Hello, and welcome. Feel free to critique and comment what ever i post. Hell, rip it apart, its the only way i can get better 1:1 reply's yalll. Check out my art station here to see my full projects and more! https://www.artstation.com/therealryan_
I think you have some good work here, your 2 finished pieces the Spartan and your space engineer suffer from the same issues and that is material definition, the entire character feels like it is made out of the same material. Really focus on how light rolls off of cloth vs metal nailing that in your render will really make your char pop. Also with the space marine the interesting shots are blown out and i cant see the all the cool detail you have placed in the model
Day 4. (still behind on this ahah), male upper body study. tomorrow female. I think i need to work some of the forms more still, the abs i like are to wide maybe? and I still can't seem to make the push on hyper realism, more time needed. Thoughts?
Your biggest problem is subtlety, or lack of it. And that comes from your current sculpting technique. You're jumping straight into detailing before you've got your primary and secondary forms locked down.
In the case of the human body, your primary shapes will form the silhouette, and you'll want to work at a fairly low subdivision, just using the move brush as much as possible, not really cutting, carving, or sculpting to get those shapes. The secondary forms are then in defining muscle groups, personally i use clay buildup, smooth and move for this. I'll use trim-dynamic if i want to exaggerate or pre-define a plane on the surface for me to work on. THEN comes the tertiary stuff, veins, skin pulling, etc.
Remember that on top of all the muscle, there's fatty tissue and skin stretched over it. You only get extremely "cut" musculature from being grossly under-hydrated and stripping body fat down to crazy low levels (to the point that it actually harms the body). For more information on that, read up on what body-builders do before a show, or even Hugh Jackman's pre-moneyshot wolverine stuff... You know those crazy ultra-veined scenes in his movies? He put his body through hell for those 2 second shots.
You should also work a lot on posture and making sure your sculpts are posed in natural, neutral positions. No smiles, no smirks, no straight locked arms. Relaxed, and neutral, always. Pre-posing your sculpts has very limited uses, and if you want to work in games, it's pretty much the biggest no-no.
And finally, try not to rely too much on IMM brushes that you haven't made yourself while you're still learning to model. I know it's tempting to make your shit look good with some flashy inserts. But they actually do the opposite, they draw a lot of attention to the bad work, because they're so obvious.
Do you prefer your real name or Gir on here? i don't forum much... I do see where you are coming from and i'm going to make sure i think about in my next sculpts. I also work on a low sub divide, under 10k on most which is still high but I find it easily manageable, I Zremesh all the time to make it low poly too. I do think i need to focus more on the Silhouette more and I do forget about it when i'm on for a long time.
As for the posed stuff that's for Phillipa's assignment and that needs to be posed for the keyshot renders ( I know real time is where its at, but that's not what i'm going for with this one, i should drop the IMM parts though that's true. I have stopped using and just make my own after you last mentioned that but i just wanted to out something there quickly and I just wanted to post it Thanks for the feedback I will be sure to keep the fat layer in mind when i work, but i like to really define muscles, but i guess that's not too "day to day realistic" if you get what i am saying? :P I am going to keep post my daily sculpt stuff here so i can see if im improving and your feedback is always appreciated.
and those references look real useful. I remember when this came out it was lol. There was a story of a boxer who spent 2 days in a sauna to make weight for a fight. I cant imagine that felt nice lol.
I think you need to break these studies down even more than you are right now. Everything feels really harsh. It's like, when I was learning to draw years ago, I would do a load of drawings of hands in different positions and extremes, to see how they moved, streched, deformed in general. Pick a body part and do a lot of studies of it. Then move on to the next one. This way when you come to bring it all together you will have a better understanding of how each area should look. You could do with for example doing 20 different studies of a human back, abdomen, neck, waist, breasts, on both male and female bodies. Don't just sculpt perfect bodies either, look at overweight, skinny, muscular, deformed bodies. If you aren't taking life drawing classes, you should be as they will give you a much better understanding of the human form.
Currently this torso is too harsh, everything is far too defined, with very little subtlety. It doesn't read as female, it reads as male with breasts, because the female form is far more subtle than what you have here. Keep these up though and you will start to see improvement if you approach it the right way.
Rough early WIP of a Mads Mikkelsen likeness i'm doing for my FMP at uni. Still a long way to go. need to clean up the eyes and get the damn cheeks right. still basic forms and stuff. He has a surprisingly difficult face to get right, his cheek bones are super defined and pronounced and 1/4 perspective but not so much from the side. and some oddly shaped eyes that i just cant get right.... will keep at it over the next few days. Working on super low poly, base division is about 1200 polys and its nice and low and easy to move around, its at high to show the model better.
