This looks gorgeous as usual! I really like how you're handling the armour and all the hard surface details on it. Very clean. At a glance it occurred to me that maybe the hands are a little too large? I just quickly compared them against the face. Check that out... Do you plan on rig and pose her? Hope to see more updates soon!
@TomGT Hi! Thanks yah I definitly needed to rework the collar area since I wasn't a huge fan of the current shape, I got pretty 50/50 opinion about the pointy shape, some loving it some hating it but so far I decided to keep it in. @Cremuss I also though the Z shape where looking a bit odd when I first started working on it, same for the armor, at first had a bit of that super-hero vibe which I didn't like. But now that the details are added and I'm blocking up all the parts one by one I think its starting to come together. The new collar is higher but I don't feel it hides too much of the neck. @DanniHindi Glad you are liking the progress! and it's all about practice! @Leinadien Your passive aggressive comments are really the only tumor on this thread. Please you have been really unpleasant here and I'm sincerely clueless, I'm not sure why you got so salty about me simply pointing out you using inapropriate reference and disagreeing with your anatomical suggestion. Multiple artist very nicely gave their opinion on that question and it seems most agree that this isn't right as your correction would apply only if the hand would be facing forward which it isn't. No one is calling your input ''wrong'' or hating on you in any way, it just doesn't seem to apply in this specific case, No biggie! When you give someone critics on their work, it will always remain a suggestion, people can decide to follow or to reject it, there is no reason to be upset about it. As always I'm still happy to hear what you (and others) have to say about my work but I would appreciate if it's done in a constructive and polite way. The ''tumors on her arms'' kind of talk and '' You guys seem to think you're above criticism because you've made a bunch of what looks to be cartoons in video games, jeez get over yourselves'' kind of post are not welcome here and are not exaclty respectful to me and others artist on this thread. Anyway, About the color-texturing part. I'm probably going to keep the colors from the shiva concept I'm using for this as I really do like the color palette they used on it. But as always things can always change once I get to it. Cheers and again, no hard feelings I hope, please lets both just spend our time in more productive ways, like doing art ya know? @Rickpwnz Thanks man, hope you like the new progress @jacob thomas Thanks man, I didn't totally applied your input here but I did modify it in a way that ''sorta-kinda'' follows it anyway, hope you like it regardless @jacopoS Hi there, The hands were definitly too big, I actually scaled them down couple of times aldready, I somehow started my basemesh by making those huge hahaha. I have scaled them down a bit, hope it looks better now. I would love to get her rig, i often ask some friends of mine to rig my character but they don't always have the time and sometimes they are busy and it takes a very long while to get the model back. I'm not much of a rigger myself but I might end up posing her with Transpose if need be.
So no huge update here, mostly added the 2 sets of ''wings-drape-looking-thing'', reworked the whole collar area, blocked out the arm-thing and couple of small fix there and there, made the hands a bit smaller... I'm also going in vacation (WOOO!) from july 3rd-14th so it's possible this thread will be going real quiet for a while (but i'll be reading all them crits/comments if there are any) See you after if I don't update the thread before I leave (but I might, who knows)
@Tits I love the design. And I really like the face too. I'm by no means a character artist, but I have one humble opinion. I think in some places the suit looks like it sticks to the body, but there is no way that would hold up in real life. I know it's for a game, but this is just a suggestion:
I was only being passive aggressive in response to the white knights who came to your rescue, many of whom seem to specialize in making cartoons, so I wasn't wrong there either even if my dislike for their preferred style no doubt shone through at that point. Apparently I had no class and had to be corrected as to what the classy thing to do would be. At that time your whole gang seemed to me to be the kind of people that spend three years in art school only to produce a painting of three squares painted with different hues of feces while drinking cappuccinos in fancy pants at star bucks. That's how they appeared to me, doesn't mean that is what they are.
As for the bicep thing, even Scott Eaton learns new things every day. If he taught you Jacque that the lower part of the bicep has a vertical bump on it when in a relaxed position I think he taught you wrong. But peoples anatomy often are quite different, there's probably some girl out there with a bicep like that. There's no point in arguing about such a small silly thing, we all should be able to act mature despite having different opinions on what it means to have a good looking body.
Tits your model almost compares to your avatar, looks great I'm looking forward to the finished model.
