I've finished an update to make settings more retained. Moving from Photoshop's built in "customOptions" which seem to be hit or miss sometimes, I've now switched to JSON. This also will make the UDP (user defined presets) more likely to be a reality.
So I'm thinking that they will most likely be like UDP button on the UI -> click -> small window with Dropdown with Name of Presets you have defined and a + to define a new one and USE / Cancel buttons. Click the dropdown and select your preset and hit use and it will update your settings to be that (and if it's for Channel Packing, set up groups with their correct colors)
Clicking the + would open a more or less step by step setup for it. Thinking that it would be 1.Mode Select -> Single/Group/Channel Packing 2.Set Output folder. 3.Image Settings -optional 4a)group selected -> set group related options like in the current settings -optional 4b) channel packing -> Name groups and set colors they will have.
Thoughts? Things you want? Should it all just be like in the current settings and you just hit make preset or something?
Just bought your script yesterday. Super helpful! I've only had a chance to glance at this thread so apologies if this has been asked already. Every time I export a TGA it turns off the layer I exported. How can I keep the layer visible when I export so I don't have to keep turning it on again? Thanks!
Just bought your script yesterday. Super helpful! I've only had a chance to glance at this thread so apologies if this has been asked already. Every time I export a TGA it turns off the layer I exported. How can I keep the layer visible when I export so I don't have to keep turning it on again? Thanks!
Hey that's getting fixed in an incoming update. I'm just in the midst of moving and hope to have it out in the next week ish. (I noticed it and it was annoying so I have it fixed, just have to finish the user defined presets feature which is about 90%done)
Thanks a lot for your support, it means a lot to me
Well UDP is done. Just have to find some testers to give it a try before I officially release it
Here's a gif showing the Channel Packing part of UDP Set your settings (folder, image settings, mode etc If you're channel packing then setup your group names and the channel you would want them to pack into Save the UDP and then USE it and it will make the folders with their colors and set up your settings from that UDP for your Lazy Saving needs
Debating if I should remove the usual folder Icon (for setting your output folder) and put it in the settings page itself (like what I'm doing with UDP now) Thoughts?
Edit: Also just added buttons to remove channels you added (cause I know at some point someone would ask about it anyways :P )
Hoping to release 1.6 tomorrow (Monday, Oct 10) UDP will be another of the features that will be included for those that have donated to Lazy Save. So far, Multi-single Image saving User Defined Presets
are the features that are available to the donated version only (makes it even better for those that have been kind enough to show me a bit of support
Thanks again everyone that has donated, told me about bugs and in general given me words of support and feedback. I appreciate it a ton!
That's strange. I'm just on the train atm but I'll check when I get to where I'm going. Thanks for letting me know. Open the zip and see if it has a file called win installer, if it does then it should be the new version
I've just installed this (clean install, deleted the old version). None of the buttons are responsive, with the exception of the "report a bug" button. I made sure my photoshop version is up to date as well, in case that has any bearing. Any suggestions?
On feedback from some users, I'm going to work on some new features at least for the next update. 1. Relative Paths (optional) This will be so people in teams/studios can use it easier
2. Custom UDP location Just to have custom places for UDP (again more for teams/studios)
3. Option to have ONLY selected group content visible. Essentially the same single image saving but have no other outside layers visible. This will be a toggle option
4. WYSIWYG Mode: No group needed to save what is visible. This will allow the user to quickly save the psd with whatever is visible but as a caveat it will only allow you to save as PSD name or override PSD name.
Also going to be making the mode names more clear: -Renaming Single Image Mode -> Selected Group Mode -Group Export Mode -> Group Contents Mode -Pack Specified groups into specific channels -> Channel Packing Mode
As this seems to have been causing issues with users (yeah you know who you are :P )using the wrong mode and not watching any of the vids on how to use Lazy Save
Relative paths with WYSIWYG mode are in and working Custom UDP folder location is in and working as well. Just working on one more small feature to make this mini update done
Lazy Save 1.6.1 is going to start being tested I hope to release it soon (if there's no bugs found ) Going to post the change log already so you guys can see what to expect
V 1.6.1
October 14/2016
Added Extra Settings Tab to settings/UDP.
