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Heroes and Villains Thread/Challenge

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Kend greentooth
Hello Everyone! :D    

Most of you are probably aware of the nuclear meltdown of Gameartisans and the Comiccon Challenge, and how the site just disappeared. Its unfortunate and TBH unfair to those who already started working hard on ideas and entries for it... which is why im creating this thread/challenge ( I dont know if we are going to have winners or voting yet)
The Heroes and Villains thread/Challenge

Do your own take on a Superhero or Supervillain, whether you change the gender, style, costume, make them undead, robotic, subtle Changes or BIG changes its up to you!! Just have fun and make something awesome! There are no prizes just a fun thread to create and learn. I did start something for the comiccon challenge but now that its down im going to be posting WIP shots in this thread  and anyone else who also started something for the challenge are invited to do the same :D

Their is no winners for this I just think it would be fun to just have this thread be a cool art jam of ideas and critiques to help people make a awesome piece for the portfolio, but if you guys think their should be a voting process and such lemme know. The DUE DATE is August 21st even though this is just for fun I think the deadline will help some people not procrastinate and push them harder to get it done.

So post in the comments below what your character will be or let me know what you think and have fun!
I'll be doing my own take on Poison Ivy

Also if the polycount moderators have some concerns about making a thread like this just let me know :)


  • Infernal
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    Infernal polycounter lvl 8
    Is the Gameartisans Website really gone? Or are there just technical difficulties with the website? 
  • Phoenix995
    Offline / Send Message
    Phoenix995 polycounter
    is there any official statement on the status of the website?
  • Sabotage
    Offline / Send Message
    Sabotage polycounter lvl 7
    Nothing more official than a giant DOMAIN CLOSED sign. Im not holding my breath, Ill be posting updates to my chracter here.

  • Kend
    Offline / Send Message
    Kend greentooth
    No official statement, they shut down their facebook, Fred's facbook is gone so im assuming thats it for them.
  • Saf
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    Saf polycounter lvl 11
  • Phoenix995
    Offline / Send Message
    Phoenix995 polycounter
    Its a shame...
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Kend doing Poison Ivy, you can bet this gonna be good. (unless you do gender-bent, lol).

    Wasn't planning on this, but if there are lots of cool things going on, I might not be able to resist :P   

  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I think this is a great idea. What would it take to make this an official Polycount challenge?
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Good on ya Kend!
  • BrianDolan89
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    BrianDolan89 polycounter lvl 10
    Im glad theres a forum for this on here. I went to go update my page and saw the domain closed. That sucks. Anyone know why or what happened? Eh. Polycount once again prevails. I think this thread is a good idea. Thanks Kend 
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Pyrzern / Slosh - Thanks guys :D    

    Josh Singh - Ya it would be cool if we can get this to be official, get some judges together or put together a voting system and as for prizes maybe we can put together a donation thing where people chip in to the prize pot or something like that or no prizes which I think would be fine as well.
  • Kend
    Offline / Send Message
    Kend greentooth
    NP Brandon :)

    I dont have any updated info but I just want to reach out to the people who started stuff and let them know this thread is here because their were some people who got a good start on their characters.
  • spiderDude
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    spiderDude polycounter lvl 13
    This sounds like an awesome idea Kend!
    I hope this manages to be official!
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    I think when it's official and there are actual pro judges, the outcome carries a bit more weight.  Plus, having that structure also can add motivation to finish or even participate.  Prizes are not that essential IMO.  But having a panel of talented industry professionals judge the competition gives the winners a bit more street cred going forward.  This may or may not mean much to some but for younger artists trying to pave their way, it could be more beneficial.  As an open challenge with no real structure, it's fine and still fun but maybe less motivating for people to finish.
  • Leb
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    Leb polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Kend for throwing this up! Should be fun regardless if Official or not :)
  • Sabotage
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    Sabotage polycounter lvl 7
    I don't think judges or prizes are necessary. The only case we can make for having judges is having someone showcase the best of the best when its all over and we can just put up a poll or something for that.
  • Believehammer
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    Believehammer polycounter lvl 7
    Great initiative Kend, however it would perhaps be good to give Fred a vote of confidence. I would like to continue with my character Mysterio. When we will know if this is feasible?