Hehe funny, just out of curiousity I've noticed that all my posts are being flagged and that shows up on my account. Is there some way to get rid of those because people seem to be abusing the flag button. (Directed towards moderators)
This piece is excellent, especially the face and hands, however the I think origin of the bicep seems off, because if the cubital fossa is facing us directly, then the profile of the triceps should be visible from the front. Also for someone of her muscle tone, a bit of the lats should show from the from the front.
Alright alright. Let's not let this thread fall into pointless bickering. The original crit was made and addressed by the poster. It's best to let it go before things get even more out of hand.
Hi there, yes, the hands look much better now! I agree with @pato87 he has a good point about the bicep insertion being too low... About the rig, I am thinking about applying myself in case it's ok for you. I work in Maya. Just let me know if you're interested.
Looking tits Tits! (;D) I'm kind with gir about the proportionality, just in the vein of staying true to the concept, but you've already said you got your preferences, which is cool too. Either way, watching this one :pleased:
@3dkyle Thanks man! @tomenjerry@Cremuss Thanks for you guys opinion on the suit, don't believe i'll follow through with it tho since it's the way it is on the concept art and also in other versions of Shiva so I feel like this is more true to the concept and character. @Francois_K Thanks! @zetheros much master piece wow @Fingus I feel the same @pato87 Thanks for your input, definitly very picky correction but I tried to apply it as best as I could in this update, hopefully you like it better! @BrendtheCow Awe thats so sweet, thank you @skankerzero My thread is turning into a huge joke, thank you @dustinbrown Right I will probably try different things for the hair especially once I get to the low rez, but for now It will probably stay like that, I did make some chnages to the horns, addind different version/models to break things up a little bit and also brough the hair higher in the horns etc. thanks @jacopoS reworked that area, hopefully it looks better now! I'll see about the rig, i usually prefer to ask rigger I know but if I change my mind i'll let you know I'm also a 3ds max user. @scapulator Them manly arms, Haha I'm not too sure whats manly about them, just trying to make her a bit athletic and not have deflated sausage arms like me hehe. @moof thanks for your input, Yah i understand how som epeople are really pushing for the huge hips-legs thing but to me the reference that Gir send just look so over the top that I believe it would just look a bit too much or a bit fake. But once again it's all about preferences and it's really not my thing.
So as mentionned above, small small update, probably the last one (am I lying this time) before I leave on sunday for vacation. Mostly reworked the hair to wrap around the horns higher. Added some variations on the horns (2 different models) not sure if I like, I need your opinions guys. starting working more on the arm things corrected ( i hope) the anatomy of the upper arm according to @pato87 input
Ok, fair enough for the rig. Arms look better now. I'm not quite sure about the back side of her torso: in my experience, around the armpits area, the back should always be a bit whider than the front (if you exclude the breasts). Now I can't quite tell for sure but it's almost like she has no lats and only the volume of her rib cage is showing. Just take a look into that. Have a good vacation!
Just having a bit of fun, not actually working on the character, Decided to play a bit in Toolbag just to check out the color palette and test couple of little thing. This is obviously still the unfinished zbrush model and not the low rez and there is no texture-maps shader work etc.
Just tiny bit of fun before I disapear for 2 weeks
Omg, just sent it to my friend @EarthQuake and I just had to share the screenshot he did. Way more badass, I got a lot to learn when it comes to lighting.
This is looking really awesome! I especially love the collar/cowl piece, it's very ornate but still readable and clean. Can't wait to see where this goes!
I'm sure this joke has been made, but this is the fucking Tits <,<.....>,>
Jokes aside though I love the beautification of the anatomy. Curious about your plans on this though, are you going for a look closer to Square's current work? Or going to stylize it more?
Hi @Tits this is looking awesome! (Forgive me if it's a dumb question but) Can I ask what is your process for the clothes? Do you paint a detailed mask and then extract/zremesh it? Or is it something else? I'm asking mainly because of the sharp angles looking really clean compared to what I would manage to get with this technique myself. Looking forward to see the model finished.
The upper arm works well now. The added subcutaneous fat makes it looks less 'ripped' and more natural (better) in my opinion. Glad to have been of help!