-Extra settings allow users to set relative paths for their image saving.
Added What You See Is What You Get Mode (WYSIWYG)
-This will allow users to save out whatever is on their screen without having to make a group. But this means that you will get an image based on your PSD/Custom Name
Added Custom Pathing for UDP
-You can now set a path for where your UDP's will be stored (great for people using laptop/desktops or team settings)
Added Group Only toggle in Extra Settings
-This will make it so ONLY what is inside the selected group(s) gets saved out.
Added Text to Settings so you can see what your file path is without having to go to the folder (mainly because of relative paths possibility)
Fixed Resizing. Should now work in all modes correctly
While 1.6.x is in testing before I release it (trying to make sure this is actually stable..not like 1.6 first release) I was thinking of doing a Donator version give away but I want to see if there's actual interest first
There wasn't a huge amount of votes but hey, I'll do a giveaway anyways because of the awesome feedback I've gotten this past week. I'm super stoked to be getting Lazy Save ready for more use in team/studio settings and there is even more cool stuff coming to the Donator version soon! So if you want a chance to get the Donator version for free, hit the twitter Drawing a winner on Saturday Also, going to be giving a few keys to @shayleen_hulbert to be given away on her 12 hour stream on Saturday as well! So there's a few chances to get Donator versions this weekend! (Saturday Stream)
So 1.6.2 is live! Testing found a bug that I fixed in 1.6.2 before releasing 1.6.1 so don't panic if you didn't already have it! Here's a preview of WYSIWYG Mode AND Relative Paths all in one go! I'm hoping to make some new videos to go over all the features and ways to use them up till this version, hopefully this week as there's been renaming and also I've been having people report errors where it's more just a case of PEBKAC :P so hopefully these videos will help to fix that a bit more!
Here's the change log(s) for this release
V 1.6.2
October 14/2016
Fixed naming issues with various modes.
V 1.6.1
October 14/2016
Added Extra Settings Tab to settings/UDP.
-Extra settings allow users to set relative paths for their image saving.
Added What You See Is What You Get Mode (WYSIWYG)
-This will allow users to save out whatever is on their screen without having to make a group. But this means that you will get an image based on your PSD/Custom Name
Added Custom Pathing for UDP
-You can now set a path for where your UDP's will be stored (great for people using laptop/desktops or team settings)
Added Group Only toggle in Extra Settings
-This will make it so ONLY what is inside the selected group(s) gets saved out.
Added Text to Settings so you can see what your file path is without having to go to the folder (mainly because of relative paths possibility)
Fixed Resizing. Should now work in all modes correctly
Added some new videos on how to use Lazy Save modes correctly and what they do And another video showing some little tricks that can help speed up your usage of Lazy Save
I've been PAINFULLY trying to make an update for the CC versions of Lazy Save, a UI update that is! So basically I'm moving the Modes out of the Settings window and into the Panel flyout menu. I'll be likely removing the radio buttons inside the settings window as well cause for some reason I Can't get them to sync up (if you watch the gif the very end I change the mode inside the settings window and the flyout menu doesn't get the change...it's PS thing as far as I can tell)
This should make the usage a bit faster/ more user friendly as well I've been kicking around ideas for making the UI a bit better and this came out of that brain storm. Originally it was gonna be a drop down in the panel but then it makes the UI look uglier over all and of course, wouldn't work well with the smaller square buttons as well.
Hoping to get this and some more cool features out in the next couple weeks.
With the new way to switch modes (in CC) via the flyout menu finally in, I got to work on some new features to increase the quality of life even more for users.
Donators are getting Auto Bit Detection for TGA saves! No longer do you have to switch between 24/32 everytime, set auto bit detection on in settings and it will do it based on if you have an alpha or not.
This also applies for Channel Packing. When you save with a violet group, it gets made into a alpha so it will auto get saved as a 32bit
In the above gif I show off the newest (literally completed 30 mins before this post) feature for Channel packing! You're going to be able to save out with names via an extra group, the orange group! Put your groups that you want to channel pack in the orange group and select it and then PACK THAT SHEIT! It'll grab the name of the orange and pack your groups just like it already does!