  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Thanks Leb, Believehammer :D

    Sabotage - Ya my view on all that is to be laidback about I still dont know how we gonna do that but for now just focus on making art :D
    Slosh and Dustin - You both make good points, It definately should feel laid back and relaxed it doesnt need banners and stuff, and I agree their doesnt need to be prizes but the Judging would be motivating even letting people vote on their favorite entry would be fun.

    I just wanted to point a few rules out, and this is a very laid back challenge so any questions or changes you guys would prefer feel free to ask.

     Quick question: I think we should have a 2D, Environment and Weapon  category of this challenge. For example Deadshots rifle, or the batcave ETC. . I think their are alot of artists who dont do 3d characters but would love that. I'm going to focus on this character thread but if someone who does environments or weapons or 2d and would be ok with starting and running that version of this thread specifically tailored to those categories go right ahead. Just for the sake of keeping things together give it the same name "Heroes and Villains Challenge".

    Character Guideline:

    -Pick a character that originated from the comics or animated shows (for example Harley quinn)

    -You can use a plain basemesh if you would like but everything else should be made for this challenge.

    -Although the comiccon challenge rules said you can use any renderer I think we should make this a realtime challenge so The final entries can have a Marmoset viewer or sketchfab viewer ( If you guys disagree and would prefer the comiccon rules lemme know)

    I honestly dont mind explicit nudity/gore, So follow the polycount forum rules when it comes to that, if you want to make nude pinup style go for it, Just no pornography or violence that is too fucked up.         

    I dont know how we will do the final submissions yet, but try to post WIP every now and then I know some people are busy so I dont expect updates every other day but dont just show up at the end and drop your stuff off. 

    Deadline is August 21st Midnight So this gives people who have jobs enough time to work on this and students to take their time to learn and get better.

    Any questions lemme know.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    We can make another thread for voting.  UE4 could be added to the list of real time engine renderer as well.

    If we want to focus on the community of helping each other learning and improving, then it's about the journey and not so much of the destination (apart from finishing it). I mean, most of us do this as another portfolio piece, right ??
  • Kend
    Offline / Send Message
    Kend greentooth
    Good point Pyrzern any realtime renderer. Or make a facebook page for voting? I was thinking a facebook page might be helpful we'll see. Its definately meant for a good portfolio piece but also I want people to finish I want a whole bunch of finished art it always dissapoints me when some characters that look sweet never get finished ( Very hypocritical  for me say that lol)
  • Believehammer
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    Believehammer polycounter lvl 7
    Since you mentioned Facebook because better to make the registration of entries there too?
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    This is really cool of you to do Kend! I was never going to join the comicon challange but this seems like it could be fun. Have you spoken to any of the admins about this yet? If not that may be a good thing even if it is not "official" maybe they could set up a subforum for WIPs and final entries at least :) 
  • DanielJohnsson
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    DanielJohnsson polycounter lvl 5
    Wow, i had no idea about all of this, a bit sad i must say.

    I really dig the idea tho to make it a polycount challange instead, i dont really care about prices and judges, I´m more on the same page as PYRZERN and see this as an opportunity to learn from others, awesome initiative to do this btw!
  • Saf
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    Saf polycounter lvl 11
    Kend said:
    Good point Pyrzern any realtime renderer. Or make a facebook page for voting? I was thinking a facebook page might be helpful we'll see. Its definately meant for a good portfolio piece but also I want people to finish I want a whole bunch of finished art it always dissapoints me when some characters that look sweet never get finished ( Very hypocritical  for me say that lol)
    It should be a rating system similar to this:
  • Magihat
    Offline / Send Message
    Magihat ngon master
    Kend said:
    Or make a facebook page for voting? I was thinking a facebook page might be helpful we'll see. 
    I actually think that would be a bad idea. I think that a polycount focused challenge should be hosted in some way here on polycount to direct people here and contribute to the forum rather than away towards facebook. It is far too easy to just give a thumbs up and leave it at that on facebook. Even if it's just for voting. 
  • RogerP
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    RogerP polycounter
    I was excited for Comicon 2016 as I've enjoyed it the two previous years. Fearing that some situation like this would happen I didn't join, but I will most likely join this one. Thanks for the efforts @Kend
  • Edgar T
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    Edgar T interpolator
    I was thinking about to continue my hulk or not... and a unnofficial but with its self department should be awesome. Even without that, we can share here our updates so we can feel we're not lost :D