No update on the model, just getting back to some comments i had @MrHobo joe can make some lighting magic @Sullum97 Thank you! @mfrederick Thank you hopefully i don't disapoint! @Aveon Thanks man! The sculpt is obviously very stylised but the skin for exemple will be textured in a realistic way and using PBR shader. Not sure about the armor yet as it's very stylised (if that shit really metal, she couldn't move much lol!) Will see when I get there. @Shadowplay Soon! I'll get back to it as soon as possible! @GravityBwlast Thank you, not a dumb question at all. I did not use the extract technique, I rarely use it because I love to keep subdivision levels and my different subtool lower and clean. I just basically made a topology for the whole armor/clothing thing. To add the detailed border I just selected all the front faces where I wanted those details to be from the costume topology, duplicated them and use a shell modifier to make it thick. Then I just sculpted those parts by pushing in or out the details. Dam standard-pinch is great to keep sharp angles. @Leinadien ...? @pato87 thanks again for the help, glad you like it better! @maximegainche I sure will! If one of my friend accept to rig the character i'll be very happy, otherwise I might have to play with good old tranpose master
@Tits Lmao, you look at some of the designs from the earlier final fantasies and they don't work at all (looking at you Exdeath). I guess you could just convert the materials? Plastics might bend but maybe they're just velvet paddings on silk? either way looking forward to it!
@GravityBwlast No problem, hope it helped @Aveon Haha well in a way it's a part of fantasy design, they are meant to be appealing to the eye more than to make sens. Gotta have a little bit of fun sometimes, there is place for realistic and fonctionnal design and sometimes for fantasy-senseless fun too I'm just going to keep the material as it is, converting it to clothe wouldn't look right with the sculpt I have and would require for me to resculpt everything to make it look decent. I'm just having fun here, will see how this turns out. So I'm hoping for suggestion/input and opinion here as I believe I'm getting reeeaaal close to calling the sculpt done. I'll take a better look to see if some parts needs a bit more polishing and adding micro details to the skin but I would be ready to start working on the low rez. So if you have any input it's time to share it because I won't go back after I started working on the low
Basically I worked on the arms and lower legs mostly, finishing the missing pieces.
Its really coming along great! The only things that sticks out right now is the blank dark grey parts. IMO it would be awesome to see them sculpted like ice but I know you want to move on to the low, so have you considered texturing those parts like crystalline ice?
Hey @Tits she is looking great. Something that caught my eye lack of form in the teres major/serratus, where the arm intersects with the body. Hopefully the image shows you what I mean. I would like to see a little more asymmetry in her face, just enough to give her some soul. Also the snowflake embellishment on her boot is dope, I wouldn't mind seeing that a little more in the piece, could be used almost like a lace pattern or something... I'm just freestyling now though.
@MrHobo I am deifnitly going to do some test to possibly get a cool, icy or frosted effect on the ''suit. I also added fabric detail to the suit so that it makes a bit more sens than the metal suit, @jacob thomas I did not 100% understand the anatomical critic on your post, the paint over just looked like you were highligting the side of her breast? Got come a bit confused. Like I said to Charles I'm planning on doing some test to see if I can give her clothing a cool froasted-icy effect, will see how that goes.
So I'm calling the zbrush done, I feel the next to go on to the low poly stage now. I made some changes to the anatomy-proportions, might be kind of subtle but I lowered the suit a bit in the waist area, it was making the leg looks a bit weird while I believe it looked allright without the suit. I also reworked a little bit the shape and proportions of the leg-hip area, Made the legs shorter. I added some fabric detail in some area. I guess it makes more sens if the costume is like a shiny-tight body suit than a metal armor.
Hey Marie, he was talking about the teres major. It's a muscle on your back leading into your armpit under the deltoid and the tricep. The muscle itself is located below the scapula. It tends to create a nice form where he indicated in his drawing. The gap you have there makes it look like that muscle is missing. I have to agree with that but otherwise, everything looks pretty solid!
@Tits , @slosh nailed it, teres major is the form I was looking for. Sorry my paintover was kind of terrible. You probably just need to grab a few verts at the bottom of her scapula and move them out a few cm. Just to fill out the form. Hopefully this shows it better.
@slosh Yah i understood he was talking about the teres major but I wasn't sure what he meant was wrong about it. @slosh & @jacob thomas I have made changes to that area but i guess all changes were kind of subtle at this point so I'm not sure if it does actually show (or show in the angle i used for the last screenshots) but I did try to adress the issue,hopefully it looks better now. the last screenshot really help show what you mean, your first screenshot got me confused about what exaclty you were trying to point out @Leinadien modelling the feet pointing a bit more to the side will look more relaxed, but when it comes to modelling for game it's actually a BIG nono for rigging. It is usually requested to keep the feet straight and doing otherwise might get you in trouble with the rigging departement
currently working on the body retopology, kill me now, definitly not my favorite part Decided to do the full body regardless, haven't done that in a while and it's always good to have one, maybe could be use as my new sculpt basemesh at some point..
