hey just wanted to put up my first post on the challenge for the the hand painted i ve done mostly all the work through zbrush and maya here are some screen grabs through zbrush l
Hello Hello ! I In the end I managed to keep free 2 - 3 evenings to participate in this monthly challenge. It differs in terms of shapes and colors from the concept, but work forces me to stop here.
Idle, Reference.
Back The workflow followed is very simple. Modelling Maya Sculpting High poly Zbrush Retopology Maya Hand Painted Texturing. Substance Painter.
Painting Layers
Thanks to everyone and congratulations for the concept of this month. I see many beautiful creations on the concept of Krzysztof Maziarz! Alex.
Texturing advancing! The back of the building needs a ton of love. Added some graffiti on the side, not finished yet. My computer is running pretty slow right now, but it'll survive.
Its not a opacity issue hehehe. it's a GIF that represents the steps of hand painting. I removed the double modules of the mesh to avoid problems of Bake on Normal, AO etc etc.
Just wondering, Would that House and all the Props (stylized variant) be inside one UV with some atlas Textures or just seperate uvs for props / modular wall pieces etc.
Update, Thanks for the feedback @Klawd and @Ashervisalis I went trough the model and added bevels on the major assets like the building, brick ect. I also messed about with the values on roughness to bring down the shininess on the building and to increase the metalness of the panelling at the front door.
Havn't updated in a few days with my progress on this little guy, so here he is, with maps baked in Marmoset. Just texturing to go! EDIT: Texture first pass below!
@Tomsn Ty! Another update here, added lots of little highlights to pop stuff out and give it more of a stone look. I'm not sure how to add the green/moss detail effectively just yet. If anyone has any pointers, I'm all ears!
@LowerclassRiot Thanks dude, I like what your doing atm, I would say that some assets need resizing, for example the Arcade units seem a bit to small compared to the front door panels ect. I hope that helps you out a bit
Stopping for now, but I believe I have a nice bake for the sides of the environment scene. I have the ad panel done as well. I plan to throw these into substance painter and add detail tomorrow night. Plan is to be done by next Wed.
If someone could give me some advice on the blending mode to use... If you look at my model, for the rust at the top of the building, on the metal sheets, and at the base around the door, I've used the exact same colour. Oddly, the colour is dependent on the colour I'm painting on top of. I haven't changed the blending mode (although I cycled through the different modes), but I want the colour I'm painting to completely replace the colour I'm painting on. Is there a specific blending option I should be using for this?
@Ashervisalis Are you talking about substance painter ?
If so, just use the "replace" mode
And then cycle through Base Color/Height/Normal etc.. and do the same thing to your layer if you want to replace those also.
edit : Don't forget to do it on the rust at the top and at the bottom if you are using different layers. And use masks to target only the rust to avoid troubles.
@IDCrisis0 Hey, good job! I've noticed one thing I missed in the modelling stage that everybody else is missing. The part of the overhang which connects to the wall droops in the concept art, but everybody has that part perfectly straight. I also think the platform your stairs are on could be a bit thicker.
Hello ! There's my first participation of a monthly challenge. It's realy fun to do, and I'll try to participating even more ! I wanted to do a gun of the concepts made by ancienfear to train my hardsurface skills. Hope you like it !
@Willog Great texture work! Love the beauty shots, the details really stand out with your lighting Some additional scratches on that metal would really help sell the "worn metal" look I think. Great work overall!
Just want to let everyone know that the new voting thread for March and April is up here:
@Ashervisalis - Thanks for the feedback. I'll thicken that platform up before I go into Zbrush with it. I was planning to warp and scratch everything up in zbrush after I got everything modeled.
Hi guys! I'm new to the forum, i managed to try the challenge and i made a "realistic" version of the red statue. All the posted works are awesome! I hope mine too
Hey! 'Gratz everyone for the entries, really good job! It's my first time posting here, hope ya'll like it Here's mine: Modeled in Maya, High poly in Zbrush and Textured in Substance painter. model
Okay, so I was working on that racing scene a bit and I was able to cobble a last minute piece at lunch I have since cleaned up a bit of textures and will be doing some UE4 textures for the dirt, grass, and trees. Not sure when I might get the holograms in. Not done-done but something I can finish up before starting the next project.