Oh man ! Isn't it Halloween ??? Christmas is supposed to be after ! If i was gay i would probably marry you ! Auto alpha détection is good and naming by group is even better. I want to try it
Oh man ! Isn't it Halloween ??? Christmas is supposed to be after ! If i was gay i would probably marry you ! Auto alpha détection is good and naming by group is even better. I want to try it
Soon. Probably start testing next week got a few more things i need to get in and fix first
Do somebody know a scrip that could save Photoshop layer compositions to a specifc files and their specific channels ?
Not even sure how to respond lol...Not sure if you mean just the different modes that Lazy Save does cover or if you're meaning something different and very very specific...
Hi, I just bought the script off gumroad. All buttons are seemingly unresponsive in CC except the Testimonials and Report a Bug buttons. In CS6 I'm getting an error: "InternalError: Stack overrun."
I'm sure I must have done something wrong on my end, but I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
Hi, I just bought the script off gumroad. All buttons are seemingly unresponsive in CC except the Testimonials and Report a Bug buttons. In CS6 I'm getting an error: "InternalError: Stack overrun."
I'm sure I must have done something wrong on my end, but I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
Try running Photoshop in admin mode. That's been there cause of this. Need to be able to write a settings json file and non admin PS can't and bugs out
@Dash-POWER Just finished doing a rough in of DDS file exporting. Looks like it should work (at least on Windows) I have no idea for Macs and such though Thanks for the idea
@TooLzor Great! There is also next to texconv texassemble app which is similar to texconv but it builds cube maps and arrays in order. I dont want to force you to do that. Its up to you. Just telling it exist. Thank you.
@Dash-POWER Yeah I know it's there but I'm hesitant to put that in Lazy Save directly. I think in the end I might have to put DDS as another tool since I don't think it really "fits" Lazy Save but I'm definitely open to dialogue on it. If there is enough people that actually want DDS in then I'll at least put the texconv in but I'm not sure about texassemble and how exactly I would make that work with what Lazy Save offers.
Try running Photoshop in admin mode. That's been there cause of this. Need to be able to write a settings json file and non admin PS can't and bugs out
Thank you! Seems to be working perfectly in CS6 now, but I still can't access my settings in CC for some reason.
Try running Photoshop in admin mode. That's been there cause of this. Need to be able to write a settings json file and non admin PS can't and bugs out
Thank you! Seems to be working perfectly in CS6 now, but I still can't access my settings in CC for some reason.
If you're still up and around and it's still not working, jump in my discord with me https://discord.gg/gTDfSCJ
So yeah, Lazy Save 1.6.3 is in testing (has been for about a week) Hoping to release it next Monday Nov 21/2016
Coming with some awesome new features. Definitely excited to get this in everyone's hands. Things like that new Channel Packing and Auto Bit Depth for TGA are going to be huge time savers I think (so far testers have told me that these features are making them "More lazy!" haha Change Log so far is:
Donator Only:
Auto Detect TGA Bit Depth (Toggle) added in TGA settings.
-Works for auto Detecting Alpha Channels in all export Modes. Useful in channel packing so you don't have to change bit depth manually each time
CC Versions
Removed Mode changing from Settings Window and it is now available directly in the pane via the flyout menu (where you say close tab/ tab group etc.)
This was done to make mode switching easier and more intuitive with less downtime/clicks and traveling around the canvas
-Added Stack Traces to alerts in crashes. If something crashes now it should tell you what the last place it was before it crashed so you can tell me easier.
-Channel Packing can now pack with naming conventions via putting your usual RGBV groups inside an Orange group that has the name you want your image to have (group wise)
-Added alert when you don't have an open document and when you don't have a saved document (no longer doesn't do anything when hitting buttons on non saved doc)
-Added Open Image After Save (extra settings tab) which will open the saved image inside PS after a save
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed bug in Group Contents mode where Saving out layer names WITH relative paths wouldn't actually save and would silently fail.
ok, when you need for example a special path to your files, there is a windows cmd "subst <drive letter> <folder path>" so you can create an virtual drive for existing folder. Usually we are using this for different projects. And for some reason some application in Admin mode don't see this virtual drives.