This is coming along mega, tits! I like the subtle folds and details you've added everywhere, they give the suit a steel boned fabric vibe, especially on the upperarm wingalings. Makes way more sense than fantasy liquid metal plastic stuff. Topology on the face is looking super too, saved for reference. Have you given any more thought to how you're going to handle the hair?
@Leinadien haha you do you boo but i'll keep doing this the way my riggers ask me to, my career in character art might last longer this way lol! @tda Thanks man, glad you notice the subtle detailing, It's not too intense but i believe it help sell the look. I'm still unsure about the hair, I might try different techniques or a mix of techniques and see what looks better. I might try and record the process as a timelapse and see if it's worth sharing once I'm done. @Aga22 thanks man! I'm not dead, topology is just taking so damn long to make. I finished the whole naked body and now I'm slowly starting to do all the clothing and accessories etc. This should take less time now as most of those parts had decent basemesh to start with so It might save me some time, will see
@polymator Thanks man! Shooting pretty high with this one. I use to always keep my characters around 30-40k tris but recently I've been slowly getting request to work with higher resolution meshes so I decided to really not limit myself too much when it come to polycount on this one. I'm trying to keep this around 80-90k There is not that many pieces left for me to topo (mostly the second set of ''wings'', the horns and couple pieces of jewellery) The only thing that makes me worried is the hair as I believe this will eat up a whole lot of the budget. Will see how that goes. I'm currently sitting at around 60k tris at this point.
At a glance it occurred to me that maybe the hands are a little too large? I just quickly compared them against the face. Check that out...
Do you plan on rig and pose her?
Hope to see more updates soon!
@Cremuss I also though the Z shape where looking a bit odd when I first started working on it, same for the armor, at first had a bit of that super-hero vibe which I didn't like. But now that the details are added and I'm blocking up all the parts one by one I think its starting to come together. The new collar is higher but I don't feel it hides too much of the neck.
@DanniHindi Glad you are liking the progress! and it's all about practice!
@Leinadien Your passive aggressive comments are really the only tumor on this thread. Please you have been really unpleasant here and I'm sincerely clueless, I'm not sure why you got so salty about me simply pointing out you using inapropriate reference and disagreeing with your anatomical suggestion. Multiple artist very nicely gave their opinion on that question and it seems most agree that this isn't right as your correction would apply only if the hand would be facing forward which it isn't. No one is calling your input ''wrong'' or hating on you in any way, it just doesn't seem to apply in this specific case, No biggie!
When you give someone critics on their work, it will always remain a suggestion, people can decide to follow or to reject it, there is no reason to be upset about it.
As always I'm still happy to hear what you (and others) have to say about my work but I would appreciate if it's done in a constructive and polite way. The ''tumors on her arms'' kind of talk and '' You guys seem to think you're above criticism because you've made a bunch of what looks to be cartoons in video games, jeez get over yourselves'' kind of post are not welcome here and are not exaclty respectful to me and others artist on this thread.
Anyway, About the color-texturing part. I'm probably going to keep the colors from the shiva concept I'm using for this as I really do like the color palette they used on it. But as always things can always change once I get to it.
Cheers and again, no hard feelings I hope, please lets both just spend our time in more productive ways, like doing art ya know?
@Rickpwnz Thanks man, hope you like the new progress
@jacob thomas Thanks man, I didn't totally applied your input here but I did modify it in a way that ''sorta-kinda'' follows it anyway, hope you like it regardless
@jacopoS Hi there, The hands were definitly too big, I actually scaled them down couple of times aldready, I somehow started my basemesh by making those huge hahaha. I have scaled them down a bit, hope it looks better now. I would love to get her rig, i often ask some friends of mine to rig my character but they don't always have the time and sometimes they are busy and it takes a very long while to get the model back. I'm not much of a rigger myself but I might end up posing her with Transpose if need be.
So no huge update here, mostly added the 2 sets of ''wings-drape-looking-thing'', reworked the whole collar area, blocked out the arm-thing and couple of small fix there and there, made the hands a bit smaller...
