to use component mask and select either r or g. Red contains the convex edges and the green contains the concave ones. Then you can use these to drive other properties such as color, or roughness on edges. You can also combine those with some grunge map to make the lines less straight. To sample the normal map, put a simple "texture sample" node and plug the texture object into the "tex" input of it.
  • ThunderOwl
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    ThunderOwl polycounter lvl 2
    Hello. Bought your material function on Gumroad, would like to experiment with it a little. My experience is limited, so I would like to ask, is there some nodes example(s), about how to use RG mask output (how exactly drive some material parameters), also maybe hints on filter width value principles? Would appreciate a lot, thank you in advance.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hi. The filter width will determine how wide the curvature lines will be. Convex edges can be used for edge damage, and concave ones can be used for simulating dirt accumulation in cravices for example.
  • ThunderOwl
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    ThunderOwl polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks, i mostly are wondering, how exactly, with what nodes / textures / colors would be right to use output (R, G) of that mask. Can be there a generic screenshot of generic material, using Your function? Thank You.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Please feel free to contact me in a private message about this If we do not find the need that you bought this for, I can pay back your money, but there is no full support for such a simple product, for obvious resons. In short to anyone, there is minimal to no support to these products, that is why its 3 $. you buy it if you know how to use it. Also this item will be likely removed soon as I get a lot of usage related messages. What should I say, dont buy it if you don't know how to use such a thing. Sorry if this sounds intense but I do not have time to help with every single person with such a simple task and I do not want to repeat myself over and over again. I get it, maybe it should say it requires you to have decent understanding of shading stuff.
  • ThunderOwl
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    ThunderOwl polycounter lvl 2
    Understood. My personal opinion here, a simple example nodes screenshot, packed along with function purchase would save you from most of question bombarding about usage. No need to remove it. Also, i do not need "money back", i will ask around to my friends who has more material knowledge, they will help. My best wishes, it is still very cool and interesting you made such an edge detection.
  • Breezy
    Hello @Obscura thanks for taking the time to create and share these. Really appreciated. I purchased your normal map Material Function and I'd also like to purchase the vertex version. Have you had time to finish it?
    Eagerly looking forward to it.
    Thanks in advance
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hi @Breezy . It was stated in this thread on the last page that the vertex normal version cannot be made as good as the normal map one simply because of technical limitations. This means that convex and concave could not be separated, and controlling it would not be easy, and it would also give inconsistent results so I decided not to force it. Sorry if this is a disappointment. The exact reason behind this is that you need to take multiple samples of the input at different locations to get good curvature, and this is not possible without sampling a texture, which would defeat the whole thing.
  • zumwolt
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    zumwolt polycounter lvl 5
    Hi @Obscura , I want to join comment before, it would be very useful if you would be able to provide just a screenshot about how to use your function, like this one:

  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    @ThunderOwl @zumwolt So here is a very simple example of how you would use it to add edge damage. Just subtract some noise texture of your liking from the convex output, apply some value adjustments, and then you can use it as a mask like this:

    Adding dirt to crevices would be similar to this, you would just use the concave output.
  • ThunderOwl
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    ThunderOwl polycounter lvl 2
    @Obscura , Thanks a lot, appreciated.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Yesterday some guy bought this and he started bombing me with questions and request for more examples on multiple platforms. I gave him a refund, because as it was mentioned multiple times here, I'm not giving support! If you don't know how to use this, just don't buy it!  He should have been aware of this, because he was referring to this thread in his message. A few more of these, and I simply won't reply to such messages...
  • OccultMonk
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    OccultMonk interpolator
    Does this function also work on a Nanite object without a Tangent-based Normalmap but with a world space normal map? 
  • chelotte

    May I ask where I can buy it? Is there any website link you can send to me

  • Jackosn_LEE

    Hi,where i can buy this mateial

  • Vioxtar
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    Vioxtar polycounter lvl 3

    Apologies for the necropost, but I'd seriously like to purchase/obtain your work, and the gumroad link on the first page doesn't work anymore, any chance it can be re-uploaded?

    Thanks, and have a great day! :)

  • Hellfire
    Online / Send Message
    Hellfire polycounter lvl 15
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