@Ashervisalis Hay dude I saw you mentioned the fact that all of us seemed to make the mesh as straight as possible, it was the same advise that someone that I know gave me, so I went back and had a go at varying the mesh a bit what do you think?
@Gibby1995 It looks cool with the bend now!! I also love the texturing of the red part of your building. I've got a few suggestions for you; - Add some bevel to the curb, make it look more natural. - The metal bits at the top of the building look great in front, but they're way too large in the back. It's kind of drawing the eye to them and could really be made smaller. - The green screen design on the arcade could use some love. - The computer monitor's screen is a lot bigger than in the reference.
Aside from those points I think you did quite well!
I did the blockout in Maya. I made sure to minimize sharp edges using bevels, and bake away any remaining sharp edges later on. Of course there shouldn't be very many straight or flat parts, kind of like the cartoony reference. I used lattices on things like the garbage can and the metal plate things at the top of the building. I started adding edges and creating slight bends, and also moving around some verts so it looked more stylized. After this I made the high poly.
For UV mapping, I combined different parts because I didn't want to have 40 texture sets at the end. The junk (boxes, garbage, etc) are all on a 2k map. The building is on a 4k map. The parts attaching to the building are on a 4k map. Telephone pole 2k. Then the each of the arcades and computer all have their own 1k maps. In Maya, I assigned a different material to each of these sets, so they'd give me different texture sets when importing into Substance Painter.
I used Substance Painter for texturing and baking. For baking, I only baked what I had to. The building, window planes, etc, are all not baked. The only thing I used Substance Designer for is the cobblestone road. I wanted everything else to look painted. Oh, and I used it to create a scratch generator for the building walls and normal maps so certain materials weren't super flat. I created a folder in each layer for each separate item, and after adding a base colour, added a black mask so the folder would only apply to that specific item. After that, it's all just painting. I used a few mask generators to get stuff like metal edge wear, but I put these inside a folder with a white mask, and then removed a lot of the edge wear (I don't like edge wear which is too obvious). The majority of the edge wear you see is all hand painted using masks because I think it looks more natural that way.
One thing Marc points out is when you zoom in, the colours should still be interesting. To stick to this strategy, I made sure to try to not have any static colours on the meshes. One easy way of doing this is to add a second colour layer, add a black mask, and start painting, randomly adjusting the flow or intensity of the mask you're painting.
95% of my layers are fill layers, so that afterwards, I can easily adjust colours as I see fit. If I were to use paint-able layers, I'd end up having to repaint a lot of stuff if the colours weren't working out down the line.
I wanted my texturing to look a lot like a cartoon, so I didn't want a lot of shine. I didn't use very low roughness values, but I actually wish I used even less (to make the textures even more rough). In hindsight, I wish I used lower metalness values as well. I also painted the colour variation in the windows as I didn't want to depend on reflections for those highlights.
Thanks for this detailled insight into your workflow - I´m interested in handpainted stuff and even though I´ve started too late I plan on finishing this.
So before this thread probably gets abandoned for the next bi-monthly thread I was just going to pop this here. I've got my textures in UE4, did some painting for foliage, added my trees back. I'm working on the lighting, so that's a heck of a lot more hours needed to "finish" this. And yes, I need to finalize my hologram ad board piece.
Anyone know of some good lighting info to help push this to the next step? I've checked the wiki, the world of design lighting, and some stuff from gumroad. I have a rough sense still on decent open lighting like this.
In the end I managed to keep free 2 - 3 evenings to participate in this monthly challenge.
It differs in terms of shapes and colors from the concept, but work forces me to stop here.
Idle, Reference.
The workflow followed is very simple.
Modelling Maya
Sculpting High poly Zbrush
Retopology Maya
Hand Painted Texturing. Substance Painter.
Painting Layers
Thanks to everyone and congratulations for the concept of this month.
I see many beautiful creations on the concept of Krzysztof Maziarz!
Its not a opacity issue hehehe.
it's a GIF that represents the steps of hand painting.
I removed the double modules of the mesh to avoid problems of Bake on Normal, AO etc etc.
@Gibby1995 Looks way better!
EDIT: Texture first pass below!