I'm also going in vacation (WOOO!) from july 3rd-14th so it's possible this thread will be going real quiet for a while (but i'll be reading all them crits/comments if there are any)
See you after if I don't update the thread before I leave (but I might, who knows)
great progress so far! keep it up
As for the bicep thing, even Scott Eaton learns new things every day. If he taught you Jacque that the lower part of the bicep has a vertical bump on it when in a relaxed position I think he taught you wrong. But peoples anatomy often are quite different, there's probably some girl out there with a bicep like that. There's no point in arguing about such a small silly thing, we all should be able to act mature despite having different opinions on what it means to have a good looking body.
Tits your model almost compares to your avatar, looks great I'm looking forward to the finished model.
And to be fair Leinadien , I think everybody needs rescuing from you
Let's not let this thread fall into pointless bickering. The original crit was made and addressed by the poster. It's best to let it go before things get even more out of hand.
yes, the hands look much better now!
I agree with @pato87 he has a good point about the bicep insertion being too low...
About the rig, I am thinking about applying myself in case it's ok for you. I work in Maya. Just let me know if you're interested.
might just be me, but the arms/hands look a bit manly.
don't know if that's the style you're going for though
@zetheros lollllll
Either way, watching this one :pleased:
@tomenjerry @Cremuss Thanks for you guys opinion on the suit, don't believe i'll follow through with it tho since it's the way it is on the concept art and also in other versions of Shiva so I feel like this is more true to the concept and character.
@Francois_K Thanks!
@zetheros much master piece wow
@Fingus I feel the same
@pato87 Thanks for your input, definitly very picky correction but I tried to apply it as best as I could in this update, hopefully you like it better!
@BrendtheCow Awe thats so sweet, thank you
@skankerzero My thread is turning into a huge joke, thank you
@dustinbrown Right I will probably try different things for the hair especially once I get to the low rez, but for now It will probably stay like that, I did make some chnages to the horns, addind different version/models to break things up a little bit and also brough the hair higher in the horns etc. thanks
@jacopoS reworked that area, hopefully it looks better now! I'll see about the rig, i usually prefer to ask rigger I know but if I change my mind i'll let you know
@scapulator Them manly arms, Haha I'm not too sure whats manly about them, just trying to make her a bit athletic and not have deflated sausage arms like me hehe.
@moof thanks for your input, Yah i understand how som epeople are really pushing for the huge hips-legs thing but to me the reference that Gir send just look so over the top that I believe it would just look a bit too much or a bit fake. But once again it's all about preferences and it's really not my thing.
So as mentionned above, small small update, probably the last one (am I lying this time) before I leave on sunday for vacation.
Mostly reworked the hair to wrap around the horns higher. Added some variations on the horns (2 different models) not sure if I like, I need your opinions guys.
starting working more on the arm things
corrected ( i hope) the anatomy of the upper arm according to @pato87 input
Arms look better now. I'm not quite sure about the back side of her torso: in my experience, around the armpits area, the back should always be a bit whider than the front (if you exclude the breasts). Now I can't quite tell for sure but it's almost like she has no lats and only the volume of her rib cage is showing. Just take a look into that.
Have a good vacation!
Decided to play a bit in Toolbag just to check out the color palette and test couple of little thing.
This is obviously still the unfinished zbrush model and not the low rez and there is no texture-maps shader work etc.
Just tiny bit of fun before I disapear for 2 weeks
Jokes aside though I love the beautification of the anatomy. Curious about your plans on this though, are you going for a look closer to Square's current work? Or going to stylize it more?
(Forgive me if it's a dumb question but) Can I ask what is your process for the clothes? Do you paint a detailed mask and then extract/zremesh it? Or is it something else? I'm asking mainly because of the sharp angles looking really clean compared to what I would manage to get with this technique myself.
Looking forward to see the model finished.
@MrHobo joe can make some lighting magic
@Sullum97 Thank you!
@mfrederick Thank you hopefully i don't disapoint!
@Aveon Thanks man! The sculpt is obviously very stylised but the skin for exemple will be textured in a realistic way and using PBR shader. Not sure about the armor yet as it's very stylised (if that shit really metal, she couldn't move much lol!) Will see when I get there.
@Shadowplay Soon! I'll get back to it as soon as possible!
