I'm kinda proud of this one though. It was a prize for a Luchadore themed card game tournament. The colour 3d prints I got done looked a bit garbage, so the plates are repainted by hand.
Mine was done with my own printer - specifically a Prusa i3 like I mentioned. For those unfamiliar, it's a cheap kit printer with an open frame, and a 100 micron minimum print resolution.
The plates I posted were done on a 3d colour printer at one of the local universities - it's a little outside my price range. Just getting Shapeways to print them out in coloured sandstone would've set me back quite a bit.
The Sochi Olympics ones were done on a Makerbot consumer grade printer at the studio I used to work at.
I have done a bunch of 3d printing for functional parts: Prototype iterations:
Acetone polished plug:
Same 3d printed plug coated in primer then hand sanded from 320 through 2000 grit and finally polished:
A final carbon fiber part:
A 3d printed modular helmholtz resonator chamber. The chamber volume was tuned by swapping out pieces until it hit the target frequency, then it was bonded to a carbon tube and vac bagged with a coating of laminating epoxy (which caused the wrinkles, just a prototype part):
Oculus rift tracking camera mount:
VR specific button plate with built in joystick mouse: The model for that plate:
Another personal project at home. My wife plays a Warlock on WoW so I made her the class crest. Based on some artwork I found online (I think it is the official one...?) Printed on my Robo3d R1+ using PLA
It sits at 40 cm tall (ignoring the antenna) and used around 3kg of PLA material if you include the discards/rafts. For scale, that's a A3 cutting board it's standing on.
The original design was by this gent over at Thingiverse which is the small grey version (60% scale). I then took all the parts into max and altered everything to suit my tastes (I also scaled to 150%). I added +/- sockets to the majority of parts to give it that extra stability. Med/Low quality and Low infill, printed on the M3D micro hence all the sliced parts. Leg armor and a last few bits of trim were finished off earlier today and need to be glued on. Still need to post process everything with a knife and Milliput epoxy filler to clean up seams and gluing/flak. Looking forward to sanding everything down and painting this!
Surprised that this thread wasn't flooded already, with some of the work on here you'd assume people would get physical copies of their work?
So I've had my first 3d printer (Original Prusa i3 Mk2) for just under 2 weeks but decided to start something big.
Little back story: I work for Full Fat Games who made a game called Agent Dash several years before I started there. During my time, we did a major update / engine change to the game, and Jon Mills and I were asked to make some high resolution sculpts of title character Agent Dash and his missus Joanna Goodtug (who I sculpted) for marketing purposes.
These never got used, but I asked my boss if I could print the pair.
These will get painted, but here's the current progress. All printed, several iterations of priming and sanding. I've also printed a base for the pair, and am halfway through making a second copy of the whole lot for Jon.
Base + characters stands about 28cm tall and I have to say I'm really proud so far. Hoping I can do them justice with the paint job
I've been trying out different materials and sizes on Shapeways for this Mortal Kombat Inspired ninja I modeled. The Blue, Yellow, Green, and large white prints are in the basic polished plastics and the translucent one is the frosted detail plastic and is about 1.5 inches tall. Also I should be getting my first 3D printer soon! It's the Prusa i3 Mk2. It looks like some of you have gotten really good results on that printer. Cant Wait! Here is a link to my shapeways if you are curious to see some of my other 3d prints I have up there. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/jl3d
Here's what i've printed so far artwise. have a lot of practical stuff i've made for my drones as well. here's my Thingiverse link for all my practical things. http://www.thingiverse.com/martymaker/designs
just a few of the many I printed through Shapeways over the last 6 to 7 months. Ceramics, Steel, Plastic, everything is printed except the Warhammer 40k guy, banana, and plant. Still have a couple dozen prints waiting to be assembled and painted. will have to wait till I get my animation reel updated.
Here is the final result of the print we made at work. I had the opportunity to print one of my old school work with some adjustements and almost everything is made with 3D Printers (95 %) except for the stand ofc :
First time painting anything since college, whew. I printed this for my gal's birthday and our two year. Just finished it off! Could be cleaner but was great fun and practice for the future. I really learned a lot!
Got this printed by Shapeways as a gift; considering it's my first ring design, I really like how it came out and am impressed with the quality. Got this printed by Shapeways; considering it's my first ring design, I really like how it came out and am impressed with the quality.
Got a noodle dragon sculpt printed recently! Came out perfect and I'm really pleased with the results. I'm hoping to prime, cast and paint it in the future!
This is my first 3d Printed model! Really fun to do! (well... the first times something messed up in the machine, so it isn't the first model that came out of the printer..) From this model:
Sorry no guns! I feel dirty Ballantine's Whiskey asked me to make a one of sculpture. It was made to symbolize the 12 years of aging necessary for the maturation of the product.
I just got my Airbrush and here is my first paint job with it.
The red parts showing through was an experimentation utilizing paper cut-outs as masks, but some of them blew away.
The red is a matte that I airbrushed on.
I then airbrushed a gun metal paint.
Dry brushed titanium steel onto the edges for wear. (Found out that shaking the bottle isn't enough, their was a big layer of crud at the bottom that I stirred with the stick end of my brush to really mix it properly)
Made this for my mother in law for her birthday. It's her World of Warcraft character. Needless to say, I am now her favourite son in law for the rest of time. Final model:
Original: All sculpted by hand, didn't export the model from WoW or none of that 'cheating'. Man, Blood Elves have weird body shapes, though.
Good job everyone. This thread is really great. Btw, I have one request to you. Can you write the price of 3d printing service you used for your models (like Shapeways etc.). I think it can help other people estimate cost for their own models.