    Nice initiatiave KEND.
  • Tairow
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    Tairow polycounter lvl 11
    That sad. I've liked GA, but there's always all this drama. FredH ignore this drama and keep up. I'll miss Comicon and Dominance War, mostly DW.

    I wasn't going to participate this year comicon, didn't really liked the zombies theme, but I am really planning to create a fan art of Conan (a live one! XD) so I've started to create some anatomy studies for this new project. 

    I'll try to post here all my updates.
    This is a very early sketch and only a study to practice the anatomy, I'll redo this a couple of time at least before starting to get serious. 

  • Phoenix995
    Offline / Send Message
    Phoenix995 polycounter
    i will continue with my abe sapien :)
    keep it up guys! maybe we will be able to put some (in)official challenge together :)
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Saf said:
    Kend said:
    Good point Pyrzern any realtime renderer. Or make a facebook page for voting? I was thinking a facebook page might be helpful we'll see. Its definately meant for a good portfolio piece but also I want people to finish I want a whole bunch of finished art it always dissapoints me when some characters that look sweet never get finished ( Very hypocritical  for me say that lol)
    It should be a rating system similar to this:
    What platform is Polycount running on ? WP ? or VB something something ?
    @Eric Chadwick
  • Magihat
    Offline / Send Message
    Magihat ngon master
    PyrZern said:
    Saf said:
    Kend said:
    Good point Pyrzern any realtime renderer. Or make a facebook page for voting? I was thinking a facebook page might be helpful we'll see. Its definately meant for a good portfolio piece but also I want people to finish I want a whole bunch of finished art it always dissapoints me when some characters that look sweet never get finished ( Very hypocritical  for me say that lol)
    It should be a rating system similar to this:
    What platform is Polycount running on ? WP ? or VB something something ?
    @Eric Chadwick
    Its running on Vanilla https://vanillaforums.org/
  • Saf
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    Saf polycounter lvl 11
    Show 2 random image in the header, each time after the vote another 2 random.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I mean all this voting system stuff and complications aren't needed. I mean a mod can make a subsection in the contest section, post rules/guidelines and people can get to making WIP threads.
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Thanks guys :D and great start @Tairo  !! and hopefully @RogerP  you can join this one !

    We can worry about the voting a little later, and ya forget about the facebook page I think it would be simpler to stick to this forum, I'll message one of the Admins over the weekend and maybe they have a good idea about possibly making a contest forum for WIP or something else We'll see   :D 
    For now we'll just focus on getting some art done!! Ill be posting some stuff maybe tonight or tommorrow ive also been capturing everything so can get a nice timelapse done.

  • leonardoincba
    Thanks Kent, I think it's a great way to continue with the challenge after GA disappeared without any notice. It will be great to consider Facebook group so we can do our follow up there too, and maybe get more of the people who started with the challenge involve.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator

    I read this entire thread and yup, I don't have a facebook so that would put me out of things. (dont like it,fb.)

    Managed to jump way ahead cause I had the free time and in 6 days this is what I had before I found out things happen.
    I was still going to go ahead and work on this cause i put a lot of my time into it and it's one of my beset pieces to date.

    [spoiler](There might have been a trigger i made in a previous image that might sparked this? i don't know) (See the flowers face, I had it drawn out spiting Green acid...)  The flower and face are in reference to the game Under tale and (Flowey The flower)

    Having not even thought of PC's Greenie, I can see how things might have sparked from my draw over, that was not my intention at all.  This is a just in case that might have sparked issues...At first thought I was thinking a major problem like a death in the family or something..before site drama.[/spoiler]

    This thread and the posts within it are the most encouraging to the participants of the challenge, I did feel bad for everyone else I was really enjoying a lot of the work being made and wanted to even post comments to some i didn't get around to.  I would love to see everyone whom wanted to and did participate in that challenge to come to this new one when ever it comes around.