Looking quite lumpy on the side of the face. The cheek bone needs some attention as well, bit of a mess around there. The lighting in this portrait highlights his cheekbone well, and the silhouette of his face on the right. Looks like a more prominent brow line than you have.
It's all coming along nicely as long as you keep working on them. The biggest thing that pops out at me though, is the male's fingers. They look too square and disproportionate.
ok so i'm going to moderate the page a bit because there are going to be a lot of semi Mads looking people all over it lol. here is the latest. I fixed the mouth and i think i have it nailed. the eyes too but they need a bit of fullness to them I think. but the i think the shape is there. Where do peeps think i need improving? I think im almost there and can start adding the details.
Also, there's far more to learning to make characters than just doing a likeness sculpt. You really should retopo and texture these as well, because your low poly work is probably the weakest part of your reportoire.
Hmmmm I feel like if you're doing this as something quick then being done now doesn't hurt. But that being said, if you want to see some real improvement go farther and treat it like an actual study.
I'd erase 70% of the detail you have because it looks like the faces have two different skulls, and with a difference at the fundamental level all the detail on top of that is noise.
The lips and cheek bones are looking pretty good but everything surrounding them is throwing it off.
Your head comparatively is much smaller and more squished than the reference. The top of the head and width of it is off as well, I say going back and nailing proportions of the face before getting into a single wrinkle will help tremendously.
It seems like you're rushing this. My comment before was to say that yes you are starting to develop a likeness, but you are by no means done. You have stunning reference with that scan, your sculpt does not look like that, and as far as I'm aware the whole point is to nail the likeness with this project? As Nathan says above, I would suggest removing all that detail and reworking the shape of the skull to be correct, because if the skull is wrong, then the muscles will be wrong, the wrinkles will be wrong, and so on. Good luck.
Yeah set to 28, meant to be closest to how the human eyes sees. I know its not perfect. I'm getting frustrated with my abilities becasue i cant get it looking perfect. where do you think need improvements? specific regions? I have been staring at this for too long and i'm going blind and drawing blanks. Oh and Lee, I am going to re-top it. probably will end up doing it a a couple times to make it good. this is just the sculpt bud.
UPDATE: So i have spent the last couple hours going over the model trying to make it perrrrrrfect. but damn, the guy has ever changing eye shape and 'under brow'. one image his bottom lid is flat, another its curved, the under brow dips down more, the top eye lid stretches up and in more into the socket. I don't think im done but. its getting there. i think.
The biggest issue is that it's pretty obvious that you've sculpted secondary and tertiary details with symmetry on, and then just used the move brush to move some stuff around, and maybe added a couple of lines here or there with dam standard to break up the symmetry.
Really, you'd be better off deleting the top two subdivisions, and redoing them without symmetry turned on.
Notice Adam only keeps symmetry on until the basic likeness is locked down, turning it off as early as ~40 seconds into the timelapse. Yes he turns it back on again when doing macro level changes (bone structure, jaw position etc.), but he turns it off again when he gets back into the actual sculpting.
Been a while since i have posted anything. or even had my hand on a computer. Been away a while This is a new project i'm working on for fun, based on a piece of concept art by Hyungwoo Kim, an awesome artist! I'm taking a slightly different approach to this project. Normally i jump straight into Zbrush and make it all in there then retop. But this time I sculpted the base anatomy and began to make the armour in its low poly form in Maya before I take it into Zbrush, much later, it still needs a lot of work and i'm not done with the body just making a start on the parts of the armour. Head needs a lot of work too, at the moment its more like a place holder and proportions reference and i am taking some creative liberties with the back armour as there is no reference. I'll be sculpting that more tomorrow to make it look more like the character in Kim's concept art. I would love to hear any feedback or critique! I'm super rusty.
update: finished the low poly armour and I have begun to add edge loops to a copy to get it ready for sculpting. once thats done i'll be working on the face, hands and under clothing.
A little update on a project I am working on. finished off the high poly sculpt of the armour and started on working on the underclothing. The last day or two all i have done is make the straps, buckles and fasteners that hold the armour together for the low poly and finished the high poly armour sculpt. The clothing I was going to do in Marvellous designer for the cloth, but I couldn't figure our how to get it to wrap around the body and interact with the armour/straps properly without it clopping all over the place and looking bad.
Since it seems that a lot of the body is covered in hardsurface..maybe you want to have a look at modelling/sculpting the cloth as opposed to using Marvelous? I would be a great learning point as well, especially since this is a personal piece(?)
OK! so its been AGGGGGESSSSSSS since i last posted here. Been very busy the last few weeks, i went on holiday and i didnt have my computer, just a shitty old laptop that barely could run Zbrush. anyways. the lats week or so i have been touching up the high poly sculpt and had my first crack at the textures. Here is a shot from my Toolbag scene, just playing around with lighting and texture settings to see what looks good. Thoughts? CC?
