Hey everyone!
I thought i would start a sketchbook to start showcasing some of my work, specifically character work. I would like to keep a thread of all my work together so i can easily see the progress throughout.
I currently work as a environment/asset artist but i would like to make a transition into character art. I feel its a good opportunity to start posting more of my character work to get feedback and help develop my character art skills.
I will try to keep my posts as streamline as possible. (i am currently working on multiple things at the same time.)
So with that said this is one of my current projects i am working on:
This is Pam a character design by Raquel Cornejo. You can find her work here:
https://www.artstation.com/raquelcornejoShe was kind enough to give me her permission to create it in 3D! I hope i do her design justice.
My overall goal is to create a lowpoly (ish) and all handpainted character. I will be using zbrush to bake my maps to start my handpainted texture off.
This is pretty much my finished sculpt. I probably won't be doing anymore dramatic changes but small ones i can do before making the low. (although all crit will be noted and taken on board when creating my next character!)
Here are some screenshots from zbrush:

Any feedback is much appreciated!
I don't think your current version needs anything else but I would love to offer my 2 cents on what I would try, to push it closer to the concept's style. I think you could to squash the eyes from the sides juuuust slightly (to make them look a little rounder), as well as making the size of her head (but not her features) a bit larger. It might be easier to explain with a paint-over (sorry for the smudges and gray areas) what I'm thinking in my head:
That's just my own thoughts and preferences, but whatever you end up doing I can't wait to see how her low poly and her textures turn out!
@dGreenberg thank you for taking the time out to do a paintover! I really appreciate it. I will have a closer look at the proportions today and make some adjustments. I might just fiddle with some areas and see if i can get closer to the concept!
Thank you for all the feedback!
The body i did some mild changes. I tucked in the skirt (i'm wondering if that made her hips look wider and i also pushed out her waist so she isn't as thin in the middle. The changes are subtle but i wanted to keep her quite curvy (although it still might need some adjustments.). I extended her arms slightly and her legs.
I made some gifs to show the before and after:
Same with the body:
Here are the stills comparisons:
I think it was worth taking the time and doing the changes. Thanks for the feedback so far!
I think the problem with the hips are mostly the curve it creates from the front view, 3/4 and side looks fine. I get that you want her to look curvy but make the thighs thick then, not the hips.
this is how my brain is interpenetrating the front view atm, and it looks borderline comical.
You need to have some sort of transition between the tiny waist and the wide hips for it to make sens, otherwise it just looks crazy as Iotet pointed it out.
Otherwise I really did the concept and the style, looking forward to see where this is going!
(no really though this looks ridiculous, @lotet is right on the money).
Thanks for the paintover it helps me visualize it!
So i made some adjustments on the hips and waist. I think it also unearthed some other anatomy problems. Once i adjusted the hips, i ended up slightly lengthening the torso. i lengthened the legs and thinned them out. I also adjusted the positioning. I lengthened the arms because i extended the legs. I'm not sure if it lost some dynamic shapes to it now though, although maybe that will come through when i do the pose at the end? I am unsure!
Anyway i hope this is a improvement! Let me know what you think. Many thanks for the feedbacks!
I actually finished another character so i thought i would add it to my sketchbook. It was a quick project so i didn't get to post any wips but it would still be useful to post to receive feedback for the next pieces i make.
Here are the final images:
I have now jumped on to the riot challenge so my other character will have to wait for a bit! so much to do and so little time
Haha! I was waiting for someone to recognize it! I can't talk much about it or who it was from but it went well i think
What are the texture limitations or can you not go into any details?
Keep me posted on how your getting on
Thank you so much. The maximum tris budget was 3500 including the weapon and mine comes around in at 3167. The texture budget was 512
So i just finished wrapping up my entry on the Riot creative contest. For anyone who hasn't seen my thread i decided to do a male take on Katarina from League of Legends. You can find my WIP thread here:
I wanted to post my finals on my sketchbook thread just so i can keep track of my progress and look back at the stuff i created all in one thread.