Gibby1995 love the petinia finish on the shack gives a nice subtle weathered look.
Alex PWX Nice job on the dust worn look.
Plan is to be done by next Wed.
If so, just use the "replace" mode
And then cycle through Base Color/Height/Normal etc.. and do the same thing to your layer if you want to replace those also.
edit : Don't forget to do it on the rust at the top and at the bottom if you are using different layers.
And use masks to target only the rust to avoid troubles.
Just want to let everyone know that the new voting thread for March and April is up here:
So please head over and contribute your concept art recommendations for the next Challenge!!
@IDCrisis0 nice work so far take your time and have fun in zbrush
its nice to see everyone finishing up their work and the differences between them motivates me to do better
@spenser.p : Thanks to u
@Ashervisalis : Nice work, it's really good !
All the posted works are awesome! I hope mine too
well done @Ashervisalis ,@Willog, @Thistle!
I will go over the deadline too. Will post my "lowPoly" in a few Days. Overestimated it a bit.
Have a nice day!
It's my first time posting here, hope ya'll like it
Here's mine:
Modeled in Maya, High poly in Zbrush and Textured in Substance painter.
I have since cleaned up a bit of textures and will be doing some UE4 textures for the dirt, grass, and trees. Not sure when I might get the holograms in. Not done-done but something I can finish up before starting the next project.
- Add some bevel to the curb, make it look more natural.
- The metal bits at the top of the building look great in front, but they're way too large in the back. It's kind of drawing the eye to them and could really be made smaller.
- The green screen design on the arcade could use some love.
- The computer monitor's screen is a lot bigger than in the reference.
Aside from those points I think you did quite well!
I have reduced the size of the PC screen, and reduced the size of the corrugated metal up top I have also redone the green arcade screen,
Would you mind telling a bit about your workflow?
I did the blockout in Maya. I made sure to minimize sharp edges using bevels, and bake away any remaining sharp edges later on. Of course there shouldn't be very many straight or flat parts, kind of like the cartoony reference. I used lattices on things like the garbage can and the metal plate things at the top of the building. I started adding edges and creating slight bends, and also moving around some verts so it looked more stylized. After this I made the high poly.
For UV mapping, I combined different parts because I didn't want to have 40 texture sets at the end. The junk (boxes, garbage, etc) are all on a 2k map. The building is on a 4k map. The parts attaching to the building are on a 4k map. Telephone pole 2k. Then the each of the arcades and computer all have their own 1k maps. In Maya, I assigned a different material to each of these sets, so they'd give me different texture sets when importing into Substance Painter.
I used Substance Painter for texturing and baking. For baking, I only baked what I had to. The building, window planes, etc, are all not baked. The only thing I used Substance Designer for is the cobblestone road. I wanted everything else to look painted. Oh, and I used it to create a scratch generator for the building walls and normal maps so certain materials weren't super flat. I created a folder in each layer for each separate item, and after adding a base colour, added a black mask so the folder would only apply to that specific item. After that, it's all just painting. I used a few mask generators to get stuff like metal edge wear, but I put these inside a folder with a white mask, and then removed a lot of the edge wear (I don't like edge wear which is too obvious). The majority of the edge wear you see is all hand painted using masks because I think it looks more natural that way.
Check out this video on painting with colours;
One thing Marc points out is when you zoom in, the colours should still be interesting. To stick to this strategy, I made sure to try to not have any static colours on the meshes. One easy way of doing this is to add a second colour layer, add a black mask, and start painting, randomly adjusting the flow or intensity of the mask you're painting.
95% of my layers are fill layers, so that afterwards, I can easily adjust colours as I see fit. If I were to use paint-able layers, I'd end up having to repaint a lot of stuff if the colours weren't working out down the line.
I wanted my texturing to look a lot like a cartoon, so I didn't want a lot of shine. I didn't use very low roughness values, but I actually wish I used even less (to make the textures even more rough). In hindsight, I wish I used lower metalness values as well. I also painted the colour variation in the windows as I didn't want to depend on reflections for those highlights.
I've got my textures in UE4, did some painting for foliage, added my trees back. I'm working on the lighting, so that's a heck of a lot more hours needed to "finish" this. And yes, I need to finalize my hologram ad board piece.
and some modified blue tint