Got a little bored of working on my fantasy Knight hair textures so ended up looking over last years work for my Masters and decided to spruce one of my fav projects ever in Toolbag! Let me what you think! you can the new project and old one my ArtStation here!: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ew9wG
I like where you're going with her. Her face could be sharper and I feel like you need to give the hands a bit more love and perhaps change their direction. As Elithenia said, it would be a nightmare to rig hands like that
In the case of the human body, your primary shapes will form the silhouette, and you'll want to work at a fairly low subdivision, just using the move brush as much as possible, not really cutting, carving, or sculpting to get those shapes. The secondary forms are then in defining muscle groups, personally i use clay buildup, smooth and move for this. I'll use trim-dynamic if i want to exaggerate or pre-define a plane on the surface for me to work on. THEN comes the tertiary stuff, veins, skin pulling, etc.
Make sure you examine a lot of reference, make sure it's varied, things like this are excellent: http://pulptastic.com/top-athletes-look-like-naked/
Remember that on top of all the muscle, there's fatty tissue and skin stretched over it. You only get extremely "cut" musculature from being grossly under-hydrated and stripping body fat down to crazy low levels (to the point that it actually harms the body). For more information on that, read up on what body-builders do before a show, or even Hugh Jackman's pre-moneyshot wolverine stuff... You know those crazy ultra-veined scenes in his movies? He put his body through hell for those 2 second shots.
You should also work a lot on posture and making sure your sculpts are posed in natural, neutral positions. No smiles, no smirks, no straight locked arms. Relaxed, and neutral, always. Pre-posing your sculpts has very limited uses, and if you want to work in games, it's pretty much the biggest no-no.
And finally, try not to rely too much on IMM brushes that you haven't made yourself while you're still learning to model. I know it's tempting to make your shit look good with some flashy inserts. But they actually do the opposite, they draw a lot of attention to the bad work, because they're so obvious.
I do see where you are coming from and i'm going to make sure i think about in my next sculpts. I also work on a low sub divide, under 10k on most which is still high but I find it easily manageable, I Zremesh all the time to make it low poly too. I do think i need to focus more on the Silhouette more and I do forget about it when i'm on for a long time.
As for the posed stuff that's for Phillipa's assignment and that needs to be posed for the keyshot renders ( I know real time is where its at, but that's not what i'm going for with this one, i should drop the IMM parts though that's true. I have stopped using and just make my own after you last mentioned that but i just wanted to out something there quickly and I just wanted to post it
and those references look real useful. I remember when this came out it was lol. There was a story of a boxer who spent 2 days in a sauna to make weight for a fight. I cant imagine that felt nice lol.
Currently this torso is too harsh, everything is far too defined, with very little subtlety. It doesn't read as female, it reads as male with breasts, because the female form is far more subtle than what you have here. Keep these up though and you will start to see improvement if you approach it the right way.
Also, there's far more to learning to make characters than just doing a likeness sculpt. You really should retopo and texture these as well, because your low poly work is probably the weakest part of your reportoire.
I'd erase 70% of the detail you have because it looks like the faces have two different skulls, and with a difference at the fundamental level all the detail on top of that is noise.
The lips and cheek bones are looking pretty good but everything surrounding them is throwing it off.
Your head comparatively is much smaller and more squished than the reference.
The top of the head and width of it is off as well, I say going back and nailing proportions of the face before getting into a single wrinkle will help tremendously.
I know its not perfect. I'm getting frustrated with my abilities becasue i cant get it looking perfect. where do you think need improvements? specific regions? I have been staring at this for too long and i'm going blind and drawing blanks.
Oh and Lee, I am going to re-top it. probably will end up doing it a a couple times to make it good. this is just the sculpt bud.
So i have spent the last couple hours going over the model trying to make it perrrrrrfect. but damn, the guy has ever changing eye shape and 'under brow'. one image his bottom lid is flat, another its curved, the under brow dips down more, the top eye lid stretches up and in more into the socket. I don't think im done but. its getting there. i think.
Really, you'd be better off deleting the top two subdivisions, and redoing them without symmetry turned on.
For a great example of this, see:
Notice Adam only keeps symmetry on until the basic likeness is locked down, turning it off as early as ~40 seconds into the timelapse. Yes he turns it back on again when doing macro level changes (bone structure, jaw position etc.), but he turns it off again when he gets back into the actual sculpting.
I would love to hear any feedback or critique! I'm super rusty.
The clothing I was going to do in Marvellous designer for the cloth, but I couldn't figure our how to get it to wrap around the body and interact with the armour/straps properly without it clopping all over the place and looking bad.
oh I also made a bunch of variations you can see in the marmoset viewer on the artstation post!