I'm going to be jumping back to my Pam model by Raquel, so will post some updates soon!
It's been awhile.
I wanted to update my thread with something new i am working on. I started a sculpt sketch of Sylvanas from World of Warcraft but i'v now turned it into a mini project to learn some new things. It's just going to be a bust but i want to make it game ready and learn more about substance painter.
This is where i am at with my sculpt. I wanted to get some feedback before i move onto retopo to see if i can push it further/make improvements.
Turn around:
These are some images that i gathered for my moodboard and reference. Sylvanas style/costume changes from game to game, so i picked all the elements that i liked the most. I mostly used Heroes of the storm as reference for her outfit as i thought it was the most readable.
Any feedback or critique would be most appreciated! Thank you.
I think having the arms as stumps like that is a bit weird though, id say either cut them at the shoulder or make full arms out of them.
Your characters are amazing! I wish I could see how You work. Especially I'd like to know what is Your process of creating as great armor as sylvannas has. Keep it up please, I'm waiting!
@universe Aw thank you so much! A lot of people have been asking how i have done the armor, so i plan on doing a tutorial after i'v finished to share my process!
So i'v started another thing. (I KNOW, I'M TERRIBLE.) But i just had to join in the Retrogasm 2018 contest. Sylvanas is on hold for now.
So for anyone who doesn't know what Retrogasm is: you need to take an existing character from 6th generation of console or before. I chose to do Argilla from Digital Devil Saga.
Here is the main concept i am using:
Here is my reference board:
This is my current progress for the base body:
I feel like it's probably at a good stage to start getting some feedback on overall feel, proportion, shape and silhouette of the body and face. I wanted to get this as close as i can before i start blocking in the clothes. I'd really appreciate thoughts at this stage, thank you!
I see you are gonna make her long-legged. It isn't clear to me yet, but in this case I would just make sure to keep the lower legs + feet longer than the thighs + knees. As you can see on Tracer for example https://i.imgur.com/HoWeW42.jpg
Keep it up!
Thank you!
Yes i wanted to make her long-legged! Great spot, i didn't notice that! The image really helps, I will make those changes. Thank you so much!
Here is the current update:
I'v blocked out the main shapes of her outfit. Once i added clothing i had to go back and adjust some of the body. I extended the lower legs after @Mateus feedback. I made the arms thinner and adjusted the waist to be slightly smaller. I reworked the hands. At this stage it would be great to get some feedback before i start detailing.
Let me know what you think!
So i have finished the highpoly sculpt of Argilla. Any feedback at this stage would be great before i move onto the low. I plan on making her alternative version where she has a demon arm later down the line if i have enough time. Let me know what you think
@Nikolas3D Thank you! You mean the arms of the jack or the main section of the jacket?
@jimsvanberg Thank you!!
@ruebenDodds Thank you so much!
So i have been working on it quite a bit. I have retopo, uv'ed baked and done a first pass on the texture. I made some changes to the sculpt. I adjusted the face slightly, the eyes are closer together, the eyebrows lower and nose shorter.
She is currently about 33k tris.
I set up a marmoset scene with materials to get a feel how the final shaders/textures might look. I haven't managed to get a thickness bake to work correctly in marmoset (it bakes with a few artifacts.) I also haven't touched the hair yet.
Any feedback is much appreciated as always
Edit: I haven't added any shadows around the eyes yet!
Should of posted more wip pics along the way but i forgot
Anyway here are my final images for Retrogasm:
There are some more breakdowns and viewer on my artstation.
Time for some rest and then onto the next thing!
@Tits Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it
@lotet Thank you Alex! So did your Raziel. Congrats on getting picks in artstation!
@TravisMcCallum Thank you! The shadow is her demon form called 'prithvi'. This is just an image to add a bit of story telling to the final piece
@atreyuroboto Thank you!
@Mateus Thank you so much