@GravityBwlast Thank you, not a dumb question at all. I did not use the extract technique, I rarely use it because I love to keep subdivision levels and my different subtool lower and clean. I just basically made a topology for the whole armor/clothing thing. To add the detailed border I just selected all the front faces where I wanted those details to be from the costume topology, duplicated them and use a shell modifier to make it thick. Then I just sculpted those parts by pushing in or out the details. Dam standard-pinch is great to keep sharp angles.
@Leinadien ...?
@pato87 thanks again for the help, glad you like it better!
@maximegainche I sure will! If one of my friend accept to rig the character i'll be very happy, otherwise I might have to play with good old tranpose master
@Aveon Haha well in a way it's a part of fantasy design, they are meant to be appealing to the eye more than to make sens. Gotta have a little bit of fun sometimes, there is place for realistic and fonctionnal design and sometimes for fantasy-senseless fun too
I'm just going to keep the material as it is, converting it to clothe wouldn't look right with the sculpt I have and would require for me to resculpt everything to make it look decent. I'm just having fun here, will see how this turns out.
So I'm hoping for suggestion/input and opinion here as I believe I'm getting reeeaaal close to calling the sculpt done. I'll take a better look to see if some parts needs a bit more polishing and adding micro details to the skin but I would be ready to start working on the low rez.
So if you have any input it's time to share it because I won't go back after I started working on the low
Basically I worked on the arms and lower legs mostly, finishing the missing pieces.
Btw, iceland was amazing
The only things that sticks out right now is the blank dark grey parts. IMO it would be awesome to see them sculpted like ice but I know you want to move on to the low, so have you considered texturing those parts like crystalline ice?
I would like to see a little more asymmetry in her face, just enough to give her some soul.
Also the snowflake embellishment on her boot is dope, I wouldn't mind seeing that a little more in the piece, could be used almost like a lace pattern or something... I'm just freestyling now though.
Looking forward to your next update.
I also added fabric detail to the suit so that it makes a bit more sens than the metal suit,
@jacob thomas I did not 100% understand the anatomical critic on your post, the paint over just looked like you were highligting the side of her breast?
Got come a bit confused. Like I said to Charles I'm planning on doing some test to see if I can give her clothing a cool froasted-icy effect, will see how that goes.
So I'm calling the zbrush done, I feel the next to go on to the low poly stage now.
I made some changes to the anatomy-proportions, might be kind of subtle but I lowered the suit a bit in the waist area, it was making the leg looks a bit weird while I believe it looked allright without the suit. I also reworked a little bit the shape and proportions of the leg-hip area, Made the legs shorter.
I added some fabric detail in some area. I guess it makes more sens if the costume is like a shiny-tight body suit than a metal armor.
@slosh & @jacob thomas I have made changes to that area but i guess all changes were kind of subtle at this point so I'm not sure if it does actually show (or show in the angle i used for the last screenshots) but I did try to adress the issue,hopefully it looks better now. the last screenshot really help show what you mean, your first screenshot got me confused about what exaclty you were trying to point out
@Leinadien modelling the feet pointing a bit more to the side will look more relaxed, but when it comes to modelling for game it's actually a BIG nono for rigging. It is usually requested to keep the feet straight and doing otherwise might get you in trouble with the rigging departement
currently working on the body retopology, kill me now, definitly not my favorite part
Decided to do the full body regardless, haven't done that in a while and it's always good to have one, maybe could be use as my new sculpt basemesh at some point..
@tda Thanks man, glad you notice the subtle detailing, It's not too intense but i believe it help sell the look. I'm still unsure about the hair, I might try different techniques or a mix of techniques and see what looks better. I might try and record the process as a timelapse and see if it's worth sharing once I'm done.
@Aga22 thanks man!
I'm not dead, topology is just taking so damn long to make. I finished the whole naked body and now I'm slowly starting to do all the clothing and accessories etc. This should take less time now as most of those parts had decent basemesh to start with so It might save me some time, will see
Shooting pretty high with this one. I use to always keep my characters around 30-40k tris but recently I've been slowly getting request to work with higher resolution meshes so I decided to really not limit myself too much when it come to polycount on this one.
I'm trying to keep this around 80-90k There is not that many pieces left for me to topo (mostly the second set of ''wings'', the horns and couple pieces of jewellery) The only thing that makes me worried is the hair as I believe this will eat up a whole lot of the budget. Will see how that goes.
I'm currently sitting at around 60k tris at this point.