Good job everyone. This thread is really great. Btw, I have one request to you. Can you write the price of 3d printing service you used for your models (like Shapeways etc.). I think it can help other people estimate cost for their own models.
Or if you used your own printer, what kind of printer you have and what material you used...
Meanwhile... Printed on my Geeetech Prusa i3 Pro C - an Eldar Shuriken Pistol!
Sculpt by me, print by Cartesian Creations / Monster Box You can get this guy to construct and paint plaus others here (If interested) https://www.patreon.com/MonstrousBoxes
I'm kinda proud of this one though. It was a prize for a Luchadore themed card game tournament. The colour 3d prints I got done looked a bit garbage, so the plates are repainted by hand.
And is based on CreatureBox's concept:
Hope you like it.
Sorry for the crappy webcam pics...
Do you print with your own printers or online orders?
The Sochi Olympics ones were done on a Makerbot consumer grade printer at the studio I used to work at.
Prototype iterations:
Acetone polished plug:
Same 3d printed plug coated in primer then hand sanded from 320 through 2000 grit and finally polished:
A final carbon fiber part:
A 3d printed modular helmholtz resonator chamber. The chamber volume was tuned by swapping out pieces until it hit the target frequency, then it was bonded to a carbon tube and vac bagged with a coating of laminating epoxy (which caused the wrinkles, just a prototype part):
Oculus rift tracking camera mount:
VR specific button plate with built in joystick mouse:
The model for that plate:
I've got a lot of prints from over the years but this is pretty good timing as I've just finished up this beast after two months of prototyping:
To save the thread load times, images linked below!
It sits at 40 cm tall (ignoring the antenna) and used around 3kg of PLA material if you include the discards/rafts. For scale, that's a A3 cutting board it's standing on.
The original design was by this gent over at Thingiverse which is the small grey version (60% scale). I then took all the parts into max and altered everything to suit my tastes (I also scaled to 150%). I added +/- sockets to the majority of parts to give it that extra stability. Med/Low quality and Low infill, printed on the M3D micro hence all the sliced parts. Leg armor and a last few bits of trim were finished off earlier today and need to be glued on. Still need to post process everything with a knife and Milliput epoxy filler to clean up seams and gluing/flak. Looking forward to sanding everything down and painting this!
Surprised that this thread wasn't flooded already, with some of the work on here you'd assume people would get physical copies of their work?
So I've had my first 3d printer (Original Prusa i3 Mk2) for just under 2 weeks but decided to start something big.
Little back story: I work for Full Fat Games who made a game called Agent Dash several years before I started there. During my time, we did a major update / engine change to the game, and Jon Mills and I were asked to make some high resolution sculpts of title character Agent Dash and his missus Joanna Goodtug (who I sculpted) for marketing purposes.
These never got used, but I asked my boss if I could print the pair.
These will get painted, but here's the current progress. All printed, several iterations of priming and sanding. I've also printed a base for the pair, and am halfway through making a second copy of the whole lot for Jon.
Base + characters stands about 28cm tall and I have to say I'm really proud so far. Hoping I can do them justice with the paint job
Here is a link to the files. Also more images
Here is a link to my shapeways if you are curious to see some of my other 3d prints I have up there. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/jl3d
here's my Thingiverse link for all my practical things. http://www.thingiverse.com/martymaker/designs
I did this a while ago now on my Form1+ with the plan to do a limited edition garage kit and flog it.
First test print, testing out a tamiya primer
and the zb sculpt
If you want, you can check more here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/38lgA
well by now she fell and i have to glue her together again but here is a final state
I had the opportunity to print one of my old school work with some adjustements and almost everything is made with 3D Printers (95 %) except for the stand ofc :
Printed on a simple Prusa i3 in PLA. I gave it a coat of epoxy laquer (unbranded, local hobby shop's name on it), then a coat of spray gold chrome.
Got this printed by Shapeways as a gift; considering it's my first ring design, I really like how it came out and am impressed with the quality.
Got this printed by Shapeways; considering it's my first ring design, I really like how it came out and am impressed with the quality.
80k Tris
Printing Time: 9-11 Hours
You can get the model (3D Printer ready, or a untouched version) from my Google Drive, use it at your leisure.
(well... the first times something messed up in the machine, so it isn't the first model that came out of the printer..)
From this model:
Sorry no guns! I feel dirty
Ballantine's Whiskey asked me to make a one of sculpture. It was made to symbolize the 12 years of aging necessary for the maturation of the product.
The red parts showing through was an experimentation utilizing paper cut-outs as masks, but some of them blew away.
The red is a matte that I airbrushed on.
I then airbrushed a gun metal paint.
Dry brushed titanium steel onto the edges for wear. (Found out that shaking the bottle isn't enough, their was a big layer of crud at the bottom that I stirred with the stick end of my brush to really mix it properly)
This is A quick diddy my wife asked for. Came out ok if I do say so myself.
This is shapeways coated full color sandstone.
Final model:
All sculpted by hand, didn't export the model from WoW or none of that 'cheating'. Man, Blood Elves have weird body shapes, though.
Table top 28mm miniature
Meanwhile... Printed on my Geeetech Prusa i3 Pro C - an Eldar Shuriken Pistol!
Painted Resin Print.....
You can get this guy to construct and paint plaus others here (If interested)
Gore, and pinups below..
righ-click, view image for 2k+ res. on most of them.
Did this 1/24 scale Mean Machine Angel for 2000AD with the print done by Ownage.
A few more garage kit commisions ranging from 1/6 to 1/24 scale, with Ownage handling the printing again,
An original design by myself for IM with printing by Ownage at 1/32 scale,
Some collaborations with Fichtenfoo and Manchu with prints (surprise!) by Ownage,