I wonder if it's possible to make same kind of tool that would save layer comps into tga channels. Imo channel based groups is not very convenient way to work with the layer stack . Groups based on specific texture details/ fragments would be much more logical and would be much easier to re-compose, re-scale , move etc. Beyond it's easier to switch from one texture to other with layer comps. I saw a script somewhere that could save layer comps into tgas. It only missed packing a specific comp as an alpha channel.
From the videos/pictures it looks like lt saves tgas from the groups. So I have to make groups :diffuse, normal, AO etc. IMO it's pretty inconvenient approach. I want it do same with "layer comps" instead. So I would have layer comps : diffuse, mormal, AO etc, and the layer stack being organized any other way I consider useful.
ps. "layer comps" it's a Photoshop way to save a certain composition of layers with certain properties and effects on and off.
Moving from Photoshop's built in "customOptions" which seem to be hit or miss sometimes, I've now switched to JSON.
This also will make the UDP (user defined presets) more likely to be a reality.
So I'm thinking that they will most likely be like
UDP button on the UI -> click -> small window with Dropdown with Name of Presets you have defined and a + to define a new one and USE / Cancel buttons.
Click the dropdown and select your preset and hit use and it will update your settings to be that (and if it's for Channel Packing, set up groups with their correct colors)
Clicking the + would open a more or less step by step setup for it. Thinking that it would be
1.Mode Select -> Single/Group/Channel Packing
2.Set Output folder.
3.Image Settings
-optional 4a)group selected -> set group related options like in the current settings
-optional 4b) channel packing -> Name groups and set colors they will have.
Thoughts? Things you want? Should it all just be like in the current settings and you just hit make preset or something?
(I noticed it and it was annoying so I have it fixed, just have to finish the user defined presets feature which is about 90%done)
Thanks a lot for your support, it means a lot to me
Here's a gif showing the Channel Packing part of UDP
Set your settings (folder, image settings, mode etc
If you're channel packing then setup your group names and the channel you would want them to pack into
Save the UDP and then USE it and it will make the folders with their colors and set up your settings from that UDP for your Lazy Saving needs
Debating if I should remove the usual folder Icon (for setting your output folder) and put it in the settings page itself (like what I'm doing with UDP now)
Also just added buttons to remove channels you added (cause I know at some point someone would ask about it anyways :P )
UDP will be another of the features that will be included for those that have donated to Lazy Save.
So far,
Multi-single Image saving
User Defined Presets
are the features that are available to the donated version only (makes it even better for those that have been kind enough to show me a bit of support
Thanks again everyone that has donated, told me about bugs and in general given me words of support and feedback. I appreciate it a ton!
Hope it helps you guys out and I'd love to hear about where/how Lazy Save is helping your production!
Thanks for letting me know.
Open the zip and see if it has a file called win installer, if it does then it should be the new version
Version of ps?
If you have a few minutes, jump on https://discord.gg/USBnrMa so I can chat/debug easier
If you downloaded this morning, please re download and let me know if you run into any more problems
1. Relative Paths (optional)
This will be so people in teams/studios can use it easier
2. Custom UDP location
Just to have custom places for UDP (again more for teams/studios)
3. Option to have ONLY selected group content visible.
Essentially the same single image saving but have no other outside layers visible. This will be a toggle option
4. WYSIWYG Mode:
No group needed to save what is visible. This will allow the user to quickly save the psd with whatever is visible but as a caveat it will only allow you to save as PSD name or override PSD name.
Also going to be making the mode names more clear:
-Renaming Single Image Mode -> Selected Group Mode
-Group Export Mode -> Group Contents Mode
-Pack Specified groups into specific channels -> Channel Packing Mode
As this seems to have been causing issues with users (yeah you know who you are :P )using the wrong mode and not watching any of the vids on how to use Lazy Save
The name you found for the differents modes are really simple and good.
Custom UDP folder location is in and working as well. Just working on one more small feature to make this mini update done
I hope to release it soon (if there's no bugs found
Going to post the change log already so you guys can see what to expect
I was thinking of doing a Donator version give away but I want to see if there's actual interest first
If you're interested in getting a donator version for free, go vote so I know how many I'll be giving away
So if you want a chance to get the Donator version for free, hit the twitter
Also, going to be giving a few keys to @shayleen_hulbert to be given away on her 12 hour stream on Saturday as well!