    Don't want to babble too much but I am all for this challenge either way, I was happy to see it pop up and then when it went down I thought maybe it was just a payment issue, but then someone here mentioned the Facebook thing and that sealed the deal.

    I am not mad either way, it just sucks to see, I recognize your efforts Admin/Host of GA you've made massive efforts to bring all the Sites and Artists together, thanks for all the good times and the Mod (Privilege/Control) at one point.
  • crashadams
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    crashadams polycounter lvl 7
    I'm JUST now finding out about GA...I attend the global game jam in Montreal every year (Even though I'm driving from southern Ohio) so I've met Fred several times, super cool and chill guy. I hope everything is alright with him and his team...

    Maybe I should enter this...
  • Artlekks
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    Artlekks polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks Kend for proposing this !
    I am not really familiar on how Polycount works but I was really looking forward to participate in a challenge for the experience ^^

    I guess since the original challenge is off, the old rule of NO Video Game character is off too ? 
    I went for a brain eating Vampire Gambit at first but I am thinking of changing it since it's different.

    In any case, I hope for a proper thread to be able to follow all the entries (Please Polycount xD)
  • andrescogollo
  • Phoenix995
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    Phoenix995 polycounter
    im working on abe sapien dead floating in the sea, covered with coral and stuff :)

  • Believehammer
    Offline / Send Message
    Believehammer polycounter lvl 7
    Great initiative Kend, however it would perhaps be good to give Fred a vote of confidence. I would like to continue with my character Mysterio. When we will know if this is feasible?

    The Comicon Challege is alive!


  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Although it is back online I dont trust this guy one bit, he hasnt given anyword to why the site was down or anything very irresponsible of him. So I'm going to keep this thread alive :smile:

    Good start David maybe post a shot of the sculpt so we can give some crits on that before moving on to color.

    Awesome idea Phoenix looking forward to seeing this progress :smiley:

    And to everyone else Thanks for the kind comments I'm glad people like this thread, Ill be posting some WIP stuff soon.

  • DanielJohnsson
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    DanielJohnsson polycounter lvl 5
    i wont participate in comiccon challange after this, it all sounds so shady, I think it sounds better sticking around on polycount and participate in this challange instead. =)
  • DanielJohnsson
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    DanielJohnsson polycounter lvl 5

    here is a couple of eary wip´s on my ghoulish hellboy. blockout stage so far.
  • RogerP
  • renanfab
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    renanfab polycounter lvl 11
    So, all websites fanpage included are back to normal. Admin said that trolls were the reason for this
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Thx for sticking around @DanielJohnsson and great start!  whats is he going to be standing on?

    @RogerP  LOL

    @renanfab I dont believe them, I was on the website and facebook right up until they got taken down and I didnt see any trolling or anything crazy in the posts.

  • DavidCruz
    Offline / Send Message
    DavidCruz interpolator
    Boy'o'boy the things we got to go through to get more designs out...
    Good thing I've been here around almost 20 years... any who.(Came here very young.)

    Don't have Marvelous Designer **************
    Here is the grey/gray/scale you requested hope it helps, I dynameshed the head to the body today and added the block in for the glove on the other hand, Started the retopo/game res meshes.
    When I create them I have them as a dual, so i can still adjust the stuff and things so no worries.

    Nice work Daniel, Phoenix, Tair, good to see others coming along, back to the arts!
  • Edgar T
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    Edgar T interpolator
    Is weird the gameartisans page is up without any explanation than a one line phrase... I don't know if could happen something similar again, so I'm out of the official competition and I'll continue from here...

    Here's a little update from the last one I posted on GA:

  • DanielJohnsson
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    DanielJohnsson polycounter lvl 5
    @KEND Thx man, well i was thinking he would stand on this old cemetary with tombstones that has been falling over and so on. but for now i just gave him something so i could give him that pose. =)
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