So there's a few chances to get Donator versions this weekend!
(Saturday Stream)
Here's a preview of WYSIWYG Mode AND Relative Paths all in one go!
I'm hoping to make some new videos to go over all the features and ways to use them up till this version, hopefully this week as there's been renaming and also I've been having people report errors where it's more just a case of PEBKAC :P so hopefully these videos will help to fix that a bit more!
Here's the change log(s) for this release
And another video showing some little tricks that can help speed up your usage of Lazy Save
So basically I'm moving the Modes out of the Settings window and into the Panel flyout menu. I'll be likely removing the radio buttons inside the settings window as well cause for some reason I Can't get them to sync up (if you watch the gif the very end I change the mode inside the settings window and the flyout menu doesn't get the change...it's PS thing as far as I can tell)
This should make the usage a bit faster/ more user friendly as well
Hoping to get this and some more cool features out in the next couple weeks.
With the new way to switch modes (in CC) via the flyout menu finally in, I got to work on some new features to increase the quality of life even more for users.
Donators are getting Auto Bit Detection for TGA saves! No longer do you have to switch between 24/32 everytime, set auto bit detection on in settings and it will do it based on if you have an alpha or not.
This also applies for Channel Packing. When you save with a violet group, it gets made into a alpha so it will auto get saved as a 32bit
In the above gif I show off the newest (literally completed 30 mins before this post) feature for Channel packing!
You're going to be able to save out with names via an extra group, the orange group!
Put your groups that you want to channel pack in the orange group and select it and then PACK THAT SHEIT!
It'll grab the name of the orange and pack your groups just like it already does!
I'm sure I must have done something wrong on my end, but I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
Just finished doing a rough in of DDS file exporting.
Looks like it should work (at least on Windows) I have no idea for Macs and such though
Thanks for the idea
Yeah I know it's there but I'm hesitant to put that in Lazy Save directly.
I think in the end I might have to put DDS as another tool since I don't think it really "fits" Lazy Save but I'm definitely open to dialogue on it.
If there is enough people that actually want DDS in then I'll at least put the texconv in but I'm not sure about texassemble and how exactly I would make that work with what Lazy Save offers.
Hoping to release it next Monday Nov 21/2016
Coming with some awesome new features.
Definitely excited to get this in everyone's hands. Things like that new Channel Packing and Auto Bit Depth for TGA are going to be huge time savers I think (so far testers have told me that these features are making them "More lazy!" haha
Change Log so far is:
Donator Only:
Auto Detect TGA Bit Depth (Toggle) added in TGA settings.
-Works for auto Detecting Alpha Channels in all export Modes. Useful in channel packing so you don't have to change bit depth manually each time
CC Versions
Removed Mode changing from Settings Window and it is now available directly in the pane via the flyout menu (where you say close tab/ tab group etc.)
This was done to make mode switching easier and more intuitive with less downtime/clicks and traveling around the canvas
--See this tweet for visual explanation ->
All Versions:
-Added Stack Traces to alerts in crashes. If something crashes now it should tell you what the last place it was before it crashed so you can tell me easier.
-Channel Packing can now pack with naming conventions via putting your usual RGBV groups inside an Orange group that has the name you want your image to have (group wise)
--See this tweet for visual explanation ->
-Added alert when you don't have an open document and when you don't have a saved document (no longer doesn't do anything when hitting buttons on non saved doc)
-Added Open Image After Save (extra settings tab) which will open the saved image inside PS after a save
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed bug in Group Contents mode where Saving out layer names WITH relative paths wouldn't actually save and would silently fail.
I hope you guys love it!
Yep, but in admin mode i don't see my Substed folders (for some reason) and some applications can't sent files to PH
Get LazySave for $2 while it lasts
Saving stuff into TGA channels is literally what channel packing is... So I'm confused as to what exactly you're wanting different
With UDP you could have it set up the channels with re usable names at a button click as well so...
ps. "layer comps" it's a Photoshop way to save a certain composition of layers with certain properties and effects on and off.